Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 129: Second-order Golden Bell Talisman! Yin-Yang Psychedelic Array, Zhang Fujiang's Sou



"Ah! Ugh!"

A scream and a muffled groan sounded in the woods!

Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness issued an order, Mu Hun Er dealt with the leader of the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage, Shi Hun Three, Lin Sheng Bing, and Ye Qian dealt with the other three calamity cultivators!

After issuing orders to the four soul-seed puppets, Qin Wang did not stand still and struck with a sword!

Between the lightning and flint.

Of the four robbery cultivators, three were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Among them, the leader of the twelfth-level calamity cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage hurriedly pulled out a golden talisman. The golden light flashed, and a golden bell guard about ten feet in size appeared on his body. The golden bell guard about ten feet in size was buckled upside down. His body, which protected him firmly, emitted rays of light.

Mu Hun Er's sword in the foundation stage knocked him and the golden bell upside down for more than ten feet, breaking more than 10 towering ancient trees along the way!

The golden bell's light shield received this blow, and the light flickered and dimmed a lot.


Under the powerful impact of Mu Hun's sword in the second foundation-building stage, the twelfth-level calamity cultivator in the Qi-refining stage turned pale and extremely pale!

Boom boom boom!

Qin Wang controlled Mu Hun'er and struck with three swords in a row!

The twelfth-level tribulation cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage was blasted into the soil, his golden bell shield dissipated, and he fell in the pit. Blood overflowed from his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. He looked extremely miserable!

"Senior, please spare my life! I am willing to trade all my wealth for my life."

"Asking seniors to show their respect"

Zhang Fujiang was heartbroken when he saw that Mu Hun'er was about to take action. He immediately got up and kowtowed, regardless of his injuries. He begged, reached out and took off the storage bag from his waist, and placed it respectfully in front of him.

At this moment, Zhang Fujiang was horrified.

He just wanted to find out why Lin Shengbing and his wife failed in their mission to close the net and did not explain why.

But I didn't expect it.

It will attract the foundation-building master.

Just now Master Ji Zhu took action, and it was simply too terrifying. If it weren't for the protection of a second-grade golden bell talisman, he would have fallen.

Now, he has understood.

The reason why Lin Shengbing and his wife said nothing was because he was controlled by Master Ji Zhu.

Facing Master Ji Zhu.

Even if he continued to activate the Golden Bell Talisman, it would be of no avail. Once activated, it would be broken. If he tried it again, he was worried that he would be shocked to death.

There is no other way but to beg for mercy!


There is a teleportation talisman that can teleport dozens of miles away before escaping with your life.

at this time.

In addition to Zhang Fujiang, among the other three calamity cultivators, one at the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage was killed by Qin Wang's sword through his chest. There were two others, one with his left leg and one with his right leg, lying on the ground wailing and hastily stopping the bleeding.

"Kill them!"

Qin Wang came out with a sword in hand and gave orders to Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian and Shi Hun.

"It's actually him!"

Zhang Fujiang looked at 'Mei Changxin' giving orders there, and the real person in the foundation building stage was obviously led by 'Mei Changxin', and he was stunned and showed disbelief.

He thought that Mei Changxin was the prey of his Jie Xiu team.

Unexpectedly, he and others were the real prey.

If he had known that 'Mei Changxin' had Master Ji Zhu as his subordinate, he would not have provoked 'Mei Changxin' if he was killed!

"Haha. If I kill you, all your things will be mine!"

"What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?!"

Qin Wang came to Mu Hun'er's side, looked at the miserable Zhang Fujiang, and spoke calmly.

While refining Lin Shengbing's soul, Qin Wang also learned the names and descriptions of several members of the Jiexiu team. This person's name was Zhang Fujiang, the deputy captain of the Jiexiu team, and his strength was second only to the captain Li Shentong.


Upon hearing this, Zhang Fujiang was immediately heartbroken and hurriedly knelt down, walking forward on his knees and kowtowing continuously. "Fellow Daoist Mei, no, Master! It's the villain who's been deceived by lard. He shouldn't have coveted you. The villain deserves to die. Please forgive me, Master."

"The villain is willing to be loyal to his master from now on, no matter what life or death is!"

Zhang Fujiang begged, and took out another storage bag from his arms, plus the two before, and placed them respectfully in front of Qin Wang.

At this moment, he was despairing. Mei Changxin had Master Ji Zhu as his subordinate. Facing Master Ji Zhu, there was no chance of escape.

