Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 115 The changes of the Five Elements Gathering Yuan Gong, the puppet is exposed! The blessed

Qingyun Fairy City.


On a street where monks come and go, there are shops selling elixirs, talismans, and materials on both sides of the street.

Here is the casual cultivator market in Nancheng.

The main city of Qingyun Immortal City and the four major auxiliary cities have markets for casual cultivators.

"This fellow Taoist, what is he carving? Huh? The three ancestors of the Situ family, Situ Yunfei, Situ Yunzhan, and Situ Yunfeng, all practiced the Demon Seizing Art to extend their lives? Absorb the innate energy of newborn babies to extend their lives. ? Oh my God! Is this true?”

"Don't mention it. In recent years, there have been many pregnant women who gave birth to babies who died within a few days."

"It's true. Some time ago, the daughter-in-law of our Lianfu Hall owner returned to her parents' home with her one-month-old child. When she woke up, the child was gone."

"This fellow Taoist is so reckless. He actually exposed it like this. If he is caught by the Situ family, he will be dead!"

"This fellow Taoist is really fake!"


A fifth-level monk in the Qi refining stage, about thirty years old, holding a magical sword in his hand, was carving words on a stone wall. This attracted the attention of the casual monks around him. Dozens of casual monks gathered around, pointing and talking. One after another.

at this time.

Qin Wang hid in the talisman shop nearby, pretending to choose talismans, and his consciousness controlled this member of the Demon Slayer Alliance to carve words on the wall not far away, exposing the Situ family's devouring the innate energy of babies.

After the monks on the fifth floor finished carving, they distributed the pile of engraved parchments in their hands around.

None of these casual cultivators who were watching the excitement took it too seriously and started reading with the engraved parchment.

After Qin Wang controlled the soul seed puppet to send out nearly a hundred engraved parchment scrolls, he controlled this member of the Demon Slayer Alliance to run straight into the distance, and self-destructed the soul seed, erasing the traces of his divine consciousness.

He left and went to Xicheng to expose the Situ family in the same way.


"The Situ family has done all kinds of bad things. In order to survive, they devoured the newborn's innate energy."

"Now, by making his vicious behavior public, I can do something for the babies who were murdered in Qingyun Fairy City."

Qin Wang stood on the streets of Beicheng, a casual repair shop, watching the last member of the Demon-Slaying Alliance go away, erased the soul seed, erased the mark of divine consciousness, and turned around to leave.

Qin Wang knew it in his heart.

Good and evil are incompatible!

The matter broke out.

The Situ family will become the target of public criticism!

Even if he has the golden elixir stage ancestor sitting in charge, he may not be able to withstand the anger of all the casual cultivators. When the time comes, the cultivators of the righteous sects may not tolerate him and will kill him!

The Thousand-Year Soul-nurturing Wood is in the hands of Situ Yunfei, who is in the Golden Core stage. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to get it. Only if something happens to the Situ family and the Situ family is exiled, can there be a chance!

A magnificent and continuous palace, located in the center of Dongcheng.

This is where the Situ family, one of the four major golden elixir families in Qingyun Immortal City, is located.

Under the center of the main hall, there is an underground palace with a radius of several hundred feet. The underground palace is carved with nine dragon pictures and supported by thick white jade stone pillars, making it extremely majestic.

On the third floor of the Earth Palace, there is a circular formation engraved on it.

A middle-aged man with long black hair shawl, narrow eyes, and a brocade robe sat cross-legged in the middle of the formation. Waves of aura mist emitted from the bottom of the formation, making the middle-aged man look like an immortal with an extraordinary temperament.

In front of the middle-aged man, there is a huge red alchemy furnace with a radius of one foot. Wisps of white gas fly out from the alchemy furnace and are absorbed by the middle-aged man's mouth and nose!

"Second brother, it's not good!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man with white beard and white hair, and a face as delicate as a baby, walked in quickly and said to the middle-aged man with a worried look.

"Third brother, what's wrong?"

The middle-aged man stopped his power and the white energy of the alchemy furnace shrank. He looked at the white-bearded and white-haired old man standing outside the altar and asked.

"Someone exposed us everywhere that we practiced the Demon Seizing Technique and absorbed the innate energy of babies. Now it has spread throughout Qingyun Fairy City."

"I'm afraid our Situ family will become the target of public criticism!"

At this moment, Situ Yunfeng was anxious and extremely worried. This matter had made the whole city know that it would have a great impact on the Situ family, not only the business of Lingdan Pavilion, but also the possible annihilation of the family.

To practice magic and absorb the innate energy of babies is to offend the public.

It's okay to do it in secret, but if it's exposed, those Immortal Sects won't let it go!

"What? Who exposed it?"

"How did this person know?"

Situ Yunzhan stood up suddenly, his eyes widened in disbelief.

He, his eldest brother, and his third brother are all over 360 years old, and their lifespan is short, so they have no choice but to practice the Demonic Art of Seizing Yuan.

Who doesn’t want to live a few more years?

This matter has always been carried out in secret. Even within the family, the only people who know about it are my three brothers!

Why did the whole city know about it?

"The person who was exposed was exposed as a puppet, and the parchment was distributed everywhere. After the puppet was exposed, it self-destructed, and no trace can be traced!"

Situ Yunfeng said in a deep voice.

"This person has such a vicious mind. He is trying to dig up the roots of my Situ family!"

Situ Yunzhan's eyes showed anger, he thought for a while and said. "Let's go and find brother to discuss how to resolve this matter!"


Situ Yunfeng nodded.

Dengxianyuan, No. 168 Immortal Residence.

Qin Wang was dressed in green clothes and sat cross-legged in the room. In front of him was a cute little white mouse, which was the missing spirit-seeking mouse.

