Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 169: Refreshing intelligence, locking breath to exchange for spirit soup, spiritual enlighte

The next morning.

At the door of the adobe house.

Shi Zhonghai came to the door of the adobe house with two pancakes in his hand, and he found that the door of the adobe house was closed.


Shi Zhonghai shouted, but found that there was no movement inside, and he frowned.

This child has a very stubborn temper.

He has been working outside for many years, and everything in the family has been left to Er Niang. He also knows that Shi San is the daughter of the eldest wife, and the second wife cannot take care of Shi San like a biological child, but the current situation is the only way.

If he comes back, he can't support the family.

The lack of upbringing caused San'er to steal money and beat Er Niang. San'er is now 12 years old. Beating him blindly will only cause rebelliousness. He plans to have a good talk with Shi San today.

Shi Zhonghai pushed open the door and walked in.

But he found that the worn-out sheets on the only wooden bed inside were neatly folded, and the simple kitchen still retained the appearance when the eldest wife was alive.


Shi Zhonghai searched the front room, back room and kitchen of the adobe house, but could not find the figure of his eldest son Shi San. He suddenly felt a pang in his heart. He beat him last night, and San'er ran away?

Shi Zhonghai's expression changed, and he rushed out of the adobe house and went to the market.

Yue country.


This place is two thousand miles away from the Spirit Beast Gate. For a day and a night, Qin Wang has been flying his sword at low altitude, moving along the Tianji Mountains.

In the early hours of the morning.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Today's intelligence! ]

[1: In order to avoid the pursuit of Jin Wuyuan, the head of the Spirit Beast Gate, you rushed thousands of miles to the southwest yesterday. You got the information that Jin Wuyuan, the head of the Spirit Beast Gate, was rushing to the shed where you lived in Wanlingfang City to collect your breath in order to let the spirit-sniffing rat smell your breath more accurately. It is currently 23,000 miles away from Wanlingfang City. ]

[2: You were looking for the demon carp yesterday, and you felt sorry that the demon-luring psychedelic incense could not penetrate the water. You got information. You got the Soul-Locking Breath-Changing Soup that conceals your own breath. Please click on ‘●’ for the recipe. ]

[3: You left the Tiger Settlement yesterday. You got information. After you left, Shi San also left the Tiger Settlement at night with his bag on his back. Shi Zhonghai found out that his eldest son had run away from home early in the morning. He regretted it and looked for Shi San everywhere. Er Niang found that the Qingyou sword and the sheepskin scroll were missing, and pushed them on Shi San. ]

[4: You went to a deep ravine in the Tianji Mountains yesterday, and got the pictographic silver scroll. You got information. Under the deep ravine in the Tianji Mountains, there is a huge mysterious fairy palace that fell from the sky. The ancient pictographic silver scroll came with the fairy palace. ]

[5: Yesterday you went to the deep ravine under the Tianji Mountains and obtained information. A huge mysterious fairy palace was thirty miles away from your feet. In the fairy palace, there are three mysterious fairy corpses. These three fairy corpses have great origins. Their souls are locked in the fairy palace world and cannot return to the world. ]

[6: Yesterday you went all the way to the southwest to avoid the pursuit of Jin Wuyuan, the head of the Spirit Beast Sect. You obtained information that Jin Wuyuan still has 10 days to track you down. ]

[7: Yesterday you obtained the pictographic silver scroll and obtained information. The pictographic scroll is divided into the silver scroll, the gold scroll, and the purple air scroll. It was created by the ancient true immortal Cangjie. It is a method of body refining and requires the Cangjie key to open it. The Cangjie key corresponding to the silver scroll is currently in the Murong family. ]

[8: You evaded the pursuit of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty yesterday and obtained information. Daqi Immortal Dynasty and Dayan Immortal Dynasty, as well as many forces in the Southern Region, were quite dissatisfied with the overbearing behavior of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. Tianchu Immortal Dynasty searched for the murderer, resulting in the disappearance of many independent cultivators. The cultivators in the Southern Region secretly talked about Tianchu. ]

[9: You evaded the pursuit of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty yesterday and obtained information. Chu Yunxiao of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty obtained the inheritance of Tianxiao Patriarch three thousand years ago, including the chapter of incarnation perception. This chapter of incarnation perception is helpful for late Nascent Soul cultivators to advance to incarnation. ]

[10: You evaded the pursuit of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty yesterday and obtained information. In order to force Kunxu Independent Cultivator to reveal his inheritance, Tianchu Immortal Dynasty Emperor Chu Wuya secretly imprisoned Jing Tianyun, the previous generation of Fengyao Saint. 】

"Will Jin Wuyuan catch up to me in 10 days?"

