Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 14: Intelligence refreshed! Li Laocai cannot enter reincarnation!


Front lobby.

Zheng Kecheng sat at the table in the hall with his majesty and looked at the case file in his hand.

"Chief Inspector, there are currently 14 suspects in the arson case. Except for Qin Wang, who is guaranteed by Doctor Bai, the others are farmers with interests involved in Mr. Li. How do you think they should be dealt with?"

At this time, Lin Bao, the head catcher with a long knife on his waist, walked in, clasped his fists respectfully at Zheng Kecheng, and said.

"Are there any other clues?"

Zheng Kecheng was silent for a while and then asked.

"There is no general arrester at the moment."

Lin Bao said in a deep voice.

"Bring all 13 suspects to the county seat for interrogation and continue the thorough investigation!"

"I won't stop until the arsonist is caught!"

Zheng Kecheng said with a gloomy expression.

As for Qin Wang, just give Bai Mingliang some face.

"Yes, the chief catcher!"

Lin Bao handed over his hands and turned to leave.

Zheng Kecheng looked at Lin Bao's back with twinkling eyes.


Qin Wang continued to fight Taizu Changquan until early morning.

After activating the intelligence panel, he became accustomed to waiting for the intelligence to be refreshed in the early morning before going to bed.


【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information】

[1: You met Zheng Kecheng yesterday and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng successfully inherited Li Laocai’s land and pavement property. He killed Li Tianyi and the eldest lady late at night and set fire to their corpses. Today, 13 people besides you will be killed. The arson suspect was taken to the county seat for interrogation, and three of the farmers became scapegoats for the arson case! 】

[2: You felt resentful towards Zheng Kecheng for arresting you, and made a murderous plan. After obtaining relevant information, Zheng Kecheng kept a secret book of internal strength in the closet of a courtyard where Zangjiao lived in a golden house in the north of Yanyun County. 】

[3: You were going to eat at Li Laocai’s table yesterday and got relevant information. Li Laocai’s sister Li Chunxia is suffering from chronic poison and will die in 566 days. 】

[4: You met the county government arrest chief Lin Bao yesterday and obtained relevant information. Lin Bao knew that his wife was having an affair with the chief arrester Zheng Kecheng. He pretended not to know and waited for an opportunity to kill Zheng Kecheng. However, he knew that he was not Zheng Kecheng's opponent, and Didn't find a good opportunity. 】

[5: You met the county government’s arrest leader Wang Jiang yesterday and obtained relevant information. Wang Jiang is actually the killer No. 99 of the Blood Killing Hall of Da Cang’s third killer organization. His purpose is to find Da Cang who lived in exile thirteen years ago. The daughter of the country's Saint Feng Yao. 】

[6: You got Doctor Bai as your guarantee yesterday. You are very grateful to Doctor Bai for getting the relevant information. Doctor Bai misses his son very much and hopes to see his son in his lifetime. He knows that this may be a luxury wish. 】

[7: You met Yu Yunchang, a candied haws hawker, yesterday and obtained relevant information. When Yu Yunchang was collecting hawthorns in Qingniu Mountain half a month ago, he picked up a copper bowl full of patina in the ravine. He thought he could sell it. In exchange for some money, he did not expect that his family suffered a lot of bad luck and suffered heavy losses. Yu Yunchang thought it was an ominous thing and sent it to the Qingniu Mountain Valley to throw it away again. 】

[8: You went to Lijiazhuang yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai has 500 taels of silver ingots hidden underground about a foot away from the east side of the toilet. 】

[9: You met Zheng Kecheng yesterday and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng is not willing to be the chief arrester of a county. He wants to go one step further. After preparing to take over the property of Lijiazhuang, he will go to Youzhou County to make contacts. 】

[10: You went to Lijiazhuang yesterday and obtained relevant information. After the death of Li Laocai’s family, their souls were trapped in a soul-gathering bowl under the villa and could not enter reincarnation. 】

"Finally refreshed!"

