Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 105 Jiang Ping's Sensing! Su Hua in the Foundation Building Stage! [Please Subscribe]

Two hours later.

Qin Wang carefully returned to the cave before. He looked into the distance with expectation and murmured. "Three parts of the monster-inducing psychedelic incense should be enough."

He set up an hourglass thirty miles away in the northwest, and calculated the time. It should be the hourglass time, and the demon-baiting psychedelic incense was lit.



At this moment, in the distance where the jade slips were buried yesterday, the earth shook, monster beasts roared, and monster birds flew up one after another, heading northwest, densely packed like black rolling torrents, covering the sky and blocking out the sun!

Along the way, all the trees were crushed to pieces!

"The opportunity has come!"

Qin Wang looked at the direction of the buried jade slips with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

at this time.

Not only Qin Wang, but also many monks further away, all looked at the place where the beast tide occurred yesterday, with fiery eyes.

at this time.

The east gate of Qingyun Fairy City is ten miles away.

A female cultivator in her twenties, seventeen or eighty-year-old, with an ordinary appearance, a huge chest, and a perfect ninth level of Qi refining stage in a pink skirt, looked at the beast tide in the distance surging towards the northwest, her face as cold as frost. .

Beside her stood an old man with gray hair and blue clothes who was about sixty years old.

"Third Miss, my uncle is in the foundation-building stage, so he should be fine!"

"At this time, maybe we are retreating somewhere!"

The gray-haired old man in blue looked at the female cultivator in pink skirt and persuaded her.

"No, I felt it. My uncle has died."

Jiang Ping shook her head, feeling very depressed.

As Mu Zhen's Taoist companion, she refined the essence left by Mu Zhen. Through these essences, she could sense Mu Zhen's general position. This was also a small means for her to prevent Mu Zhen from escaping, and she knew it well.

To achieve a breakthrough in her cultivation, she needed to absorb the cultivation essence of devouring male cultivators to improve her. However, her ordinary appearance and strong build like a man severely restricted her progress in cultivation.

Few people are willing to practice double cultivation with her.


Relying on her charming body talent, coupled with her attractive appearance and stunning beauty, she would have already established a foundation.

It was not easy to find Mu Zhen, and Mu Zhen was willing to marry her. If she could suck Mu Zhen clean, she would definitely be able to enter the realm of foundation building!

But now, Mu Zhen is dead, and her plan has completely failed.


Su Hua was speechless for a moment.

He knew that the third lady's talent was very special.

"Uncle Su, let's go over there and take a look! Mu Zhen has died, and we need to get his things back. I sensed his aura in several places."

Jiang Ping spoke calmly.

She sensed that Mu Zhen died in the direction of the beast tide. Now, the beast tide was heading to the northwest. She could use the sensed aura to retrieve Mu Zhen's storage bag.


"Let's go!"

Su Hua nodded, and immediately took Jiang Ping and stood up with the sword.

As the foundation-building guest of the Jiang family, he was already over 130 years old and had no potential, so he became the bodyguard of the third lady Jiang Ping.

The tide of beasts migrated away.

Qin Wang took Zhao Hunyi out of the cave. His cultivation was hidden on the fifth floor of the Qi Refining Stage. Not long after, he came to the place where the jade slips were buried yesterday.

Here, rivers of blood flowed, and the remains of monster beasts piled up like mountains, some of which were trampled into mud.

As Qin Wang was thinking, there were more than 30 Qi Refining Stage monks here collecting monster beast corpses and materials.

Among them, they are all in the middle and late stages of Qi refining period.

Because there are enough monster corpses, no one is fighting for them.

Qin Wang is not picky, he only looks for rhinoceros demons, black boar demons, demon python fangs, spider fangs and other valuable ones to dig them out and put them in storage bags.

Right now.

In the sky, a ray of light flew towards me. On top of it stood an old man in green clothes and gray hair, with his hands behind his back. Next to him stood a strong female cultivator wearing a pink skirt and an ordinary face.

The flying sword was as red as fire, flashing a brilliant red.

A powerful momentum belonging to the foundation building stage swept over!

"I am Su Hua, the guest of the Jiang family in Qingyun Fairy City. We, the third lady, need to find something. Please, fellow Taoists, wait aside and pick up the monsters after we have finished searching."

The old man in green clothes and gray hair had a loud voice that spread slowly, with a tone that could not be rejected.

"Follow your orders! Senior!"

"Yes, senior!"

Many monks in the Qi Refining Stage who were picking up the corpses of monster beasts immediately did not dare to make a mistake when they saw the seniors in the Foundation Establishment Stage coming. They stepped back a hundred feet and stood by the big rocks and waited in the woods.

