Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 104 Great harvest! Intelligence update! Spiritual Sword Ziyang Sword! [Please subscribe!]

"It is indeed a blow from the broken sword!"

Qin Wang stood not far away, holding a black broken sword in his left hand and a black alms bowl in his right hand. He looked at the real Zixia whose head rolled to the ground, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

at the same time.

From the body of Master Zixia, a faint shadow of soul was absorbed into the soul gathering bowl!

Qin Wang's figure flashed, stepped forward, took off the storage bag from Zixia's waist, and touched everywhere on his body. He found nothing else, so he put away his body.

You know, this is the physical body in the foundation building stage, maybe it can still be used!


Qin Wang took Zhao Hunyi and turned around.

Qin Wang did not plan to return to the city tonight, but planned to stay in the cave on the cliff overnight, because many monsters died where the jade slips were buried. If they could be taken back and sold, it would be a large sum of spiritual stones.

Qin Wang didn't want to give up.

A quarter of an hour later.

Qin Wang was sitting in the cave, and Zhao Hunyi on the side was opening the cave, using the magic sword to dig it bigger so that the two of them could practice inside.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged and looked at the spiritual sword in his hand. This was a complete spiritual sword, much stronger than the black broken sword!

He had just cut off Master Zixia's head with a single blow from the broken sword, and he only dared to take action after controlling Zhao Hunyi to remove Master Zixia's heart.


He was also worried that Zixia Zhenren had other means.

"Not bad, I finally got my first real spiritual sword!"

Qin Wang stroked the spirit sword, feeling very satisfied.

His eyes looked at the storage bag of Master Zixia. Master Zixia was dead. Most of the divine brand on his storage bag had dissipated. The rest needed to be polished slowly by himself. to open.

Forty miles away from the Manyong Mountains, a surging beast tide occurred, causing panic among the monks in Qingyun Immortal City.

Many monks who had practiced in the Manyong Mountains returned to the city one after another.

at night.

Qin Wang was still polishing Zixia's storage bag in the cave, while Zhao Hunyi was practicing on the side.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: Yesterday you dug a hole to assassinate Zixia Master Mu Zhen, and obtained information that Zixia’s body is the body of the foundation-building stage, which is a good material for refining the puppet. If it is refined into the foundation-building stage puppet, it will I am your good helper. It seems that the Tang family of Wanfa Tower in Qingyun Immortal City has the art of puppet refining. 】

[2: You plotted against Master Zixia yesterday and obtained information that the Spiritual Medicine Sect has sent three Masters of Foundation Establishment to Qingyun Immortal City to track down the whereabouts of Master Zixia. 】

[3: You arranged a beast wave at the foot of the Giant Tiger Mountain in the Manyong Mountains yesterday, and obtained information that the golden spirit fruit guarded by two third-level saber-tooth tiger kings yesterday was about to mature, and the real Zixia was attacked by the male saber-tooth tiger king as a monk snatching the fruit. 】

[4: Yesterday, you arranged a beast wave at the foot of the Giant Tiger Mountain in the Manyong Mountains. You obtained information that the golden spirit fruit guarded by two third-order saber-toothed tiger kings was about to mature, attracting two third-order vultures and a third-order wind-splitting eagle to snatch it. In the end, Zixia Zhenren was seriously injured and on the verge of death when he was besieged by level three monsters. 】

[5: You arranged a tide of monsters yesterday and obtained information. The crazy demonic fragrance caused the monsters to go berserk and kill each other. The corpses of monsters piled up in the place where the jade slips were buried. Tomorrow, many monks will venture in to pick up the corpses of monsters. 】

[6: You killed Zixia Master yesterday and obtained information. Jiang Ping of the Jiang family learned that Lv Muzhen died in the beast wave and gained the reputation of "Fourth Married Lady". She was very depressed. 】

[7: You wore the mysterious fragment and obtained information. A homologous fragment of the mysterious fragment is in Ouyang's house. Ouyang Canghai is preparing to take it out again to participate in the Tianbao Pavilion auction. 】

[8: Since you killed Zixia Zhenren yesterday and obtained information, his Taoist companion Jiang Ping is a charmer and cannot be without a Taoist companion. She will randomly look for a monk with a close eye. 】

[9: You wore the mysterious fragment yesterday and obtained information. Because you wore the mysterious fragment, your spiritual consciousness has slowly increased, which is already comparable to that of a ninth-level monk in the Qi Refining Stage. 】

[10: You received help from Wu Su yesterday and obtained information that the best friend who killed Wu Su back then has become a Nascent Soul monk in the Wu Family Sword Domain and married Wu Su’s brother Wu Tianyun. 】

"Fortunately, I didn't burn Zixia's body to ashes. I was able to refine the puppet and use it as a weapon. It's cool!"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Ouyang Canghai is planning to put the fragments up for auction again?"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information and sighed.

There is currently no spiritual stone for this, so I can only wait for the opportunity.

"Keep grinding the storage bag!"

After reading the information, Qin Wang sank his consciousness into the storage bag again, sharpening his consciousness bit by bit.

time flies.

At dawn.

Qin Wang's consciousness attached to the storage bag suddenly sank and he entered a space. He 'saw' that this was a space five times larger than Master Qingyao's storage bag!

It’s a full ten feet in radius!

It is filled with all kinds of monster materials, as well as many pills, spiritual stones, and classics.

Qin Wang counted them carefully.

3,300 pieces of low-grade spiritual stones.

10 bottles of the foundation-building elixir, Yuan-Building Pill, 5 pills in each bottle.

12 bottles of Jingyuan Dan, 5 pills in each bottle.

The foundation-building technique Ziyang Jue, the spiritual sword Ziyang Sword, a spiritual weapon shield, and a robe are also at the spiritual weapon level.

"Another scrap of iron?"

When Qin Wang looked at a piece of residual iron as big as a sea bowl in a corner of Zixia's storage bag, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This scrap of iron is made of the same material as the scrap of iron that was obtained from Zhao Xuanzhen and originally belonged to Xu Ying!

There are also some symbols similar to words on it!

Qin Wang took out the scrap of iron that belonged to Xu Ying from his storage bag.

The moment he brought the two scraps of iron close together, the two scraps of iron were connected together like magnets, and the one-finger-wide connection surface was tightly fitted!

A halo surrounded it!

In the halo, there were some symbols flying faintly, which looked extremely mysterious.

"Intelligence shows that there is another scrap of iron in the demon ape's nest. I wonder what will happen if three scraps of iron are gathered together?"

Qin Wang's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and he was quite looking forward to it.

"This time, killing Zixia Zhenren is really a big harvest!"

"Especially this storage bag, which is five times larger than Qingyao Shangren. How many monster corpses can it hold!"

Qin Wang looked at the harvest this time and was very satisfied.

At present.

There are still three sets of psychedelic incense in Qin Wang's storage bag.

He planned to go thirty miles away during the day to set up the three sets of psychedelic incense to attract the monsters where the jade slips were buried before, and then he could go to pick up the monster corpses.

Qin Wang cleared out all the contents of several small storage bags and put them all in the storage bag of Zixia Zhenren, sorting them out, and then emptied the remaining seven storage bags of two feet in size, and he planned to use these storage bags to store all the monsters.

The sky gradually brightened.

Qin Wang went in the opposite direction of the northwest.

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