Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 132: The geniuses gather together, enter the blessed land of all spirits, and meet Yan Hongh

Wanlingfang City, a hundred miles away.

It is a towering mountain range. Under the mountain range, there is a flat land with a radius of more than 30 miles.

This flat land with a radius of more than 30 miles is covered by a translucent light shield, which is like a giant bowl upside down on the flat land.


It is the entrance to Wanling Blessed Land.

Outside the light shield.

There are densely packed, no less than 20,000 male and female cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage. These cultivators are from several major immortal dynasties and five major immortal sects in the southern region, the children of aristocratic families, and protectors.

"After waiting for so long, the Land of Ten Thousand Spirits is finally open! I hope that this time I can have the opportunity to build my foundation!"

"My God, this time there are so many geniuses, including the three great immortal dynasties of Dayan, Tianchu, and Daqi, as well as the disciples of the five great immortal sects, families, and aristocratic families in the southern region!"

"Yes, the children of these big sects and big forces have foundation-building protectors following them, and they have many means and trump cards. I can't compete with them. I will be satisfied as long as I can get some spiritual medicine and exchange it for a foundation-building pill."

"You need a formation guide to enter, but I haven't got it yet."


At this time.

The Land of Ten Thousand Spirits has not yet opened, and the children of many sects and big forces waiting outside the light shield are all talking about it.

Most of the cultivators took out their cushions, sat on the ground, and recuperated.

"There are so many people in the twelfth level of Qi Refining!"

Qin Wang stood a hundred feet outside the light shield, looking at the cultivators gathered in groups of three or two around him, with deep shock in his eyes.

Zhang Fujiang sat cross-legged five feet away from Qin Wang, waiting silently.

At this time.

In the distance, there were densely packed Southern Region cultivators gathering here.

In the crowd three miles away from Qin Wang.

A handsome young man in white clothes, with a cultivation level of eleventh level of Qi Refining, was followed by three middle-aged cultivators of the twelfth level of Qi Refining, protecting him in the middle.

"Uncle Sun, Uncle Yang, Uncle Lin, when you go in, you will sense my positioning traction symbol and rush to my side immediately, so that it will be easier to act together at that time!"

The handsome young man in white clothes looked at the three middle-aged guards of the twelfth level of Qi Refining behind him and said.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"

The three guards nodded respectfully.


The young man gave the three guards instructions, and then looked into the distance, with a touch of wisdom and vicissitudes in his eyes.

Time passed.

At noon the next day.

The entrance light shield of Wanling Fudi suddenly shook, and three huge light gates appeared in front of the light shield.

Each light gate emitted a blazing white light.

The light gate of Wanling Fudi appeared, and the Qi Refining cultivators waiting on the side were excited and crazy. They all held the "array guide" in their hands and rushed into the light gate under the watchful eyes of the protectors.

At the same time.

There were also many cultivators who did not bring the "array guide" and were blocked by the array prohibition and bounced outside.

"Zhang Fujiang, after entering, meet me as soon as possible!"

Qin Wang held the array guide tightly in his hand, communicated with Zhang Fujiang not far away with his spiritual consciousness, and gave an order.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang agreed respectfully.

After Qin Wang gave Zhang Fujiang instructions, he rushed towards the light gate.


The moment Qin Wang approached the light gate, he felt a powerful force surrounding him, and his consciousness instantly became trance. I don't know how long it took, he suddenly felt down to earth.

"Hmm? Such a rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

"This grass grows so tall?"

Qin Wang opened his eyes and couldn't help smacking his lips.

He found that this was a place with abundant spiritual energy, with the sun hanging high in the sky and grass more than ten feet high all around!

It was quiet and there was no one else.

Qin Wang first communicated with his soul and blood, sensing that Zhang Fujiang was in the southeast. He immediately got a backpack and let the spirit-seeking rat lie in the backpack, rushing towards the direction of Zhang Fujiang.

Qin Wang walked for less than a while, and under the guidance of the spirit-seeking rat, he collected five spiritual herbs of sixty or seventy years old.

"Huh? Someone is coming?"

Qin Wang came to a hill and saw from a distance that a tall, mighty and burly young man in a gray robe with long flying hair was rushing towards this side with a big sword in his hand.

As the young man approached, Qin Wang couldn't help but exclaimed.

He knew this young man, Yan Honghao, whom he had met outside Xiaodan Mountain!

According to intelligence, Yan Honghao is the son of Yan Baifei, the first master of Liangzhou.

Qin Wang didn't expect that the first person he met here was Yan Honghao!

The moment Qin Wang saw Yan Honghao, Yan Honghao also saw Qin Wang.

Yan Honghao paused and rushed towards Qin Wang. Not long after, he came to Qin Wang and stood three feet away, clasping his hands. "I've been here for half an hour, and I finally met a fellow Taoist. I'm Yan Honghao. What's your name?"

"My name is Qin Tiedan, nice to meet fellow Taoist Yan!"

Qin Wang also clasped his hands to Yan Honghao.

Because Yan Honghao also came from Da Cang and practiced the Chiyang Divine Art, it can be said that there is some origin between them, so Qin Wang paid more attention to him.

He found that although Yan Honghao's cultivation was at the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage.


His Qi and blood were extremely strong and condensed.

"Fellow Taoist Qin, it's fate that you and I can meet in the blessed land. How about we go together?"

Yan Honghao looked at Qin Wang and invited him warmly.

Nearly 20,000 people entered the Wanling Blessed Land.

Along the way, I didn't see anyone. This Wanling Blessed Land is too big, so it would be good to find someone to go with me.


Qin Wang hadn't spoken yet, when suddenly, on the side of the mountain where the two of them were standing, the ground shook and a shocking explosion sounded.

"Oh my God! Is this a dragon beast?"

"How can a dragon beast be so big?"


Accompanied by the exclamations of the cultivators, more than 20 male and female cultivators of the eighth, ninth, and tenth levels of Qi Refining fled in all directions.

A monster beast as thick as a bucket, ten feet long, red all over, and like a giant python, rolled up a terrifying gust of wind and chased those cultivators.

The last cultivator of the eighth level of Qi Refining couldn't dodge in time and was rolled up by the monster's giant tail. The huge mouth was like a black hole, swallowing him.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, this dragon beast is comparable to the twelfth level of Qi Refining! Let's go!"

When Yan Honghao saw the dragon beast, he immediately had a flash of expectation in his eyes. He shouted to Qin Wang and rushed away. Qin Wang didn't need Yan Honghao to remind him and hurriedly dodged the dragon beast.


The earth dragon beast chased for a distance, but failed to catch up with the cultivator, so it returned.

"This earth dragon beast must have eaten a lot of spiritual medicine, otherwise it would not have become so powerful!"

"There are many spiritual medicines in the valley over there, among which there is a sky-blue fruit tree, which is guarded by three earth dragon beasts. The one that was chased out is just one of them."

"Sky-blue fruit is a main medicinal material for refining foundation-building pills! How can we get the sky-blue fruit if we can't kill this earth dragon beast?"


At this time, nearly a hundred cultivators appeared on the opposite side of the mountain, all of them gathered in the distance, looking at the valley where the sky-blue fruit was, and talking about it.

"The main medicinal material for refining foundation-building pills, sky-blue fruit?"

Qin Wang stood next to many cultivators, listening to their discussions, and his heart suddenly moved slightly.

Intelligence shows.

In this blessed land of all spirits, there is something that is very helpful for building your foundation. Could it be this sky-blue fruit?

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