Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 126: Unexpected! Great harvest! Another Qingyou small sword! [Please subscribe! ]

"Daoyou Mei! I'm being kind to you!"

Ye Qian's eyes widened, looking at Qin Wang holding a broken sword in the distance in disbelief, and then she slowly lowered her head, only to see a bloody hole in her chest, bleeding

Ye Qian felt her strength slipping away, and fell down with a bang.

A faint shadow flew out from her body, and was taken in by the soul-gathering bowl in Qin Wang's hand.


"I'm going to kill you!"

Lin Shengbing, who was walking in the front, turned around when he heard the noise, and his eyes were bloodshot. He waved his hand and three talismans flew out, turning into three sharp wind blades that cut into Qin Wang's chest!

Just as Lin Shengbing attacked Qin Wang.

A black shadow flashed out from behind a big tree nearby and hit Lin Shengbing!


With a loud bang, Lin Shengbing felt as if his body was hit by a rock. He flew out in a daze and landed heavily on the ground, creating a big pit. He rolled over and broke several trees!


"Foundation Building. True Man"

Lin Shengbing looked at Mu Hun Er, who was calm beside Qin Wang, and widened his eyes, spitting out a mouthful of blood!

He didn't expect it.

He thought he was a fat sheep.

There was actually a Foundation Building True Man protecting him behind him!

This hit the wall!

"Mu Hun Er, kill him and leave his body intact. I want to refine a puppet!"

Qin Wang ordered Mu Hun Er beside him.

Mu Hun Er flashed and rushed towards Lin Shengbing in an instant. He stabbed with a sword, and the sword energy burst out, instantly piercing Lin Shengbing's chest!


Although Lin Shengbing was at the tenth level of Qi Refining, he could not dodge Mu Hun Er who was at the foundation building stage. He screamed and his eyes gradually dimmed. Finally, a faint soul shadow floated on his body and flew towards the soul gathering bowl in Qin Wang's hand.


Qin Wang's figure flashed, and he stepped forward in an instant, took off the storage bag in Lin Shengbing's hand, weighed it in his hand, and looked forward to it.

Killing these two people, he got 2 storage bags, two souls, and two puppet bodies in the late stage of Qi Refining!

Qin Wang waved his hand again.

He collected the bodies of Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing, cleaned up the traces nearby, and then spread his body and rushed to a mountain in the west, followed by Mu Hun Er and Shi Hun San.

These two bodies need to be refined, and then get two soul seeds and control them. At that time, maybe they can kill several of their accomplices.

Intelligence shows.

Lin Shengbing went to discuss the details of his assassination with a fellow robber named Li Shentong.

For those who want to assassinate him, he must not let them go!


He is currently short of spiritual stones, and he can make a lot of money by assassinating them!

Thirty miles away.

On a mountain peak a hundred feet high, on the edge of a mountain wall, Qin Wang controlled Mu Hun Er and Shi Hun San to dig a hole. After a while, they dug out a large hole with a radius of two feet, which became a cave.

The stones dug out were all put into the storage bag, covered with vines outside, and no traces could be seen at all.

After arranging everything.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the stone cave and took out Ye Qian's storage bag first.

"My God!"

"You are worthy of being a robber!"

Ye Qian was dead, and Qin Wang's consciousness opened the storage bag in a short while. Seeing the things inside, he couldn't help but secretly smack his lips!

His storage bag was ten feet square.

There were a lot of spiritual stones in it alone, probably no less than two thousand!

Monster materials, spiritual herbs, pills, medium-grade and high-grade magic tools are in a pile!

There is also a bookshelf, which is full of classics, talismans, and techniques.

Qin Wang took out Lin Shengbing's storage bag again, and took a deep breath when he saw the things inside, muttering. "This time, I'm really rich!"

Lin Shengbing's storage bag is the same size as Ye Qian's.

There are more spiritual stones in it than Ye Qian's!

