Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 164 The light spot where Master Qingyao passed away! Shi San!

"Let's go there and have a look!"

Chu Hanfeng and Chu Hanxing frowned deeply and said in a deep voice.


Chu Hanchen nodded, and immediately three Jindan stood up with their swords and headed towards the Five Poison Swamp.

Da Cang Country.


On the cliff beside Yingchou Stream.

A graceful female cultivator wearing a white fairy skirt with a waist and a sword floating at the entrance of a cave. With a wave of her hand, the vines at the entrance of the cave were instantly lifted, and the stones that sealed the entrance were put away.

This female cultivator is none other than Zhang Panpan!

Zhang Panpan said nothing, looked nervous, and appeared at the entrance of the cave in a flash.

She walked slowly in. The stone room was not big, and there were two rooms inside. In the outer room, against the wall, a white skeleton sat cross-legged, with empty eye sockets.

Zhang Panpan looked at the skeleton, his nose felt sore, and he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.


She saw a '◎' symbol faintly engraved on the stone wall behind the skeleton, and her body suddenly trembled. Zhang Panpan remembered that this was the secret code for communication between her and Jiang Fan.

She reached out to touch it, and the stone where the symbol was located suddenly flew out, revealing a hidden compartment on the stone wall inside.

In the secret compartment, there are several books and letters.

"Jiang Fan."

Zhang Panpan took out the letter and opened it. After reading it for a while, his body trembled and tears fell like rain.

These letters and books were letters he wrote to Jiang Fan. Unexpectedly, he kept them like treasures.

"Jiang Fan, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have died."

Zhang Panpan put down the letter and looked at the familiar robes on the skeleton, and couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes.

That robe was originally given to Jiang Fan by her. Unexpectedly, he would wear that robe until his death.

Zhang Panpan sat next to the withered bones, tears sliding down like beads.

She stretched out her hand to touch the skeleton, and felt a familiar breath rushing towards her face.


There was a clear sound and skeletons were scattered on the ground.


Zhang Panpan looked at the withered bones scattered on the ground, his mind was agitated, and the magic power in his body was rushing around. He spit out a mouthful of blood and sprayed it on the withered bones.

"Love rises with the wind, but the wind stops it. It's hard to calm down."

Zhang Panpan murmured softly, picked up the skull and held it in his arms like a beloved treasure. "Did you know? I have never given up looking for you in the twenty years since you disappeared. The clan forced me to marry, and I couldn't resist. I knew the only way out was to be promoted to Foundation Establishment. Why didn't you wait for me."

Zhang Panpan murmured, the magic power in her body was surging, and blood kept flowing from the corners of her mouth.

time flies.

Zhang Panpan has been sitting here for three days.

In the early morning of the fourth day, the morning sun shone with golden light, and lightsabers shot into the cave, and dust floated in it.

On the cave floor.

There was a piece of tiger skin spread out, and on top was a set of spliced ​​skull bones.

"Jiang Fan, you died for me, and when I avenge you, we will find a place where spring flowers bloom and we will grow old together!"

Zhang Panpan took a deep look at the dead bones on the ground, carefully picked them up, packed them up, and then put the letters and books away into the storage bag.

After putting all this away, she waved her hand to seal the entrance of the cave with stones, and soared into the sky with her sword.

Right now.

In the cave, a dove-egg-sized light spot slowly flew up into the sky.

Southern Territory.

Yue country.

Jinyang County is one of the ten largest counties in Yue State. This county has many mineral veins and is rich in ores.

In the Sky Ridge Mountains.

On this day, a spiritual energy vortex with a radius of six feet suddenly appeared above a mountain cliff.

Under the cliff, in the cave.

"It finally worked."

The young man in gray clothes looked at Zhang Fujiang, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, his aura surging, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Not long after.

Zhang Fujiang slowly opened his eyes, looked at Qin Wang in front of him, and immediately knelt down respectfully. "Thank you Master for giving me the elixir. Without Master, I wouldn't be where I am today! Zhang Fujiang is willing to go through fire and water for his master in this life, no matter what!"


Zhang Fujiang's excitement was beyond words.

Finally achieved the foundation building stage.

To know.

Many monks in the world of immortality spend their entire lives just wandering around in the qi-training stage and unable to enter the foundation-building stage, because most of them cannot get the foundation-building pill!

The fact that I can build a foundation is all thanks to the gift of my master, Qin Wang.

"Very good, I still say what I said, serve me well, and when I form the golden elixir, I will definitely not forget you!"

Qin Wang signaled Zhang Fujiang to stand up and spoke slowly.

