Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 168 Pictographic silver scroll, two more small green swords, leaving [3rd update, 8000 words


Hearing Shi San's words, Shi Zhonghai's bamboo stick, which was about to continue to hit, suddenly stopped in mid-air. His expression changed, and he finally took a deep breath and said to Shi San. "Go to bed, and we'll talk tomorrow!"

After that, he closed the door and turned to leave with Er Niang Wu Yongqian.

Shi San stood there without saying a word.

"Shi San, apply this medicine, and you will be fine tomorrow."

Qin Wang used his magic power to restore his injuries, took out a white porcelain bottle and handed it to Shi San, saying.

At the same time, a dust removal technique fell on Shi San's body, clearing the breath on his body and the breath in the room.

"Thank you, Master."

"I will leave after you leave."

Shi San respectfully clasped his fists to Qin Wang.

He had already despaired of his father.

Indiscriminately, he was beaten. He had made up his mind to leave Menghuji. If he continued like this, he would be killed by Er Niang sooner or later.

"I can't use this silver, so I'll leave it to you."

"We are destined to meet, see you in the world of immortal cultivation!"

Qin Wang nodded, and without further persuasion, waved his hand, more than 100 taels of silver, and ten amulets appeared in front of Shi San. After embarking on the path of immortal cultivation, these secular silvers were no longer useful to him.

These silvers were found in the corners of the storage bags of some cultivators he had killed.

It's okay to take out these silvers and give them to Shi San for his early living needs.

"Shi San, send off the master!"

Seeing this, Shi San knelt in front of Qin Wang and kowtowed respectfully.

He knew in his heart that without his master, he had no choice. The master not only taught him his skills, but also gave him spirit stones and so much silver. You know, this silver is a wealth that he can't earn in more than 10 lifetimes!

"Shi San's second wife!"

"Two Qingyou small swords, an old parchment roll!"

Just as Shi San knelt down, Qin Wang's figure flashed and disappeared in the room. At the same time, Zhang Fujiang followed him and left like a shadow.

The next moment.

Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang appeared a hundred feet away, outside the three large tiled houses.

"You dead ghost, if you don't drive that little bastard away, you'll have to live like this in the future!"

In the room, the voice of the second wife Wu Yongqian was heard.

"Hey, how about I give money to Menghuji Suji Noodle House, let that bastard go to get food every day, and you don't have to cook for him, is that okay?" In the room, Shi Zhonghai looked at the second wife Wu Yongqian and sighed.

The first wife passed away, and the second wife didn't like Shi San. He knew it well, but the second wife also gave birth to two children, so he had to work hard to make money.

Today, I beat Shi San because I hated that bastard for being ignorant, stealing money, and beating people.

"I heard from Xiaolin that the little bastard also bought some rice, which was stolen from me! As the saying goes, a young thief will steal gold when he grows up!"

"If you don't discipline him, you will suffer in the future!"

"Anyway, I don't want to care about it."

Second mother Wu Yongqian was blowing pillow wind.

"Forget it, I will persuade him tomorrow. Although Shi San is not your biological child, he is my flesh and blood after all. For my sake, forget it. In the future, you don't need to send him food."

Shi Zhonghai said helplessly.

"Zhang Fujiang, go in and get two Qingyou small swords and an old sheepskin scroll."

"Just knock them out."

Qin Wang said to Zhang Fujiang.

"Yes, master."

Zhang Fujiang bowed to Qin Wang and clasped his fists, and flashed into the blue brick and tile house.

Not long after.

Zhang Fujiang came out, with two more Qingyou small swords and an old sheepskin scroll in his hands, and said to Qin Wang. "Master, can you see if this is it?"

"It is this!"

Qin Wang was delighted when he saw this, and immediately waved to Zhang Fujiang and said. "Let's go."

After that.

Qin Wang used the Dust Removal Technique three times in a row to clear all the aura on his body.

His next step.

It is the Tianji Mountains.

The pictographic silver scroll must be obtained.

At the same time, Zhang Fujiang also used the Dust Removal Technique to clear his aura again and again.

The two turned into two ghosts and went to the Tianji Mountains.

Yue Kingdom.

Tianji Mountains.

There are countless monsters in the mountains, which is the training place for the disciples of the two major immortal gates of Yue Kingdom, Lingshou Gate and Tianji Gate.

Qin Wang walked forward in the dark, exploring the way with his spiritual consciousness, just like in the daytime.

Half an hour later.

Qin Wang came to the Tianji Mountains, in a mountain stream fifty miles away.

This mountain stream is about 30 feet wide, extending into the distance and flowing into the Canglan River.

There are cliffs on both sides.

Green pines stretched out on the cliffs on both sides, and from afar, the roars of wild beasts could be heard from time to time.

"The demon carp is in here?"

Qin Wang's spiritual sense probed into the mountain stream, but he felt that the mountain stream was bottomless. There were potholes under the mountain stream, and there were actually many caves and undercurrents. He had no idea where the demon carp was.

With his spiritual sense, he couldn't see the end of the deep stream.

"It would be great if there was bait to attract demon fish."

Qin Wang looked at the bottomless mountain stream and thought to himself.

He had a demon-luring psychedelic incense. If it was lit here, the fragrance would not penetrate the water, and it might not attract demon fish in the water, but it would also attract land monsters. Where would he find the demon fish at that time?

Not to mention getting the things in the demon fish's stomach.

"Situ Yunfei, you are a Jindan-stage Yuanshen, go in and take a look."

"Find the demon carp in the deep stream."

Qin Wang waved his hand and summoned Situ Yunfei's soul.

The golden elixir soul can sweep farther.

"Yes, master!"

The soul of Situ Yunfei appeared, bowed and clasped his fists, floated into the mountain stream, and instantly merged into the water.

Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang waited quietly on the side.

About a quarter of an hour later.

The water was rippling.

A ten-foot-long, palm-sized demon carp with golden fish scales swam to a crack in the rock beside the mountain stream. It opened its mouth as if it was short of water and was dying.


"So fast?"

Qin Wang looked at the demon carp, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his figure flashed and landed beside the mountain stream. His consciousness instantly entered the body of the demon carp, and immediately saw a half-size, light silver, and child-arm-thick scroll in the belly of the demon carp.

A shadow of the soul flashed on the body of the demon carp, and it was Situ Yunfei!


Under Situ Yunfei's control, the demon carp opened its mouth and spit out the light silver scroll, which fell at Qin Wang's feet with a "pop".

Qin Wang reached out to take the silver scroll and observed it carefully.

He found that in addition to the light silver color, the surface was smooth and quite heavy, and even his spiritual sense could not penetrate it or open it.

"Now that we have the things, let's go first."

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he put the silver shaft into the storage bag, put away Situ Yunfei, waved to Zhang Fujiang, and the two turned into ghosts and rushed away.

At this time.

Tigers gather.

In Shi San's broken house.

Shi San stood at the door with a small package on his back, took a deep look at the three large tiled houses in the distance, and walked out of the market without looking back.

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