Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 119 Go to the blessed land of all spirits, the Southern Region Hidden Dragon Fairy Meeting,

[7: You heard yesterday that many casual cultivators went to the All Souls Blessed Land to gain opportunities and obtain information. The All Souls Blessed Land is an abandoned elixir garden in the All Souls Holy Land of the ancient sect. After nearly ten thousand years of evolution, there are elixirs everywhere in it. Every 60 years, its protective formation will become weak, and you can rely on the 'array guide' to gain access to the foundation building opportunity. 】

[8: You are practicing in Qingyun Fairy City's Immortal Residence and have obtained information. Qingyun Fairy City is the transformation of a mysterious remnant treasure. This remnant treasure once participated in the Battle of All Spirits. This treasure is slowly recovering, and at the same time, it is also waiting for its death. Lord of destiny. 】

[9: You wore the mysterious fragment and obtained information. A fragment of the same origin as the mysterious fragment was once again rejected and was taken away by Ouyang Canghai to Wanlingfang City. 】

[10: You stroked two pieces of iron fragments yesterday and obtained information that in the southeast of the Manyong Mountains, Demon Ape Mountain, thirty miles away in a cliff crevice is a magic ape nest, and there is a fragment of iron fragments from the same origin. , there will be unexpected gains when you gather three scrap iron pieces. 】

"The Situ family is finished!"

Qin Wang looked at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pieces of information with a thoughtful look in his eyes.


The interests of the Situ family were divided up by the other three golden elixir families. Lu Yunhai was assassinated, and the family was in danger. The elders in the foundation-building period fled Qingyun Immortal City with their clansmen, preparing to go to the Dayu Immortal Dynasty and return to their ancestral land. The Situ family was finished.

"I still need to go to the Situ family and take away the things from Situ Yunfei's retreat place. I should be able to get more information about Situ Yunfei. By then, I can find the thousand-year soul nourishing tree!"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information and made secret calculations in his heart.

Situ Yunfei only has his soul left with the storage bag, and must find him through intelligence.

"The Blessed Land of All Souls is the abandoned elixir garden of the ancient sect's Holy Land of All Souls?"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information and was shocked.

A mere abandoned elixir garden, after years of changes, has become a dream place for monks in the Qi refining stage!

One can imagine.

What a sight it was like at the Holy Land of All Souls, the Spiritual Medicine Garden, at its peak!

"Ouyang Canghai took this fragment to Wanlingfang City?"

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of information and frowned deeply.

It seems that the only option is to go to the Blessed Land of All Souls.


"In a crack in the cliff thirty miles southeast of the Demon Ape Mountain in the Manyong Mountains, there is a fragment of iron from the same source. Putting together three fragments of iron, will there be unexpected gains?"

Qin Wang's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the 10th piece of information. The previous information showed that the third iron fragment was in the Demon Ape's lair, but there was no exact location. Now, the exact location was refreshed.

Before leaving Qingyun Fairy City, it is necessary to go to Demon Ape Mountain to get the third piece of residual iron.

"As soon as it gets bright, go to Situ's house for a walk, and then go to Demon Ape Mountain!"

Qin Wang made up his mind and said secretly.

After reading the information, Qin Wang continued to practice and waited for dawn to improve his proficiency.

The next day.

In the early morning, the sun rises and shines with golden light.

Qin Wang had prepared everything and was going out when he saw Gao Yuan standing at the door. "Xiao Qin, I'm leaving. Please take care of yourself and see you again in the future!"

"Uncle Gao, take care of yourself along the way! See you again if we are destined!"

Qin Wang looked at Gao Yuan and nodded.

Three days ago, Gao Yuan informed Qin Wang that he was going to Wanlingfang City with Ouyang Long and others. Because Qin Wang's revealed cultivation was only at the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage, Gao Yuan suggested that Qin Wang practice in Qingyun Immortal City.


Gao Yuan took a deep look at Qin Wang, waved to him, strode away, and followed Ouyang Long and others.

"Uncle Gao is gone, I have to hurry up."

Qin Wang looked at the backs of Gao Yuan and others and thought to himself.

