Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 113 Tang Jianzhong's purpose, digging a hole! [Please subscribe! ]


"Five Ren Tianchi couldn't kill that Zhao Haifeng?"

When Shi Tianqing heard this, he frowned deeply.

He knew it.

Ren Tianchi's cultivation has advanced to the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage, and he also has four members of the Demon Slaying Alliance, two at the sixth level and two at the fifth level. How can he still defeat Zhao Haifeng?

To know.

Then Zhao Haifeng hasn't advanced to the seventh level of Qi refining stage yet!

"Yes, Leader Stone!"

The young members of the Demon Slayer Alliance respectfully reported.

"I understand, go ahead!"

Shi Tianqing waved his hand and asked the members of the Demon Slayer Alliance to leave. He walked to the next door Xianju, the training place of the alliance leader Tang Jianzhong, and stood at the door, cupping his fists. "Leader!"

"Brother Shi, did you kill Zhao Haifeng and get the white mouse?"

The door to the room opened, and Tang Jianzhong, who was quite handsome in Tsing Yi, strode out.

"Leader, no, Zhao Haifeng is back in good health. Ren Tianchi and the other five people have not returned all night. I'm afraid it's a bad thing."

Shi Tianqing looked heavy.

There was something he wanted to say but didn't say. Why did the alliance leader have to get the little mouse in Zhao Haifeng's hand?

He only heard that the little mouse could communicate with people's spiritual consciousness and transmit back the pictures it saw. However, after repeated attempts and the loss of seven or eight members, this was not worthwhile.

"Zhao Haifeng is only at the sixth level of Qi refining. It seems that his methods are extraordinary."

Tang Jianzhong's eyes flashed with coldness and he said. "To tell you the truth, that little white mouse can find the elixir, which is a great help to our Demon Slayer Alliance. We must get it!"

"I see!"

When Shi Tianqing heard this, he immediately clasped his fists and said respectfully. "Don't worry, Alliance Leader, I will go there personally!"


Tang Jianzhong nodded and looked at Shi Tianqing's leaving figure without saying a word.

In front of outsiders, he, Tang Jianzhong, formed a demon-slaying alliance, and he must retaliate. If members of the alliance were bullied, he would definitely find a way to take revenge.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the Demon Slayer Alliance was just a stepping stone for him to reach a higher realm.

When escaping from Xiaodan Mountain, the master saw the white mouse and realized that the mouse had extraordinary blood. It would be a great help to him in his cultivation path in the future, so he told himself that he must get it!

This is also the reason why he has been chasing Zhao Haifeng.

The next day.

In the early morning, golden light shines like a sword on the streets of Qingyun Fairy City.

Baiyao Tang.

Ever since the mysterious man exposed Lingdan Pavilion's interception and killing of casual cultivators, Baiyao Hall's business has been booming.

"Have you heard that the Tyrannical Sword Immortal Sect, the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect, and the Wanhua Immortal Sect have all sent Elder Jindan to recruit disciples with suitable spiritual roots in our Qingyun Immortal City!"

"Really, then I'm going to give it a try when the time comes!"

"I heard that you won't have to worry about the spiritual stone after entering this large sect. You can choose any of the exercises, you can get a top-notch magic weapon, and there are also beautiful Taoist companions!"

"Really? Is it so good?"

"There seems to be such a saying, but it seems that the requirements are very high, and there are still tasks to be done, which require the sect's contribution!"


Qin Wang went to the Hundred Medicine Hall to buy medicinal materials for the demon blood bathing soup, but he heard the discussion of four or five monks at the door.

"The three major immortal sects are recruiting disciples?"

Qin Wang listened to the discussions of these monks with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Qin Wang, your choice is right."

"I see that you have the kind of incense that attracts monsters and beasts to gather in a frenzy. It is not difficult to earn spiritual stones. In terms of skills, can a mere border immortal sect be as powerful as my Wu Family Sword Domain swordsman?"

"If I'm not wrong, the strongest among these three immortal sects is only in the Nascent Soul stage. At my peak, one person is as good as the other sects!"

"As long as you help me get the Millennium Soul-nurturing Wood, I will give you the skills one after another, and I can even guide you to break through the realm! Don't worry!"

Qin Wang told Wu Su about the recruitment of disciples by the three major immortal sects, and Wu Su said without hesitation, revealing strong confidence in his words.

"With your words, I feel relieved!"

When Qin Wang heard this, he nodded and felt relieved.

Think about it too.

I have my own intelligence panel.

There are many opportunities to earn spiritual stones.

There is also Wu Su, a genius in swordsmanship who has no shortage of skills. You can also ask her for breakthrough insights. If you go to the sect, you will have to do tasks, but you will be subject to various constraints.


The Situ family has the thousand-year soul-nurturing wood that Wu Su needs. If he goes to the sect, how can he get this soul-nurturing wood?

