Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 127 Qingyou Sword Formation! Information updated! News about Situ Yunfei [Please subscribe]

"Next, I will refine you into soul seeds, and then control your bodies to kill Li Shentong and other calamity cultivators!"

Qin Wang looked at the souls of Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing, and with a thought, bursts of ghostly fire swirled from the souls of Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing!



Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing let out shrill screams. They looked at Qin Wang with extremely hateful eyes, and their souls were distorted by the burning.

The souls of Li Laocai, Zheng Kecheng, Chen Kun and others all retreated in shock, with frightened faces and bodies like chaff.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: You intercepted and killed Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing of Jiexiu yesterday and obtained information. Ye Qian is an abandoned wife of the Chen family of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty who was divorced due to Hongxing's affair. Lin Shengbing was once a slave, and she accidentally gained immortality after biting her master. Embark on the path of immortality. 】

[2: You intercepted Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing yesterday and obtained information that the couple also had eight accomplices in robbery. The leader of the accomplices, Li Shentong, has learned that Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian failed in their mission, and is preparing to send people to you and Lin Shengbing. shack view. 】

[3: You killed the robbery cultivator Ye Qian yesterday and obtained information. The robbery cultivator team that Ye Qian belongs to secretly affiliated with Tianyao Chamber of Commerce in Wanlingfang City. Its leader Li Shentong is at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage and aims to build the strongest foundation. His team will pay tribute to Tianyao Chamber of Commerce every year. 】

[4: You lived in Wanlingfang City yesterday and got information. There are four major chambers of commerce in Wanlingfang City: Tianyao, Chilong, King Kong, and Longjing. Three of the major chambers of commerce have Jindan in charge, and Longjing Chamber of Commerce is the weakest. , the leader of the meeting, Chen Longjing, is in the false alchemy realm. 】

[5: You got a small Qingyou sword yesterday and got information. This small Qingyou sword is one of the Qingyou sword array. There are thirty-six Qingyou swords in the Qingyou sword array. Because the original owner died. , scattered across the nine realms! The Qingyou Sword Formation is sharp and powerful. When nine swords are gathered into the formation, they can be used horizontally and vertically at the same level, but it requires extremely high spiritual consciousness. 】

[6: You used the Tiangang Sword yesterday and obtained information. The tip of the black broken sword Tiangang Sword is currently in the hands of Chen Hao, the son of Chen Longjing of the Longjing Chamber of Commerce in Wanlingfang City. Chen Hao is currently at the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage and is preparing to enter Experience in the Blessed Land of All Souls. 】

[7: You passed by a Qi Refining Stage disciple of Taiyi Sword Sect in Wanlingfang City yesterday and received information that a Nascent Soul elder of Taiyi Sword Sect was in an ancient forbidden land and was swallowed by the existence in the forbidden land. Seize the house. 】

[8: You checked the stone table that Situ Yunfei came into contact with yesterday and obtained information that Situ Yunfei killed Sun Jieyun, the grandson of the leader of the Chilong Chamber of Commerce. 】

[9: You checked Situ Yunfei’s stone table yesterday and obtained information. Situ Yunfei seized Sun Jieyun’s body and successfully advanced to the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage with the accumulation of a large amount of resources. 】

[10: You teased the invisible soul-seeking mouse ‘Xiaobai’ yesterday and obtained information that in Wanlingfang City, there are five golden spirit fruits in the elixir shop. If Xiaobai eats it, it can increase its strength. 】

"The robbery repair team that Ye Qian belongs to secretly relies on the Tianyao Chamber of Commerce for protection?"

"Tianyao Chamber of Commerce has Jindan in charge?"

Qin Wang looked at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pieces of information, frowned slightly, and then thought secretly.

Even if Tianyao Chamber of Commerce has Jin Danqi in charge, so what?

Isn’t Situ Yunfei of the Situ family the golden elixir?

In the end, wasn't he tricked into losing his soul?

"There are 36 Qingyou Sword Formations, scattered across the nine regions?"

"If you gather nine of them, you can form a formation? Can you move at the same level?"

