Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 19 Tiewen from the Heijiang Gang visits a martial arts gym [asking for recommendation votes]

More than an hour later.

Qin Wang carried a gray package and sneaked back to the rented house in the north of the city.

"It is true that a horse cannot grow fat without night grass! A man cannot become rich without unexpected wealth!"

"This Yan Po has done bad things all her life, and she has received the punishment she deserves!"

After closing the doors and windows and plugging the bolts, Qin Wang sat on the bed with a satisfied look in his eyes and murmured.

He opened the package and counted the silver in it.

There were 466 taels in total!

Half of them were silver bills!

"This trip, I really made a lot of money!"

Qin Wang looked at the silver in his package, plus the 100 taels he brought with him, and the 20 taels given by his sister Qin Xuemei, there were more than 580 taels of silver!

There were 400 taels under the earthen house in Qingniuji, and there were 850 taels waiting to be taken at Li Laocai's villa!

All in all, there were more than 1,800 taels of silver!

"With the silver, I can buy Qi and Blood Pills to increase my strength, and I have to go to the martial arts hall to learn martial arts!"

"But before that, I have to go to Zheng Kecheng's place and get his inner strength secret book!"

Qin Wang secretly planned in his heart.

He currently only has Taizu Changquan, he must learn more martial arts, he has a liver skill panel, and one day he will be able to achieve perfection.

It will take at least a month for Zheng Kecheng to go to Youzhou to take care of things.

This period of time is enough for Qin Wang to get his things.

"Let's go to bed first today!"

After Qin Wang played Taizu Changquan several times, he fell asleep. After awakening the intelligence panel, he went to bed in the early morning. Today, he killed Yan Po, which was his first time to kill someone. He felt very tired.

The next day.

Qin Wang opened his eyes and felt refreshed. He checked the intelligence panel as soon as possible.

[Today's Intelligence]

[1: You went to Yan Po's house yesterday and obtained relevant information. Yan Po's son lost 50 taels of silver in Hongyun Casino and waited for Yan Po to redeem him. ]

[2: You killed the tooth dealer Yan Po in the east of the city yesterday and burned his house. You got relevant information. The county government sent 10 police officers to investigate. Yan Po's son was detained in Hongyun Casino and was taken away by Deputy Chief Police Officer Ji Shun for investigation! ]

[3: You paid close attention to Zheng Kecheng yesterday and got relevant information. Zheng Kecheng has gone to Youzhou and is currently resting in Yihong Building in Fengyun County. ]

[4: You went to Tongrentang yesterday and got relevant information. Li Hongfei, the alchemist of Tongrentang, is preparing to recruit a medicine boy. ]

[5: You went to Xinglinchun Medicine Hall yesterday and got relevant information. Xinglinchun Medicine Hall was robbed last night and 1,300 taels of silver, pills, and ginseng were stolen. ]

[6: You took Qixue Pill and Zhuangxue Pill yesterday. You got relevant information. You will be promoted to the third-rate realm in 50 days. ]

[7: You decided to go to Zheng Kecheng's Golden House yesterday and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng's Golden House is located at No. 12, Linjiang Villa, Yanyun County. ]

[8: You went to the county government yesterday and obtained relevant information. County Magistrate Chen Hao suffers from constipation and has been unable to go to the toilet for two days. He is in great pain. ]

[9: You went to the county government yesterday and obtained relevant information. Master Li Sihai gave the county magistrate a suggestion yesterday, asking the Twelve Chapters and the Four Major Families to pay an extra 1,000 taels of silver in the name of offering sacrifices to the God of the River. ]

[10: You went to Yang's breakfast stall yesterday and obtained relevant information. The owner of the breakfast stall, Yang Yulin, is worried about the 20% increase in the monthly salary of the Black River Gang in the north of the city. ]

"Did Yan Po's son lose money in gambling? Waiting for his mother to redeem him?"

