Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 109: Soul Refining Seed, Scheming against the Situ Family! If you want to build a foundation

"Oh it's you!"

"Little bastard, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

When Situ Chenggang and Zixia Zhenren saw Qin Wang's consciousness, they immediately rushed over with eyes split open, but the next moment, their bodies were ignited with black fire!



Situ Chenggang and Zixia Zhenren both screamed in unison, their souls trembling!

In this soul-gathering bowl space, Qin Wang can kill and seize these souls!

"Haha. Situ Chenggang, I sold some monsters in your monster shop, and I was plotted against you for no reason! In order to save my life, I had no choice but to kill you. I didn't expect that your family would abandon their car to protect the commander and give you to him. Push it out and execute it!”

"It saved me a lot of trouble!"

"Don't worry, I will let your family reunite in this space!"

Qin Wang looked at Situ Chenggang who was screaming in the fire and sneered.

"Fellow Daoist Qin! Senior Qin!"

"I was originally planning to take action against you, but your spirit stones have been replaced with elixirs and you will not leave the city, so I gave up on you. I have already paid the due price. Please let my children go!"

"You can do anything you want me to do!"

"Please. You!"

Hearing Qin Wang's words, Situ Chenggang suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar and was trembling all over. He was greedy for money in the family and killed loose cultivators just to earn spiritual stones to raise a pair of children. That was his weakness!

He is no match for Qin Wang, let alone his children!

"Do you have a scrap of the picture?"

Qin Wang did not agree to Situ Chenggang, but spoke calmly and put away the ghost fire.

"Remnant picture?"

Situ Chenggang heard this, thought for a while, and said. "In my storage bag, there is a fragment of a picture. I don't know what its purpose is. Before I was executed, I gave it to my son. You can take away all my things. Please let my son go. "

"Situ Chenggang, is this your first day out?"

Qin Wang pinched the neck of Situ Chenggang's soul, sneered, threw it aside, and immediately looked at Master Zixia. "Old guy, you managed to escape even though you attracted a horde of beasts in Xiaodan Mountain. I didn't expect to kill you so early. It's because you were too greedy. You actually tried to commit suicide and planted a divine mark on my body. .Now, you can be my soul seed!”

"By the way, I didn't waste your body. When the time comes, you will refine it into a puppet and become my good servant!"

Qin Wang said, with a thought, bursts of ghostly fire suddenly rose up on Zixia's body, burning continuously.

"It turns out that the beast tide in Xiaodan Mountain was caused by you!"

Hearing Qin Wang's words, Zixia's real soul body suddenly widened his eyes, took a breath, and showed disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't expect that.

The reason why I am in the situation I am in today is all thanks to the little monk in the Qi refining stage in front of me!

There was resentment and unwillingness in his eyes!


Qin Wang curled up the corner of his mouth and controlled the ghost fire to start burning Zixia, refining the soul seed. Zixia's body and soul can be used. Although he is a disabled person, he is still in the foundation building stage.


Immediately, Master Zixia let out bursts of shrill howls.

Situ Chenggang, Chen Kun, Zheng Kecheng and others were all terrified and their bodies were like chaff.

These souls can communicate with each other in the soul-gathering bowl space. Without exception, they all had issues with Qin Wang, were killed by Qin Wang, and their souls were taken in. They all already know the terror of Qin Wang.

Qingyun Fairy City.

Nancheng, the Tang family, in a quiet courtyard.

A thin young man and a beautiful woman were sitting in the side room, looking at a piece of information together.

"A mysterious person exposed that Jiang Ping, the third daughter of the Jiang family, killed Ouyang Qing? And Situ Chenggang of the Situ family just intercepted and killed a casual cultivator?"

"Why is this technique so similar to Tianji Pavilion and Baixiao Shenjun in Yanyun County?"

Li Qiye looked at this information with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He recalled that when he was a thief, he encountered the couple in Yanyun County who were suspected of being Tianji Pavilion and Baixiao Shenjun. In the end, the Chiyang Divine Art that he finally obtained was picked up, and he almost died because of it.

"Linghua, can you find out who spread the news?"

Li Qiye looked at Tang Linghua beside him and asked.

"Husband, not yet."

Tang Linghua shook her head and said.

Li Qiye said nothing more, but fell into deep thought.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Daily information! 】

[1: You exposed the scandal of Jiang Ping, the third daughter of the Jiang family, and obtained information. Jiang Rui, the head of the Jiang family, learned that his daughter had killed Ouyang Qing. He was furious and grounded Jiang Ping. During negotiations with the Jiang family, he refused to admit that he had killed Ouyang. Qing, the two major Jindan families collapsed over this matter. 】

[2: You exposed that Jiang Ping of the Jiang family sucked Ouyang Qing, a child of the Ouyang family, to death. You obtained the information, but the Jiang family did not admit it and believed that someone was spreading rumors and slander. The head of the Ouyang family was trying to capture Jiang Ping to search for her soul. 】

[3: You took in Situ Chenggang’s soul yesterday, interrogated the whereabouts of the remaining pictures, and obtained information. The remaining pictures in Situ Chenggang’s storage bag fell into the hands of Situ Chenggang’s eldest brother, Situ Chengjian. 】

