Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 13 Zheng Kecheng's tyranny!


There are no patients in Baicao Hall, and Doctor Bai is resting in the back hall.

Qin Wang and Bai Fenghuan were collecting medicinal materials in the back hall. He saw a vendor diagonally opposite carrying a straw target with some candied haws on it, and immediately went out to buy two bunches of candied haws.

"Have you heard? Li Laocai originally said he would be buried today, but there was a fire last night and something happened to his wife and son, so they will be buried together tomorrow. Mr. Zheng announced that anyone who is in the market can go to the banquet. Just put some incense on it.”

"You can go as long as you're on the market?"

"Yes, Mr. Li's brother-in-law has spoken."

"Then I have to go there tomorrow! Who wouldn't go if I have something to eat?"

Qin Wang walked towards the hawker, and suddenly heard a conversation between the hawker and several vendors next to him, and his heart suddenly moved. "Have a meal?"

Qin Wang felt that this was a good place to eat.

You can step on the 850 taels of silver, and another one. There are more people eating at the table, which can trigger more useful intelligence. Also, if you kill Li Laocai, you can still eat his table, why not?

"Li Laocai, you didn't expect it, did you? I killed you, but I can still eat at your table!"

Qin Wang looked in the direction of Lijiazhuang and felt very satisfied.

Qin Wang took out a few coins, bought two bunches of candied haws, brought them back, and stuffed them into Bai Fenghuan's hand.

"Wow, big brother, sugar-coated haws of sugar haws? For me?"

Seeing the candied haws, Bai Fenghuan's beautiful eyes showed surprise and she jumped for joy.

"Well, today's candied haws of sugar is very good, so I'll buy one for you."

Qin Wang nodded.

Recently, Bai Fenghuan saw that he was too thin, so he cooked an extra dish every day to let him eat more. It was appropriate to give him a candied haws in return.

"Thank you brother!"

"One for each!"

Bai Fenghuan's beautiful eyes flashed, and she handed one bunch to Qin Wang, and then tasted it in small sips.

"I was ordered by Mr. Zheng to take away the suspect of the arson case in Lijiazhuang. Is Qin Wang here?"

At this moment, a man's cold and stern voice sounded in the Baicaotang medicine hall.

"Brother, is the county government arresting officer looking for you?"

Bai Fenghuan looked at Qin Wang with a confused expression. She also heard that the man's tone was not very good.

"Go and have a look."

Various thoughts flashed through Qin Wang's mind. Early morning intelligence showed that Zheng Kecheng would thoroughly investigate the arsonist, and he would become one of his suspected targets. It seemed that Zheng Kecheng had already begun the investigation.

Qin Wang knew in his heart that these days, there is no need to blame anyone!

Too much surrender.

It’s impossible not to go.

You still have to deal with it carefully!

"Sir, I am Qin Wang, what do you do with me?"

When Qin Wang came to the front hall, he saw a middle-aged man in soap clothes with a medium build, a strong aura, and a long knife hanging on his waist. He stood in the middle of the medicine hall with his feet in an uneven position, and his eyes were scanning like electricity.

"Are you Qin Wang?"

The middle-aged head catcher looked at Qin Wang and said calmly. "I am Lin Bao, the county police chief. According to the investigation, there is evidence that you are related to the arson incident in Lijiazhuang last night. Come with me!"

"Sir, I am Qin Wang, but I didn't go anywhere yesterday! This"

Qin Wang frowned deeply.

"Master, what evidence do you have? Are you sure that my brother is related to the Lijiazhuang arson case?"

Behind Qin Wang, Bai Fenghuan held the candied haws and asked.

"There were three fires in Lijiazhuang last night, indicating that it was arson. Mr. Zheng issued an order to take away all those who had disputes with Mr. Li for investigation! Your three tile-roofed houses and three acres of land were once destroyed by Mr. Li. There is a strong suspicion of arson for taking away the debt, so you should follow me to Lijiazhuang for investigation! "

"Save me any physical pain!"

The head catcher Lin Bao held his hand on the handle of the knife, his tone unquestionable, as if he was following orders.

