Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 112 The second parchment scroll, the demon blood bath soup! Ring soul shadow! [Please subscr

The thing that Qin Wang saw was an old parchment scroll.

Qin Wang's heart moved, and he reached out to touch the storage bag. An old parchment scroll of the same size appeared in his hand. The two parchments were of the same texture, but the sizes were different.

Qin Wang put the two parchments together. Suddenly, at the moment when the two parchments touched, there seemed to be a flash of white light on them, and then disappeared.

"Am I dazzled?"

Qin Wang thought he had seen it wrong, and put the two parchments together again, but no white light appeared. He thought about it again, but still found no clues, so he had to put the two parchments back into the storage bag.

He remembered that the intelligence showed that the secret of the parchment scroll needed a special method to be unlocked. If no special method was found, it could not be unlocked.

The other materials and elixirs in the storage bags of Ren Tianchi and other five people were worth more than 300 spirit stones. This trip out was worth 1,000 spirit stones.

Qin Wang did not go back immediately, but sat in the cave to absorb the pills and increase his cultivation proficiency of the ninth level of Qi training.

[Qin Wang]

[Lifespan: 20/139]

[Realm: Ninth Level of Qi Training (1560/9000)]

"To enter the tenth level of Qi training, I still need to take 744 Guling Pills"

"While looking for the foundation-building scroll of the Soul-Locking and Breath-Hiding Method, I need to continue to get spirit stones."

Qin Wang looked at his panel, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

After advancing to the ninth level of Qi training, taking a Guyuan Pill can only increase proficiency by 10 points. Guyuan Pill costs five spirit stones each, which means 3720 spirit stones are needed.

And from the 10th level to the 11th level, and from the 11th level to the 12th level of Qi training, more spirit stones will be needed.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Wang returned to the No. 168 Immortal Residence in Qingyun Immortal City. After packing up everything, he went to the Situ Family, the Spiritual Pill Pavilion, and the Hundred Medicine Hall for a while, and then came back to continue practicing liver proficiency.

According to Qin Wang's understanding.

Baiyaotang belongs to the foundation-building family, and has branches in the main city of Qingyun Xiancheng and the four affiliated cities. According to his estimation, the news of the foundation-building volume of the Soul-Locking and Breath-Hiding Art should be in the hands of the alchemists or clan members.

The intelligence panel is upgraded to causal intelligence. As long as there is a causal relationship with Baiyaotang, it is possible to refresh the news of the foundation-building volume of the Soul-Locking and Breath-Hiding Art.

In the early morning.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Today's intelligence! ]

[1: You killed Ren Tianchi, the small leader of the Demon-Slaying Alliance, and four members of the Demon-Slaying Alliance. You obtained information that Tang Jianzhong, the leader of the Demon-Slaying Alliance, has broken through the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage under the guidance of the mysterious soul of the powerful man in the ring and is ready to take the strongest foundation-building path. ]

[2: You killed five members of the Demon-Slaying Alliance. You obtained information that Yang Kangding, the leader of the Alchemy Alliance, the rival of the Demon-Slaying Alliance, is the illegitimate son of Shi Santong, the head of the Shi family of Baiyaotang, who has been wandering outside. He has recently returned to the Shi family and changed his name to Shi Kangding. ]

[3: You killed a member of the Demon Slayer Alliance yesterday and obtained information that the ring of Tang Jianzhong, the leader of the Demon Slayer Alliance, has a great relationship with the Nine Ancient Clans. ]

[4: You killed Ren Tianchi and obtained information that the reason why Ren Tianchi desperately wanted to kill Zhao Haifeng was because Zhao Haifeng seduced his Taoist partner Liu Lan, and he wanted to kill Zhao Haifeng to vent his anger. ]

[5: You went to the Situ family yesterday and obtained information that Situ Yunfei successfully refined a Jindan puppet yesterday and took out the thousand-year-old soul-raising wood from the basement to warm the soul of the Jindan puppet. The soul of the puppet was Jinxing, the Jindan elder of the Tyrant Sword Immortal Sect, and Situ Yunfei took advantage of Jinxing's serious injury to kill him. ]

[6: You went to the Situ family yesterday and obtained information that the great elder Situ Yunfeng had made up his mind and had begun to practice the magic skills and the magic formula of seizing the essence like Situ Yunzhan. ]

[7: You went to Baiyaotang yesterday and got information that Shi Santong, the head of the Shi family in Baiyaotang, killed a female cultivator and got a copper piece with a part of the incomplete formula. The copper piece was taken to Lingyao Xianzong by Shi Zhongyu, Shi Santong's youngest son. If you can get the copper piece, you may get unexpected gains. ]

[8: You accidentally looked through Qingyao Shangren's elixir solution yesterday and got information that Qingyao Shangren's beloved Zhang Panpan has come to Qingyun Xiancheng to pursue Zixia Zhenren. ]

[9: You touched the three-inch long Qingyou sword from Mrs. Chen yesterday and got information that the Qingyou sword is one of the swords in a set of mysterious sword formations. ]

[10: You prepared the reverse blood crazy monster incense and the enticing monster psychedelic incense yesterday and got information that you got the method of preparing the monster blood bathing soup. For details, please click '●'. 】

"No wonder Ren Tianchi wanted to kill Zhao Haifeng. It turned out that he was cheated. He was just trying to vent his anger."

