Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 130 Breaking through 10,000 Spiritual Stones, the third old parchment scroll, Danwang Sect,

This kind of array.

Qin Wang looked at it at Wanbao Tower and found that it required thousands of spirit stones. He didn't expect that Zhang Fujiang actually had this array.

"Master, this is the yin-yang psychedelic array. Just lay out the array and put up the array flag."

"Very convenient."

"Our robbery cultivator team uses this formation disk to trick the monks in first, and then swarm them." Seeing Qin Wang sizing up the formation disk, Zhang Fujiang immediately rubbed his hands and came over flatteringly and said. "Master, you are so powerful, why don't we do tribulation cultivation? You are very capable."

Zhang Fujiang thought about it.

The master is powerful and has Master Ji Zhu as his slave.

If you get a few more yin-yang psychedelic formations, it will be perfect for doing calamity cultivation.

"I am not one of you. There is cause and effect in doing tribulation cultivation."

"If there is a next time, I will refine my soul with the ghost fire."

Qin Wang glanced at Zhang Fujiang lightly, frowned, and said in a deep voice.

This is Qin Wang's character.

If you don't mess with me, everything will be fine.

If you offend me, I will hunt you to death.

It goes against his true intention to ask him to do calamity cultivation.

"Yes, Master, I won't tell you anymore."

Hearing Qin Wang's words, Zhang Fujiang's heart tightened, and he carefully stepped aside and practiced alone. He had originally seen Qin Wang put away the souls of several companions who were cultivators, and that's why he made this suggestion.

Unexpectedly, the master was so moody that he would refine his soul with ghost fire at every turn.

this is too scary.

Thinking of facing such a master in this life, Zhang Fujiang became deeply worried about the future.

Qin Wang found more than 4,000 spiritual stones in the storage bags of the other three monks, plus more than 7,000 spiritual stones in Zhang Fujiang's storage bag. In this trip, he obtained a total of nearly 12,000 spiritual stones!

"Unexpectedly, my spiritual stone actually exceeded the 10,000 mark!"

"This trip is really not in vain!"

Qin Wang looked at the piles of white spiritual stones in the storage bag with his spiritual consciousness, and his eyes showed satisfaction.


"Another ancient parchment?"

When Qin Wang was sorting out the materials in the storage bags of the three robbery cultivators who were with Zhang Fujiang, he unexpectedly found an ancient parchment scroll. His eyes lit up as he thought that he had two ancient parchment scrolls on him.

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang waved his hand and immediately took out two ancient sheepskin rolls from the storage bag. When the three ancient sheepskin rolls were put together, white light flashed on them, and a scene actually appeared.


There is only one corner of this picture, which seems to be a corner of a huge palace or a huge city. It is not very clear.

From the only corner of the picture, Qin Wang felt a sense of his own insignificance.

The images in the three parchment scrolls flickered for four or five breaths and then disappeared.

"Could there be a treasure map in this parchment?"

"Three parchment scrolls can only show a corner of the picture. If you take the parchment scroll in Zhang Panpan's hand, wouldn't you be able to see more?"

Qin Wang looked at the three parchment scrolls in his hand and thought to himself with great anticipation.


In the cave.

"Zhang Fujiang, how does Li Shentong's strength compare with You?"

Qin Wang looked at Zhang Fujiang who was practicing and asked.

"Master, Li Shentong is the leader of the Tribulation Cultivator Team. Although he is at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage like me, his consciousness is much stronger than mine and he has many methods. This villain is no match for him. Yes, he is also proficient in formations."

Zhang Fujiang thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.


"His consciousness is powerful? How powerful is it?"

When Qin Wang heard this, he raised his eyebrows and asked.

"This yin-yang psychedelic array cannot fascinate him, and he will not be affected at all when he travels through it."

Zhang Fujiang thought of Li Shentong, and a hint of fear flashed in his eyes. He thought for a while and then said. "By the way, Li Shentong has a Purple Thunder Bullet in his hand. He spent a lot of money to get it from the Wanbao Tower auction. Moreover, according to the villain's guess, Li Shentong's inheritance is definitely not simple."

