Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 102 Mu Zhen's thoughts! Digging a trap! Wanhua Sect's top sect!


Qin Wang understood, and immediately withdrew his consciousness from the Soul Locking Jade, and took out a blank jade slip from his storage bag. This jade slip was obtained from Mo Yunyan's storage bag.

He held the Soul Locking Jade in his left hand and the blank jade slip in his right hand.

In an instant.

Qin Wang felt an itch on his shoulder, and the blank jade slip in his hand flickered with gray light, and then a voice sounded in his mind. "Qin Wang, the consciousness mark of the foundation-building cultivator has been stripped into the blank jade slip. Remember to help me find the soul-nourishing tree. I only have a hundred years left."

"Miss Wu, don't worry, I will do my best to find it."

Qin Wang said to the Soul Locking Jade and put it away.

"As soon as the sky gets light, we will go to the Manyong Mountains to kill monsters and earn spirit stones."

Qin Wang sat cross-legged and began to practice.

The jade slip with the consciousness mark of Zixia Zhenren was beside him.

He didn't dare to sleep.

Qingyun Fairy City.

North City.

At night, the bright moonlight fell.

"This bitch actually wants to absorb my cultivation"

"No wonder, her previous husbands all died!"

"If I wasn't worried about the pursuit of the Spiritual Medicine Sect, I had to hide in your Jiang family for protection, how could I find you, an ugly thing, as my Taoist partner!"

Mu Zhen glanced at Jiang Ping, who was snoring like thunder beside him, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

That day, he fled Xiaodan Mountain and came to Qingyun Fairy City. He was seen by Jiang Ping and offered an olive branch. In order to hide in Jiang Ping's family to save his life.

Even if Jiang Ping was ugly and fat, he endured it.

After all, saving his life is important.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Ping was born with a charming body, and actually took advantage of the room to absorb his cultivation. If his cultivation was not higher than Jiang Ping, he would not be able to resist it at all. Even so, some of it was absorbed by Jiang Ping.

"The concealment method of that kid today is really amazing. The Qi Refining Stage can't detect it at all!"

"Wait until he leaves the city and get it first!"

Mu Zhen knew that with a J-swallowing beast like Jiang Ping, hiding in the Jiang family was not a long-term solution. He had to find a more reliable way to hide.

Today, the magical method of hiding the cultivation of the eighth-level Qi Refining Stage cultivator in Lingdan Pavilion must be obtained.


I don't know if the concealment method corresponds to the Foundation Establishment Stage, but no matter whether there is a result or not, I will give it a try!

Da Cang Country.

Wanhua Gate.

Hidden in a sea of ​​flowers all over the mountains.

In a hall.

A beautiful woman in white clothes sitting cross-legged, looking at a girl in front of her who was also in white clothes and had thin shoulders, with satisfaction in her eyes, murmured. "Xuemei, very good. I am going to Shangzong. You can come with me to see it!"

"I will obey Master's orders!"

Qin Xuemei heard this and respectfully clasped her fists in response.

"Xuemei, are you worried?"

Mu Qianxue looked at her disciple Qin Xuemei and looked thoughtful.

"Master, please understand. I have a younger brother. When we parted, he said he was going to Xiaodan Mountain. However, I recently got news that Xiaodan Mountain has encountered a beast tide and has become a demonic domain."

Qin Xuemei's beautiful eyes showed deep worry.

"Xuemei, Master went to Xiaodan Mountain and saw that it has become a Jedi demonic domain. The demon power in it is something that Master dare not approach. This time, Master went to Shangzong because of this. In addition, Master also learned that the Xiaodan Mountain formation was destroyed by five third-level monsters that day, and half of the cultivators escaped. Your brother should not die!"

Mu Qianxue heard this and sighed inwardly and comforted her. "Master will tell the disciples of Wanhua Sect to keep an eye out for your brother. He should be fine!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Qin Xuemei suddenly knelt down in front of Mu Qianxue with a respectful look.

"Well, get up, get ready, and follow Master to the upper sect."

Mu Qianxue stood up.

The sky was turning pale, and the cultivators of Qingyun Immortal City went out of the city in groups of three or five, heading towards the Manyong Mountains.

The high-level cultivators went deep into the mountains to kill monsters.

The low-level cultivators collected herbs on the periphery.

Qin Wang followed the crowd out of the city, and more than ten feet behind him was Zhao Hunyi, a servant of the sixth level of Qi Refining.

"Wait until you can earn more spirit stones this time, and at the same time, you need to refine a few more soul seeds. It would be best if you can catch the flesh of the seventh level of Qi Refining."

Qin Wang carefully observed the back, and could not tell which one was a member of the Demon Slayer Alliance.

