Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 18 Buy Qi and Blood Pills and I will kill you with eighteen swords!


Qin Wang looked at the intelligence panel with anticipation in his eyes.

Every time I look at the intelligence panel, I feel a sense of great anticipation.

"County Magistrate Chen Hao, are you planning to worship the River God in half a year?"

"I must speed up to improve my strength!"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information and felt a sense of urgency in his heart. In the past six months, he needed to become stronger quickly in order to rescue his sister Qin Xuemei from the sea of ​​suffering.

As far as he knows.

The head of the Chen family, Chen Kun, has excellent martial arts skills and is one of the top five masters in Yanyun County.

If you want to rescue your sister from the Chen family, you need to be as powerful as Chen Kun!

"The landlord Lin Ruhai will go to Youzhou to visit relatives in three days. Will he be killed by the robbers from Heifeng Village?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information, his eyes flickering.

Lin Ruhai has many houses to his name, and she is just one of his many tenants. Now if you tell him that he will encounter robbers, he probably won't believe it and will think that you have something up his sleeve.

Besides, Qin Wang is pressed for time now and has no time to care about others.

"Zheng Kecheng is planning to go to Youzhou County tomorrow to take care of things?"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up when he looked at the third piece of information.

This is really good news.

Previous intelligence showed that Zheng Kecheng had a secret book of internal strength hidden in a golden house in a courtyard in the north of the city. Perhaps, he could wait until Zheng Kecheng left to get this secret book.

Zheng Kecheng burned Li Tianyi and Mrs. Li Laocai to death, and put the blame on 14 farmers including himself. He really had a way to kill himself!

There is no psychological burden when you take his internal strength secrets.

"Yan Po, this old witch, is about to kill you. You actually want to sacrifice me to the county magistrate Chen Hao. Then kill you in advance. You just need money to buy medicinal materials!"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth and fifth pieces of information with a sharp look in his eyes.

He was preparing to come to the county town and kill the Yan Po.

But I didn't expect that Yan Po was so vicious and wanted to sell her. It was difficult to get rid of the hatred in her heart without killing her!

Just right.

The fifth piece of information showed Yan Po's address - Building 3, Hutong, Back Street, Chengdong.

"Zheng Kecheng went to Youzhou County, and Li Chunxia went to Yuemaqiao to relax?"

Qin Wang looked at the 6th piece of information and ignored it. Instead, he looked at the 8th piece of information, with a look of shock in his eyes, and murmured. "Does Tong Ren Tang sell Qi and Blood Pills? Does it sell Blood Strengthening Pills? I ate a treasure fish, and the intelligence showed that the date for promotion to the third rate has been advanced. If I buy Qi and Blood Pills and Blood Strengthening Pills,"

Qin Wang thought about this.

His eyes gradually became hot.

Treasure fish are rare, but this Qi and Blood Pill can be bought. Although it can be foreseen that it will be expensive, I have an intelligence panel. I will go and get Yan Po’s 220 taels of silver. If it is not enough, I will go back to Qingniu Market. , take the 850 taels of silver and buy them all for Qi and Blood Pills!

Another one, there are 400 taels of silver buried underground in his thatched house with mud walls!

Qin Wang directly skipped the 9th and 10th pieces of information.

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to Tongrentang to have a look!"

Qin Wang's eyes showed expectation. With the Qi and Blood Pill, his strength will improve faster!

The next day.

early morning.

As the sun rose, Qin Wang got up early. Instead of cooking for himself, he bought four meat buns and a bowl of tofu puffs on the street. After eating, he went to the Qingfeng Road branch of Tongrentang in the north of the city.

This branch of Tongrentang is much larger than Baicao Hall in Qingniuji. This branch alone has four levels of concierges!

"Hello, what do you need?"

Qin Wang walked into Tongrentang, and a medicine boy about 20 years old came over with a respectful and polite expression.

"Do you have any pills to increase Qi and blood?"

Qin Wang looked around and felt the aroma of medicine coming to his nose.

at this time.

Because it was early, there were only three customers in the medicine hall, and there were seven or eight pharmacists dispensing medicinal materials behind the counter.

"For elixirs that increase qi and blood, our medicine hall has blood-strengthening soup, blood-strengthening pills, and qi-blood pills. The prices vary. It depends on which one you want."

The medicine boy had a bit of a buck tooth, and there was an '○' embroidered on the shoulder of his shirt. There was a two-leaf spiritual grass symbol inside, and he continued to introduce. "The blood-strengthening soup costs 200 yuan a portion, the blood-strengthening pill costs 1 tael of silver each, and the blood-strengthening pill costs 3 taels of silver each."

"Is it so expensive?"

Upon hearing the medicine boy's introduction, Qin Wang immediately clicked his tongue, this was too expensive.

A Qi and Blood Pill costs 3 taels of silver.

To know.

In this world, 3 taels of silver can be enough to feed and drink a family of three for more than half a year!