There are also many monster materials, pills, spiritual herbs, etc., and the most are talismans, as well as talisman classics.

An hour later.

Qin Wang counted the storage bags of the two.

There are 5230 spiritual stones in total, 36 bottles of Guyuan Dan, 33 bottles of Jufa Dan, and 25 bottles of Zhumai Dan.

33 fireball talismans, 24 wind blade talismans, 18 explosive flame talismans, some five elements Juyuan Gong, Lingyu Shu, Rocket Shu, Fire Knife Shu, more than ten books of the Qi Refining Period, and a map of the power of the Southern Region Sect.

6 high-grade magic tools, 17 medium-grade magic tools, and 15 low-grade magic tools.

In Lin Shengbing's storage bag, Qin Wang also found a Qingyou small sword!

"It's exactly the same as the Qingyou small sword I got from Old Lady Chen's box!"

Qin Wang took out the Qingyou small sword from Old Lady Chen from his storage bag, and compared the two swords. According to the intelligence, this Qingyou small sword is one of a set of mysterious sword formations. So, he got two of the mysterious sword formations!

Qin Wang probed his consciousness into the two small swords, but there was no movement!

"It seems that my consciousness is not strong enough."

Qin Wang put the two small swords into the storage bag.

With his current consciousness, he still can't use this small sword, so he can only wait until he builds his foundation in the future.

"First, train the souls of these two people into soul seeds!"

After Qin Wang dealt with the storage bag, he immediately took out the soul gathering bowl.

Just as Qin Wang was cleaning up Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing's storage bags, three cultivators of the tenth level of Qi Refining appeared in the woods where he killed Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian.

Three of them, one in gray and two in green, all middle-aged men with sharp eyes, who were ruthless characters with blood on their hands!

"After a short battle here, Fellow Daoist Ye and Fellow Daoist Lin and their couple should have been exposed."

"I wonder how it will end?"

A thin, thick-jointed middle-aged monk in gray narrowed his eyes and guessed. "It seems that Mei Changxin, who is at the tenth level of Qi Refining, is not a simple character! If we can kill Mei Changxin, our gains will definitely not be small!"

Zhang Fujiang secretly looked forward to it.

According to their experience as robbery cultivators, the more powerful the character, the richer the wealth!

"At present, Fellow Daoist Ye, Fellow Daoist Lin and Mei Changxin are missing."

"We will know if we go to the shed."

A middle-aged monk in green echoed.

"Well, let's go back!"

Zhang Fujiang nodded, and immediately, several people rushed to the Wanling Market.

Qin Wang sat upright in the cave.

Took out the Soul Gathering Bowl, and his consciousness entered it.

"Qin, I was giving you the broth, but you attacked me halfway. You must die! Ahhhh!"

As soon as Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness 'figure' appeared in the soul-gathering bowl, Ye Qian's soul rushed up, looking at Qin Wang, gritting her teeth, wishing she could bite Qin Wang.

"Qin! My husband and I treated you well, but you suddenly murdered me!"

"Are you still a human being?"

Lin Shengbing's soul also rushed up, his eyes full of resentment. He had learned from other souls in the soul-gathering bowl that the cultivator he wanted to kill was not called 'Mei Changxin', but Qin Wang!


Qin Wang glanced at Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing indifferently and sneered. "You and Li Shentong discussed to lure me to Tianhu Mountain to kill me. Don't think I don't know! I just used your trick to kill you!"

"As a robbery cultivator, you must always be prepared to be robbed!"


Hearing Qin Wang's words, Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing's souls were stunned and speechless.

They really planned to kill Qin Wang.

As robbery cultivators, they have always been cautious and have never failed to attack with multiple people. However, they didn't expect that this time they met Qin Wang and kicked on the iron plate!

This Qin Wang actually has a foundation-building real person protecting him!

If he had known this earlier, he would not dare to touch Qin Wang even if he was beaten to death!

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