"Purple Thunder Bullet?"

Qin Wang frowned deeply when he heard this.

It has been shown in the intelligence that the Tianbao Pavilion in Qingyun Immortal City once obtained a batch of Heavenly Thunder Divine Bullets from the Tianlei Sect. Each Heavenly Thunder Divine Bullet is powerful enough to kill an early-stage foundation-builder.

He didn't expect that.

Li Shentong actually has this thing in his hand.

It seems that if you want to kill Li Shentong, you need to think long and hard.

at the same time.

Qin Wang's heart trembled. He thought of Tianlei Sect. This time, the Blessed Land of All Souls was opened, and many sects, immortal dynasty forces, aristocratic families, and Tianjiao, the elite disciples of the family in the Qi training period, all came.

These young heroes must have powerful weapons like the Purple Thunder Bullet in their hands, which can threaten the foundation building stage.

Although he has a trump card like Mu Hun'er in his hand.


In the Blessed Land of All Souls, you still have to be careful and don't be careless. After all, the journey of cultivating immortality is full of dangers at every step, and you will fall if you are not careful.

"Well, I understand."

"Since you have recognized me as your master, you don't need to go back. Just practice here with me and wait for the Blessed Land of All Souls to open!"

Qin Wang looked at Zhang Fujiang, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang clasped his fists respectfully and nodded in agreement.

He has now surrendered to his master. Li Shentong has a good spiritual sense. If he follows Li Shentong, he will find out sooner or later. Staying with his master is the best choice.

Qin Wang had no intention of going back.

Directly in this cave, closed the stone door, and practiced in seclusion.

In the early hours of the morning.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Today's intelligence! ]

[1: You accepted Zhang Fujiang as a servant yesterday, and obtained intelligence that Zhang Fujiang felt that with your strength and background, being a robbery cultivator is the fastest way to earn spiritual stones. ]

[2: You killed four robbery cultivators including Zhang Fujiang yesterday, and obtained intelligence that his accomplice Li Shentong once got a great opportunity, and his spiritual awareness far exceeded that of cultivators of the same level. ]

[3: You obtained an old sheepskin scroll yesterday, and gathered three pieces together. You saw the tip of the iceberg of the picture in it, and obtained intelligence that the old sheepskin scroll is the treasure map of the ancient Danwang Sect, and this treasure may be about the opportunity to break through the Nascent Soul. ]

[4: You obtained the Yin-Yang Psychedelic Array Plate yesterday and obtained information. This array plate was refined by Nangong Luo, a third-level array master in Wanlingfang City. Nangong Luo has a short life span and has no disciples in his life. He chose a place with abundant spiritual energy to build a cave as his place of sitting and leaving a legacy. ]

[5: You touched the Qingyou Sword yesterday and obtained information. You may encounter news about the Qingyou Sword in Wanling Blessed Land. ]

[6: You wore the mysterious fragment yesterday and obtained information. There is a mysterious fragment of the same origin in Tianyao Chamber of Commerce in Wanlingfang City. ]

[7: Omitted. ]

[8: You checked the stone table that Situ Yunfei touched yesterday and obtained information. Situ Yunfei transformed into Sun Jieyun and married a Taoist partner under the arrangement of the "elders". He sighed that the young body is really good. ]

[9: Omitted. ]

[10: Yesterday you fed five golden spirit fruits to the spirit-seeking rat ‘Xiaobai’, and obtained information that Xiaobai fell into a deep sleep in the spirit beast bag and will wake up in a month. When he wakes up, his strength will be improved to a higher level. ]

“The old parchment scroll is the treasure map of the Danwang Sect?”

“Maybe there is an opportunity to break through the Nascent Soul in it?”

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information and was secretly looking forward to it.

How many good things would there be in the treasure house of the ancient sect?

However, I am just refining Qi now, and the Nascent Soul is too far away, so I should pay attention to this parchment scroll slowly.

“Is there any news about the Qingyou small sword in the Wanling Blessed Land?”

“If we can gather nine swords, we can form a sword formation.”

The information shows that this Qingyou sword formation is powerful and can be used by people of the same level. Qin Wang is very looking forward to it.

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