"Although it is a bit expensive, the more expensive it is, the better the effect! The effect of this medicine is immediate!"

The buck-toothed medicine boy introduced eloquently.

"Then help me get 3 blood-strengthening pills and 1 qi-blood pill!"

Qin Wang said with a look of pain in his eyes.

"Okay, 3 blood-strengthening pills and 1 qi-blood pill are worth 6 taels of silver together. If you buy 10 pills, you can get a half-percent discount."

The buck-toothed medicine boy suggested.

"I think so too, but I don't have any extra money."

Qin Wang took out 6 silver coins from his pocket and handed them to the buck-toothed medicine boy with a pained expression.

"Here, here are 1 Qi-blood pill and 3 blood-strengthening pills."

The buck-toothed medicine boy took a white porcelain bottle from behind the counter, with a cork on top, handed it to Qin Wang, and said. "You can check it first."

Qin Wang opened the cork and saw three brown pills the size of broad beans lying in the bottle. A faint medicinal fragrance overflowed.

"Thank you."

Qin Wang put the white porcelain bottle into his arms and left.

Next, he went to a branch of Xinglinchun to buy some medicinal materials for Zhuangxuetang. Together with the medicinal materials from yesterday, the medicinal materials for Zhuangxuetang were all gathered.

It's not that Qin Wang didn't want to buy Qixue Pills.

But if you buy too much of this thing, it will attract people's covetousness.

It's better to take it slowly and be cautious.

Qin Wang returned to the rented house in the north of the city, five miles behind the street.

He closed the door and plugged the bolt as usual.

Sitting on the bed, he took out Zhuangxue Pills and Qixue Pills and looked at them carefully.

"Tongrentang is the largest pharmacy in Yanyun County. The pills in it should be safe, otherwise they would not have the current reputation."

Qin Wang pinched a Zhuangxue Pill with his index finger and thumb, and after thinking for a while, he threw it into his mouth.

"It's worthy of being a Zhuangxue Pill!"

"This effect."

Qin Wang felt a warm current spreading from his stomach to his whole body, and he was hot all over and full of energy!

"Double Chop to Seal the Heaven!"

"Rush with Double Palms!"

Qin Wang immediately took up his stance in the room and began to practice Taizu Changquan to digest the medicinal power!

The wind from his fists was whirring!

It took Qin Wang half an hour to use up the medicinal power of this Zhuangxue Pill.

[Martial Arts: Taizu Changquan (Beginner)]

[Progress: (278/800)]

[Effect: Flexible footwork, long-range and short-range, strong explosive power, good at close combat, can be achieved in two years. ]

"The medicinal effect of this Zhuangxue Pill is equivalent to one-fifth of the effect of the Golden Winged Red Carp."

Qin Wang felt that his body seemed to have increased some strength, and thought to himself.

He looked at the panel data. After digesting the Zhuangxue Pill, the progress of Taizu Changquan increased by 35.

At this moment.

His body was covered with sweat beads and his skin was smooth. Although he still looked thin, he already had the outline of muscles, a tight abdomen, and bulging muscles on his arms.

"Take a break and continue."

Qin Wang looked at the remaining two Zhuangxue pills, boiled some hot water, wiped off the sweat on his body, drank the hot water, and took a break.


The morning glow fell on the window of the rented house, and Qin Wang stood in the room.

His hair and clothes were all wet, and his whole body was steaming, which spread in the air and became mist!

"It's worthy of being a Qi and Blood Pill!"

"Increased 250 points of Taizu Changquan progress!"

Qin Wang looked at his panel with satisfaction in his eyes. Now, his Taizu Changquan progress has reached 528 points!

He also felt that his strength had doubled!

"With my current strength and the proficient Taizu Changquan, three or four strong men are not my opponents!"

Qin Wang looked at his hands with expectation in his eyes.

"Yan Po, tonight is your death!"

Qin Wang thought of Yan Po, and a fierce murderous intent flashed in his eyes. This Yan Po had calculated several times, and it would be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart if he didn't kill her!

When Qin Wang came to the county, he had already bought a dagger and black clothes.

Yan Po's home is in the third building of the back street alley in the east of the city.

Qin Wang carried a small package and went out to buy five buns to eat, and then rushed to the back street in the east of the city.

East of the city.

The third building of the back street alley.

There are three independent small courtyards here, each with three houses, and a lot of vegetables are planted in the front and back yards.

In the third courtyard.

In the left wing.

A woman in a brown dress with two orange flowers on her head was sitting cross-legged on the bed in the light of the oil lamp, counting the white silver ingots and silver bills in front of her.

"Oh! Not bad, I sold another fat sheep today! I made 5 taels of silver!"

Yan Po smiled and put the 5 taels of silver ingot on her teeth and bit it to feel the charm of silver. Then, she frowned and murmured. "Akang, this bastard, is gambling again. Oh!"

"If it weren't for this bastard, how could we have saved so little money over the years?"

"At least we can buy a bigger yard!"

When Yan Po thought of her useless son, she was furious.

