Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 148: The Storm in the Southern Region, Wan Daoyi, the Holy Son of All Laws, and the Nine-Lea



Zhang Han and Gu Tianhao, one is the leader of the Qi Refining Stage of the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect, and the other is the genius of the Qi Refining Stage of the Tyrannical Sword Immortal Sect, both of them follow the strongest path of foundation building.

A big fight between the two.

In addition to the duel between swordsmanship and swordsmanship, there was also a battle between spells and talismans. The two tried their best and fought for more than a quarter of an hour, but still could not decide the winner.

This battle is not only about the psychic herb, but also about each other's ranking on the Hidden Dragon List, and the sect's face!


The battle between the two has become inextricable.

"The three major immortal dynasties, the four major immortal cultivating families, and the five major immortal sects in the Southern Territory all have people on the Hidden Dragon List? Are they all following the strongest foundation-building path?"

Qin Wang stood among the crowd watching the battle, and after hearing the discussions of the monks around him, he gradually understood the hidden dragons of these sects in the Southern Region.

Everyone who comes out is extremely powerful.

For example.

Among the seventh prince Yan Wushuang of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, Chu Ba of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, Qi Yunjie of the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty, Tuoba Shenfeng of the Tuoba family, Sima Rui of the Sima family, and Zhao Yunzong of the Zhao family, the strongest one is Wan Wan Daoyi, the Holy Son of the Holy Land of Law, is the number one person on the Hidden Dragon List in the Southern Territory!

Although he is at the twelfth level of Qi refining, it is rumored that he once used his cultivation at the twelfth level of Qi refining to build a foundation through reverse cutting!

He can step into the foundation building at any time, but he is waiting for an opportunity to achieve the strongest foundation building!

"With my methods, even though I am protected by Mu Hun Er and the Earth Dragon Beast King, I still have to be careful if I encounter a hidden dragon on the hidden dragon list!"

Qin Wang reviewed his methods in his heart and was secretly shocked.

Although I have puppets and earth dragon beast kings in the foundation building stage, these sect hidden dragons, backed by big trees, may not be weaker than myself, so I still have to be careful when encountering them in the future.

Cultivation of immortality.

If you are walking on thin ice, your body will die if you are not careful!

"Master, Li Shentong is over there!"

At this moment, Zhang Fujiang, who was beside Qin Wang, sent a message to Qin Wang.

"Li Shentong?"

Hearing Zhang Fujiang's words, Qin Wang narrowed his eyes. According to the discussion of the monks around him, this Li Shentong actually ranked eighteenth on the Hidden Dragon List as a casual cultivator!

This shows that it is not simple!

"Well, I understand."

"For the time being, we are mainly looking for psychic herbs, and we will find a way to kill him later!"

Qin Wang nodded. Li Shentong was not weak. It would be much safer to destroy him after he advanced to build a foundation.

at this time.

A hundred feet away from Qin Wang, a handsome young man about 27 or 28 years old glanced at Zhang Fujiang in the distance. "Mei Changxin! It is indeed him! It seems that Zhang Fujiang has been controlled by him!"


Li Shentong looked at Zhang Fujiang and Qin Wang in the distance, with deep fear in his eyes.

With his methods, it is not difficult to kill Zhang Fujiang, but it is a bit difficult to control him.

"This Mei Changxin is not easy to mess with, so I'd better avoid him for now!"

Li Shentong thought about this, quietly stepped back, turned around and galloped away.

He knew it.

The reason why I have made it this far is entirely due to my own caution, otherwise, I would have fallen long ago.

at this time.

The battle between Gu Tianhao and Zhang Han was still going on. The two of them consumed a lot of mana, and their figures shuttled across the plain like lightning.

"Quick, quick, quick, another psychic herb has been discovered a hundred miles away to the east. I heard there are five of them!!"

"What? Five plants appeared this time?"

"Let's go, let's go take a look!"