"This invisible spirit-seeking rat can search for spirits, sense the location of spiritual plants, and can communicate with people's spiritual consciousness and transmit the images it sees. This talent is truly amazing!"

Qin Wang stroked the little white mouse. The little white mouse's food was all spiritual fruits, such as pine cones. Under Qin Wang's touch, it seemed to enjoy it. A pair of front paws held the pine cones and gnawed them.

Qin Wang looked at all the treasures on his body.

This is what he does every day.

He hoped to use the intelligence panel to generate relevant information.

"Continue to practice and improve your proficiency!"

Qin Wang collected the broken bowls, soul-gathering bowls, broken swords, Five Elements Divine Light Jar and other treasures one by one, took the Gu Yuan Dan purified from the treasure bowl, and began to practice the Five Elements Gathering Gong.

Qin Wang had practiced the Five Elements Gathering Gong for more than an hour, and suddenly felt that the Five Elements Gathering Gong was operating much faster than before.


"Has the Five Elements Gathering Gong been perfected? Does this mean that after the Five Elements Gathering Gong is perfected, it can still be upgraded?"

With a thought in his mind, he checked the panel and immediately discovered that there was a small change on the right side of the panel page.

Behind the Five Elements Gathering Skill, the word "Perfect" disappeared, and a blood-red '↑' rising arrow appeared!

Qin Wang consciously controlled the '↑', but found that it was motionless.

"Is it because the conditions for upgrading the Five Elements Gathering Skill have not been met?"

“I don’t know what conditions are required?”

Qin Wang looked at the panel with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"The Five Elements Gathering Function has been upgraded. What about the Sword Technique of the Eternal Life? What about the Fire Spirit Sword, the Explosive Flame Technique, and the Wooden Shield Technique? Can I upgrade my proficiency to perfection?"

Looking at the '↑' of the Five Elements Gathering Skill, Qin Wang suddenly thought of other spells. If the Five Elements Gathering function has been upgraded, then other spells must also be able to do it.

I don’t have a clue yet, so I have to continue practicing first.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: You controlled the soul seed puppet to inform the elder of the Golden Core of the Tyrannical Sword Immortal Sect that Situ Yunfei was plotting to refine the soul. After obtaining the information, Lu Yunhai, the late elder of the Golden Core of the Tyrant Sword Immortal Sect, learned that his junior sister Jin Xing, whom he had been looking for for many years, had been assassinated. When Situ Yunfei was killed, he did not act rashly. Instead, he sent a letter back to the sect and asked several junior brothers to come here, trying to destroy the Situ family and rescue the junior sisters. At the same time, he sent his disciple Su Xinyu to investigate the origin of the puppet who sent the letter. 】

[2: You have reached perfection by practicing the Five Elements Gathering Gong and obtained information. The Five Elements Gathering Gong can be upgraded to a more advanced skill, but the upgrade conditions have not been met. 】

[3: You killed Shi Tianqing, the deputy leader of the Demon Slaying Alliance, refined it into a soul seed, and obtained information. The soul in the ring of Tang Jianzhong, the leader of the Demon Slaying Alliance, recognized the ghost-seeking rat. It was for the ghost-seeking rat in the hands of Zhao Haifeng. Shu, who sent people to take action many times, learned that Shi Tianqing was missing. He became deeply afraid of Zhao Haifeng and suspected that he was hiding his cultivation. 】

[4: You sent a message to the Ba Dao Immortal Sect, incited hatred for the Situ family, and obtained information. Situ Yunfei, the ancestor of the Situ family's golden elixir, felt that it was slim to advance to the Yuanying. In order to extend his life, he had begun to practice the Yuan Seizing Demonic Art and killed people. More than ten babies were born. 】

[5: You found a piece of the Blessed Land of All Souls 'Zhenyin' from Shi Tianqing's storage bag, and obtained information that the 'Blessed Land of All Souls' located 50,000 miles southwest of Qingyun Immortal City, on the border of Dayan Immortal Dynasty, will be there in half a year. Open it, there is something inside that will be of great help to you in building your foundation. 】

[6: You exposed the Situ family, Situ Yunfei and three other brothers, who practiced the Demonic Art of Seizing Yuan, and obtained the information. Situ Yunfei became furious and vowed to catch the person who exposed him and execute him Lingchi. 】

[7: You went to the Wanhua Immortal Sect’s disciple recruitment square yesterday and obtained information. Your sister Qin Xuemei learned that Xiaodanshan had become a Jedi in the Demon Realm. She was extremely worried about you. Her master Mu Qianxue sent someone to inquire about you. 】

[8: Yesterday you went to the square where the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect recruits disciples, and obtained information about Master Zhang Panpan of the Foundation Establishment. However, there was no result in tracing Master Zixia, and he stayed in Qingyun Immortal City for several days. 】

[9: You petted the invisible soul-seeking rat yesterday and obtained information. The invisible soul-seeking rat likes to eat spiritual pine cones. If it can swallow a large amount of heaven and earth elixirs, it may be possible to be promoted. 】

[10: You bathed in the demon blood body bath yesterday and obtained information. Your physical strength has been enhanced. 】

"Lu Yunhai, the elder of the late Golden Core of the Tyrannical Sword Immortal Sect, sent a letter to ask his junior brother to come and deal with the Situ family?"

"It looks like this Situ family is dead!"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information and felt very satisfied.

This is the effect he wants.

If Situ Yunfei dies, he can fish in troubled waters.

"The plaque found in Shi Tianqing's storage bag is actually the 'formation guide' of the All Souls Blessed Land? Is there something in the 'All Souls Blessed Land' that will be of great help to me in building my foundation?"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information and felt something in his heart.

He didn't expect that.

Killing Shi Tianqing was actually such a gain.

It seems that after half a year, I need to go to the Blessed Land of All Souls.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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