Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 106 Situ Chenggang’s plan! The ninth level of Qi Refining is in sight! [Please subscribe! ]

Seeing Jiang Ping throw out an olive branch, Qin Wang was stunned. He took the black sign, clasped his fists respectfully, and said. "Thank you for your kindness, Miss San. If there is a chance, I will definitely come!"

Qin Wang knew.

Facing the Third Miss of the Jiang family and the strong man in the foundation-building period beside him, he could not refuse. If Jiang Ping took action on the grounds of not giving face, it would be really difficult to deal with.

The only way was to deal with it first, and then make plans.


Jiang Ping looked at Qin Wang deeply, nodded slightly, and turned around and left with Su Hua.

"I didn't expect that the third young lady of the Jiang family, who is rich and powerful, would also compete with us poor casual cultivators for the corpses of these monsters!"

"So what can we do? They are rich and powerful, but who would let go of something that can make money easily? Fortunately, they left a lot for us, so hurry up and pick it up!"

"Hurry up, the monsters will be back soon after you delay for so long."


After Jiang Ping and Su Hua left, many casual cultivators came forward to pick up the corpses of monsters, basically robbing them, and from a distance, many casual cultivators joined in.

Qin Wang held a black sign in his hand.

On one side was engraved the word "Jiang", and on the other side was engraved a majestic palace.

He did not put it into the storage bag, but continued to pick up the corpses of monsters until the storage bag was full, and then he rushed away.

"Fellow Daoist Qin! Fellow Daoist Qin!"

Qin Wang had just left the place where the jade slips were buried for a few miles when he heard a familiar voice calling out. He looked over and found that the voice came from the sky.

A cultivator about fifty years old, with three strands of long beard and his hands behind his back, was flying his sword in the sky. Behind him stood a young man and woman. The male cultivator was Li Qiye, whom Qin Wang knew.

At this time, Li Qiye and the beautiful female cultivator were holding hands and were very intimate.

Qin Wang immediately stopped and raised his head and clasped his fists. "Daoyou Li, long time no see!"

Qin Wang found that Li Qiye's cultivation was almost at the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage.

"Daoyou Qin, long time no see, come and see me when you have time!"

After Li Qiye greeted Qin Wang, the flying sword whistled away.


Qin Wang waved to Li Qiye, turned around and galloped away.

Half an hour later.

Fifteen miles away from where the jade slip was buried, in a valley.

Qin Wang took the Jiang family sign given by Jiang Ping, held down a python monster, stuffed the sign into the giant python's mouth, watched the giant python go deep into the mountains, then went to the mountain stream to wash his hands several times, and then turned and galloped towards the city.

Afternoon, four o'clock.

Lingdan Pavilion.

Backstage, Paoyaofang.

This is where the Lingdan Pavilion of the Situ family purchases monster materials. The air exudes a bloody smell. A number of Qi Refining cultivators come in and out here, selling their harvests from the deep mountains.

Qin Wang holds a storage bag full of monsters.

He has seven storage bags full of monster corpses, but for safety reasons, he plans to take out only six monster corpses. For the rest, he plans to sell them separately so that it is not easy to attract attention.

"Wow, fellow Taoist, you actually killed six monsters! Awesome!"

A middle-aged monk with small eyes in the seventh level of Qi Refining was also selling a rhino monster. When he saw Qin Wang open his storage bag and take out three rhino monsters, three saber-toothed tiger monsters, a total of six second-level monsters, he exclaimed.

"I'm so lucky. Wasn't there a riot in the Giant Tiger Valley of the Manyong Mountains yesterday?"

"I was hiding nearby just now. After those monsters left, I found that many monsters were dead. I immediately picked up six monsters and brought them back. Many fellow Taoists also picked them up!"

"I was afraid that the monsters would come back, so I didn't dare to pick up more lives!"

Qin Wang scratched his head and said.

"Oh, there is such a good thing, why didn't I encounter it!"

The middle-aged monk with small eyes was envious.

"Hello, Manager Situ!"

"Hello, Manager Situ!"

At this moment, a round-faced monk in the seventh level of Qi Refining who was responsible for counting Qin Wang's monsters suddenly looked behind Qin Wang and clasped his fists respectfully.

The other demon-cooking monks in the demon-cooking workshop all stood up and clasped their fists.

Qin Wang turned around and saw a middle-aged monk with two rat whiskers and a protruding belly that could not see his toes. He was wearing a brocade robe and a green ring on his right hand, which made him look very noble.

His cultivation level was the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage!

The steward Situ looked at Qin Wang and said with a smile. "This Taoist fellow is very lucky. You picked up so many demon beasts in the beast tide in the mountains. It can be said that you have made a fortune! If you still have them, you can sell them in my Spiritual Pill Pavilion and I will give you a good price!"