To the east of Dongcheng, there is the huge Situ family.

Because Lu Yunhai killed the great elder, and subsequently several members of the Foundation Establishment clan died one after another, everyone was in danger.

The family was left empty.

Even the branch clan members left.

early morning.

The ruins of the Situ family's clan are full of casual cultivators of the fourth and fifth levels in the Qi refining stage, rummaging around in the hope of finding some good things.

"I didn't expect that the Situ family of the Jindan family, which was at its peak a few months ago, would actually end up being destroyed! It's really unpredictable!"

"Yeah, ever since the mysterious man exposed the Situ family's interception and killing of casual cultivators, the Situ family has been on a downward spiral. I'm really curious. Who is that mysterious man?"

"They should be enemies of the Situ family, otherwise they wouldn't be exposed like this!"

"Situ Yunfei is seeking death. He dares to kill Ba Dao Immortal Sect Jin Dan. There is no airtight wall in the world!"


Qin Wang stood in the original ancestral hall of the Situ family, looking at the fallen tablets, but around him came the discussion of some treasure-hunting monks. Qin Wang smiled and turned around to go to Situ Yunfei's retreat place.

Situ Yunfei's retreat place is located underground under the Situ family.

The third underground floor had collapsed during the battle that day.

At this time, the collapsed basement was moved out by many casual cultivators. All useful things inside were taken away by the casual cultivators. Only broken stone pillars, tables, chairs, tables, and even futons were taken away by the casual cultivators. .

"This table and chair should be used by Situ Yunfei. Enough information."

With a wave of his hand, Qin Wang put the intact tables and chairs, broken ancient paintings, discarded alchemy furnaces, and discarded magical instruments in a corner of the basement into a storage bag, then turned and left.

Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect.

It is a Nascent Soul Immortal Sect of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, located in the All Saints Mountains on the border of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty.

Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect, the main hall of the sect.

On the main seat, a beautiful woman about thirty-seven or eighty-year-old looked at the two masters and disciples Mu Qianxue in white clothes standing respectfully in the hall, and slowly spoke. "Qianxue, I didn't expect that you would receive such a talented disciple with such spiritual roots. If you practice in the Shangzong, you will go further in the future!"

"Zhang Zong. What he said is absolutely true."

Mu Qianxue glanced at Qin Xuemei beside her. With Qin Xuemei's talent, practicing in the Shangzong was indeed beneficial to her.


She finally received such a good disciple, but she couldn't block the disciple's future.

"You and Qin Xuemei will be practicing in Shangzong from now on. As for the branch over there, just send Junior Sister Zhang to go there." Plum Blossom Fairy said slowly.

"Thank you, Master Zhang!"

"Thank you so much, Master!"

Mu Qianxue was overjoyed when she heard this, and she and Qin Xuemei bowed and thanked her respectfully. She practiced in the Shangzong and had many resources, so staying at the Wanhuamen of Da Cang Kingdom was indeed too far away.

"Well, after she comes out of the Holy Pond, you can let her go to the Blessed Land of All Souls for some experience. Being talented is one thing, but tempering your character is also essential. If you want to go further, both are indispensable!"


The Zhang Sect of the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect nodded to Mu Qianxue.


Mu Qianxue and Qin Xuemei bowed and took a few steps back, then turned and left.

"My Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect has such spiritual roots, we should be able to occupy the top five seats in the Southern Region Hidden Dragon Immortal Association thirty years from now!"

Sui Huizhu looked at Qin Xuemei leaving, with expectation in her beautiful eyes.


Qin Wang saw that many monks in Qingyun Immortal City who were in the eighth and ninth levels of Qi Refining and above were setting off towards the Blessed Land of All Souls.

He stood thirty miles outside Qingyun Immortal City, controlling his cultivation to the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage, with Zhao Hun One, Mu Hun Two, and Stone Hun Three puppets following Li Xu behind.

"After getting this fragment, I will immediately leave for the Blessed Land of All Souls!"

Thinking of this, Qin Wang quickly headed toward the Demon Ape Mountain in the southeast with three puppets and one person.

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