Looking at the fifth piece of information, Qin Wang felt a little hopeful.

If you have time, you should take out this little Qingyou sword and touch it more, trying to get information about other little swords.

"The tip of the black broken sword is in the hands of Chen Hao, the son of Chen Longjing of the Longjing Chamber of Commerce?"

"If you have a chance, you can get it!"

Qin Wang looked at the sixth piece of information and made secret calculations in his heart.

Chen Hao is going to the Blessed Land of All Souls, so he might be able to meet him then.

"Finally got news about Situ Yunfei!"

"Sun Jieyun, the grandson of the leader of the Chilong Chamber of Commerce!"

"There is hope for the mysterious fragment!"

Qin Wang looked at the 8th and 9th pieces of information and was even more looking forward to the opening of the Blessed Land of All Souls.

"Today during the day, go and buy the five golden spiritual fruits from the spiritual medicine shop!"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information on the panel, looking forward to it.

We are about to enter the Blessed Land of All Souls.

If Xiaobai's strength can be improved, with his ability to search for spirits, he will definitely be a big help in the Blessed Land of All Souls!

Morning, nine o'clock.

"The people watching are from Lin Shengbing's Jie Xiu Team!"

Qin Wang practiced in the cave until dawn and returned to the shanty first, only to find that someone was watching him far away from his shanty, and a murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

In order to avoid suspicion, half an hour after he came back, he controlled 'Ye Qian' and 'Lin Shengbing' who were hiding in the distance and returned.

Then he released 'Xiao Bai' to monitor at the crack of the door.

Qin Wang saw through the mouse that a hundred feet away from the shack of him and Ye Qian, a middle-aged monk in green was silently observing the place. After observing for a while, he pretended to pass by Lin Shengbing's shack and coughed, then It's a quick departure.


"Is Fellow Daoist Lin here?"


Qin Wang heard someone knocking on the door at Lin Shengbing's shack next door.

He immediately controlled Lin Shengbing next door with his consciousness, pretending that he had not heard anything and not opening the door.

The knock on the door rang for a long time before the monk at the door left angrily.

"The people from the Jie Xiu Team must want to find out what's going on when they see 'Lin Shengbing' ignoring him!"

"Then there will be a chance!"

Qin Wang watched the surveillance person leave from the window, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The Jie Xiu Team plotted against him, and he would not let it go!

He planned to take a day off to make preparations, and then let Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian leave Wanlingfang City. The people from the robbery team would definitely have to send someone to follow them, and then they could kill the people who followed them!

Luring a few out to kill them every day!

Until the Jie Xiu team is destroyed!


There are still eight people in the Jie Xiu team, and their cultivation levels are not low. If they want to kill them all, the disabled Mu Hun Er alone is not safe. Qin Wang plans to go to Wanbao Tower to buy some formation flags, Tianleizi and so on.

Arrange a few more, if you don’t believe they won’t die!

A quarter of an hour later.

Five miles away from Qin Wang's shack, in a shack with a radius of five feet, eight monks with powerful auras were sitting.

"You knocked on the door, but Mr. and Mrs. Lin Daoyou didn't open the door?"

"What about Mei Changxin?"

The leader, a young man about twenty-seven or seventy-eight years old, sat on a big tiger-skin chair, looked at the middle-aged monk in green clothes who came in, and asked.

This person's cultivation level is impressively at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage!

"Well, there was a sound in Lin Daoyou's room, but the door was not opened."

"Then Mei Changxin practices behind closed doors!"

The middle-aged monk in green clothes couldn't figure it out.

"Continue to monitor Mei Changxin!"

Li Shentong narrowed his eyes and said with a very dissatisfied look. "Daoyou Lin and his wife didn't get anything done, and they are still in a romantic mood! Call them later!"


Li Shentong was very dissatisfied with Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian. They did not do things well and caused the team's trip to be in vain. He had to find them to find out.


The middle-aged monk in green clothes nodded.

I went for a gastroscopy this morning. Oh my god, it was so uncomfortable. Fortunately, there was no major problem. I had chronic non-atrophic gastritis and stomach discomfort.

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