Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 149: Absorption, promotion to the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage! Meet Jiang Ping again!

Qin Wang stood in a dense forest a hundred feet away from the deep stream. The Dragon Beast King communicated with his spiritual consciousness and came from the ground to his feet. He pretended to look in the direction of the Nine-leaf Red Velvet Fruit.

at this time.

Around Qin Wang, monks kept heading towards the Nine-leaf Red Velvet Fruit.

Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness controlled the Earth Dragon Beast King, and Situ Yunfei's soul attached to the Earth Dragon Beast King turned around and walked away.

Put away the Earth Dragon Beast King here. If someone sees it, you won't be able to escape.

It is safest to let the Earth Dragon Beast King escape from the underground.

at this time.

Ten miles away.

"What did the master give me?"

"After being lit, it can actually make the monsters in the Blessed Land of All Souls so crazy!"

Zhang Fujiang used the wind control technique and ran as fast as he could while avoiding the monster birds and monsters. He didn't dare to look behind him, but there was a huge wave in his heart!

at the same time.

He also understood his master's true intentions.

Use this fragrance to attract the three demon toads in the deep stream, and then go and seize the nine-leaf red velvet fruit!

The master's methods are really terrifying.

Zhang Fujiang ran for half an hour, and the number of monsters around him gradually became less and less. He breathed a sigh of relief, sensed the direction of his master Qin Wang, and rushed to join them.

It is hundreds of miles away from Shenjian.

At a peak of 100 feet, Qin Wang, Mu Hun Er, Shi Hun San, Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian and others quickly dug out a cave, took out a yellow cloth futon, sat down cross-legged, and began to examine the objects obtained from the deep stream. Five nine-leaf red velvet trees.

"It's a pity that I don't have a cave world. Otherwise, I can transplant this nine-leaf red velvet fruit into it!"

Qin Wang looked at the five nine-leaf red velvet fruit plants that Situ Yunfei had pulled out by uprooting them with soil, and his eyes showed contemplation.

This fruit still has a little time to mature.


The potency is almost enough.

"I have already obtained the thousand-year-old spiritual essence that is half a stone concave, and there are five nine-leaf red velvet fruits. There should be no problem if I step into the foundation!"

"It's time to retreat and do your best to increase your cultivation proficiency!"

Qin Wang took out the thousand-year-old spiritual essence that was half-indented in the stone, and made a secret decision in his heart.

Qin Wang first took out the millennium spiritual essence purified in a treasure bowl, took a drop of it with magic power, and flew it into his mouth.


The purified thousand-year spiritual essence entered the throat and turned into a majestic sea of ​​spiritual energy, filling the limbs and bones!

The eight meridians of the limbs and bones were filled with this cool spiritual energy. Qin Wang felt extremely comfortable all over. He quickly ran the Five Elements Condensation Technique and began to refine these spiritual energy into magic power in his body.

at the same time.

Qin Wang discovered that the proficiency of cultivation on his dashboard increased by 1 point every 30 breaths!

"As expected of a thousand-year-old soul!"

"The effect is indeed powerful!"

Qin Wang looked at the rapidly rising proficiency on the panel and felt very satisfied.

Has been absorbing the spiritual essence of thousands of years to improve.

This is equivalent to adding 2280 points of proficiency in one day!

【Qin Wang】

【Lifespan: 20/155】

[Realm: Eleventh level of Qi refining stage (8322/11000)]

At this rate.

It only takes a day and a half to reach perfection and completely advance to the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage!

Just when Qin Wang was in retreat in this cave.

In Wanling Blessed Land, a young man who was about twenty-three or four years old and at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage stood on a mountain top with his hands behind his back. He looked at an old man with triangular eyes in front of him, raised his brows slightly, and asked . "Mr. Jin, has the Eighteenth Emperor fallen?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Jin Fengyun respectfully clasped his fists and accepted the promise.

"He had a lot of guards around him, but they all died."

Chu Ba pondered for a while and asked again. "Do you know who the murderer is? Why did he die?"

"Your Highness, I don't know at the moment."

