Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 108: The ninth level of Qi Refining Stage! Situ Chenggang was executed by his family! See th

Just when Jiang Rui of the Jiang family was anxious.

Qingyun Fairy City.

"Who spread this news? If this news spreads, who else will come to my Lingdan Pavilion and Demon Shop to sell things?"

"Situ Chenggang, that bastard, is completely disregarding the reputation of our Situ family by doing this! This is digging into the roots of our Situ family! He should be cut into pieces!"

"Our Situ family is the Jindan family of Qingyun Immortal City, and something like this happened! What a shame!"

"Such a big thing happened, why hasn't the head of the family seen anyone yet?!"


In the Situ family meeting hall, there were more than twenty old men with strong auras sitting, all of them angry and with extremely ugly faces.

"Get in!"

At this moment, two middle-aged men with strong auras, about forty years old, with gloomy faces, escorting a middle-aged man with a big belly and a look of embarrassment, staggered toward the meeting hall.

"Situ Chenggang! You bastard! Look at the good things you have done!"

"You tell yourself how to explain!"


Seeing Situ Chenggang being escorted over, many elders and deacons in the family stepped forward and angrily scolded Situ Chenggang.

"Great Elder, the master of the house is in retreat. A sign saying "Do Not Disturb" is hung.

At this moment, a young family member came galloping over and respectfully clasped his fists at a thin old man with white beard and white hair and a red face sitting on the left.

"This is the head of the family who is in seclusion again"

Situ Yunfeng let out a long sigh, glanced at the many Situ elders around him, and said in a deep voice. "Elders and deacons, since the head of the family is not here, we will handle this matter through a vote of the elders council. Please share your opinions!"


Situ Yunfeng was extremely worried. In recent years, the head of the family had not hosted a family gathering and had been in seclusion. In recent years, the family had become seriously corrupt. He saw it and was worried about it.

"I suggest that the bastard Situ Chenggang be expelled from the family and executed in public to give an explanation to the casual cultivators in Qingyun Immortal City so that we can restore some of the reputation of our Situ family!"

"The matter has been revealed. In addition to executing Situ Chenggang, we also need to strictly investigate the person who reported the news at that moment. This person is so bold and dares to plot against our Situ family! Our Situ family is not a soft persimmon!"

"No matter what, there must be an explanation to the outside world!"


Many elders of the Presbyterian Church spoke one after another.

"Since everyone agrees to execute Situ Chenggang, it's decided!"

After Situ Yunfeng finished speaking, he looked at Situ Chenggang who was standing aside and said in a deep voice. "Cheng Gang, the matter has come to this, the family has no choice but to push you out and explain it to the outside world!"

After hearing the great elder's words, Situ Chenggang slowly raised his head and said with despair in his eyes. "Great Elder, nephew, can you say a word?"

"you say."

The great elder nodded.

"Haha. Ever since the head of the family came back from Tianwu Secret Realm, he has ignored the family affairs and the family management is in chaos. Which of the elders sitting here doesn't get more than me? My nephew didn't do this at first, but all my uncles and brothers did it. Yeah, my nephew won’t be a gregarious person if he doesn’t do this!”

"My nephew just killed a few casual cultivators, and he wants to push me out?"

"My nephew is not convinced!"

Situ Chenggang's eyes were blood red as he looked around at the many elders around him.

"The family has indeed neglected its management in recent years, but you are not just killing a few casual cultivators, you are digging into the roots of the family!"

"If this news spreads, the family business will definitely plummet! Pushing you out to account is the only way!"

"Don't worry, your family will not be affected!"

When Situ Yunfeng heard this, he was silent for a long time. His last sentence was the key point, to prevent Situ Cheng from dragging others with him!

Situ Yunfeng knows better than anyone else.

The head of the family is not interested in family affairs, and many of the elders sitting here are unclean. Once it is brought to light, the entire family will be wiped out. This matter can only be reported to the ancestors later and figured out slowly.

"Thank you, great elder. My nephew confesses his crime!"