At this moment, there was an uproar in the distance, and many monks rushed towards the east. The monks who were watching the battle between Gu Tianhao and Zhang Han left one after another.

"Zhang Fujiang, let's go there too!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, he gave instructions to Zhang Fujiang beside him, and galloped away.

Qin Wang and the two of them were galloping all the way.

The number of monks rushing toward the east hundreds of miles away is like crucian carp crossing the river!

More than half an hour later.

Qin Wang came to a cliff surrounded by nearly two thousand monks.

In the cliff, there is a 'concave'-shaped groove with a size of more than thirty feet. It is filled with black fertile soil, and the edge is covered with spiritual grass, which is swaying in the wind. In the depth of the groove, There are five elixir plants that are three feet tall and have nine leaves.

The elixir has nine leaves. Each leaf is an inch thick and green in color. There is a red line in the middle of the leaf, which is emerald green.

On the top, there is a white fruit as big as an egg.

Under the cliff, there is a deep gorge thirty feet wide. The water in the gorge is dark and quiet, exuding a cold atmosphere.

"Oh my God, this is a seven-leaf edelweiss flower. Now it has nine leaves, and it also bears fruit! It is indeed a psychic herb! With this, the chance of entering the foundation building will be greatly increased!"

"This is the Nine-leaf Red Velvet Fruit! However, there are three third-level demon toads guarding it, so we can't get it at all."

"Yes, more than ten monks have been devoured by the third-order demon toad. No one dares to go up now."


Qin Wang stood in the crowd of onlookers, listening to the discussions of the monks around him, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

This is a psychic herb!

Five plants at once!

With three third-level monster toads guarding him, it was a bit difficult.

"Huh? They also came to the Blessed Land of All Souls?"

Qin Wang looked around and did not see anyone from the Wanhua Immortal Sect. Instead, he found Jiang Ping from the Jiang family in Qingyun Immortal City, Tang Jianzhong from Qingyun Immortal City, and alchemist Yang Kangding from Xiaodanshan Alchemy League. Dai Pengfei.

These two alchemists were acquainted by Qin Wang when he went to the Alchemy League to buy elixirs and met them.

At this moment, there was a burst of noise, and many monks looked at the top of the cliff.

Qin Wang followed the gazes of many monks and discovered that a thin, middle-aged monk at the twelfth level of Qi refining stage had a golden bell talisman attached to his body. He climbed down from the top of the cliff towards the concave. He was holding a A long rope-like magic weapon.

Intention to pick those five nine-leaf red velvet fruits!

Just when the monk was four feet away from the Nine-leaf Red Velvet Fruit.

Suddenly, the pool of water stirred up water several feet high, and a half-foot-sized red shadow rushed toward the lean monk like lightning. A red message more than ten feet long rolled out, tying the monk tightly!


The monk let out a shrill scream and immediately entered the monster's belly.

Everyone looked.

I discovered that it was a third-level demon toad!

The demon toad swallowed the twelfth-level monk in the Qi Refining Stage, glanced at the many monks around him, jumped into the deep stream, and sank into the water.

"Oh my God! Although the psychic herb is good, we can't get it!"

"Yes, your life is still at stake! It's terrifying to be swallowed into the stomach without struggling at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage!"


Seeing the demon toad swallowing the monk who was trying to collect medicine without any effort, many monks present were shocked and stepped back dozens of feet again.

"What a powerful third-level monster!"

"With three heads, it's really difficult to get the Nine-Leaf Red Velvet Fruit."

Qin Wang stood behind the crowd, looking at the demon toad sinking into the deep stream, and was shocked in his heart.

He saw clearly.

The demon toad was half a foot long, with many large and small bloody poison sacs on its body, which were bumpy and convex. It looked extremely disgusting and exuded a powerful aura of a ferocious beast.

No wonder.

After waiting for so long, no one has been able to get it.

"How can I get these five nine-leaf red velvet fruits?"