Jin Lao bowed and clasped his fists, saying. "The eight guards who followed the Eighteen Kings all disappeared, and three guards survived. According to their investigation, the Eighteen Kings disappeared because they were tracking the monks who took away the ancient spirit gathering array. Based on the marks left by the Eighteen Kings, they We traced it to the scene and found that there had been a fight there and it had obviously been cleaned up, so we couldn’t find out who had done it.”

"The Eighteenth Emperor's Uncle was our ancestor's favorite descendant. If he falls, our ancestor may turn the Southern Territory upside down!"

Chu Ba sighed, feeling very complicated.

Although the talent of Chu Ping, the uncle of the Eighteenth Emperor, was a little lower than his own, the ancestor still gave him the incarnation of his spiritual thoughts to protect him.

The Eighteenth King carried a ray of the ancestor's spiritual thoughts with him and fell into the Blessed Land of All Souls. This stirred up a hornet's nest. How could he withstand the ancestor's anger?

"Go and help investigate!"

Chu Ba spoke in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Jin Fengyun turned and left.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was a day and a half later.

In the early morning, thousands of rays of light from the morning sun fell on the entrance of the cave, shooting into the cave like a golden sword, and landed on Qin Wang's face, with dust floating in it.

at this time.

However, Qin Wang's whole body was trembling, his aura was constantly increasing, and waves of surging spiritual energy were surging in the cave.

"Master's cultivation speed is so fast, he is already at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage!"

Zhang Fujiang sat aside and looked at Qin Wang in shock, feeling inexplicably shocked in his heart.

Three hours later.

The mana fluctuations in Qin Wang's body gradually calmed down.

【Qin Wang】

【Lifespan: 20/163】

[Realm: Twelve levels of Qi refining stage (122/20000)]

"Can I reach the stage of foundation building by accumulating these 20,000 points of proficiency?"

Qin Wang looked at his panel, his eyes lit up.

At this moment.

He found that the advanced proficiency on the panel increased from 11,000 to 20,000!

"Continue to improve proficiency!"

Qin Wang secretly made up his mind.

With the thousand-year spiritual essence, there are so many foundation-building elixirs, and even the golden elixir elixirs from Situ Yunfei, there are dozens of bottles!

Qin Wang believes.

Absorbing all of these will be more than enough to become a foundation-building stage!


"What a coincidence?"

At this moment, Qin Wang suddenly heard a sound of flying clothes from outside.

He communicated with the little white mouse's consciousness and 'saw' that there was actually a female cultivator outside. Qin Wang was familiar with this female cultivator. It was Jiang Ping who had troubled him when he was searching for the body of Zixia Zhenren Mu Zhen in the Manyong Mountains outside Qingyun Xiancheng!

Qin Wang remembered that the intelligence showed.

Although this Jiang Ping looked ordinary, she was born with a charming body. In order to investigate him, she gave him a sign with a spiritual mark on it!

Just to track him down later.

Qin Wang didn't expect that Jiang Ping would come here. It's really a narrow road for enemies!

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, how are you?"

Qin Wang thought of this, and immediately stood up and walked out of the cave. His figure flashed and blocked Jiang Ping.

"You are..."

Seeing Qin Wang, Jiang Ping looked at Qin Wang and felt that he was a little familiar, but for a moment, she couldn't remember.

"As expected of the third lady of the Jiang family, you are really forgetful! Outside Qingyun Fairy City, you brought Su Hua, the foundation-building guard, and gave me a sign with your spiritual mark on it, ready to track me later!"

Qin Wang looked at Jiang Ping and sneered.

"It's you! Zhao Zhao Yulong!"

Hearing Qin Wang's words, Jiang Ping's eyes widened immediately. She remembered this Zhao Yulong!

At the beginning, she left a sign for Uncle Hua to find. In the end, according to the mark, a demon python was found. I thought he was eaten by the demon python.

She didn't expect to meet Zhao Yulong here!


She found that Zhao Yulong's current cultivation level is the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage!

She remembered that Zhao Yulong was just a young cultivator in the middle stage of Qi Refining at that time. He was so respectful to her, but he could cultivate so fast?

“Yes, it’s surprising, right?”


Qin Wang looked at Jiang Ping with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

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