Su Hua saw many monks picking up monsters retreating, with a look of satisfaction on their faces, and said to the woman in pink skirt behind him. "Miss, it's okay."


The woman in the pink skirt nodded, her eyes flashed immediately, and she gestured to make a hand gesture. A pink ball of light flew out, spinning in the air, and finally flew towards the pile of monster corpses thirty feet away.

"The third young lady of the Jiang family! The fat woman who was Zixia's Taoist companion at the Lingdan Pavilion that day!"

"Jiang Ping!"

Qin Wang stood among the many monks, and suddenly his heart trembled. Looking at it like this, does Jiang Ping have a special method or mark to find the real Zixia?

He didn't expect that.

Jiang Ping actually found a way to find Zixia Zhenren and even brought a monk in the foundation building stage!

"Miss Wu, Master Zixia's Taoist companion came here with a foundation-building monk. It seems there is another way to find the aura. Can you help me see if there are any other traces on the storage bag?"

Qin Wang's consciousness moved, and the soul-locking jade appeared in his hand, and he instantly communicated with Wu Su inside.


Yesterday, he asked Wu Su to help remove the smell from the storage bag.

But Master Zixia's body is in her storage bag, will she find it?

"That woman may have a special talent. It's okay. I'll wrap your storage bag with my consciousness!"

Wu Su's voice rang in Qin Wang's ears.


Qin Wang communicates with Wu Su.

at this time.

The pink-skirted woman, Jiang Ping, controlled the pink ball of light in her hands and kept floating. Finally, it landed three hundred feet away. Jiang Ping signaled to the old man beside her. "Uncle Hua, here."

Su Hua nodded, waved his sword, and the sword light swept across. The piled up monster corpses and dirt flew up, and a big pit appeared on the spot. The pink light group controlled by Jiang Ping flew to a mutilated palm.

"Uncle Hua, Mu Zhen was killed by a third-level monster, and there is the aura of a third-level monster on it."

Jiang Ping looked gloomy, but not sad, and continued to control the pink light group to continue searching.

She and Mu Zhen used each other and had no feelings at all. The only pity was that they lost a great goal in the foundation building period.


She just wanted to find Mu Zhen's body and recover some losses. The storage bag was on Mu Zhen's waist, and she had to find Mu Zhen's body.

The pink light group controlled by Jiang Ping searched all over a ten-mile radius and found some fragments and corners of clothes, but did not find Mu Zhen's complete body.

"It seems that I can't find it."

Jiang Ping looked at the corpses of monsters and beasts all over the ground and felt unwilling to do so. She immediately waved her hand and collected all the corpses of monsters on the scene. After a visit, she couldn't find Mu Zhen's corpse. She could sell some of these monster corpses when she brought them back. Spiritual stone.

As the third young lady of the Jiang family, her storage bag will not be too small.

With her move, she took away less than half of the monsters on the scene, and the guard Jiji also took away a lot with his hands. Although the casual cultivators around were angry, they dared not speak out. After all, this woman was Jiang The third lady of the family.


"What's your name? I met you at Lingdan Pavilion the day before yesterday!"

While Jiang Ping was collecting the corpses of the monsters, when she passed by Qin Wang, she suddenly stopped and let out a startled sound.

She remembers.

The day before yesterday, her husband Mu Zhen was sizing up the young monk, and she also looked at him twice. She didn't expect that she would meet him here again.

Based on her short understanding of Mu Zhen, why would Mu Zhen pay attention to a young monk if he has no benefits?

Could it be that there is something special about this little monk?

"Third Miss, my name is Zhao Yulong."

Qin Wang glanced at Jiang Ping and clasped his fists respectfully. "I did go to Lingdan Pavilion to buy elixirs the day before yesterday."

This Jiang Ping doesn't know her name, so she can just give her a pseudonym.

Qingyun Immortal City is so big, the possibility of encountering it in the future is unlikely.

"Well, Fellow Daoist Zhao is quite handsome. We are destined to meet each other twice. This is my Jiang family's recommendation sign. If you are interested, you can take this sign to the Jiang family to find me."

Jiang Ping glanced at the surrounding monks lightly, stretched out her hand to touch the storage bag, handed out a sign, and flew to Qin Wang.

As long as you take this sign to the Jiang family, you can become a monk with a surname outside the Jiang family.

It's easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree, which is much better than doing casual cultivation.

She also wanted to see what was different about the person Mu Zhen was paying attention to. It was always right to hit three poles with or without dates, so she left a mark on this brand.

There are so many monks here.

Tough questioning will definitely have an impact on the Jiang family's reputation.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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