Qin Wang looked at the 4th piece of information and suddenly realized.

"Did Situ Yunfei succeed in refining a Jindan puppet?"

"He took out the thousand-year-old soul-nourishing wood to warm the soul of the Jindan puppet?"

Qin Wang frowned at the 5th piece of information.

This thousand-year-old soul-nourishing wood is Wu Su's hope. Now in Situ Yunfei's hands, he has also refined a Jindan puppet. This is not good news.

If you want to get it, you have to find an opponent for Situ Yunfei!

"The foundation-building scroll of the Soul-Locking and Breath-Hiding Method was taken to the Spirit Medicine Immortal Sect by Shi Santong's son?"

Qin Wang looked at the 7th piece of information and narrowed his eyes. It seems that he will have to go to the Spirit Medicine Immortal Sect in the future. As far as he knows, the Spirit Medicine Immortal Sect is located in the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty.

"Is this Qingyou little sword obtained from Chen Lao Busheng one of the mysterious sword formations?"

Qin Wang's eyes showed expectation.

He had studied this Qingyou sword with his spiritual sense, but there was no progress. Unexpectedly, it turned out to have a mysterious origin.

"This demon blood bath soup is not bad!"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information and his eyes lit up.

Demon Blood Bath Soup: With the essence of five third-level great demons and thirty-nine other spiritual medicines, the violent power in them can be neutralized to strengthen the body, and the effect is remarkable.

The essence of the third-level great demon and the thirty-nine spiritual medicines are sold in the Spirit Pill Pavilion and the Hundred Medicine Hall.

A strong body can save your life at a critical moment.

"If you want to get the thousand-year soul-nourishing wood in Situ Yunfei's hands, it is the safest to expose the news that he plotted against the elder Jin Xing of the Tyrant Sword Immortal Sect."

Qin Wang made up his mind after reading the information.

Let the Tyrant Sword Immortal Sect kill Situ Yunfei. Even if he fails to kill him, weakening his strength is also good.

However, how to expose it still needs to be carefully considered. Situ Yunfei is a Jindan-stage strongman. Exposing his information is completely walking on a tightrope.

Once he finds out, he will definitely die!

As for the spirit stones, there are still a few thousand pieces, enough to cultivate to the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage. Qin Wang plans to cultivate to the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage first.

If it doesn't work, there will be another wave of monsters, or he will hide his cultivation and go fishing in the mountains.

The next day.

Early morning.

Dengxianyuan Xianju, in the east, in a fairy courtyard.

A young man in a green robe sat cross-legged on the couch, holding an ancient ring in his hand. He exuded a strong aura, and a cold and sharp magic sword was placed beside him.

At this time, if there were other cultivators here, they would definitely find that the aura of the young man in the green robe was that of the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage!

"Master, you said that the Qingyun Fairy City we are in is a broken and peerless treasure? Can it be repaired by itself?"

The young man looked at the ring with deep shock and astonishment in his eyes.


On the ring, a shadow of a middle-aged man appeared, with some crow's feet at the corners of his eyes.

"Then isn't it dangerous for us to live here?"

Tang Jianzhong's eyes showed a vigilant look.

"Don't worry, this treasure has a very extraordinary origin, and the spirit of the weapon is recovering. If you seize the opportunity, you may be able to use it!"

The soul shadow of the ring slowly spoke.


Tang Jianzhong showed an interested look.

"Improve your cultivation first. If you don't have the cultivation of the Nascent Soul Stage, don't even think about it."

The soul shadow of the ring spoke in a deep voice.

"You need the cultivation of the Nascent Soul Stage, I know!"

Tang Jianzhong nodded after hearing this.

In the yard next to Tang Jianzhong.

A square-faced middle-aged man, with his hands behind his back, stood under a spiritual jujube tree, looking at the Manyong Mountains in the distance.

At this time, a member of the Demon Slayer Alliance came over, clasped his fists respectfully, and said. "Alliance Leader Shi, Leader Ren led his men to hunt down Zhao Haifeng but failed to return. Zhao Haifeng returned safely."

The third update is nearly 8,000 words. Please vote for me, brothers or2 or2 or2

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