"Thank you, senior. I was lucky to pick up 6 on the edge. I didn't dare to pick up more because I was worried about the third-level demon beasts!"

Qin Wang clasped his fists to the steward in brocade robes.

"Well, very good. In the path of cultivation, you can go further if you are not greedy!"

Steward Situ showed an approving look to Qin Wang and said to the round-faced monk who was responsible for receiving Qin Wang. "These six monsters are all comparable to the seventh level of Qi Refining Stage, so let's give him 420 spiritual stones!"

"Yes, Manager Situ!"

The round-faced monk clasped his fists respectfully, counted out 420 spiritual stones immediately, and settled the account with Qin Wang.

"Thank you, senior!"

Qin Wang clasped his fists respectfully to Manager Situ, took the spiritual stones and put them into his storage bag. When he left the Monster Shop, Qin Wang thought about it and turned back to exchange all the spiritual stones for Gu Yuan Dan.

Half an hour later.

In the back hall of Pao Yaofang, in a quiet room, a fat monk wearing a brocade robe and two beards sat on the Taishi chair, holding a cup of spiritual tea and gently blowing away the tea foam. The quiet room exuded a faint fragrance. The scent of spiritual tea.

He took a gentle sip and looked at the booklet in his hand. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and spoke lightly. "Wen Hao, come in."

"Second uncle!"

A monk in green clothes, about thirty years old, came in and clasped his fists respectfully at the fat monk.

"Have all the seven casual cultivators who sold the corpses of monsters been found?"

Situ Chenggang looked at the booklet in front of him and asked the monk in green.

"Second uncle, we have found out everything, they can't escape the eyes of the Phantom Bird!"

Situ Wenhao said with a hint of depression in his eyes. "Only the monk who first sold six monster beasts came back after you left and replaced them all with Gu Yuan Dan. He probably won't leave the city in the near future."

"Have all the elixirs been replaced?"

"Consider him lucky and leave him alone!"

Situ Chenggang frowned, then picked up the spiritual tea, took a few sips, and murmured. "There are countless monks who go into the mountains to kill monsters every day. It is also common for them to die in the mountains. Do you know what to do?"

Over the years, the Situ family, the ancestor has been in seclusion, the second ancestor is obsessed with alchemy, the head of the family has no intention of the family, and the four branches of the family are fighting for power, each with their own Xiao Jiujiu, which he originally didn't want to do.

However, the rest of the family was greedy, and it seemed inappropriate for him not to follow suit.

He was just the manager of the Demon Shop, and he didn't get much from greedy ink. As his appetite grew, he came up with this method. He used the Phantom Bird to track the single cultivator who had made a lot of spiritual stones by selling monsters, and found an opportunity. Then let the monk fall into the mountain.

In the past few months, I have succeeded more than ten times and gained a lot.

It's dangerous to go into the mountains to hunt monsters, monks die every day, single cultivators disappear, but no one pays attention.

"I know, uncle."

Situ Wenhao clasped his fists and looked determined.

"Well, go ahead."

Situ Cheng just waved his hand, and Situ Wenhao turned around and left.

Qin Wang returned to his yard No. 168 and found Gao Yuan dealing with a black wild boar demon. When he saw Qin Wang, he immediately asked. "Xiao Qin, you didn't come back yesterday because you stayed in the mountains all night?"

"Yes, I was hunting monsters there. Unexpectedly, the monster went crazy. I panicked and hid in a crevice in the rocks. I didn't come back until dawn when the monster left."

Qin Wang nodded.

Of course he would not say that the beast tide was caused by himself.

"Xiao Qin, you must be careful when you are out training!"

Gao Yuan warned and said.

"Thank you, Uncle Gao, I will be careful."

Qin Wang nodded to Gao Yuan, turned around and entered the house.

"Now that I have more than 3,300 spiritual stones and 84 Yuan-Guarding Pills, I can start to improve my cultivation proficiency!"

Qin Wang closed the door and looked at the spirit stones in the storage bag with anticipation in his eyes.

He planned to use up these 84 Yuan-Guarding Pills first, and then replace all 3,300 spirit stones with pills for cultivation.

Both Guyuan Dan and Jufa Dan have 5 spirit stones each, which can buy 660 pills. Adding the previous 84 pills, you can buy a total of 744 Guyuan Dan. According to one Guyuan Dan, you can increase your proficiency by 30 points. Let's calculate, it can give 22200 proficiency points!

Even after advancing to the ninth level, the proficiency that one pill can increase is reduced, which is enough to reach the ninth level of Qi refining stage!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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