Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 131 Li Shentong’s depression, Qi Refining Stage 11, the Land of All Spirits is opened!

"Tianyao Chamber of Commerce also has a mysterious fragment?"

"Then with Situ Yunfei's, there are three pieces in total!"

Qin Wang looked at the sixth piece of information, looking forward to it.

One piece of fragment can improve his spiritual awareness far beyond the same level, and the effect of three pieces will be even stronger.

"Next, it is to improve strength and wait for the Wanling Blessing to open!"

After reading the information, Qin Wang checked the pills in the storage bag. These pills are enough for himself.

With the treasure bowl purification, there is no need to worry about the problem of the pill. The treasure bowl purification removes the impurities in the pill and leaves only the pure essence of the medicine.

Five miles away from the shed of Qin Wang and Lin Shengbing.

A handsome young man who looks about 27 or 28 years old frowned deeply at the blue monk in front of him. "Lin Qi, the four people of Zhang Daoyou haven't come back yet?"

"Yes, I went to Tianhu Mountain to look for them, but I didn't find them. It's like they evaporated out of thin air."

The blue monk Lin Qi was also puzzled.

"It's been ten days, and he still hasn't come back."

"I'm afraid something has happened."

A bad premonition rose in Li Shentong's heart. He seemed to remember something and asked again. "By the way, have Mei Changxin, Lin Shengbing, and Ye Qian returned to the shed during this period?"

"They haven't come back either."

Lin Qi shook his head. As a member of the robbery repair team, he went to Tianyao Chamber of Commerce with the boss that day to pay tribute, while Zhang Fujiang and others stayed to figure out the matter of Lin Shengbing and his wife.

Unexpectedly, after returning, Zhang Fujiang and the other four disappeared.

Mei Changxin and Lin Shengbing and his wife also disappeared.

"Lin Qi, the Wanling Blessing is about to open, so we won't kill the fat sheep recently! You are responsible for keeping an eye on them, and notify me immediately if there is any news!"

Li Shentong was very depressed.

He had finally pulled up the robbery repair team and was ready to make a big splash in the Wanling Blessing. Now Zhang Fujiang, Lin Shengbing and his wife and six others are missing, and the remaining four people have ruined most of their five years of hard work.


Lin Qi nodded.

Outside the blessed land of all spirits.

Fifty miles away, on a cliff covered by ancient trees, there is a cave covered by vines. The entrance of the cave is covered by a stone door, but the space inside is very large.

This is where Qin Wang brought Zhang Fujiang, Mu Hun Er, Shi Hun San, Zhao Hun Yi, Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian and others to this hidden place, dug a new cave, and practiced here.

The cave was dug into a maze, and Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang practiced separately.

Zhao Hun Yi, who had the lowest cultivation level, was responsible for digging the cave.

This day.

Qin Wang sat in the middle stone room, and beside him, there were a pile of white porcelain bottles. From his body, a strong breath emanated, and the breath kept surging, and his body trembled endlessly.


Suddenly, Qin Wang felt a shock all over his body, and his mind seemed to be clear as if the clouds were cleared and the moon was seen. The dantian in his abdomen expanded again, and the mana in his meridians surged into the dantian like a sea embracing hundreds of rivers.

At the same time

Qin Wang's cultivation aura suddenly doubled!

[Qin Wang]

[Lifespan: 20/155]

[Realm: Qi Refining Stage 11 (1/11000)]

"Finally, I have reached Qi Refining Stage 11!"

Three hours later, Qin Wang stabilized the mana in his Dantian that was like a raging wave. Looking at the words "Qi Refining Stage 11" on the panel, he showed satisfaction in his eyes.

Advancing to Qi Refining Stage 11, his strength doubled.

The upper limit of his lifespan was also increased by 8 years, reaching 155 years old.

"Next, while improving my cultivation proficiency, I must practice the Sword Art of the World to perfection!"

Qin Wang secretly calculated in his heart.

The Sword Art of the World is very sharp.

Gather the mana, compress it to one point, and launch a terrifying attack, which will kill with one blow.

