Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 167: Jin Wuyuan from the Spiritual Beast Sect, a child without a mother is a weed [There wil

[3: Yesterday, you saw Shi San's second mother, Wu Yongqian, with your divine sense. You got information that Wu Yongqian's ancestor, sixteen generations ago, was a cultivator in the foundation-building stage. Because of fighting with others, his foundation was damaged. In addition, his descendants had no spiritual roots, so they passed down some cultivation techniques and treasures, including two small Qingyou swords. ]

[4: Yesterday, you looked at the periphery of the Tianji Mountains from a distance and got information that the ancient pictographic silver scroll was swallowed by a demon carp that was about to break through the third level. This demon carp will go down the mountain stream and enter the Canglan River in three days. ]

[5: Yesterday, you probed with your divine sense and found out whether there were disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect in Menghuji. You got information that Kang Baoquan, a cultivator in the early stage of the foundation-building stage of the Spirit Beast Sect, was going to the Tianji Mountains to find avian demon beast eggs for spiritual beast cultivation. Kang Baoquan has a spiritual beast cultivation technique that helps the hidden seeker advance. ]

[6: Yesterday, you sent out your spiritual sense and found out that someone in Menghuji was talking about the wanted order of Tianchu Xianchao. You got the information that Chu Hanfeng, the Jindan of Tianchu Xianchao, had come to the Lingshou Gate of Yue Kingdom in advance to discuss with Jin Wuyuan, the Jindan leader of the Lingshou Gate, to track down the murderer who killed the Eighteenth King Chu Ping. Jin Wuyuan has a third-level olfactory rat in his hand, which can track the target through relics, clothes, and traces of odor. Jin Wuyuan has gone to the shed of Wanlingfang Market and let the olfactory rat lock your scent so that it can track along the scent. ]

[7: You recently wore 6 mysterious fragments and got the information that your spiritual sense is nourished every day. Your spiritual sense has far surpassed that of the cultivators of the same level in the early stage of foundation building. ]

[8: You wore the mysterious fragments yesterday and got the information that Qin Xuemei, who was sewing cloth bags, saw Qin Tiedan's wanted order. She felt that the portrait on it looked very similar to you. She was very worried about you and decided to practice hard. Only by improving her cultivation can she help find you. ]

[9: You observed the Five Elements Divine Light Jar yesterday and obtained information that the Gu Venerable with a pig body and a Gu head occupied Xiaodan Mountain and became a demon domain. Half a month ago, he was besieged by Yuanying strongmen such as Wanhua Xianzong, Badao Xianzong, Daqi Xianchao, Tuoba Family, etc., and finally fled to the direction of Dayu Xianchao. ]

[10: You used the treasure bowl to purify the elixir of the Eighteenth King Chu Ping yesterday and obtained information that the ancestor of the Tianchu Xianchao Chu Yunxiao intended to impact the God Transformation. Because his divine mind clone was destroyed and his Tao foundation was impacted, the impact on the God Transformation was postponed for 30 years. ]

"Shi San's second mother has an old sheepskin scroll? And two Qingyou small swords?"

"So, can I use the Qingyou sword formation?"

Qin Wang looked at the first, second, and third pieces of information, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

According to the information,

Qingyou Sword Formation, nine swords form a formation. He has 7 Qingyou small swords in his storage bag, plus Shi San's second wife has 2 swords, which makes a total of 9 swords, just enough for a small Qingyou Sword Formation.

"Ancient pictographic silver scroll, this is about body refining information, it seems that I have to go into the mountains and get it."

Qin Wang looked at the 4th piece of information and secretly planned in his heart.

I have a proficiency panel.

If I get the body refining skills, through continuous experience, I can make my body like a diamond, and I will have more trump cards when fighting with others in the future.

"The Spirit Beast Sect has the Spirit Beast Cultivation Technique, which helps the Hidden Soul Rat to advance?"

"This. I am being hunted by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty for the time being. When I have a chance in the future, I must go to the Spirit Beast Sect to exchange for this Spirit Beast Cultivation Technique."

Qin Wang looked at the 5th piece of information and his heart moved.

"Jin Wuyuan, the head of the Spirit Beast Sect, has a third-level spirit-sniffing rat spirit beast, which is very good at tracking?"


Qin Wang saw the sixth piece of information, and his heart trembled, and he stood up suddenly.

He could track the target through the remains, clothes, and smell traces. Maybe he could really let it track the traces and breath he left in the shed to come here. Once he was found by the cultivators of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, he would be dead.

"Shi San, wake up!"