Situ Chenggang was speechless for a while, then finally closed his eyes and spoke in a deep voice.

He knew very well what the pillar meant. If he bit people indiscriminately, it would be very difficult for his children.

Qingyun Fairy City.


Sanxufang City.

"Oh my God! Fellow Daoist Ma, do you think this mysterious person exposed the Situ family's interception and killing of casual cultivators, is it true?"

"Keep your voice down, there's no smoke without fire!"

"This reminds me that three months ago, Fellow Daoist Zhang fell into the Manyong Mountains on the third day after selling the monster beasts at the Demon Shop of Lingdan Pavilion. He never came back."

"The Situ family intercepted and killed the casual cultivators selling monster beasts? Oh my god! It's so terrifying! You must not go to Lingdan Pavilion from now on, otherwise, you might end up falling in the mountains one day!"

"Yes, this Situ family is so vicious, they actually do such things that are outrageous to both humans and gods!"


Small groups of casual cultivators gathered together and discussed.

"Situ Chenggang, Jiang Ping!"

"I asked you to plot against me! Now, it's enough for you to drink a pot!"

Qin Wangxiu was hiding on the sixth floor of the Qi Refining Stage, standing among the group of casual cultivators. When he heard the discussions of many casual cultivators, his eyes showed satisfaction.


He asked the invisible soul-seeking rat to send a message to Zhao Hunyi, and then followed and controlled Zhao Hunyi from a distance, asking him to engrave the message in a conspicuous place in the North City and East City at night.

Now, rumors about the Jiang family and the Situ family are spreading throughout the East City and North City, and even in the South City and West City.

Why did Situ Chenggang humiliate his sister-in-law? Situ Chenggang specially intercepted and killed casual cultivators.

Rumor has it that the charming body of Jiang Ping, the third daughter of the Jiang family, attracts people's cultivation and sucks Ouyang Qing of the Ouyang family to death.

at this time.

In front of the Lingdan Pavilion, there was a five-foot-tall pillar, with a middle-aged male cultivator with a huge belly tied to it. His head was bent, and a trace of unwillingness and resentment flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it! Which thief carved the news?"

"How did he know about my interception of the casual cultivator and my relationship with Jiang Qing?"

"What a shame, I can't catch that thief with my own hands. His body will be cut into pieces! Scrape the bones and extract the marrow!"

At this moment, Situ Chenggang hated the mysterious person who gave the news to the extreme. If this person had not spread the news, he would not have been pushed out and publicly executed.

He didn't want to die either, but with his cultivation level blocked and his arms unable to lift his thighs, the great elder's intention was very clear. As long as he confessed his crime and didn't bite anyone else out, his relatives would be fine.

Only his death can save some of the family's reputation.

Dengxian Garden, No. 168.

early morning.

Qin Wang sat in the room, practicing silently. There were soul-gathering bowls, treasure bowls, and soul-locking jade placed in the crook of his legs. The reason why he placed these things within easy reach was because Qin Wang wanted to refresh the knowledge about these things. information.

"The Fourth Level Restriction of the Soul Gathering Bowl!"

After Qin Wang absorbed the three pills, he took a rest and pondered over the Soul Gathering Bowl. When his consciousness penetrated into the Soul Gathering Bowl again, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"The fourth level restriction of the refining soul-gathering bowl. The extra function is to collect the souls of the recently deceased. The distance is increased to two miles?"

Qin Wang picked up the soul-gathering bowl, his eyes looking thoughtful.

"It's almost the ninth level of Qi refining stage, let's continue to improve the liver proficiency!"

Qin Wang looked at the proficiency progress on the panel with anticipation.

Right now.

Qin Wang heard the voices of Gao Yuan, Ouyang Long and others outside.

"The Situ family executed Situ Chenggang, the worm in the family, today? Will they give an explanation to the dead cultivator?"

Hearing the discussion of Gao Yuan and others outside, Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he stood up immediately. He decided to see how Situ Chenggang died, because there was a fragment of a picture on Situ Chenggang's body, which was the same as Taiyi Chongshui's. The news is relevant, so we must get the residual picture.