“Just because my farmland and tile-roofed house have been foreclosed on, do you suspect me of arson?”

Qin Wang suddenly laughed angrily, Zheng Kecheng, this bitch, is really not a son of a man!

Too domineering!

"Mr. Lin, let's do this. I'm still a bit thin-faced. Let's make a guarantee together. I guarantee that Xiao Qin will not do such a thing!"

At this moment, an old voice came from behind Qin Wang.

Qin Wang turned around and looked.

But they found Doctor Bai wearing a cotton-padded jacket standing at the door of the back hall.

"Grandpa Bai!"

Qin Wang looked at Bai Mingliang. He didn't expect that Bai Mingliang would actually stand up for him.

"I'll go to Lijiazhuang with you. It'll be fine."

Bai Mingliang waved his hand and said.


In a lobby, Zheng Kecheng looked gloomy. He was sitting in the hall wearing a golden sword, and there were five detectives in soap clothes standing beside him.

In the hall, there were still more than ten well-dressed men standing in patched clothes.

"The chief arrester, bring the suspect Qin Wang!"

At this moment, Lin Bao, the head catcher with a knife and soap clothes, walked in and cupped his fists at Zheng Kecheng.

"Bring it in!"

Zheng Kecheng looked gloomy and spoke in a deep voice.

"Qin Wang, come in!"

Lin Bao shouted outside.

Not long after, a thin young man wearing Tsing Yi walked in, and behind him, there was an old man with gray hair.

"Huh? Doctor Bai? Why are you here?"

Zheng Kecheng was stunned when he saw Qin Wang and Doctor Bai following behind him. He remembered that when his uncle was critically ill, he went to Baicaotang to ask Doctor Bai to come, and the young man followed behind and carried the medicine box.

Is the young man carrying the medicine box Qin Wang one of the suspects?

"Mr. Zheng arrested the boss. Xiao Qin is a disciple of the old man. His family's fields and tile-roofed houses were indeed given to Mr. Li to pay off the debt, but it is natural to pay back the debt. This is nothing. On the night of the fire in Lijiazhuang, Xiao Qin gave him to Mr. Li in Baicaotang. The old man cleaned up the medicinal materials and slept in Baicaotang at night. It is impossible for him to go to Lijiazhuang to set fire. "

"This old man can be your guarantee."

Bai Mingliang cupped his fists at Zheng Kecheng and said.

"Doctor Bai is highly respected, and with you as your guarantee, there will be no problem!"

After hearing what Doctor Bai said, Zheng Kecheng thought for a while and said to Bai Mingliang. "Someone set fire to the villa last night. My brother's family has been wiped out. I am anxious to catch the murderer. I ask for your understanding, Doctor Bai, for causing any uproar!"

"It's okay, this old man can understand!"

Bai Mingliang nodded and cupped his fists again.

"Lin Bao, send Doctor Bai off for me!"

Zheng Kecheng said to Lin Bao beside him.

"Yes, the chief catcher!"

Lin Bao made a "please" gesture to Bai Mingliang and Qin Wang. Bai Mingliang gave Zheng Kecheng a fist and asked Qin Wang to come out of Zhuangzi.

"Grandpa Bai, thank you!"

Qin Wang followed Bai Mingliang out of inner gratitude.

He didn't sleep in Baicaotang last night. Unexpectedly, Doctor Bai actually helped him cover up. He was indeed a good person.

"You're welcome, you're a good boy."

"Since you are from my medicine hall, even if I show my face, I can't let you be wronged!"

Bai Mingliang glanced at Qin Wang with a look of approval.

"You still have to improve your strength!"

"Without strength, you will always be at the bottom of the pile being bullied by others!"

Qin Wang said nothing more, but secretly vowed in his heart that he must work hard to practice and become strong, so strong that others would not dare to provoke him!

If only he had strong strength.

How dare Zheng Kecheng be so domineering?

How dare he arrest someone based on just a suspicion?

"Zheng Kecheng, when I am strong enough, I will definitely kill you!"

The fists in Qin Wang's sleeves gradually tightened.

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