Qin Wang stood behind the crowd, thinking hard.


"Can I use the psychedelic incense to attract the demon toad, and then let Mu Hun Er or the Earth Dragon Beast King pick it?"

Qin Wang looked at the deep stream not far away with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Monster-attracting psychedelic incense: For first- and second-level monsters, it has a fatal temptation and can make them chase wildly! It can also be somewhat attractive to third-level monsters!

As long as you can lure them away, the effect will be achieved!

In his storage bag, he prepared nearly fifty portions of the demon-baiting psychedelic incense!

Think of this.

Qin Wang immediately took Zhang Fujiang to an uninhabited place, handed Zhang Fujiang ten packs of demon-inducing psychedelic incense, and said. "Zhang Fujiang, go over there ten miles away, wait half an hour, light this, turn around and run, turn around and run without looking back!!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang took the ten medicine packets from Qin Wang's hand, agreed, and turned around to handle it.

At this moment, he was extremely confused.

The master couldn't find a way to get the psychic herb, but actually had to light the medicine bag himself. Could it be that there was any connection?

Qin Wang watched Zhang Fujiang leave. He went to the top of the cliff and released Mu Hun 2, Shi Hun 3, Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian, etc., and then arranged the Earth Dragon Beast King underground to attack the Nine-leaf Red Velvet Fruit. Get close, and once the demon-inducing psychedelic incense lures away the three demon toads, immediately seize the Nine-leaf Red Velvet Fruit.

Half an hour later.

Qin Wang arranged everything and stood in the crowd of onlookers.

"What happened? Why are there so many monster birds?"

"There are still a lot of monsters. Oh my god, is there a monster wave?"


at this time.

Suddenly the ground trembled and a rumbling sound sounded. The monks surrounding the deep stream looked around in shock and panic.

I saw densely packed monster beasts and monster birds in the sky, swarming to the northwest as expected.


At this moment, Qin Wang, who was staring closely at the deep stream, noticed that the water was surging in the deep stream. A demon toad with three heads and three steps, half a foot in size, and a red body floated up to the surface of the water. Its two big eyes bulged with desire. color.

They glanced at the nine-leaf red velvet fruit behind them, and then looked to the northwest, struggling inside. Finally, the three-headed demon toads jumped in the direction of the demon-baiting psychedelic incense.

As fast as lightning!

"Good opportunity! The demon toad is gone!"

"The guarding demon toad has actually moved its nest, the Nine-leaf Red Velvet Fruit! Grab it quickly!"


Seeing the demon toad jumping out of the deep stream and heading to the northwest, the eyes of the many monks who were watching all burst out with light, and they all jumped up and rushed towards the nine-leaf red velvet fruit!


At this moment, a red shadow emerged from the "concave" of the cliff. It flashed past, and it turned out to be a red-blooded dragon beast!

Seven inches away from the red-blooded dragon beast, there was a storage bag hanging, and a humanoid shadow flickered.

I saw the earth dragon beast's mouth wide open, and the shadow on its body flashed. Immediately, it put the five nine-leaf red velvet fruit trees in the mountain's concave area with the roots and soil into the storage bag, leaving only a big pit in the place. .

The red-blooded dragon beast turned around and dived into the ground, leaving instantly.

"That's Earthdramon?"

"It's grandma's! All five nine-leaf red velvet fruits were swept away by the earth dragon beast?"

"No, there is another soul in that earth dragon beast! It was that soul that took away the Nine-leaf Red Velvet Fruit!"

"This Earth Dragon Beast is all red. It seems to be the Earth Dragon Beast King in the belly of Qingguo Mountain that day! How come the Earth Dragon Beast King appears here?!"


Seeing the Earth Dragon Beast King sweep away the Nine-Leaf Red Velvet Fruit in an instant, the many cultivators who were watching from a few miles away were all in an uproar. Some cursed loudly, while others sighed and beat their chests.

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