[4: You lived in Qingyun Fairy City yesterday and received information that Qingyun Fairy City was transformed from a mysterious remnant treasure and is currently in the recovery period. 】

[5: You went to Lingdan Pavilion yesterday and obtained information that the Situ family in Qingyun Immortal City is actually a branch of a family that cultivates immortality in the Immortal Dynasty of Dayu. 】

[6: You saw Situ Yunfeng, the elder of the Situ family yesterday, and received information that Situ Yunfeng has 40 years left in his life. He is considering practicing magic skills to extend his life like Situ Yunzhan. 】

[7: You went to Lingdan Pavilion yesterday and obtained information that the thousand-year soul-nurturing tree in the vault of the Situ family was protected by a protective formation. It was prepared by the three brothers of the Situ family for their future. The thousand-year soul-nurturing tree, From Kunlun Island in the Infinite Sea. 】

[8: You went to Lingdan Pavilion yesterday and obtained information that the Situ family’s alchemy inheritance came from the Kunlun Holy Land. 】

[9: You stroked the Five Elements Divine Light Jar yesterday and obtained information. After the Venerable Gu became a monster with a pig body and a Gu head, it merged with the demon arm underground in Cuiyun Mountain and competed for dominance, causing Xiaodan Mountain to become the Jedi of the Demon Realm. 】

[10: You stroked the Five Elements Divine Light Jar yesterday and obtained information that the Venerable Pig Body Gu Head Gu merged with the Demonic Arm underground in Cuiyun Mountain, attracting the attention of the sects of the Wanhua Sect, the Spiritual Medicine Sect, and the Ba Dao Sect. The sect will send strong men to check the suppression. 】

"Is the remaining picture of Taiyi Heavy Water in the hands of Situ Chengjian?"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information and frowned slightly.

It seems that if you want to get this residual picture, you need to go to Situ Chengjian.

"Qingyun Fairy City is a mysterious remnant treasure that is in the recovery period? Hiss. Such a large fairy city is still a remnant treasure. How terrifying would it be if it were complete?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth piece of information and felt horrified.

He didn't expect that.

Qingyun Fairy City is actually a remnant treasure!

You know, Qingyun Immortal City is huge.

Dongcheng alone is five times the size of Yanyun County!

One can imagine!

How terrifying is this treasure in its entirety!

"The Situ family's thousand-year soul-nurturing tree is protected by a formation?"

Qin Wang looked at the seven pieces of information and frowned slightly. This was not easy to do.

"Tell Wu Su the good news first, and then see what she can do!"

"Let her teach me my profound magic again!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he immediately took out the soul-locking jade and penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, seeing how happy you are, is there any news about the soul-nurturing tree?"

Wu Su's figure slowly emerged, looking at Qin Wang, Qin Wang felt that her beautiful red phoenix eyes seemed to be able to see into his own heart!

"Yes, Miss Wu, there is a five-foot-long thousand-year-old soul-nurturing tree in the vault of the Situ family in Qingyun Immortal City! However, the Situ family is a Jindan family, and I am not my opponent at the moment. This needs to be planned slowly!"

Qin Wang looked at Wu Su and said in a deep voice.

"Jindan Family."

Wu Su's eyes showed a look of thought.

A mere golden elixir, when she was at her peak, could be killed with a snap of her fingers, but now she only had the soul, which could last for a hundred years, so she could only rely on Qin Wang.

"Miss Wu, don't worry, within a hundred years, I will definitely get this thousand-year soul-nurturing wood. I can't just watch your soul dissipate!"

"The level of the techniques I am currently practicing is too low. Do you have a more advanced technique for cultivating immortals?"

Qin Wang looked at Wu Su, his eyes flashed, and asked.

Within a hundred years, he didn't believe that he couldn't defeat the Situ family and grab the thousand-year soul-nurturing tree. He was no match for the Situ family. He could find a rival for him, fan the wind and light a will-o'-the-wisp, and let the Situ family perish. In this way, those who got the soul-nurturing tree would The chances are greatly increased.

"There are higher-level immortal cultivation techniques. However, the technique you are currently using during your Qi refining period is the Five Elements Gathering Technique. This is the basis for laying the foundation, but it is also the most suitable for you. When you break through the foundation building, I will teach you again. The foundation building technique!”

Wu Su looked at Qin Wang and said.


Qin Wang nodded, Wu Su said the same thing, the one that suits him is the best.

According to intelligence, this Five Elements Gathering Skill was created by Murong Jiuhua, a powerful human being who lived thousands of years ago, so it is naturally the most suitable.

"By the way, don't try to build a foundation on the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage!"

"That kind of foundation building is too common. If you want to build a foundation, you need the strongest foundation building!"

Qin Wang was about to withdraw his consciousness from the soul-locking jade when Wu Su suddenly spoke with a cautious expression. "Only the strongest foundation builder can go further in cultivating the Tao!"

I wrote until early in the morning yesterday, and now my head hurts so much. I will get up early tomorrow to write. Thank you brothers for your support!

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