Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 166 Famous in the Southern Region, the fifth ancient parchment scroll! [Please subscribe! ]

at the same time.

Qin Wang also took out a dozen spiritual stones and asked Shi San to get started in cultivation.

Thirteen is illiterate.

Qin Wang asked Zhang Fujiang to teach him step by step how to practice the Five Elements Gathering Gong.

Zhang Fujiang was very attentive to his master Qin Wang's explanation.

He even used his own magic power to enter Shi San's body and guided Shi San to feel the movement of the magic power in his meridians. In two and a half days, Shi San condensed a ray of magic power.

"Master, I feel like there is a little snake in my stomach."

Shi San practiced all morning and said to Qin Wang in surprise.

"Well, let's practice hard."

"With your qualifications and understanding, you will soon be able to fly over the walls like the masters of the world."

Qin Wang looked at Shi San with satisfaction in his eyes.

The information is now displayed.

Shi San will be a huge helper to him in the future. He is looking forward to how Shi San will grow into in the future and how much reward he will receive in return.

Qin Wang asked Shi San to practice on his own.

He took advantage of this time to check his storage bag, clean up his recent harvest, and accumulate his cultivation.

Currently, he is in the early stage of foundation building.

The foundation-building puppet Mu Hun Er, as well as Chu Chucheng's foundation-building body, the Earth Dragon Beast King, plus the four-elephant strangulation array, the thunder sound array, and the yin-yang psychedelic array, should be able to crush the ordinary early-stage foundation-building array. kill.


Currently, the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty is looking for 'Qin Tiedan and Zhang Fujiang' everywhere, but Qin Wang will not run around now.

He planned to continue hiding until the news was over.

"Is there a reward for Qin Tiedan and Zhang Fujiang? Did they kill Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty? Is the head of any one of them worth 5,000 spirit stones? Capturing one alive is worth 20,000 spirit stones plus a high-grade spiritual weapon. Is it true or false? "

"If I can capture Qin Tiedan alive, I'll do it!"

"No way, I heard that the eighteen kings also have the spiritual clones of the ancestors of the Chu family to protect themselves! They are not disciples of a large sect, but just two casual cultivators, how can they be so powerful? Is it wrong?"


Wanlingfang City.

On one side of the casual cultivator square, in the most conspicuous place, there was a sign with a radius of one foot. Hundreds of casual cultivators were surrounding it. They were all shocked and talking about it.

"Qin Tiedan?"

"Fellow Daoist Qin? Is this impossible? Can he kill Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty?"

Li Qiye stood in the crowd, frowning deeply as he looked at the portrait and name on Chu Xianchao's wanted list that day.

But the person in the portrait was eighty-nine times similar to the fellow Taoist Qin Tietan he had seen.

He also met fellow Taoist Qin Tiedan.

He even invited fellow Taoist Qin to go looking for immortality together.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, regardless of whether you did it or not, I still hope you can escape safely."

"After all, we are both from Xiaodanshan, so we are destined."

Li Qiye looked at the wanted poster, thought for a while, then turned and left.

This time.

He sensed a call from somewhere in the Blessed Land of All Souls, so he jumped into the Lake of All Souls, and finally, after a narrow escape, he got a treasure!

Wanlingfang City.

"Why does the monk's face on this wanted poster look so similar to Wangzi's?"

At the entrance of Wanbao Tower, a graceful female monk wearing a white fairy skirt looked at the wanted notice on the wall with a look of deep worry in her eyes.

This female cultivator is Qin Xuemei, who joined the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect.

"Junior sister Xuemei, Master asked us to rush back early, let's go!"

At this time, a cold female cultivator next to Qin Xuemei stepped forward and spoke.

"Yes, Senior Sister Zhang!"

Qin Xuemei sighed helplessly, turned around and left, following many of her fellow disciples.

"Wangzi, you must be good!"

Qin Xuemei followed many of her classmates, praying secretly in her heart.

She knew in her heart that the only thing she could do now was to improve her cultivation with all her strength. Only when her cultivation was strong enough could she protect the people she cared about.

Southern Territory.

Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, Jianghan City.

Zhang Panpan was dressed in white and stood on the long street. Suddenly, she saw dozens of monks gathered in front of them, talking and pointing. She immediately glanced over with her consciousness, looked at them for a while, and frowned slightly. "Wanted order? Qin Tiedan? Isn't this Qin Wang?"

"Could Tianchu Xianchao have made a mistake?"


Zhang Panpan was very confused.

As far as she knew, Qin Tiedan, the pseudonym of Qin Wang, was only at the tenth level of Qi refining. How could he possibly kill those eighteen kings?

Not to mention the spiritual clone of Chu Yunxiao, the ancestor of Chu Xian Dynasty.

Even in her foundation-building stage, facing the spiritual incarnation of a strong Nascent Soul, she might have no choice but to run away. Qin Wang would never be able to kill Chu Yunxiao's spiritual clone.

"Qin Wang has helped me so much, I hope he will be safe and sound."

Zhang Panpan looked at the wanted notice in the distance and thought to himself.

With his current cultivation level.

I can't help Qin Wang at all, I just hope that he can hide well and not be found by the monks of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

While Qin Wang was hiding in Jinyang City.

The entire Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, and even half of the monks in the Southern Region, were looking for Qin Tiedan and Zhang Fujiang.

Southern Territory.

Wanlingfang City.

Chu Hanchen, dressed in a brocade robe, was sitting in a luxurious hall, looking at a middle-aged man in front of him with an anxious expression. "Fifth brother, it's been a month and a half, and there's still no news. The emperor sent someone to remind you yesterday."