"Xiao Qin, let's go and see. Lingdan Pavilion will execute Situ Chenggang today!"

Seeing Qin Wang coming out, Gao Yuan immediately stepped forward and invited Qin Wang to go out with him.

"Well, that's exactly what I meant."

Qin Wang immediately agreed and followed Gao Yuan, Ouyang Long and others to Lingdan Pavilion.

In front of Lingdan Pavilion, in the open space, there was a pillar with the dying Situ Chenggang and three of his accomplices tied to it.

The streets were filled with densely packed monks watching.

"Fellow Taoists, this old man is Situ Yunfeng, the great elder of Lingdan Pavilion. Due to the family's neglect of restraint on the clan members in recent years, a worm like Situ Chenggang was born. After the decision of the family elders meeting, Situ Chenggang was expelled from the family. And execute him publicly! Give an explanation to the monks! Also give an explanation to the monks who were harmed by Situ Chenggang!”

"Situ Yunfeng is here to express his deep apology to the monks in Qingyun Immortal City on behalf of the Situ family!"

An old man in white robes and white hair stood in front of the crowd and bowed deeply to the dense crowd of monks around him.

"Situ Chenggang, you have done many evil things and harmed others and yourself! I declare that you will be expelled from the family!"

"Do you have anything to say before the execution?"

Situ Yunfeng bowed for a long time, turned around and looked at Situ Chenggang behind him, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Great Elder, my nephew deserves it for his big mistake and has harmed the casual cultivators, so do it!"

Situ Chenggang knew what the great elder meant. Although he was unwilling to do so, he also knew that if he did not cooperate with the great elder, his children would end up badly!

He worked so hard to earn spiritual stones, wasn’t it just for the sake of a few children?


Situ Yunfeng stepped forward, and a wind blade flew out. Immediately, Situ Chenggang's body and head were separated, and he died!

Immediately afterwards, the other three accomplices were executed one by one!

"Fellow Taoists, the worm of the Situ family has been executed. In order to express our apology and sincerity, from today onwards, 15% of all elixirs in Lingdan Pavilion will be given away to external parties!"

Situ Yunfeng bowed and clasped his fists in front of the many monks present, and announced again.

This is the result of the deliberations of the Presbyterian Council. The matter has reached this point. If the benefits are not given, the family business will really be over.

"All elixirs in Lingdan Pavilion are 15% for profit? This is really great news!"

"Yes, it's equivalent to buying 10 spiritual stones for elixirs, but only requires 8 and a half spiritual stones! That's great!"

"This is a great opportunity, hurry up and buy some elixirs!"


After hearing Situ Yunfeng's promise, many of the cultivators who were watching moved towards the Lingdan Pavilion.

Qin Wang was caught in the crowd and squeezed into the Lingdan Pavilion. He held the soul gathering bowl in his sleeve. When passing by the execution wooden platform, he pretended to be bumped into the wooden platform. Situ Chenggang's soul It was silently sucked into his cuffs.

Take this opportunity.

Qin Wang bought several hundred pieces of Gu Yuan Dan from Ling Dan Pavilion, then turned around and returned to No. 168 Dengxian Garden.

【Qin Wang】

【Lifespan: 19/139】

[Realm: Ninth Level of Qi Refining Stage (2/9000)]

"It's finally the ninth level of Qi refining stage!"


Qin Wang looked at his panel with great satisfaction in his eyes. He discovered that after the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, his life span had actually increased to 139 years!

"Refining two soul seeds first."

Qin Wang's eyes showed a thoughtful look. He was at the ninth level of Qi Refining. He should get a few soul seeds as backup. When he had a ninth-level physical body, he could use them immediately. Qin Wang checked the bolted door, took out the soul-gathering bowl, and probed his consciousness into the soul-gathering bowl.

Qin Wang's consciousness just entered and saw two souls.

It was Zixia Zhenren Mu Zhen and Situ Chenggang!

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