"Don't know that his mother is dead because of all the evil deeds! Haha!"

Qin Wang looked at the first and second pieces of information with a flickering eye. If a death case occurs, the government will definitely send someone to investigate as soon as possible.

"Zheng Kecheng went to Yihonglou to rest on his way to Youzhou! He really knows how to enjoy himself!"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information and narrowed his eyes.

"Tongrentang's alchemist Li Hongfei is going to recruit a medicine boy?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth piece of information and his eyes flickered.

If he wants to advance faster, he must master this alchemy. After all, it is not a big deal to keep buying pills made by others. He has a liver skill panel and can learn it. He can still save a lot of money by producing and selling it himself.

However, this will take some time to get Zheng Kecheng's internal skills secret book first.

Skip the fifth one.

"Hmm? I took the Qi and Blood Pill and Zhuangxue Pill. Will I be promoted to the third-rate realm in 50 days?"

"Swallowing the Qi and Blood Pill can greatly increase the speed of my advancement?"

Qin Wang looked at the sixth piece of information and immediately showed expectation in his eyes.

You know.

Before, he needed 70 days. These days, he practiced Taizu Changquan, took Qi and Blood Pills, Zhuangxue Pills, and Zhuangxue Soup, and successfully shortened this time to 50 days.

If he could continue to take Qi and Blood Pills, he would definitely be able to reach the third-rate realm as soon as possible.

At present, he has more than 580 taels of silver in his hand, so he will buy Qi and Blood Pills first.

"Zheng Kecheng's golden house where his mistress is hidden? No. 12, Linjiang Villa?"


"Save me a hard time looking for it!"

Qin Wang looked at the 7th piece of information and his eyes lit up.

This piece of information really came at the right time!

"County Magistrate Chen Hao, suffers from constipation? Hahaha, it seems that he has done too many bad things!"

Qin Wang looked at the 8th piece of information and his eyes flashed.

"This master is really not a good thing. He actually asked the 12 major markets and the four major families to pay an extra 1,000 taels of silver!"

Qin Wang knew in his heart that these silvers would eventually be distributed to the poor people.

"Does the Black River Gang collect monthly fees?"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information with twinkling eyes. There was the Goldfish Gang in Qingniuji, the Heijiang Gang in the north of the county, and the Tianhe Gang in the east. They were evenly matched.

"Let's go have a nice meal first."

Qin Wang finished washing up and was about to go out when he saw three men in Tsing Yi at the door, with the '' logo embroidered on the left chest of their clothes. The first man had a mole at the corner of his mouth and three black whiskers on the mole. Just not a good person.

"Are you Qin Wang, the tenant who just moved in?"

"I am Tiewen from the Heijiang Gang who is in charge of this area. Please hand over this month's monthly report, 5 copper coins."

The man with the black mole in the lead raised his chin to Qin Wang and looked at Qin Wang.

"Oh well."

Qin Wang nodded when he heard this, took out 5 copper coins from his arms and handed them to Tie Wen.

"Well, it will be around this time next month, 5 copper coins."

Tiewen put the five copper coins into his arms, said nothing, and left with his two younger brothers.

"Grandma, Qingniuji Jinyu Gang earns 3 yuan a month, but Yanyun County charges 5 yuan!"

Qin Wang looked at the back of Heijiang Gang leader Tie Wen disappearing around the corner and narrowed his eyes.

The world is like this. When you are not strong enough, just pay.

In Qingniuji, the Goldfish Gang also collects monthly bills. If you don't pay, they have a hundred ways to deal with you.

Qin Wang knew that the fishermen at the fish stall injured the goldfish gang members and were found dead in the smelly ditch a few days later.

"We must speed up our strength improvement!"

"Today, let's go visit Zheng Kecheng's family first, and see which martial arts gym is suitable. Find a martial arts gym to join!"

Qin Wang thought to himself.

It is suitable to visit during the day and take action at night.

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