Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 12 Qin Xuemei's choice [Please vote for recommendation! ]

After reading the updated information, Qin Wang continued to practice Taizu Changquan for half an hour, and suddenly felt that the hot feeling had subsided.

He dried himself with a dry towel and fell asleep.

It is already winter, and if you take a shower after sweating profusely, you will definitely get cold!

The next day.

Five o'clock in the morning.

Qin Wang woke up, washed himself with willow branches and plant ashes, and then closed the door.

Boil the half golden-winged red carp that you didn't finish yesterday and continue eating.

"Fight Taizu Changquan for more than an hour, and after all the energy of Baoyu has been consumed, I will go to Baicao Hall."

Half of the golden-winged red carp was eaten by Qin Wang after a while, and his body became hot again.

Qin Wang opened his stance and started hitting Taizu Changquan.

as time flows.

Qin Wang looked above his head, and heat came out of his body, forming white smoke and drifting into the room.


In Lijiazhuang, upon entering the mourning hall, there was a woman in a yellow dress sitting paralyzed on the ground. She had a withered face, a runny nose, her hair was messy, her tears had dried, and she sat there motionless.

at this time.

Most of the houses in the entire villa were burned into ruins, and the dark beams were reduced to charcoal.

"Er Niang, this is the end of the matter, you have to take care of yourself!"

Several maids were waiting beside Li Chunxia.

"Brother, if you leave, my nephew will go with you. My Li family will be cut off from now on, brother!"

Li Chunxia couldn't help but feel sad when she thought that she would no longer have her mother's family.

"Madam! What happened to Zhuangzi?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a long knife hanging on his waist, wearing green clothes and a strong aura swept in like a gust of wind and helped Li Chunxia up.

"Last night, Tianyi and my sister-in-law stayed at the funeral with three maids and servants. My sister-in-law asked me to go back to the room first. Unexpectedly, the fire started in the mourning hall shortly after I returned to the room. My nephew and sister-in-law went with my brother. My natal family is now There’s no one left.”

When Li Chunxia saw her husband Zheng Kecheng coming back, she was immediately filled with sadness and cried into his arms.


"I went back to the county office yesterday, why did something like this happen!"

"If I were here, I would rescue Tianyi no matter what!"

When Zheng Kecheng heard this, he immediately beat his chest and blamed himself. His eye circles gradually turned red and he kept wiping tears.

"Uncle, Er Niang, I took a closer look and found that there were actually three fire points in the fire last night."

At this moment, steward Chen Pu came forward, clasped his fists at Zheng Kecheng and Li Chunxia, ​​and said respectfully.

"Three points of fire?"

When Zheng Kecheng heard this, a trace of undetectable gloom flashed in his eyes, and he said immediately. "Let me see!"

"Madam, what Butler Chen said is true. The fire was set in three places: the mourning hall, the side room, and the main hall."

Zheng Kecheng walked to the ruins of the mourning hall and inspected it carefully. His face gradually became gloomy and he said. "According to my years of experience, if a candle falls over and catches fire in the middle of the night, there will only be one ignition point! This is obviously someone who killed my brother and his family!"

"What? Someone set fire to kill my brother and his family?"

Li Chunxia stepped forward, checked the three fire points Zheng Kecheng said, and gritted her teeth. "Kecheng, I treated you well when I was alive. You are my dearest person. Now, my family has been murdered. You must find out the murderer and avenge me!"

"Madam, my business is my business!"

Zheng Kecheng smashed a granite roller in front of the mourning hall into pieces with one palm, and said sternly. "I will definitely find out the murderer who set fire to my brother, skin him and cramp him, and cut his body into thousands of pieces to comfort my brother's spirit in heaven!"

Yanyun County.

Chen family.

In a side hall.

Sitting there was a woman who was about sixty years old, with a graceful temperament, wearing a green thumb ring on her right index finger, wearing a brocade fur coat, and exuding an imposing nobility.

Behind her stood two pretty maids aged seventeen or eighteen.

In front of the woman, stood four thinly dressed girls, about fifteen or sixteen years old. These four girls lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the lady in front of them. They were all very reserved.

