Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 103 Miserable Mu Zhen! Zhao Hunyi made a contribution, and the beasts surged! [Please subscr

At this moment.

Mu Zhen discovered that there was a string tied to the jade slip. When he pulled it, a large stone half a meter away suddenly ignited with a "hissing" sound!

Instantly, a fireball about a meter long ignited, exploded with a bang, and sparks flew everywhere!


Seeing this, Mu Zhen hurriedly held his breath, retreated several meters, holding the spirit sword in his hand, ready to attack at any time, his face was extremely ugly. "What a bastard, a mere eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and you actually plotted against me!"

"I'm going to catch you and peel your skin off!"

At this moment.

Mu Zhen's heart was burning with anger.

He held his breath, and his spiritual sense searched around the fireball, looking for the young man from yesterday, but he found nothing for a long time.

"Ah! Ah~~~~~~!"


At this moment, the ground shook, and waves of beast roars surged!


A dense mass of saber-toothed tigers with brown and black stripes appeared around him, rushing over madly, all with bloodshot eyes, extremely fierce!

"What happened?"

"A bloodthirsty riot of saber-toothed tigers?"

Mu Zhen looked at the nearly 100 second-level saber-toothed tigers rushing over, narrowed his eyes, and slashed the spirit sword in his hand horizontally, sweeping more than ten feet of sword energy, splitting the approaching saber-toothed tiger in two, blood and flesh flying everywhere!

At the same time.

He flew up with his sword and flew into the sky, but in the sky, there were dense mass of second-level magic crows, second-level demon eagles, and second-level wind-breaking eagles flying from all directions.

These demon birds are all comparable to the strength of the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth-level cultivators of the Qi Refining Stage, all with bloodshot eyes, rushing down madly.

Covering the sky and the sun!


Mu Zhen swept his sword horizontally, and in an instant, five or six second-level magic crows, demon eagles, and wind-breaking eagles in front of him were killed, but there were too many demon birds, and they continued to fall, fearless of death.

Since Mu Zhen was also stained with the scent of the psychedelic incense, the fierce demon birds rushed towards Mu Zhen and spit out wind blades, fireballs, and light blades.

As a foundation-building cultivator, Mu Zhen was naturally not afraid of these second-level demon birds that were comparable to the late stage of Qi Refining, but there were too many demon birds, which blocked his flight into the sky.

At this moment.

A loud tiger roar came, and a thick wind blade shot towards Mu Zhen, and the wind blade whistled sharply!


"A third-level saber-toothed tiger monster!"

Mu Zhen's expression changed drastically when he saw this. He didn't expect that a third-level saber-toothed tiger monster would be attracted here!

Mu Zhen waved his hand and a wind blade chopped at the wind blade of the saber-toothed tiger. He wanted to escape with his sword, but was surrounded by a tide of beasts. There were also third-level demon beasts, so he didn't dare to be careless.

But the sky was covered with clouds. Although he tried his best to kill more than ten second-level magic crows, he was delayed and was entangled by the third-level saber-toothed tiger again.

"Open it for me!"

Mu Zhen roared, dodging the attack of the third-level saber-toothed tiger, and his mana surged, performing the desperate move of Zi Yang Jue, 'Zi Yang Yi Qi Zhan'!

A thick purple sword aura shot out, and the demon birds blocking him exploded one after another. The third-level saber-toothed tiger dodged to the side, and a hole appeared in front of Mu Zhen!

Mu Zhen's figure flashed, and he rushed up from the hole and finally got out of the encirclement of the demon birds!



At this moment, two powerful auras attacked!

It turned out to be two third-level vultures!

"Damn it! Why are there two third-level demon birds again!?"

When Mu Zhen saw these two demon birds, his scalp suddenly numbed. He knew that he couldn't get stuck anymore, and he had to get out of it in one fell swoop!

Immediately, he pinched his hands and shot two fire talismans at a third-level vulture, and at the same time flew away with his sword!


The fire talisman he shot was dodged by the vulture!

