Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 128: Introduction to formation, counter-attack, golden spirit fruit [Please subscribe! ]


Three o'clock.

Wanlingfang City.

Wanbao Tower.

The three-story Wanbao Building is luxurious and majestic. It is located next to the auction house, and there is an endless stream of monks coming in and out.

Qin Wang had already learned that Wanbao Tower had a variety of magical weapons, elixirs, materials, monster inner elixirs, array disks, talismans, etc. for sale.

The first level is the Qi Refining Period treasure, which can be entered during the Qi Refining Period.

The second level is the foundation-building period treasures, which can be entered during the foundation-building period.

The third level can only be entered at the Golden Core stage.

"These formations and disks are indeed very convenient, but they only cost thousands of spirit stones. I'd better go back to the liver formation book and refine it myself in the future."

Qin Wang followed the monks who entered Wanbao Tower and wandered around on the first floor. He looked at the price tags of these array plates and secretly sighed in his heart.

The formation plate of this formation requires at least a few thousand spiritual stones. Although I got more than 5,000 spiritual stones from Lin Shengbing, I still have to save.

He remembers.

In the storage bag of Lin Shengbing and his wife, there are two first-level formation books. Although they are a little low, they can still be used to lay the foundation.

As for the second level.

Qin Wang currently has no spiritual stones and cannot buy them.

The second-level ones are generally inheritance of formations and will not be sold easily. There may be some on the second floor, but if you don't have the strength of the foundation building stage, you won't be allowed to go up.

Qin Wang watched for a while, then left the Wanbao Tower and went straight to the Spiritual Medicine Shop. He spent 1,000 spirit stones and bought five golden spirit fruits.

Although a bit expensive.

However, intelligence shows that the Golden Spirit Fruit can improve Xiaobai's strength, which is related to the harvest of entering the Blessed Land of All Spirits. This spirit stone must be spent.


Qin Wang returned to the shack.

Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing were still meditating in the room. He learned through the soul seed memory that the robbery team sent people to knock on the door for a long time. Through the window, he saw Lin Shengbing and his wife meditating but did not respond. Finally, he had to leave in confusion. .


"These bitches are really looking for death!"

Qin Wang's spiritual sense checked Ye Qian and his wife next door, and when he learned that Jie Xiu had looked through his window several times, his eyes suddenly became more murderous.

"Tomorrow we will lead them to several cities and destroy them! First, I will clean up my current effective methods."

Qin Wang ignored it, locked the door, and opened the storage bag. In Wanlingfang City, there were patrols led by the foundation-building monks of Fang City. If Li Shentong and other robbery cultivators took action in Fang City, the patrols would not Leave it alone.

Foundation-building puppet Mu Hun 2.

At the ninth level of Qi refining stage there are Shi Hun San and Ye Qian, and at the tenth level there is Lin Shengbing.

The Sword Technique of the Eternal World, the Broken Sword Tiangang strike, the Soul Gathering Bowl and the Soul Gathering Illusion.

The protection consists of four fragments of the Savage Shield.

We have prepared 100 copies of the demon-baiting psychedelic incense.

After cleaning up his methods, Qin Wang began to recharge his batteries and prepare to solve part of the robbery tomorrow.

"While cultivating the liver to gain proficiency, you must also familiarize yourself with the first-order formation books obtained from Lin Shengbing to see if you can get started!"

Qin Wang knew clearly.

This formation is easy to learn but difficult to master for others.


For me, as long as I absorb the spiritual stones and tinker with formations, I should be able to improve my proficiency much faster than other monks.

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang took out a golden spirit fruit and threw it to Xiao Bai. He also took out a treasure bowl of purified elixir, threw it into his mouth, and started refining it. At the same time, he placed a book of the first explanation of the formation in front of him.

Five miles away from Qin Wang's shack, there were four monks sitting in a shack with a radius of five feet.

Zhang Fujiang, who was thin with thick bones and dressed in gray, narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice. "What's going on with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Dao? Things haven't been done yet, and they haven't said a word. Railway friend knocked on the door several times but didn't answer. He didn't respond when people saw him in the house and called him. It's so outrageous!"

"I think maybe there's something else hidden!"

Li Shentong frowned deeply and said. "They didn't deceive Mei Changxin out. We will find another way and at the same time continue to look for more targets to defraud Fangshi. We need to cast a wide net to gain more!"

"As for Mei Changxin, keep an eye on him first and wait for him to leave the market!"

Li Shentong had always asked Lin Shengbing and his wife to act as a guide, leading the monks out and then intercepting and killing them.

The reason for doing this.

