Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 120 The third piece of broken iron, the Red Barbarian Shield! A gathering of geniuses! [Plea


For a while.

Qin Wang was hiding in the Demon Ape Mountain in the Manyong Mountains, in a stone cave twenty miles away. He looked at the towering Demon Ape Mountain in the distance with a look of anticipation in his eyes. "I hope I can find the third piece of iron remnant soon!"



At this time, the screams of the demon apes were heard from time to time.

Qin Wang took three puppets and carefully hid in the cave.

He has already arranged the demon-baiting psychedelic incense and the blood-reverse demon incense twenty miles southwest of Demon Ape Mountain, as well as the hourglass ignition and movable latch. Calculating the time, it should be almost time to start.


Ouch! Chirp!

Zhizhi! Chirp!

Not long after, Qin Wang suddenly heard rumblings in the distance, the earth trembled, and in the sky, the cloud-blocking bird demon flew toward the southwest of Demon Ape Mountain.

Qin Wang also saw densely packed demon apes as tall as a man with blood-red eyes around him, running wildly toward the southwest.

"The opportunity has come!"

Qin Wang waited for half an hour and saw that the number of demon apes rushing past gradually decreased. He suddenly felt hopeful and galloped towards the demon ape mountain.

"Find a cliff and you will find the Demon Ape's lair!"

Qin Wang confirmed the information again, with expectations in his eyes, and launched the wind control technique, like an afterimage shuttled through the mountains and forests. In the mountains and forests, the demon apes and monsters rushed towards the place where the demon-baiting psychedelic incense was, and this place became a place. Mountains without monsters.

Qin Wang did not let Mu Hun Er Yu Jian lead him to fly, but asked him to follow him. Although he had lured all the monsters away, he still kept a low profile. He walked through the woods and turned around after finding the remaining iron pieces. .

Not long after.

Qin Wang arrived at the foot of Demon Ape Mountain.


Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he saw that at the foot of Demon Ape Mountain, there was a cliff that was a hundred feet long and five feet high!

There are vines hanging down from it.

Qin Wang and Mu Hun'er immediately went forward and looked for cracks in the cliff.

"found it!"

Not long after, Qin Wang found a crack five feet wide and more than two feet deep at the end of the 100-foot stone wall, similar to a cave. There were some branches and weeds piled inside, as well as some uneaten wild fruits.

Qin Wang walked in and used his magic sword to pick out all the branches and weeds inside. In the corner, he found an iron piece the size of a sea bowl covered with mud. He picked it up, broke off the mud, and found that it was quite It's heavy, and the material is the same as the scrap iron piece taken from Xu Ying in Zhao Xuanzhen's storage bag!

Qin Wang's heart moved, and he waved his hand to touch the storage bag. Suddenly, two scrap iron pieces of the same material appeared in his hands.

"That's right! That's it!"

Qin Wang observed it carefully, his eyes were filled with joy, and he brought the three remaining pieces of iron close to him.

At this moment, the three pieces of residual iron were like magnets, connected together in the shape of a 'pin', surrounded by a red halo, instantly forming a huge red amber-shaped shield one foot high. , floating in front of Qin Wang.

In the middle of the shield, there are three pieces of residual iron in the shape of the word "pin", which emit a red halo that circulates endlessly, making the shield more solid!

This solid red shield has a handle on the inside, and is mottled on the outside. Engraved on it is a man wearing a tiger skin skirt tied around his waist, holding a giant axe, with long hair shawl, looking up to the sky and roaring. The entire shield is a virtual shadow. Above, exuding a barbaric air.


Qin Wang stretched out his hand and grasped the handle of the shield shadow. Suddenly, a ray of light flew out of the foot-high shield shadow, followed his hand, and penetrated into his body!

The moment this ray of light entered Qin Wang's body, an unknown formula actually appeared in his mind!

next moment.

The shield dissipated and turned into three pieces of iron that fell to the ground.

"I got the stuff, let's go back and think about it again!"