Qin Wang looked at the intelligence panel with anticipation in his eyes.


"The murderer of the arson case is indeed Zheng Kecheng!"

"It's really a beast with a human face!"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information with shock in his eyes.

Previous intelligence showed that Zheng Kecheng was a little interested in Li Laocai's family property. Unexpectedly, he was the one who actually burned Li Laocai's son and eldest wife to death!

The only thing Qin Wang sighed was that among the 13 farmers who had interests involved with Li Laocai, three of them were beaten into scapegoats.

He is currently not Zheng Kecheng's opponent.

There is nothing I can do to help.

"Zheng Kecheng also hides his beauty in the golden house?"

"There is a secret book of internal strength in that other courtyard?"

"It seems like I need to take some time to go to the county seat!"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up when he looked at the second piece of information.

This is really good news.

Currently, I only have the Taizu Changquan. It would be great if I could have the secret book of internal strength.

Qin Wang has always yearned for internal strength.

He also wants to have unparalleled light skills, fly over eaves and walk over walls, split boulders with one palm, have unparalleled cultivation, and scold Fang Zun!

"Li Laocai's sister Li Chunxia was infected with chronic poison? Died in 566 days?"

"Is this not caused by Zheng Kecheng?"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information and thought to himself.

To know.

The intelligence showed that Zheng Kecheng was being hidden by a golden house in the city, so it was very possible to get rid of his first wife.

"The head catcher Lin Bao who came to arrest me yesterday actually wore a hat? How miserable!"

Qin Wang skipped the fourth piece of information and looked at the fifth piece. He couldn't help but look thoughtful and murmured. "The daughter of Saint Fengyao?"

This is the second time he has obtained information about Saint Feng Yao.

"Doctor Bai misses his son? Or is it still a luxury to see him?"

Qin Wang looked at the sixth piece of information with a thoughtful look on his face.

In his memory, Doctor Bai has been staying with his granddaughter at Baicaotang, and his son seems to have been away for more than ten years.


"Yu Yunchang, the candied haws vendor, picked up a copper bowl covered with rust in the ravine of Qingniu Mountain? It brought bad luck to his family? What kind of bowl is this?"

Qin Wang looked at the 7th piece of information and his heart moved.

The bowl that brought bad luck to people, perhaps, could be brought and buried in Zheng Kecheng's house to make him unlucky!

"Did Li Laocai hide silver?"

"Underground one zhang away from the east side of the toilet?"

"That adds up to 1,350 taels of silver!"

"We must find a chance to get it!"

Qin Wang looked at the 8th piece of information and his eyes lit up.

"Damn it, Zheng Kecheng still wants to make progress? This bastard. He has been a disaster for thousands of years!"

"After he inherits the property of Lijiazhuang, he will go to Youzhou County? When he leaves, I can go to his house to get the internal skills secret book!"

Qin Wang's eyes flickered, and he planned secretly.

"Li Laocai's family died, and their souls were trapped in a soul-gathering bowl under the villa? Unable to enter reincarnation?"

"Is there such a ghost thing under the ground of Lijiazhuang?"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information, and his eyes were deeply shocked.

No wonder, the previous intelligence showed that Lijiazhuang became a haunted place after six people died. It turned out that there was a soul-gathering bowl in the villa!

"Li Laocai deserves it!"

"You have done so many bad things that you can't even be reincarnated!"

Qin Wang's eyes showed satisfaction. It was a great pleasure in life to see the enemy die miserably and to be able to eat his feast today!

After reading the information, Qin Wang fell asleep.

The next day.


When Qin Wang arrived, he saw that the door was not open, so he went through the back door immediately.

"Big brother, grandpa said that today is the day that Li Laocai and his family are buried. Many people from the entire Qingniuji will go to the feast. So, Baicaotang is closed today. Grandpa asked us to go to the feast. Will you go?"

"Yes, there is delicious food, why not go?"

Qin Wang nodded. It would be a great sense of accomplishment to kill Li Laocai and then go to his feast. By the way, check out the place.

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