"Be loyal to me? Yes!"

"Then hand over your soul blood!"

Qin Wang's heart moved and he nodded.

A subordinate at the twelfth level of Qi refining stage is still very good.

Although Qin Wang is more inclined to refine the soul seed, voluntarily handing over the soul blood is not bad. After Zhang Fujiang handed over the soul blood, his life and death depended on his own thoughts. He could not live but die. ! Don't worry about him rebelling.


Zhang Fujiang glanced helplessly at Master Zhuji who was standing aside, sighed in his heart, and immediately forced out a drop of soul blood, flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and floated in front of Qin Wang. Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness rolled out and refined the soul blood. .

next moment.

Qin Wang discovered that there was a white light spot as big as a dove egg floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was Zhang Fujiang's soul blood. His consciousness penetrated the light spot and could sense the strange movements of Zhang Fujiang's soul. As long as he had a thought, he could Kill Zhang Fujiang.

It's simply magical.

"Mu Hun Er, go get the talisman and all the storage bags!"

"Stone Soul Three, Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian handle the traces!"

After refining Zhang Fujiang's soul blood, Qin Wang turned around and gave instructions to Mu Hun and the others.

Mu Hun'er's figure flashed, stepped forward to pick up the talisman, collected all the storage bags, and turned around to hand it to Qin Wang.

Lin Shengbing, Shi Hun San, and Ye Qian used the Explosion Flame Technique to clean up the scene.

"This time, I really hit a wall."

Zhang Fujiang was shocked when he saw Qin Wang and his three subordinates destroying the corpses so skillfully.

Half a minute later.

Qin Wang led Zhang Fujiang, Mu Hun Er, Shi Hun San, Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian and others to leave.

In the cave where Lin Shengbing's storage bag was originally cleaned.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged, and Zhang Fujiang, Mu Hun Er, Shi Hun San, Lin Shengbing, and Ye Qian sat cross-legged to practice beside him, while guarding the law. Because there were too many people, Qin Wang asked Zhao Hun Yi to be responsible for expanding the cave, expanding it to ten feet square, and leaving stone pillars in the middle for support.

At this point, Zhao Hun Yi's cultivation level of the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage seemed low, and it was only suitable for expanding the cave.

"Five storage bags again! Cool!"

Qin Wang looked at the five storage bags in front of him, with deep expectations in his eyes.

He first took out Zhang Fujiang's talisman.

This talisman is three inches long, with a shadow of a golden bell drawn on it. There is also a line on the golden bell, flashing a faint golden light.

"Zhang Fujiang, there is a golden line flashing on this golden bell, does it mean that it can be used again?"

Qin Wang took the talisman and looked at Zhang Fujiang next to him.

This golden bell talisman has very strong defense.

With Mu Hun Er's foundation building period, it actually takes four swords to break it. The defense is not bad!

"Master, yes, when the magic power penetrates into it, it will trigger a golden bell shield, which can block several foundation building attacks."

Zhang Fujiang glanced at Qin Wang and hurriedly bowed his head to agree.


Qin Wang nodded, put away the golden bell talisman, and said to Zhang Fujiang. "Take out all the spiritual stones and treasures in your storage bag!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang agreed, and opened one of his storage bags with his consciousness. Suddenly, the whole cave was filled with white spiritual stones, materials, and classics!

The cave was instantly bright!

"Oh my god! I'm rich! I'm rich!"

Qin Wang couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Zhang Fujiang, this bastard, is worthy of being a robbery cultivator. He is so rich.

These spiritual stones were poured out and piled up in a large pile, at least no less than 5,000 pieces!

Nearly a hundred bottles of Guyuan Dan and other elixirs, monster materials, and spiritual herbs filled most of the cave.

Zhang Fujiang poured out the contents of another storage bag.

There were nearly 2,000 spiritual stones, nearly a hundred bottles of elixirs, and a pile of magic and skills books.


"Is this a formation plate?"

Suddenly, Qin Wang saw a formation plate and a set of formation flags in the things that Zhang Fujiang poured out of his second storage bag. He was familiar with this thing. He had seen a formation plate in Wanfa Building yesterday.

This formation plate was red, three feet in diameter, with a five-color ring pattern engraved on it, and five small characters below, [Yin Yang Psychedelic Formation].

"Illusion formation?"

Qin Wang looked at the formation plate and his heart moved.

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