"Xiao Zi, Xiao Lan, Xiao Qing, Xiao Mei, you all were sold to my Chen family's laundry room because your family had no way to make a living."

"Do you want to make a lot of money to support your family?"

The old woman looked at Qin Xuemei and the other four people in front of her with a warm expression.

Qin Xuemei, Xiao Zi and other four girls raised their heads, twirled their clothes one by one, and nodded.

"I believe you have heard that in half a year's Jiangshen Festival, it will be my Chen family's turn to give birth to a virgin!"

"As long as the virgins are willing to serve as sacrifices, each of them will receive a subsidy of 20 taels of silver for your family!"

"No need to go to the laundry room anymore, you will be satisfied with delicious food and drinks for the past six months!"

The old lady glanced at Qin Xuemei and others and narrowed her eyes slightly.

These four little girls are young and yellow-flowered girls. They are the best candidates to offer sacrifices to Jiang Shen. She is telling them that if they are disobedient and unwilling, the laundry room will take special care of them in the future. It will only take half a month to torture them to death. It's over.

Hearing what the old lady said, the three girls, Xiao Zi, Xiao Lan, and Xiao Qing, all watched in silence. They knew in their hearts that to offer sacrifices to the River God was to be thrown into the river on the day of the sacrifice to the River God and become sacrifices to the River God. Good food, in exchange for good weather and a bumper harvest in the coming year.

To say it nicely is to serve Jiang Shen, but to say it badly is equivalent to death.

"Madam, I...I do."

"Before I offer sacrifices to Jiang, I want to see my family."

Qin Xuemei slowly raised her head and looked at the old lady. She knew in her heart that the old lady was giving you a notice, not a discussion with you. She had no choice!

Once you disobey, the Chen family has plenty of ways to torture you to death.

Anyway, everyone is dead.

It is better to die worthily.

I voluntarily sold myself to the Chen family in exchange for 600 coins, just so that my brother could survive for a while.

If I get another 20 taels of silver, my brother can build a house, at least, he can live without worries.

Who doesn't want to live?

But if the outcome cannot be reversed in the end, it is better to exchange for 20 taels of silver, which is considered to be the last time to help my brother. In the future, he can only rely on himself.

"Very good, what is your name?"

The old lady looked at Qin Xuemei and was very pleased.

Every year, the sacrifice to the river god requires twelve episodes of Yanyun County. The four major families take turns to send boys and girls. Naturally, the members of these big families will not be sacrifices. They are all boys and girls bought with silver to replace the sacrifices. It has become a routine.

This is also the original intention of the Chen family to buy laundry slaves in advance this time.

"Madam, my name is Qin Xuemei."

Qin Xuemei lowered her head and twisted the corner of her clothes.

"Well, very good."

The old lady nodded to Qin Xuemei and looked at the other three people with displeasure. "You don't want to?"

Xiao Zi, Xiao Lan, and Xiao Qing were silent.

No one would think about dying.

"I am informing you. Anyway, you can think about it for three days and then reply to me."

The old lady's face darkened. If she was not worried that the sacrifice would disturb the river god by crying during the sacrifice, she would have directly tied up the laundry slaves. Why would she spend money to talk to them?

They were all sold to the Chen family. Even if the master beat them to death, it would not be a big deal.

Old lady Chen left.

"Sister Xuemei, being a sacrifice means death, are you serious?"

Xiao Zi, Xiao Qing, and Xiao Lan looked at Qin Xuemei.

Although they were sold to the Chen family, their parents said before they left that they would redeem them under certain conditions in the future, so they naturally did not want to die.

"Do you and I have a choice?"

Qin Xuemei lowered her head and looked at her toes, muttering to herself. "If I hadn't come to the Chen family, I would have starved to death. Madam, this is a notice. If you don't agree, you won't live for half a year."

Xiao Zi, Xiao Qing, and Xiao Lan were all silent.

The old lady has already spoken. If you don’t agree, you will be ungrateful. In the future, you will definitely be beaten to death and disappear silently like your other sisters!

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