"Yes! Master!"

Zhang Fujiang was very satisfied.

"I will hide your cultivation. As long as you don't take action, your true cultivation will not be revealed. Let's go to the market first and find a place to hide for a while!"

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he used the Soul Locking and Breathing Hidden Technique to hide Zhang Fujiang's cultivation level at the Qi Refining Stage, and his own cultivation level at the first level, then turned around and walked towards the Tiger Collection not far away.

If you want to avoid the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty's search, temporarily hiding in the city and hiding for a while is the best choice.

Tiger set.

It is located a hundred miles below the Tianji Mountains and has a population of about 20,000.

Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang used their physical skills to gallop towards the tiger gathering. When they were three miles away from the tiger gathering, Zhang Fujiang suddenly stopped and said to Qin Wang. "Master, look, it's almost dark, and that child is lying on the tomb crying?"


When Qin Wang heard this, he immediately looked over and found a young man, about eleven or twelve years old, lying on a tomb made of loess, wailing softly.

"Go and have a look."

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he waved to Zhang Fujiang, and the two of them walked towards the young man.

at this time.

The weather is still cold.

The boy was actually wearing thin clothes, with two holes in his knees and elbows, and a pair of straw sandals on his feet. He was dirty and very thin.

"My dearest mother, I miss you."

The young man didn't notice the arrival of Qin and Wang at all. He pressed his face against the tomb and talked to himself. His eyes were red and full of tears.

After a while.

The young man stopped crying and looked up to find Qin and Wang, and his eyes suddenly showed a vigilant look.

"Young man, it's already dark, why are you lying here and not going home?"

Qin Wang looked at the young man and spoke with a kind expression.

"I, I. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

The young man shed tears before he spoke, rubbing his eyes and his voice was choked with sobs.

"Are you OK?"

Qin Wang looked at the young man with sympathy in his heart. Just now the young man called his mother to the tomb, and he heard it too.

When Qin Wang asked, the young man cried even harder.

Qin Wang learned intermittently that this young man was named Shi San. His mother died of illness and his mother did not give him food and was beaten by his own father. He escaped directly and had nowhere to go. He found his mother's tomb to comfort his memory. The pain of kissing.

"Shi San, take us to find a place to stay, and I'll buy you food, how about that?"

Qin Wang looked at the young man and suddenly remembered that when he was a child, his parents divorced and he lived with his grandma. A few years later, his grandma passed away, but his parents had remarried, and they were redundant wherever they went. It was not easy for him to grow up after stumbling. I deeply understand the experiences of young people.

Although he was avoiding the Chu family's search, he was still willing to help this young man Shi San within his ability.

"Okay, thank you uncle!"

Upon hearing Qin Wang's words, the young man immediately showed a look of longing and bowed respectfully to Qin Wang. He had already been hungry for three meals and was almost dizzy.

Qin Wang bought some food for the young man at the Tiger Market, and the young man devoured it.

"Uncle, if you don't mind it, why don't you follow me and live at the east end of the market town?"

Shi San ate a bowl of noodle soup and a meat bun, and felt much better.


Qin Wang nodded.

Immediately followed Shi San towards his home.

"Shi San, do you live here?"

Not long after, they arrived at Shi San's home, and Qin Wang couldn't help being shocked.

The house in front of me is a dilapidated house with mottled earth walls. The moonlight can be seen through the roof tiles. If it rains, it will definitely rain heavily outside and light rain inside.

There was only a wooden table in the room, a wooden board in the room, a few adobe bricks on the ground, straw on top, and worn sheets and quilts.

"Yes, my second mother thought I smelled bad, so she let me live here. I used to have leftovers to eat, but recently, the leftovers are all gone. She even falsely accused me of stealing money. I really didn't steal any money!"

As Shi San spoke, he lowered his head, twirling the corners of his clothes, and showed stubbornness in his eyes.

"Uncle, you guys sleep here tonight"

Shi San pointed to the wooden bed and said.

"Then where do you sleep?"

Qin Wang looked at the wooden bed. It was obvious that this was Shi San's only bed.

"I'll get some more straw and spread it out again."

Shi San said with clear eyes.


Qin Wang nodded and said nothing more.

Shi San went to get straw to make a bed, while Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang practiced in the house.

time flies.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: You met young Shi San yesterday. You felt sorry for him, gave him food, and stayed in Shi San's 'home' with the intention of hiding in the market and obtaining information. Shi San has excellent understanding and will have great opportunities in the future. , will be a powerful help to you in the future. 】

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