Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 114 Great harvest! Lu Yunhai of the Tyrant Sword Immortal Sect! Provoking a fight! [Please s

at the same time.

A handsome-looking young monk wearing a green robe, who was at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, holding a magical sword, appeared in a flash next to the four dead Demon Slayer Alliance monks.

The young monk waved his left hand and took out a black alms bowl. A vortex appeared, and four illusory shadows floated up from the bodies of the four dead monks, and were sucked into the black alms bowl!

Zhao Hunyi from before stood behind the young man like a servant, obviously taking him as the leader.

"you you."

Shi Tianqing looked at Qin Wang with a wary look in his eyes. He took three steps back and held the magic sword tightly in his hand.

My heart is already in turmoil!

The red sword light that the young man used just now gave him a strong sense of crisis!


Terrifying and sharp, four members of the Demon-Slaying Alliance who were at the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage were killed before they could resist!

"All your servants who are chasing me must die!"

Qin Wang looked at the remaining four members of the Demon Slayer Alliance, with murderous intent rising in his eyes, and spoke calmly.

"Let's go separately!"

Shi Tianqing only felt his scalp numb. Although the young man in front of him was at the ninth level of Qi refining stage like him, he felt that he was not someone he could match, so it was best to take action!

"Can you guys leave?"

Qin Wang looked at the four people who escaped separately, sneered, and rushed towards a member of the seventh-level demon-slaying alliance in the Qi refining stage. At the same time, Zhao Hunyi caught up with one of them.

Mu Hun'er's figure flashed, blocking Shi Tianqing who was running the fastest, like an eagle catching a chicken, he picked it up, sealed his magic power, and threw it into the pile of rocks like a dead dog.

Shi Tianqing was at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and he was the fastest. However, before he could run a hundred feet, he was caught by someone, and all his magic power was imprisoned. He was hit hard on the ground, making him dizzy.

"Senior in the foundation building stage?"

At this moment, Shi Tianqing looked at the terrifying figure in front of him, his heart was horrified and his eyes widened.

what's up?

Chasing Zhao Haifeng, who is in the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage, and actually provokes a senior in the Foundation Establishment Stage?

Why are you so unlucky?

"Have mercy! Senior, this is a misunderstanding!"

Shi Tianqing endured the pain and knelt in front of Mu Hun Er, kowtowing continuously. However, the foundation-building-stage strongman in front of him did not say a word. At this time, the ninth-level monk in the Qi-refining stage who was holding a black alms bowl was carrying a demon-slayer. Alliance members came over.

"You've already attacked me, but you still misunderstood me? Hehehe, use your body as a puppet! Not bad!"

Qin Wang looked at Shi Tianqing in front of him with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.


When Shi Tianqing heard this, his vision suddenly darkened, his eyes showing despair and fear. Use my body as a puppet?

Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness controlled Zhao Hunyi and Mu Huner, asking them to bring eight members of the Demon Slayer Alliance into the cave and take off the storage bags.


"Eight more storage bags! Eight soul seeds! How cool!"

Qin Wang followed him into the cave with the soul-gathering bowl in hand, and began to integrate the five soul seeds refined last night into five bodies.

Qin Wang prepared to control five of the members of the Demon-Slaying Alliance and ask them to send a message to Elder Jindan of the Ba Sword Immortal Sect, so that the people of the Ba Sword Immortal Sect could deal with the Situ family in order to profit from it.

Even if the Situ family found out, it was Tang Jianzhong of the Demon Slayer Alliance who took the blame.

As for Shi Tianqing, who was at the ninth level of Qi refining stage, Qin Wang planned to keep him. He was a great helper and it would be a waste to use it to deliver news.

In the storage bag of Shi Tianqing, the deputy leader of the Demon Slaying Alliance, Qin Wang found 1,600 spiritual stones, 12 bottles of Yuan-Guardian Pills, 15 bottles of Magic-Gathering Pills, a large amount of monster materials, a dozen elixirs from decades of years, and There is a round dark iron sign with a 'spirit' engraved on one side and a pattern that looks like a three-leaf spirit grass on the other side.

There is also a high-grade magic sword.

In the storage bags of the other seven people, a total of 1,100 spirit stones, a pile of various monster materials, 42 bottles of Solid Yuan Pill, 35 bottles of Magic Judgment Pill, spiritual grass, a pile of monster materials, and 4 low-grade magic weapons were found. There are 3 medium-grade magical instruments.

"On this trip, there were 2,700 pieces of spiritual stones alone. It was really a big gain!"

Qin Wang looked at the eight storage bags in front of him with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. With these materials, this trip was worth no less than four thousand spiritual stones.

Qin Wang immediately classified the spiritual stones, elixirs, and materials one by one and stored them in a single storage bag.


Leaving Mu Hun Er, Shi Tianqing, Zhao Hun Yi and three members of the Demon Slaying Alliance in the cave, he used his spiritual consciousness to control the other four fifth and sixth level Demon Slaying Alliance monks who were fused with soul seeds and asked Qingyun Go to the fairy city.