Immediately, he 'followed' Zhao Hunyi, one in front and one behind, more than ten feet away, and went to the Manyong Mountains.

An hour later.

Outside the east gate of Qingyun Immortal City, a man in a green robe, about thirty years old, stood on a stone about ten feet in size and covered with moss, looking at the southwest direction with expectation in his eyes.

"Southwest direction!"

Mu Zhen narrowed his eyes, flew up with his sword, and flew forward at a low altitude.

At this time.

Twenty miles out of the east gate of Qingyun Immortal City, there was a mountain among rocks.

Four cultivators of the fifth and sixth levels of Qi Refining, holding magic weapons, sat on the brown stone mountain. They were Ren Tianchi and his party of four from the Demon Slayer Alliance.

They were ordered by the leader Tang Jianzhong to kill Zhao Haifeng and avenge the alliance members Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyou.

"That old man Zhao Haifeng is running deep into the mountains. Isn't he afraid of death!"

Ren Tianchi, who was thin and had a sinister face, held a magic sword in his hand and looked at the disappearing figure of Zhao Haifeng in the distance with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Going deeper, there is a place where second-stage late-stage monsters comparable to the seventh or eighth level of Qi Refining Stage appear. He is worried that he will not be able to kill Zhao Haifeng, but will fall into the mouth of the monster!

"Yes, Rentou!"

"Let's wait for him to come out here!"

A member of the Demon Slayer Alliance who was about 27 or 28 years old echoed.

"That's fine. This is the only way back to the city. We'll wait here."

Ren Tianchi nodded.

Qin Wang and Zhao Hun, one after another, escaped the monster and appeared at the foot of a group of mountains forty miles southwest of the Manyong Mountains.

This is the territory of a third-level saber-toothed tiger.

The mountains are high and the forests are dense, with towering ancient trees. From time to time, you can see a saber-tooth tiger with a head of about ten feet in length in the forest.

The saber-toothed tiger has brown and black horizontal stripes all over its body, with two exposed fangs. It is full of evil energy. Once angry, its eyes will be blood red.

Qin Wang found a safe place under a large mountain stone, and buried the white jade slip containing the imprint of Mu Zhen's spiritual consciousness in it. Then, Qin Wang arranged a movable bolt and tied it to the white jade slip.

As long as someone picks up the jade slip, he will inevitably pull the rope, triggering the fire-inducing movable bolt on the side, and lighting the fire fold will induce 10 monster-inducing psychedelic incense and 5 blood-reverse demonic incense!

"Master Zixia, this is the territory of the third-order saber-toothed tiger. Let's see if you die this time!"

Qin Wang arranged all this, covered up the traces, clapped his hands, turned around and left quickly.

He didn't dare to stay here for a long time. If he bumped into Mu Zhen who was chasing him, he would be doomed.

Qin Wang galloped all the way back.

Not long after.

Twenty miles away from where he buried the jade slips, he found a cave three feet deep on a cliff, hid in it, and began to practice.

He wanted to see if Zixia Zhenren would perish if he was attacked by a horde of beasts.

It would be great if Zixia Daoist could be killed!

If Zixia Zhenren dies.

At that time, you can find a way to lure away the monster beasts and pick up the storage bag of Master Zixia. That is the storage bag of Master Ji Zhu. Just think about it and look forward to it!

Mu Zhen was forty miles away from the Manyong Mountains. With the imprint of his spiritual consciousness, he pursued all the way. He came to a dense forest at the foot of the mountain and looked into the distance with expectation in his eyes. "Here it is!"

He sensed that his spiritual imprint was in the woods three miles ahead.

Mu Zhen held the spirit sword in his hand and flashed forward, arriving in front of a rock about ten feet in size. However, he didn't see anyone, and he frowned slightly. "Why don't you see anyone?"

Mu Zhen closed his eyes and sensed his spiritual consciousness. He suddenly discovered that the mark of his spiritual consciousness he planted yesterday was actually in the rock!


Mu Zhen swung a sword sword vigilantly, and immediately, a purple sword sword more than ten feet long flew out, splitting the big stone in half, revealing a pale white jade slip!

This sword cut down, but the jade slip was not damaged at all, which shows the precise control of his spiritual consciousness in the foundation-building stage.

"My mark is in this jade slip?"

"What a slippery little thing, how dare you help me escape from my golden cicada's shell!"

Mu Zhen reached out and picked up the jade slip, feeling extremely angry and frowning deeply, and said. "No, how did a person at the eighth level of Qi Refining Stage manage to peel off the imprint of my divine consciousness? He shouldn't be able to find it, right?"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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