One is that the market has rules that prohibit fighting within the market.

The second one is to lure them out and swarm them to kill them. They can seize the storage bag quickly and steadily.

The next day.


[First level formation path: (Introductory) (1/1000) Proficient in Qimen Dunjia, Four Symbols, Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, diligence can make up for weakness! 】

"Finally getting started."

Qin Wang looked at the entrance to the array displayed on the panel and felt very satisfied. Suddenly, he looked at Xiao Bai beside him and let out a startled sound.

At this time, Xiaobai seemed to be more energetic. He stretched out his two cute front paws and waved at Qin Wang, meaning "Is there more?"

"you still want?"

Qin Wang picked up Xiaobai, looked at the cute look, and said. "It seems that you have a big appetite. I'll give you another one. This is 200 spiritual stones. You will have to help me earn it back in the Blessed Land of All Souls!"

After saying that, he touched the storage bag and took out another one.


Qin Wang only took out one golden spirit fruit, because he was worried that Xiaobai would eat it and his small body would not be able to hold it, but he did not expect that it could eat it so well.



Unexpectedly, Xiaobai waved his claws again, meaning he wanted more.

"There are only three left."

Qin Wang remembered the intelligence display and immediately took out the remaining three golden spirit fruits and placed them in front of Xiaobai.


Seeing this, Xiaobai happily moved a few fruits together and started to eat them.

Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness communicated with Xiaobai. From the picture sent back by Xiaobai, the robbery team came again in the morning. Suddenly, a murderous intent appeared in his eyes and he murmured. "It's time to lure these robbery cultivators out and kill a few first."

Qin Wang waved his hand to put Xiaobai into the spirit beast bag. With a thought, he immediately controlled Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian and went out to the market.

Qin Wang hung far behind Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing, and at the same time, he mobilized Mu Hun Er and Shi Hun San to wait in front.

He knew.

Li Shentong and other robbery cultivators will definitely chase after them.

If there are not many people chasing after them, then find an opportunity to kill the robbery cultivators. If there are more than 4 robbery cultivators chasing after them, then control Lin Shengbing to return to the market.

Wanling Market.

Five miles away from Qin Wang's shed.

In a ten-foot-sized shed, three monks were sitting cross-legged and practicing. At this time, a middle-aged monk in green came quickly and said anxiously. "Fellow Daoist Zhang, Fellow Daoist Lin and his wife went outside the Wanling Market."

"Come on, let's go with me to see what's going on with them!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fujiang immediately stopped practicing and stood up, waving to the people around him. Fellow Daoist Lin and Fellow Daoist Ye were completely different from before. He was very curious about what happened to Lin Shengbing and his wife.

He also guessed whether Lin Shengbing was possessed by someone.

However, generally, possession only selects young people with good qualifications, and Lin Shengbing and his wife don't have much potential in this way.

Because they delayed things, resulting in losses in the team.

The follow-up must be divided into less spiritual stones!

"Aren't you waiting for Fellow Daoist Li and his wife?"

The monk in green asked.

"Don't bother Brother Li with this little thing. They went to Tianyao Chamber of Commerce and can't come back for a while."

Zhang Fujiang spoke in a deep voice.

Every year, this time is the time to pay tribute to the Chamber of Commerce.

Not long after.

Qin Wang controlled Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian to leave the Wanling Market and came to a dense forest with towering ancient trees.

Qin Wang saw from a distance that four cultivators chased Lin Shengbing and his wife.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, Fellow Daoist Ye, wait a minute."

One of the blue-clothed cultivators shouted as he chased.

Qin Wang controlled Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian to stop, slowly turned around, looked at Zhang Fujiang and the other four robbery cultivators standing ten feet away, and said. "Don't come to me again in the future. My husband and I have decided to quit."

"What? You quit?"

"Fellow Daoist Lin, you have to tell Brother Li about this. By the way, why didn't you do it and tell me when I asked you to trick Mei Changxin to Tianhu Mountain that day? Did something happen?"

Zhang Fujiang looked at Lin Shengbing and asked in a deep voice.

Lin Shengbing and his wife followed the team to kill so many robbery cultivators and knew too much. It's not so easy to quit now.

"Something did happen. Hey? Big Brother is here!"

Lin Shengbing didn't finish his words, and suddenly pointed behind Zhang Fujiang and the other four, exclaiming.

Zhang Fujiang and the others turned around and looked.

At the same time, Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian thrust out with their top-grade magic swords!

Three feet away.

There was also a terrifying aura sweeping over, which was the aura of the foundation-building period!

At the same time, there was also an extremely sharp red sword aura, as fast as lightning!

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