Qin Wang did not ponder the formula immediately, but remembered the formula, put away the three pieces of iron fragments, took Mu Hun Er, and galloped towards Qingyun Immortal City.

He did not return to the city, but diverted directly to the direction of All Souls Blessed Land.

In recent days, many monks in the late Qi refining stage of Qingyun Immortal City have rushed to the Blessed Land of All Souls. The journey is long and they must seize the time.

It is one thousand five hundred miles away from Qingyun Fairy City.

On a cliff, Qin Wang was sitting in a cave, flanked by puppets Mu Hun 2, Zhao Hun 1 and Shi Hun 3 guarding him.

"The three pieces of iron put together actually revealed the original shape of the shield!"

Qin Wang looked at the three pieces of broken iron in front of him with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Along the way, he understood the nameless formula he got from the broken iron fragments, and found that it was a method of activating the shield with energy and blood. As long as he held three fragments in his hand and poured in energy and blood, the red shield would be activated and displayed. !

The defense is extremely powerful!

Qin Wang asked Mu Hun'er to attack with all his strength, but he couldn't break it!

However, it requires qi and blood to be stimulated. Fortunately, Qin Wang has a lot of great supplements in his storage bag, which can be replenished at any time.

"If all these shield fragments can be found, the defense will definitely be more terrifying! It seems that we need to continue looking for this iron fragment!"

Qin Wang secretly made up his mind.

On the journey of cultivating immortality, you will kill every step of the way.

With this shield, you have a much greater chance of saving your life in a crisis!

"Information shows that this shield comes from the barbarians from the Nine Realms. It is completely red, so let's call it the Red Barbarian Shield!"

Qin Wang put away the three scraps of iron and muttered to himself.

Three months later.

Under a mountain range, on a cliff, three feet high, there is a cave covered by vines.

[Realm: Tenth level of Qi refining stage (4562/10000)]

"There is still less than half the proficiency required to advance to the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage!"

"All the pills are used up."

"There are still more than two months before the opening of the Wanling Blessing. Let's go to the Wanling Market first."

Qin Wang sat in the cave, looking at his panel, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

In the past three months, in addition to traveling, he took pills to practice and improve his proficiency. All the pills in the storage bag were purified by the treasure bowl, leaving only more than 3,000 spirit stones and unprocessed monster materials.

He decided to go to the Wanling Market while there was still some time, and exchange the spirit stones and monster materials in his hands for pills.

It's not that he doesn't want to get rid of the materials at once, but he is worried that too many at once will attract attention.

It's better to be cautious.

In the past three months, because he has been traveling all the time, he has not obtained much information, but there is a lot of cause and effect information.

[Today's information! ]

[1: You are about to enter the Wanling Blessing and obtain information. The Wanling Blessing will open in 68 days. ]

[2: You looked at the tables, chairs and coffee tables that Situ Yunfei brought to his retreat place, and obtained information that Situ Yunfei's soul possessed a cultivator of the tenth level of Qi Refining, and his qualifications were far superior to before. ]

[3: You are about to enter the Wanling Blessed Land, and obtained information that the Wanling Blessed Land is a place for Qi Refining cultivators in the Southern Region to practice. Foundation Building cultivators cannot enter it. It gathers the three major immortal dynasties of Dayan, Tianchu, and Daqi, as well as the five major immortal sects in the Southern Region, families, and aristocratic family geniuses and monsters to compete for the great way! Each shows their magical powers! ]

[4: You activated the barbarian shield ‘Red Barbarian Shield’, and obtained information that among the cultivators who came to the Wanling Blessed Land for practice this time, there will be a cultivator carrying the broken iron piece of the ‘Red Barbarian Shield’. ]

[5: You wore the cloth bag with mysterious fragments sewn by your sister Qin Xuemei, and obtained information that after Qin Xuemei entered the Wanhua Holy Pool to lay the foundation, she will follow the order of the master to come to the Wanling Blessed Land to practice her character. ]

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