The sword technique of the other world is extremely powerful.

A small test of his skill, he killed three members of the Demon Slayer Alliance. He was so sharp that he shot through the chest with one blow!

The first volume is so powerful, wouldn't the second volume be even more terrifying?

This time.

The three major immortal sects recruit disciples in Qingyun Immortal City for one month.

Many immortal cultivators and even family members went there to try their luck.

Qin Wang was just wandering around the three major immortal gates, looking for opportunities to trick Situ Yunfei.

"The people from the Demon Slayer Alliance are still monitoring Zhao Hunyi?"

Qin Wang felt the news sent back by Zhao Hunyi and narrowed his eyes. It seemed that he had to take the initiative to get rid of the Demon Slayer Alliance.

As for Zixia Zhenren, Qin Wang asked him to practice in a hidden cave outside the Manyong Mountains.

after all.

Master Zixia is a Taoist companion of Jiang Ping of the Jiang family. Qin Wang is worried that the Jiang family will have some means to find out who he is through Master Zixia.

"Looks like I have to go out of town for a while."

Qin Wang thought secretly, which gave him a clue about exposing the Situ family.

Qin Wang immediately waved his hand and took out a wooden machine foot and a wooden hand from the storage bag. The wooden foot and hand were fixed with strong straps and hidden buckles.

This was bought from Xiancheng Xiankui Pavilion for twenty spirit stones. It is made of special iron wood. Installing it on Mu Hun-er can also keep his body balanced.

It is common for Qingyun Xiancheng monks to be disabled when they go out of the city to hunt monsters, so the business of Xiankui Pavilion is very good.

Putting away the wooden feet and wooden hands, he began to refine soul seeds with the souls of Ren Tianchi and the other five people killed by the last Demon Slayer Alliance.

Early morning.

The morning glow filled the sky. Qin Wang followed the dense crowds of monster hunters out of the city and rushed to the outside of Qingyun Xiancheng. Zhao Hun-yi followed him far behind.

Qin Wang walked forward all the way, constantly turning. At the same time, he carefully observed behind him and found that there were eight monks following behind Zhao Hun-yi, among whom there was actually a ninth-level cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage!

"Ninth-level Qi Refining Stage!"

"How can this Zhao Haifeng be so determined by Tang Jianzhong?"

"What on earth is he doing it for?"

Qin Wang looked at the eight monks chasing after him, and his eyes showed puzzlement.

Zhao Haifeng is only at the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage. Tang Jianzhong has sent people to hunt him down several times. I am afraid that his purpose is not just to avenge his members.

"No matter why you come, I will kill you all!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed coldly and he went to the cave where Mu Hun-er was hiding.

He also happened to need people from the Demon Slayer Alliance.

As he went deeper into the Manyong Mountains, the cultivators around him became more and more scattered. Gradually, Qin Wang and Zhao Hun-yi were separated by four or five miles.

An hour later.

Qin Wang rushed to the edge of a cliff. The cliff was dozens of feet high. There were vines hanging on the stone wall. At a height of three feet, the vines were everywhere. There was a hidden stone cave. Qin Wang flashed and got into the stone cave.

Entering inside, the space was two feet in radius.

A cultivator with only one leg and one hand was sitting inside to practice. It was Mu Hun-er.

"Stand up and put this on."

Qin Wang waved his hand and took out the prosthesis from the storage bag, handed it to Mu Hun'er, and asked him to put it on. Mu Hun'er put on the prosthesis according to Qin Wang's instructions, just right, covering the robe.

"Not bad, just right!"

Qin Wang looked at Mu Hun'er holding the Ziyang Spirit Sword, showing satisfaction. If you don't look closely, you can't tell that Mu Hun'er is a disabled person.

At this time.

There was a slight sound outside, and Qin Wang raised his eyebrows. He knew that Zhao Hun'er had arrived.

At this time.

Zhao Hun stood under the cliff with a magic sword in one hand, looking at the eight powerful monks approaching dozens of feet away, with a calm expression.

"Kill him!"

Shi Tianqing, who had a square face, looked at the indifferent 'Zhao Haifeng', and felt an indescribable sense of unease in his heart. He waved his sword and asked the four members of the Demon Slayer Alliance in front of him to take action. He retreated behind everyone.

"Yes, leader!"


Four members of the Demon Slayer Alliance rushed towards Zhao Hunyi, blasting him with blades, swords, and spells.


"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

A red light flashed by, and the four Demon Slayer Alliance cultivators at the sixth level of Qi Refining stopped in their tracks, looking at their bodies in disbelief.

Puff! Puff!

Puff! Puff!

The bodies of the four were pierced by the red light, and a fist-sized blood hole appeared on their chests. Their eyes were wide open, and they died with their eyes wide open!

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