With the proficiency panel, as long as you take the elixir and practice the Sword Art of the World, you can quickly brush up your proficiency. When your proficiency is promoted from entry level to minor success, the panel will be filled with the "Sword Art of the World" practice experience of minor success in your mind.

Advancing to mastery, to great success, to perfection, they are all the same, and will be infused with corresponding cultivation experience.

Just as Qin Wang was practicing in seclusion.

Many Qi Refining cultivators in the entire Southern Region rushed to the Wanling Market, waiting for the opening of the Wanling Blessed Land.

In a shed ten feet square in the south of the market.

Li Shentong, with a handsome face and a green robe, sat cross-legged and practiced silently.

"Boss, the Wanling Blessed Land is about to open, but Fellow Daoist Zhang and the others, as well as Mei Changxin, are still missing."

Lin Qi stood at the door and clasped his fists respectfully.

Li Shentong was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice. "Well, I know, notify them both, conserve their energy, and wait for the opening of the blessed land."

"Okay, boss!"

Lin Qi agreed and turned to notify the other two robbery cultivators.

"The disappearance of Lin Shengbing and his wife, Zhang Fujiang and the other six people is all related to Mei Changxin. This person is definitely not simple!"

Li Shentong looked at the shed in the distance outside the window and narrowed his eyes.

Mei Changxin was able to make Lin Shengbing, Zhang Fujiang and others disappear, which was definitely not the strength he showed on the surface.

If you meet this person in the future, you must be careful!

Li Shentong knew that he had come all the way to where he is now and had gained a lot of opportunities!

It was all about being cautious and avoiding danger!

Otherwise, he would not have formed a robbery team and relied on numbers to win.

Wanlingfang Market.

Yaxianlingzhan is a specially built courtyard with rich spiritual energy. It is arranged with a miniature spirit gathering formation to provide rest and cultivation for the monks who come and go.

Ya Room No. 48.

"Finally, I broke through to the eleventh level of Qi Refining before the blessed land opened!"

A thin black monk slowly opened his eyes, revealing a hint of joy, and murmured.

"Congratulations, young master, your cultivation has improved further!"

"This time, young master will definitely reap a great harvest in the Wanling blessed land!"

Feeling the powerful aura fluctuations in the elegant room, a middle-aged monk in his fifties appeared at the door, clasping his fists respectfully and flatteringly.

The cultivation level of this middle-aged monk is surprisingly the twelfth level of Qi Refining!

"That's for sure!"

Murong Chenggao was very satisfied and asked the middle-aged monk. "Uncle De, do you have any news about the monk who bid for the fragments with me that day?"

"Young master, the person that day wore a mask and left no trace."

"I went to Wanbao Tower to ask, and they refused to provide information, no matter how much the price was."

Hearing this, Murong De clasped his fists with a guilty look.

"The shield shadow activated by only three fragments has such a strong defense. The person who bid with me that day had at least three fragments on him. With the fragments he auctioned, it was four. If I could meet him and gather seven fragments, the defense would definitely be stronger!"

"Forget it, Wanbaolou can't ruin its reputation for this."

Murong Chenggao waved his hand and continued. "Uncle De, notify the young lady to prepare. The blessed land is about to open. When the time comes, maybe I can meet this person in it."

"Yes, young master!"

Murong De respectfully clasped his fists and turned to leave.

That day.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the cave.

Suddenly, he felt a vibration on the ground.

"Is the blessed land of all spirits about to open?"

Qin Wang communicated with the Hidden Soul Rat through his spiritual consciousness and 'saw' the huge white light shield rising in the distance, with anticipation in his eyes.

The Hidden Soul Rat ate five golden spirit fruits and slept for a month. After waking up, its body became bigger, as big as a strong man's fist, its hair color became whiter, and it ran faster.

At this time.

It was outside the cave, holding a few spiritual fruits, and was responsible for keeping watch.

"Zhang Fujiang, get ready, let's go!"

Qin Wang looked at Zhang Fujiang beside him and spoke in a deep voice.

Zhang Fujiang had also sensed the fluctuations outside.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang responded respectfully.

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