Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 17 Mysterious bowl, updated information! Yanyun County! [Please recommend]

"There is still half a year before the River God Festival begins!"

"When the time comes, I will definitely rescue you!"

Qin Wang did not answer Qin Xuemei, but spoke with a firm look in his eyes.


Qin Xuemei stared at Qin Wang blankly, her mouth wide open, and did not speak for a long time. She really couldn't figure out how her brother knew the news.

After a long time, Qin Xuemei looked at Qin Wang, took a deep breath, and said. "Awang, the Chen family is powerful, we can't disobey. The old lady has spoken, and if you don't agree, the end is the same. It's worth it to exchange your sister's life for your future. "

"Besides, if I don't agree, you and I will not survive, be obedient"

Qin Xuemei shook her head.

She knew it in her heart.

Take the silver from the Chen family back.

The Chen family is not worried about her escaping.

Because, in the Great Cang Kingdom, the people need a pass to leave the county under the Baojia system, and her pass is in the hands of the Chen family.

Another one.

If I run away, the Chen family will come to catch my brother first, and then the siblings will have no way out.

"I really can't disobey the Chen family for the time being!"

"But, I will rescue you in half a year, maybe I have a way!"

Qin Wang said with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Awang, there is no hope, do you know? Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, has a high level of cultivation and is known as one of the five martial arts masters in Yanyun County! He is as famous as the chief constable Zheng Kecheng! There is no good end to confront him!"

"That's what I want."

Qin Xuemei shook her head and sighed.

"I will rescue you in half a year!"

Qin Wang looked at Qin Xuemei with a firm look.

Qin Xuemei didn't say anything else. She knew that for the siblings, the head of the Chen family was like a mountain that was difficult to climb!

There was no other way to go except to accept their fate.

Qin Wang explained to his sister and went to Baicaotang and asked for two days of leave.

"In the puddle in the ravine?"

Qin Wang left Qingniuji and came to Qingniu Mountain, ten miles away. He looked around and looked for the puddle in the ravine mentioned in the intelligence.

Qingniu Mountain is very large and deep.

The ravine is at the foot of the mountain. As for the puddles, there are also four or five of varying sizes, each of which is about ten feet in radius. Qin Wang took a wooden stick as thick as a copper plate and searched for the broken bowl mentioned in the intelligence along the ravine.

Qin Wang found three puddles in succession and poked them with a wooden stick, but he didn't see the broken bowl mentioned in the intelligence.

Just when he checked the fourth puddle.

He saw a gray object floating on the water, which looked like half a bowl. He immediately stepped forward and pried the bowl with a stick.

The muddy water turned up, and the water became turbid. It was a shabby bowl-shaped object covered with gray dirt.

"Is this the broken bowl that Li Xinhan and Yu Yunchang encountered and dropped?"

Qin Wang walked forward, picked up the "bowl" in his hand, and looked at it carefully.

This bowl, with an inner diameter of about four inches, is relatively intact, but there is a lot of black dirt on it, covering the entire bowl. He can't knock it off no matter how hard he tries, as if it is part of the bowl!

However, between the dark dirt, it can be vaguely seen that the material of this bowl is a dark material.

Holding it in his hand, it is very heavy, about one pound.

"Can this thing help me practice?"

Qin Wang looked at the bowl, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Qin Wang first washed the bowl, and it still looked black and dirty, no wonder it was discarded.

"Take it back and see it first."

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he thought to himself.

"The next step is to prepare a portion of Zhuangxue Soup and take it first."

Qin Wang secretly planned in his heart.


"Brother, are you going to quit your job and go to the county town?"

Bai Fenghuan looked at Qin Wang, her big eyes flickered, revealing disbelief.


Qin Wang nodded, and looked at Doctor Bai who was pondering on the side.

He knew that he had money. If he bought medicine at Baicaotang, he would not be able to hide it from Doctor Bai. How could he solve the problem of the money?

How could he solve the problem of Zhuangxuetang?

The only correct solution was to go to the county town.

Going to the county town would give him more opportunities, make it more convenient to buy medicine, and get more information about the Chen family, which would help rescue his sister.