Another vulture grabbed with two thick claws. Mu Zhen flew out of his sword, trying to block the two bird claws. But in the moment of delay, the claw of the vulture that dodged the talisman grabbed his right hand like lightning!


Mu Zhen felt a sharp pain in his right arm and paused!

At this moment, he felt his eyes being pecked, and it was extremely painful. His eyes were blood red and he couldn't see anything. He didn't care anymore. He used his consciousness to identify the direction and flew out of the encirclement of the monster birds. However, a wind blade flew out with a sharp roar and hit Mu Zhen's buttocks!

A thigh fell from the air and was torn and swallowed by many monsters.

Then, another bird claw scratched Mu Zhen's abdomen and grabbed a piece of intestines!


Mu Zhen howled in pain, and blood spilled into the sky.

Staggered away.

At the same time.

Manyong Mountains, forty miles away.

"Oh my god! Why is there another beast tide!"

"Several third-level monsters have been attracted! Let's go!"

"What happened? Did an earthquake happen?"


Around where Qin Wang buried the jade slip, the monks who were killing monsters and looking for spiritual medicines fled in all directions!

"Oh my god! What a terrifying beast tide! Fortunately, we didn't go in, otherwise, we would definitely be torn to pieces by these monsters!"

Twenty miles from the east gate of Qingyun Immortal City, between a rock, Ren Tianchi looked at the beast tide deep in the Manyong Mountains, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Yes, Brother Ren!"

"You are still wise!"

Behind him, the three members of the Demon Slayer League were also horrified.

"I'm afraid Zhao Haifeng is dead!"

Ren Tianchi looked at the roar of the monster coming from the depths of the Manyong Mountains and murmured.

At this time.

Deep in the Manyong Mountains.

Demonic beasts roared, demonic birds neighed, everything within a radius of more than ten miles was razed to the ground, and blood flowed into rivers. The ground was full of corpses and stumps of birds and beasts, and countless monks fled from the center of the beast tide.

The jade slips were buried twenty miles away in Qinwang.

"Oh My God!"

"The total of 10 parts of the psychedelic demon-inducing incense and 5 parts of the counter-blood demon incense is so powerful!"

In a gap in the cliff, Qin Wang stuck his head out and felt the roars of monster beasts coming from the distance, and couldn't help but click his tongue. "I wonder how Zixia is doing? Is she dead?"

"Eh? This is Zixia Zhenren?"

Suddenly, Qin Wang looked at the sky with a touch of shock in his eyes. At this moment, in the sky, a monk wearing a green robe fled towards the direction of Qingyun Immortal City with a flying sword.

The monk was covered in blood and had only one hand and one leg, like a bereaved dog.

That green robe, that figure, flying up from the place where the jade slips were buried, who could it be if it wasn't the real Zixia from yesterday?


Zixia Zhenren flew for a short time before he staggered and lost control of his flying sword. He and the sword fell down in a valley five miles away.

"Is this old guy seriously injured?"

Qin Wang looked at the valley five miles away, his heart beating loudly!

At this time, it was obvious that Master Zixia was too seriously injured and could not control the flying sword, so she fell directly.

"Zhao Hunyi, go over and take a look!"

"See if he is dead. If he is dead, take the storage bag. If he is not dead, check the situation. If the situation is not right, just chop him with a few swords!"

Qin Wang thought of this, and immediately called to the soul servant Zhao Hunyi beside him, gave an order, and handed over a magic sword with a blue edge. With this magic sword, he bought poisonous dragons and poisonous spiders. Scorpions and centipedes were soaked in mixed venom for half a month.

No matter whether it is useful to Master Zixia or not, let’s use it first.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Hun clasped his fists respectfully to Qin Wang, stretched out his body, took the magic sword, and headed towards the place where Zixia Master fell.

"Damn little bastard!"

Five miles away from Qin Wang, in a valley, Mu Zhen was lying in the weeds, vomiting blood, and there was a sense of grief and anger in his voice. "The eyes are gone, and one of the limbs is broken. Hahaha. I never expected that I, Mu Zhen, would end up like this after finally building the foundation!"