These four demon-slaying alliance monks are the abandoned sons prepared by Qin Wang.

Just for the purpose of estrangement.

After using it, the soul seed will dissipate, just like a walking corpse.

Qingyun Fairy City.

In Nancheng Loose Cultivator Square, the monks of the Tyrannical Sword Immortal Sect have set up a high platform here. Casual cultivators or family monks who are interested in joining the Tyrant Sword Immortal Sect can go to take the assessment.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and the square was still crowded with monks in their Qi refining period.

"Junior sister Jin, senior brother has been looking for you for eighteen years. Now, your soul card is dim. Can you and I see each other again in this life?!"

Lu Yunhai was sitting in a magnificent hall behind the high platform, looking at a piece of yellow jade in his hand, with a look of painful reminiscence in his eyes.

Eighteen years ago.

Junior sister Jin Xing went missing, and the soul card inside the sect was dark and on the verge of extinction.

The sect searched for him for eighteen years, but there was still no news.

You know, although Ba Dao Xian Zong is a Yuan Ying sect, its main fighting force is still Jin Dan. Losing a Jin Dan is also a big loss for Ba Dao Xian Zong!

It is not easy to cultivate a Jin Dan!

The most important thing is.

Junior Sister Jin is still the one Lu Yunhai admires, but, although the flowers are willing and the water is ruthless, Junior Sister loves others, but Lu Yunhai still can't let her go.

This time.

The sect sent Jin Dan to the five major immortal cities to preside over the recruitment of disciples. He was originally wandering outside, but he was also called back.

"Master, there is a young Qi Refining cultivator outside who wants to see you. He said there is news about Uncle Jin!"

"He said he must see you!"

At this time, a tall and handsome young man in white came in with a respectful look and clasped his hands.

"What? News about your uncle?"

Lu Yunhai heard this, his eyes burst into brilliance, looked at the young man in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and asked. "Where is this person?"

"Master, that person is waiting outside."

Zhao Jingyu said respectfully.

Originally, Zhao Jingyu was outside with several junior brothers to host the test of recruiting disciples, but a young cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage came and found him directly, saying that there was news about Elder Jinxing.

As a disciple of Master Lu Yunhai, he naturally knew that Master had been looking for Master Jin for many years, so he came in to report immediately.

"Bring him in!"

Lu Yunhai said in a deep voice.


Zhao Jingyu turned and went out. Not long after, Zhao Jingyu walked in with a difficult expression and respectfully clasped his fists. "Master, that person is dead. This is a scroll in his hand."

After Zhao Jingyu finished speaking, he raised his hands and held a scroll.


Lu Yunhai narrowed his eyes, showing a vigilant look in his eyes. He waved his hand and rolled up the scroll with a magical power, but found that there was no mystery inside, only a line of large characters flying in the wind.

【Jin Xing, the elder of Ba Dao Xian Zong, was seriously injured and killed by Situ Yunfei 18 years ago. His soul was put into the body of Jindan puppet and is currently in Situ family of Qingyun Xiancheng.】

"Situ Yunfei?"

Lu Yunhai narrowed his eyes, read the information several times, and then put it into the storage bag. With a swish, his figure disappeared, and the next moment, he appeared outside the hall.

"Soul control technique? Puppet?"

"What is the intention of this person to tell me this news?"

Lu Yunhai looked at a corpse leaning against the wall outside the hall, his face was extremely gloomy.

With his eyesight, he naturally saw that this was a puppet controlled by someone's consciousness. The person who controlled the puppet withdrew his consciousness and could not be investigated.

"No matter what this person's intention is, we must take down Situ Yunfei first!"

Lu Yunhai's eyes showed a thoughtful look. He did not act rashly, but instructed Zhao Jingyu, the eldest disciple who followed him. "Jingyu, you go back to the sect right away and give this jade slip to your fifth and sixth uncles!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Jingyu respectfully clasped his fists, took the jade slip, turned around and flew into the sky on his sword.

"Situ Yunfei!"

"If it is you who really killed my junior sister, I want your Situ family to be exterminated! No one will be left alive!"

Lu Yunhai's eyes were gloomy and cold. At this moment, he believed the news in the scroll eight out of ten, because Junior Sister Jin met Situ Long, the son of Situ Yunfei, and Situ Long died because of an accident!

Situ Yunfei blamed Junior Sister Jin Xing.

These years.

There has always been Situ Long between him and Junior Sister Jin!

At this moment, Lu Yunhai's new and old hatreds surged, and his killing intent was blazing!

"Xinyu, go investigate the origin of this puppet!"

Lu Yunhai took a deep breath and suddenly transmitted his voice. After a while, another white-robed cultivator in the foundation-building stage flew over and respectfully clasped his fists towards Lu Yunhai. "Yes, Master!"

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