"Third brother, we have issued a wanted order in the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and issued a reward in the Southern Territory, but no one has been seen yet."

"These two bitches seem to have evaporated out of thin air!"

Chu Hanxing sighed.

Because the ancestor Thunder was furious.

We won't stop until we catch someone.

For more than a month, he and his brothers had not practiced at all. They had been tracing, but they still had no clue, which delayed their cultivation. In his heart, he hated Qin Tiedan to the extreme.

"It seems that the bounty reward is not enough!"

Chu Hanchen thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

He knew it.

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward!

The reason why we fail to achieve our goals is because we don’t give enough. If we give enough, everything becomes easier.

"Third brother, do you mean to increase the reward of spiritual stones?"

Chu Hanxing's eyes flashed. In fact, he had thought about this problem for a long time.

"Yes, I'm going to add a talisman and three spiritual weapons. If we catch this person early, we won't have to waste money on it!"

Chu Hanchen spoke in a deep voice.

He is now in the golden elixir stage.

Time is precious, if you delay for a moment longer, you will be one step further away from Nascent Soul!

Who doesn’t want to take a step further on the road?

"I will also take out a high-grade spiritual weapon. When I catch this person, I will make his life worse than death!"

A murderous intent flashed in Chu Hanxing's eyes.

As a golden elixir monk, he still has a lot of spiritual weapons in his hands.

Yue country.

In Jinyang County, fierce tigers gather.

At the east end of the town, in a room with mottled earth walls and holes on all sides, Shi San was sitting and practicing, while Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang were in the back room, closing the door and not going out at all.

A hundred feet away from Shi San's earth-shattered house, there are three large tile-roofed houses.

A woman in her thirties, wearing an apron around her waist and a wooden hairpin in her hair, held a water ladle in her hand. She looked at the young man in front of her who was about the same size as Shi San, with an expression of disbelief and said . "Lin'er, you mean, that little beast still has money to buy rice?"

"Mom, I saw him buying rice at the 'Zhang Ji Grain Store'. He must have a lot of money in his bulging bag!"

Shi Lin's eyes rolled around and he said.

"This little beast, where did he get his money? He must have stolen the money he lost last time!"

Wu Yongqian's triangular eyes were sharp, he put the water ladle in his hand on the table, took off his apron, pulled up his son Shi Lin, picked up a bamboo stick, and said. "Come on, let's go to the little beast and get the money he stole back. Today, I'm going to teach him a lesson! Let's see if he still steals the money!"

Wu Yongqian originally lived in a shabby house, but after the eldest lady passed away three months ago, her husband bought three large tile-roofed houses and moved into a new house.

But she didn't want to see the eldest lady's son Shi San, so she tried various methods and finally drove him to live in her old house.

But because of her husband, she still had to take care of Shi San's food.

She wished Shi San would die soon.

In the earth house.

Shi San was working on the stove in the room. He exchanged the money given by his master and bought some rice. He also bought some vegetables. He had just cooked them and smelled the aroma of rice. Suddenly, Erniang held a bamboo stick in her hand. Standing at the door, looking angry. "You little mistress, you said you didn't steal any money! Where did you get the money to buy rice and groceries? Take out the money!"

"Second mother, you have wronged me!"

"I really didn't steal the money!"

Shi San argued.

"Didn't steal it? Let me search!"

Wu Yongqian rushed in angrily and went straight to Shi San to find the money bag. Shi Lin on the side was looking for it in various rooms. When Shi Lin came to Qin Wang's retreat room, he found that the door could not be pushed open.

Wu Yongqian reached out and grabbed Shi San's arms.

Shi San has been practicing Five Elements Gathering Skills with spiritual stones in the past few days, and he already has magic power in his body. He pushed Er Niang. Unexpectedly, the force was so great that Er Niang Wu Yongqian fell to the ground and knocked her head on the wall. A big bag.

"Ah!!!! Little beast!"

"Let's see if I don't beat you to death today!"

As soon as Wu Yongqian touched the big bag on his head, his eyes were splitting, and he rushed towards Shi San. Shi San had already mastered the Five Elements Gathering Skill, and he was not what he used to be. He was as fast as a rabbit. Wu Yongqian tried to catch him several times but failed to catch him. He was beaten and his face was bruised and swollen.

"You little beast, you've rebelled. Wait until your father comes back to deal with you! Ouch."

In the end, Wu Yongqian saw that Shi San had become difficult to deal with, so he immediately said harsh words and ran away.

"Shi San, I am practicing in the back room, don't let anyone know!"

"As soon as anyone finds out, I'm leaving."

Qin Wang sat in the back room and spoke to Shi San.

Qin Wang knew it in his heart.

People from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty were looking for him, but they couldn't let their traces be exposed, even if they were seen by ordinary people. He just wanted to hide here and practice silently.

"Master, disciple knows!"

Shi San nodded solemnly.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: You saw Shi San’s second mother, Wu Yongqian, yesterday and received information that there was an ancient parchment scroll in the dowry that Wu Yongqian brought from her mother’s family. 】

[2: Yesterday, you checked Shi San’s half-brother Shi Lin with your spiritual consciousness and obtained information. Shi Lin couldn’t open the door where you were, so you went back and told Wu Yongqian. Wu Yongqian suspected that the money Shi San stole was hidden in your meditation room. In the back room, I was preparing to wait for my husband to come back tonight to recover the stolen money. 】

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