"Soul-locking and Breath-changing Soup!"

Qin Wang looked at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd messages, his eyes lit up, and he murmured. "Great, with this, I don't have to worry about Jin Wuyuan's tracking."

Soul-locking and Breath-changing Soup: It is prepared with 28 kinds of spiritual herbs. After taking it, it can convert the breath of a person into a completely different breath, making it impossible for people to track it by breath.

Qin Wang immediately clicked on the configuration details.

After a check.

Qin Wang found that there were spiritual herbs for preparing the Soul-locking and Breath-changing Soup in his storage bag. The only spiritual herb missing was Xin Guizi. According to the preparation details, Xin Guizi is a root spiritual herb, which is not very common.

"It seems that I have to go to Huoyao Xiancheng."

Qin Wang looked into the distance, made up his mind, spread his body, and rushed towards Huoyao Xiancheng with Zhang Fujiang.

Jin Wuyuan was about to catch up, and he had to hurry.

Prepare this Soul-locking and Breath-changing Soup.

Huoyao Xiancheng is as famous as Qingyun Xiancheng, Houtu Xiancheng, Tianshui Xiancheng, Jinrui Xiancheng and other Xiancheng.

It is one of the five major Xianchengs in the southern region.

It is backed by the southwest of Tianji Mountains.

The children of Yue, Zhao, and even Tianchu and Daqi families will go there to train and hunt monsters to obtain resources.

Spiritual Medicine Market.

It is the spiritual medicine distribution center of the west city of Huoyao Xiancheng. Many independent cultivators and monster hunting teams bring the spiritual medicine and monster materials they obtained in the Tianji Mountains here to sell.

Here, there are shops and also independent cultivators selling it.

Because this Xin Guizi is not very common, Qin Wang asked four or five spiritual medicine shops, but got nothing. In desperation, he had to go to the independent cultivators' stalls to have a look.

He planned to go to the three neighboring cities in the east, south and north if it didn't work.

"Xin Guizi? I've never heard of this spiritual medicine. I have other medicinal materials here, all of which are of good years. Daoyou, would you like to take a look?"

Qin Wang came to the stall of a cultivator in the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage who was about fifty years old. When he heard that Qin Wang wanted Xin Guizi, the old cultivator shook his head and persuaded him to buy other spiritual medicines.


He waved his hand and took out a large pile of other spiritual herbs from the storage bag and showed them to Qin Wang.

"No, I only want Xin Guizi, thank you."

Qin Wang waved to the old cultivator and was about to leave. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a pile of spiritual herbs. He was shocked and pointed to a root spiritual medicine and asked.

"Daoyou, what is the name of this spiritual herb?"


This spiritual herb looks exactly like the Xin Guizi in the recipe list of the Soul-Locking and Breath-Changing Soup. The rhizome is as thick as an index finger, about three feet long, and light yellow in color.

"This is called Xin Zhugen. It's not very easy to sell, so I picked some. If you want it, take all of this pile for 5 spiritual stones!"

The old monk saw that Qin Wang was interested in this Xin Zhugen and said enthusiastically.

These Xin Zhugens are not common, but he didn't let them go when he saw them, so he picked them back. No one wanted them for half a month. If someone was interested, it was considered picking up spiritual stones.

"Okay, give them all to me!"

Qin Wang nodded. Five spiritual stones, such a pile of at least 40 or 50 plants, is enough to prepare the Soul-Locking and Breath-Changing Soup.


Hearing that Qin Wang wanted all of them, the old monk showed a happy look in his eyes and packed up the pile of Xin Zhugen for Qin Wang.

This is equivalent to picking up five spiritual stones.

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