Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 165 The First Disciple! Ancient Hieroglyphic Silver Scroll! [Please subscribe!]

[2: You met young Shi San yesterday and got information that Shi San’s second mother, Wu Yongqian, was looking for an opportunity and planned to push Shi San and fall into the well while her husband was away from home. 】

[3: In order to avoid the Chu family’s search, you left Wanlingfang City and obtained information. Tianchu Immortal Dynasty searched for the murderer in Wanlingfang City and secretly searched for the souls of 396 casual cultivators, but did not dare to touch them. Disciples of all major immortal sects, aristocratic families, and immortal dynasties. 】

[4: You passed through the outskirts of the Tianji Mountains yesterday and received information that in the fifty-mile mountain stream of the Tianji Mountains, there is an ancient hieroglyphic silver scroll, which was written by Cangjie and may be related to the method of body refining. 】

[5: You checked the ancient parchment that Zhang Panpan gave you yesterday and obtained information that Zhang Panpan has found Jiang Fan’s bone cave. She is going to take Master Qingyao to find a place with blooming spring flowers, and meet Master Qingyao. Until the end of his life, he will fulfill the promise made by Master Qingyao during his lifetime. 】

[6: You helped your servant Zhang Fujiang build the foundation yesterday and obtained information. Zhang Fujiang is grateful to you. He now feels that becoming your servant may be his most correct choice. He knows in his heart that if he continues to be a tribulation cultivator, he will It may not be possible to build a foundation. 】

[7: You came to the Tianji Mountains Tiger Collection yesterday and obtained information. The Tianji Mountains are close to Jinyang County of the Yue Kingdom. The strongest force in the Yue Kingdom is the Spirit Beast Sect. In order to fight against the Tianji Sect, the Spirit Beast Sect secretly surrendered to the Tianji Sect. Chu Xian Dynasty. 】

[8: Yesterday you took out five small green swords from Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, and obtained information that five golden elixirs from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty had discovered that Chu Chucheng had been killed because Chu Chucheng was investigating Qin Tietan and Zhang Fujiang, two monks in the Qi Refining Period, died. Tianchu Immortal Dynasty suspected Qin Tiedan and Zhang Fujiang and was hunting them down and issuing arrest warrants. Li Shentong learned that Zhang Fujiang was wanted by Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, so as to avoid getting into trouble. Upper body, along with the Tianyao Chamber of Commerce caravan, went to Dayu Immortal Dynasty to escape. 】

[9: You observed the Purple Thunder Divine Bullet from Yan Wushuang yesterday and obtained information. The Dayan Immortal Dynasty learned that the seventh prince Yan Wushuang had fallen, and sent three golden elixirs and many foundations to investigate near the Wanling Blessed Land. 】

[10: Yesterday, you used the spirit stone of Chu Ping, the Eighteenth King of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, to practice and obtained information. The Golden Pill Chu Hanfeng of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty will come to Yue in half a month and ask the Spirit Beast Sect to help hunt down Qin Tiedan. and Zhang Fujiang. 】

"Killing Chu Chucheng, do they suspect me?"

"Tianchu Immortal Chao Jindan Chu Hanfeng will come to Yue in half a month and ask the Spirit Beast Sect to help hunt me down?"

Qin Wang looked at the information on the panel and frowned slightly.

Brother Tianchu suspected it through the identity plate of Wanlingfang City.

after all.

Chu Chucheng died after tracing himself based on the mark of divine consciousness, so the suspicion naturally fell on himself.


This is also something that can't be helped.

Chu Chucheng came up to search for the soul and had to kill him.

At the moment, they may not be able to trace it here, so they will hide in the market for a while first.

"The name Qin Tiedan can no longer be used in the future."

Qin Wang thought silently in his heart, feeling that except for the name Qin Tiedan, there was nothing missing.

after all.

He and Zhang Fujiang came to this tiger gathering to hide their cultivation and use the face-changing technique.

It's a completely different person.