Her husband died early, and she raised her son alone. She had no skills and was miserable.

By chance, she sold her cousin and earned 5 taels of silver, which immediately opened up her financial path. Gradually, she became a dental dealer in Yanyun County, specializing in trading with people in need. She made a lot of money, bought this yard, and saved hundreds of taels of silver.

The only bad thing is that her son loves gambling. Over the years, she has wiped his ass a lot.

After dinner tonight, he ran away again. It is estimated that he will not be back until tomorrow morning.

"Put it away and go to the county government tomorrow."

Yan Po put the silver away, wrapped it in a package, walked to the closet, opened the door, and stuffed the package in.

"Give it to me! No need to hide it."

At this moment, a deep voice sounded behind her, and then Yan Po felt a strong arm around her throat. She subconsciously wanted to open her mouth and shout, but a dishcloth was stuffed into her mouth.


Yan Po looked at the thin figure in front of her, wearing a black dress and fierce eyes, and struggled desperately, but the figure tied her hands and feet with a rope.

"Yan Po, I just came here to borrow some silver to spend, be honest, if you shout, I will stab you with a knife, do you hear me?"

Qin Wang lifted Yan Po to the bed, put a dagger against her throat, and spoke in a cold tone.

Information shows.

Yan Po has 220 taels of silver.

However, Qin Wang estimated that Yan Po was more than that.


Yan Po's eyes showed fear and she nodded quickly.

"Besides this package, where else do you have money?"

Qin Wang looked at Yan Po, put the dagger close to her throat, and pulled the rag from her mouth.

"The great heroes are not gone yet, they are all here."

Yan Po's eyes were frightened and she didn't dare to speak loudly. Her voice was very low and her body was like sieving chaff.


"You and Li Laocai have sold so many young girls and that's all?!"

Qin Wang opened the package and found that there were only more than 260 taels of silver inside, most of which were banknotes.

You know, Yan Po has been doing evil for many years, it can't be just this!

This is definitely dishonest!


When Yan Po heard this, she immediately looked at Qin Wang with wide eyes. The evil man in front of her actually knew that she and Li Laocai had collaborated to buy and sell boys and girls. Who was he?

"Where? My patience is limited!"

Qin Wang said with a cold light in his eyes. "take money!"

"There are still 200 taels in the cellar in the back room."

Yan Po was shaking all over, and the smell of urine filled the whole room. She was incontinent.

"Take me to get it!"

Qin Wang dragged Yan Po towards the back with one hand.

His strength has soared now, and he can drag Yan Po, who weighs more than 100 kilograms, without any problem.


Yan Po was paralyzed and was dragged to the back room by Qin Wang. She pointed to a urine bucket in the corner and said tremblingly. "Get out of the way of that piss bucket."

"Piss bucket?"

Qin Wang looked at the urine bucket, stepped forward to lift it, and immediately saw that the soil below was a little looser than the surroundings. He saw an iron hoe in the corner of the room, and immediately used it to dig it out, digging it half a foot deep. There is a jar with a stone on top.

Qin Wang moved the stone away and saw that the jar was full of white silver.

At a glance, it is no less than 200 taels.

"Old man, you have repeatedly tried to sell me to Wenrou Village to be a prostitute. You and Li Laocai are so vicious!"

Qin Wang stuffed a rag into Yan Po's mouth, put more than 460 taels of silver in a package, squatted in front of Yan Po, and said bitterly. "A thousand cuts cannot erase the hatred in my heart!"

"go to hell!"

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he stabbed Yan Po in the thigh!

next moment.

Qin Wang stabbed Yan Po in the belly again!


Yan Po looked at the man in black in front of her, trembling with pain, her eyes frightened, and struggling desperately.

"Qingqingniu gathers in Qinwang!"

When the man in black mentioned the prostitute and Li Laocai, Yan Po's eyes suddenly widened. She remembered who the person in front of her was!

No wonder, although the voice can be made hoarse, it is still a bit familiar!


Then how come Qin Wang has so much strength?

Qin Wang's hand just made her unable to move!

At this moment, Yan Po finally understood that she had walked too much at night and met a cruel person. She regretted it and wanted to beg for mercy, but it was too late!

In the eyes of her and Li Laocai, Qin Wang, who was thin and could be bullied, kept brandishing daggers!

"It turned out that Li Laocai was nailed because he was the one who plotted against it."

Yan Po suddenly widened her eyes, remembering Li Laocai's death, and her consciousness gradually blurred.

One knife!

Two knives, three knives!

A total of eighteen knives!

Yan Po's mouth was bleeding, her eyes were wide open, and she was extremely miserable. Qin Wang was worried that there was his own shadow in her pupils, so he simply dug out her eyeballs, lit a fire, picked up the package, and left at night. Yan Po's home.

Qin Wang sneaked along the street.

When he came three miles away, he saw the flames of Yan Po's house in the distance, which woke up the surrounding residents and got up one by one to put out the fire.

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