Qin Wang thought of this and woke Shi San up immediately.

"What's wrong with the master?"

Shi San was woken up by Qin Wang, rubbing his sleepy eyes, and it was obvious that he had just fallen asleep.

"I just got the news that an enemy is chasing me. They are very powerful. They will track me to Menghuji based on my aura. I am leaving."

"Master is leaving Menghuji soon! We are master and apprentice, and it is also fate!"

"This is the apprenticeship gift package I gave you. It contains skills and spells, as well as 500 spiritual stones. You will have to rely on yourself in the future."

"Later, Master will use the dust removal technique to clean up the aura I left behind for you and this earth house. However, just in case, Master suggests that you leave here. I can't guarantee that those people will not have special tracking techniques to track us to the earth house!"

Qin Wang looked at Shi San with a very serious tone, and took out a package and a storage bag. This storage bag was one of the ones Qin Wang got when he killed Yan Wushuang's subordinates.

There are 300 spiritual stones in the storage bag and 200 spiritual stones outside, which is convenient for Shi San to carry.

Intelligence shows.

Shi San will be his great helper in the future. Now he is given all the spiritual stones, skills, and spells. It is much better than what he had to fight for bit by bit at that time.

His current cultivation is only the first level of Qi training. Giving more will harm him.

"Ah? Master is leaving? Master, who is your enemy?"

After hearing Qin Wang's explanation, Shi San also felt the seriousness of the situation, and his eyes showed worry.

"Tianchu Xianchao."

Qin Wang said in a deep voice.


Shi San lived in Menghuji and had only heard of Yue Kingdom, not Xianchao.

"Compared with the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, the Yue Kingdom is not worth mentioning at all, just like the difference between an elephant and an ant."

Qin Wang said in a deep voice.

"Ah, Master, please leave quickly. After you leave, I will also leave the Tiger Collection."

Shi San said with determination in his eyes.

He can no longer stay in this home.

The only concern.

It was his deceased mother who was treated like this by his second mother and whose father was indifferent. He no longer had any nostalgia for such a father.

Now, his cultivation level has reached the first level of Qi refining stage.

It's enough to go out and make a living.

"Shi San!"

"Get out of here!"

At this moment, a man's angry voice sounded outside Shi San's door.

"No, why did my dad come back in the middle of the night?"

When Shi San heard the sound, his expression suddenly changed and he whispered to Qin Wang.

"I'll stay out of the way."

Qin Wang's figure flashed, entered the back room and closed the door.

He has been hiding in the back room. No one knows except Shi San. It is not appropriate to show himself to others at this time.

Shi San had just opened the door, and there was a tall, strong man holding a three-foot-long bamboo stick in his hand.

Behind him stood a woman, who was Shi San's second mother.

At this time, Er Niang was in tears, pretending to be pitiful, and looked at Shi San with a sneer hidden in her eyes.

"You bastard, not only did you steal money, but you actually dared to push your second mother. Look at you, you dropped five blood packets on her head. Your second mother runs this family and is responsible for your brother's food and drink. How easy is it?" ?"

"If you don't respect your elders at such a young age, you won't be able to do it again in the future!"

The strong man walked in, slapped Shi San twice hard with his hands, his eyes widened with anger, stepped forward and pulled Shi San's ears, and cursed. "Kneel down and apologize to your second mother! If you don't apologize today, I will beat you to death!"


Shi Zhonghai was extremely angry. He went out to make money to support his family. He worked hard and came back in the middle of the night. Unexpectedly, when he came back, he saw his wife crying. She complained that her eldest son Shi San had stolen money and refused to obey the discipline. He also beat his second mother all over his head. Furious.

"I didn't steal the money, so I won't apologize!!"

Shi San said stubbornly.

"You are so stubborn!"

Shi Zhonghai was furious. The bamboo stick in his hand fell on Shi San's body, and red marks suddenly appeared. Shi San said nothing, but looked at his father and the second mother behind his father, Wu Yongqian, with hatred.

"Zhonghai, you gave birth to a good son! He is still not convinced and glares at me!"

Er Niang was frightened by Shi San's hateful eyes. She took a few steps back and called out behind Shi Zhonghai.

"If you're not convinced, keep fighting!"

Shi Zhonghai was furious at this time. He waved the bamboo stick in his hand again and hit it more than ten times. He looked at Shi San and asked angrily. "Asshole! Are you going to apologize?!"

"Haha. You go ahead and beat me to death. It's best to beat me to death! After all, a motherless child is like a piece of grass!"

Shi San looked at his father calmly, feeling extremely disappointed.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Second update

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