"It's all thanks to that little bastard. I hate it."


Mu Zhen's eyes were empty, his right hand was cut off at the shoulder level, his left leg was completely missing, the incisions were neat, and there was a large gap in his abdomen that exposed his internal organs and blood was flowing out. His left hand was firmly holding the abdominal wound.

At this moment, although Mu Zhen could use his spiritual consciousness, he could 'see' the surrounding scenes.

However, the injury was too serious, the blood flowed too much, and the mana in the body was stagnant, making it impossible to fly with the sword.

If no one rescues him, he will just die.

"Senior, are you okay?"

"Do you need help from a junior?"

At this moment, a respectful voice sounded, and Mu Zhen's spiritual consciousness swept out, but he saw a monk who was nearly fifty years old and at the sixth level of Qi refining standing three feet away, clasping his fists respectfully.

"Cough cough cough"

When Mu Zhen saw Zhao Hunyi, his consciousness scanned his body several times and said in a deep voice. "I was attacked by a powerful third-level monster. Although I was seriously injured, my strength is still there. Come over and bandage my wounds. I won't treat you badly afterwards!"

After saying this, Mu Zhen's consciousness controlled the flying sword to fly up, hang in the air, fly for a while, and then suddenly stuck on the ground beside him.

Mu Zhen knew it in his heart.

His hands and feet are now broken, his internal organs have been displaced, and his abdominal organs are exposed. He can only use a small amount of magic power and cannot fly with a sword. He must be bandaged first and recover slowly.

He was also worried that the sixth level of the Qi refining period in front of him would add insult to injury.

He calls himself 'the real person', just to point out that he is in the foundation building stage, so that the sixth level of Qi refining stage in front of him will be afraid and help him bandage his wounds. Although the divine consciousness control sword hangs above his head, it cannot last long.

At most, it can only be one hit.

Therefore, it is inserted aside for the purpose of deterrence.

"It is a blessing for the juniors to be able to do things for the seniors. Afterwards, as long as the seniors give the juniors some pointers, they will be very grateful!"

Zhao Hun stepped forward and said respectfully. "Junior will bandage you first, senior!"


Mu Zhen said 'hmm' and looked at Zhao Hunyi with his spiritual consciousness, a look of regret in his eyes.

In his current state, the best way is to seize the body of a qualified body and rebuild it. However, the monk in front of him is only at the sixth level of Qi refining stage in his forties or fifties. It would not be of much use if he seizes the body. He plans to cultivate his body first. Say it again.

"Senior, your thigh is bleeding a lot. Junior, please stop the bleeding from your thigh first."

As soon as Zhao Hun stepped forward, took out the golden sore medicine from his storage bag, and was about to sprinkle it on Mu Zhen's thigh wound, Mu Zhen said suddenly. "Use mine."

After Mu Zhen said this, two bottles of golden sore medicine appeared in front of Zhao Hunyi.

"Yes! Senior!"

Zhao Hun picked up a white porcelain bottle and uncorked the red cloth, poured out some medicinal powder, put it on Mu Zhen's thigh, wrapped it with a white cloth, and then applied medicine to his abdomen. At this moment, Mu Zhen suddenly trembled all over. , said with a ferocious face. "Bastard, you poisoned me!!?"

next moment.

The spiritual sword inserted on the side flew up and killed Zhao Hun!

At the critical moment, Zhao Hunyi suddenly transformed his palm into a claw, inserted it into Mu Zhen's wound, pinched his heart, and pulled it out!


A fresh red heart was picked off and crushed!



Mu Zhen screamed and trembled all over. He stretched out one leg and shivered a few times.

at the same time.

Mu Zhen only felt a strong sense of crisis coming, his throat hurt, his strength dissipated, and his consciousness gradually blurred!

He also felt that he was floating up and was sucked into a vortex!

The flying sword he had just thrust out, after piercing Zhao Hun's back an inch, fell powerlessly!

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