"Xiao Qin, I actually think highly of you. Since you insist on leaving, I can't keep you."

"Come back if you figure it out in the future."

Doctor Bai looked at Qin Wang and sighed. He felt Qin Wang's determination.

"Thank you, Grandpa Bai!"

"If I return to Qingniuji in the future, I will definitely come to visit you and Fenghuan."

Qin Wang said to Doctor Bai, then said goodbye and left.


In a thatched house with mottled earth walls.

"Brother, I feel that after two months, your body still looks thin, but it is much stronger than before!"

"Seeing you get better, I am relieved."

Qin Xuemei sat aside, watching Qin Wang practicing Taizu Changquan, with a look of relief in her beautiful eyes, and then admonished. "Brother, promise me not to go to the county town. The Chen family is not something we can fight against."

These two days.

Qin Xuemei persuaded Qin Wang countless times to let him give up the idea of ​​going to the Chen family.

"Okay, I won't go to the Chen family."

Qin Wang was silent. He had made up his mind. When his sister went to the county town, he would also go to the county town. There are more opportunities in the county town! The information is better!

"As long as you are well, I will be at ease."

Seeing Qin Wang nod, Qin Xuemei felt relieved.

But Qin Wang had already made up his mind to go to the county town to look for opportunities.

Qin Xuemei left.

She left 20 taels of silver.

The next day, Qin Wang also went to the village head to get a pass, and took 100 taels of silver and set off for the county town.

Yanyun County, north of the city.

Five miles behind the street, in an old house with two houses, Qin Wang was cleaning. This was the house he rented for a year. Due to its remote location and low rent, it also met Qin Wang's expectations.

He now has 100 taels of silver, which is enough for now. If it is not enough, he will go back to get it.

Taking too much silver at one time is too conspicuous.

Another 850 taels of silver from Li Laocai, he has not taken it yet, and he is going to wait until he gets the secret book in Zheng Kecheng's villa before going. Lijiazhuang has become a ghost place, and almost no one goes there.


[Daily information refresh! ]

[Today's Intelligence]

[1: You went to the county government office yesterday and obtained relevant intelligence. County Magistrate Chen Hao is preparing for the Jiangshen Festival in half a year! ]

[2: You met the landlord Lin Ruhai yesterday and obtained relevant intelligence. Lin Ruhai will go to Youzhou County to visit relatives in three days and will be killed by the Black Wind Village robbers. ]

[3: You went to the county government office yesterday to spy on Zheng Kecheng but failed. You obtained relevant intelligence. Li Chunxia has taken over the land deed of Li Laocai. Zheng Kecheng is going to Youzhou County tomorrow to make arrangements. ]

[4: You went to the east of the city to find Yan Po but failed. You obtained relevant intelligence. Yan Po accidentally discovered that the county magistrate had been to the gentle place of the "big official". When she learned that County Magistrate Chen Hao liked to molest boys, she thought of Qin Wang, a handsome young man from Qingniuji. ]

[5: You went to the east of the city to find Yan Po but failed. You obtained relevant intelligence. Yan Po's villa is located in the third building of the back street alley in the east of the city. 】

【6: You met Ding Wen, a waiter at Xingsheng Inn, yesterday and got relevant information. Ding Wen wanted to find a wife, but the betrothal gift was not enough, and he was very distressed. 】

【7: You went to the county government yesterday to observe Zheng Kecheng and got relevant information. Zheng Kecheng's wife Li Chunxia will go to Yuema Bridge to relax tomorrow. 】

【8: You went to Tongrentang to buy medicinal materials yesterday and got relevant information. Tongrentang has Qixue Dan and Zhuangxue Wan for sale. 】

【9: You went to Xinglinchuntang to buy medicinal materials yesterday and got relevant information. Xinglinchun will be robbed tonight and suffer heavy losses. 】

【10: You passed by Dingzi Teahouse yesterday and got relevant information. King Jin was unstoppable and conquered 36 cities in a row. His momentum soared and grain prices soared everywhere. 】

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