At this moment, Qin Wang was a completely ordinary-looking young man, while Zhang Fujiang had changed his appearance into a fat man in his forties.

"Information shows that Shi San has excellent understanding and will have great opportunities in the future. He will be a powerful helper to me in the future."

Qin Wang looked at Shi San, who was tossing and turning on the wooden bed beside him and couldn't sleep, with a thoughtful look in his eyes and murmured. "Shi San's second mother is actually so vicious. This must be stopped from happening."

The next day.

Thousands of golden lights, beams of light like swords shot in from the gaps in the earth wall, and dust floated in them.

Shi San came in from outside, holding six large cakes in his hand, and handed them to Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang, two each. "Uncle, eat the cake."

"Shi San, we won't eat, you can eat!"

Qin Wang shook his head.

Qin Wang didn't expect that after giving Shi San a few taels of silver yesterday, he would go buy breakfast for him early in the morning.


He has already established his foundation and has basically become inedible. Unless he eats spiritual fruits, ordinary worldly food can no longer arouse his interest.


Shi San looked at Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang, who were sitting cross-legged, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Uncle Shi San, can I ask you a question?"

"go ahead!"

Qin Wang looked at Shi San with some curiosity and said.

"Uncle, are you practicing martial arts when you are sitting like this?"

"Like a knight flying over the walls?"

Shi San looked at Qin Wang with a light in his eyes. He heard that some martial arts knights needed to meditate frequently.

"So be it!"

"Have you ever seen a knight-errant?"

Qin Wang looked at Shi San and asked curiously.

"Well, one time, I saw two martial arts masters fighting. They flew so high, two or three feet high."

Shi San looked at Qin Wang with burning eyes and said. "Uncle, can Shi San become your teacher? Shi San wants to learn martial arts. If he learns martial arts, Shi San won't have to worry about his second mother!"

"Worship me as your teacher?"

Qin Wang looked at Shi San with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Early morning intelligence shows.

Shi San has excellent understanding and will have great opportunities in the future, and will become a powerful helper for him in the future.

If you accept him as a disciple now and wait for him to grow up in the future, it would be good!

"Master is on top, please accept the stone and bow three times!"

Shi San saw Qin Wang thinking, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise and hope. He immediately knelt in front of Qin Wang and kowtowed.

"Shi San, cultivation is very hard, are you willing?"

Qin Wang looked at Shi San who was kowtowing and asked.

"I am not afraid of hardship! Shi San feels that nothing is more difficult than now!"

Shi San's expression was firm.

"Okay, I will accept you. From now on, you will be my first disciple!"

Qin Wang thought for a while and said.

Intelligence shows that Shi San can become his assistant in the future, which means that he has spiritual roots.

"Thank you, Master, for taking me in!"

Shi San heard the words, his eyes showed surprise, and he kowtowed again.

"Come forward, let me see your spiritual roots first!"

Qin Wang looked at Shi San and motioned him to come forward.

"Yes, Master!"

Shi San walked forward and stood in front of Qin Wang, his expression showing expectation.

Qin Wang touched the storage bag, and suddenly, a pale white spirit stone the size of a millstone appeared in his hand. This spirit stone was found in Yan Wushuang's storage bag.

"Shi San, stretch out your hand and press it here."

Qin Wang pointed at the spirit stone and said to Shi San.

"Yes, Master!" Shi San stepped forward and stretched out his hand to press on the palm print in the spirit stone.



Qin Wang only felt the spirit stone shake, and two rays of light, earth yellow and gold, shot up.

"Shi San, you have dual spiritual roots of gold and earth!"

"This kind of spiritual root is very good!"

Qin Wang looked at Shi San, his eyes lit up, this spiritual root can completely enter the Spirit Medicine Immortal Sect and become an inner sect, a core disciple!

"Now, let me teach you the Five Elements Gathering Yuan Gong first!"

Qin Wang waved his hand, and a book appeared in his hand. It was the Five Elements Gathering Yuan Gong, which he didn't know which unlucky guy found in his storage bag.

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