Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 173 Murong Qianye's alchemy boy, Chen Yi vomited blood in anger, Li Xiaoye [Please subs


Chu Yunxiao's mind flashed through the figures of Nascent Soul stage monks from the other two major immortal dynasties, the four major aristocratic families, and the five major sects.

He knew it.

The people who exposed the news about the Chu family behind the scenes are definitely people from these immortal dynasties, aristocratic families, and sects!

The only thing he felt puzzled was.

How did the person who exposed the news know these secrets of his?

"Ancestor, what should we do now?"

Chu Wuya looked at his ancestor with deep worry in his eyes.

"Regarding this information, we must declare to the outside world that all this is false and purely slander. At the same time, a huge reward is being offered to the bastard who spreads rumors and slanders our Tianchu Immortal Dynasty!"

"Especially the matter of Holy Lady Fengyang and Holy Son Fengyao, we must not admit it. When you go back, destroy the body of the imprisoned Holy Son Phoenix first and then destroy all traces."

Chu Yunxiao spoke in a deep voice.


Although Chu Yunxiao was extremely angry, he still forced himself to calm down.

This time it was exposed.

The inheritance of ancestor Tianxiao alone can attract the entire Nascent Soul monks in the Southern Territory to go crazy, not to mention that the Tuoba family will definitely send people here, and Wuya has destroyed the Son of Phoenix and the Saint of Phoenix, Feng Yao The Holy Land will definitely send people to investigate.

By the time.

The Tianchu Immortal Dynasty will be in dire straits.


These news must not be acknowledged, and the people who spread the rumors must be arrested with great fanfare, and all this is described as an insidious method by the opponent to suppress the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

"Yes, ancestor."

Chu Wuya bowed in response.

"While offering a huge reward, we must also send all our manpower to capture the person who spread the news."

"You go down first!"

Chu Yunxiao waved his hand to Chu Wuya and ordered.


Chu Wuya agreed, turned and left.

Southern Territory.

Vast and vast.

There are three major immortal dynasties, four major immortal cultivating families, and five major immortal sects.

They are Dayan Immortal Dynasty, Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and Daqi Immortal Dynasty.

Sima family, Murong family, Tuoba family, Zhao family.

The Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect, the Overlord Sword Immortal Sect, the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect, the Ten Thousand Talisman Immortal Sect, and the Ten Thousand Dharma Holy Land.

The Murong family is a Yuanying family.

It occupies a spiritual land of 100,000 miles in the southwest of the Southern Territory and thrives. At the same time, it has industries all over the Southern Territory.

Tiannanfang City.

It is one of the five major cities in the southern region, and is as famous as Wanlingfang City.

Tiannanfang City covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles. Among them, chambers of commerce, sects, and many sects, immortal dynasties, and aristocratic families are intricately connected. At the same time, it is also a distribution center for casual cultivators.

Tianmu Chamber of Commerce is one of the three major chambers of commerce in Tiannanfang City.

The Chamber of Commerce deals in elixirs, talismans, exercises, monster materials, etc.

At the same time, there is also a fairy escort business, escorting goods from Tiannanfang City to Wanlingfang City.

Canopy Chamber of Commerce.

Spiritual Materials Workshop.

Located in the southwest corner of Tiannanfang City, there is a huge courtyard covering an area of ​​several miles. In the middle of the courtyard are rows of wooden tables filled with medicinal materials. A low-level monk in gray is sitting in it, placing the medicinal materials in it. Sort them into categories.

Among them, a young low-level monk wearing gray clothes, about twenty-seven or eighty years old, with a sallow complexion, sat in front of a wooden table, collecting Huang Jing in front of him.

"Li Xiaoye, help me move the basket of Huangjing over here!"

At this moment, a deep voice sounded.


The young man with a sallow face stood up after hearing the sound, picked up a basket of Polygonatum japonica next to him, and walked to a middle-aged monk who was about 40 years old and had a fleshy face.

This sallow-faced young man is none other than someone else.

It was Qin Wang who came to hide in Tiannanfang City after exposing the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

He changed his name to Li Xiaoye and hid his cultivation on the fifth floor of the Qi Refining Stage. Currently, he found a job drying medicinal materials at the Tianmu Chamber of Commerce in Tiannanfang City. According to Qin Wang's inquiries, he learned that Murong Qianye was in the Tianmu Chamber of Commerce. Served as steward.

However, Murong Qianye has been in retreat.

He is currently wanted and tracked by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and does not dare to reveal his true appearance, so he is working as a sunscreen medicinal material person here, closer to Murong Qianye, hoping to get information about him.

Then it will be easy to get the medicine spoon with the hieroglyphic silver scroll.

"Very well, you come with me."

The middle-aged monk with a sinister face glanced at Qin Wang, turned around and walked to the medicinal material warehouse on the side, with Qin Wang following closely behind.

Not long after.

Qin Wang followed the middle-aged monk with a sinister face to the medicinal materials warehouse. It was very large inside. Qin Wang followed the instructions of Murong Wenyuan, the manager of medicinal materials, and put the polygonatum into the shelves of the warehouse. Just as he was about to leave, Murong Wenyuan But he called out to him. "Li Xiaoye, do you want to earn spiritual stones?"

"Think about it! Murong is in charge, but I don't have any connections?"

Qin Wang said without thinking.

Although he came here to inquire about the news and looked down upon that bit of spiritual stone, his current identity was at the fifth level of the Qi training stage, so he still had to catch the snake and follow the stick, otherwise it would arouse suspicion and expose his identity. .

"My uncle is preparing to make alchemy recently and needs three alchemy boys. His old man said that as long as he is happy, he will teach you how to make alchemy. I think your cultivation is acceptable and you are also smart. I am going to introduce you. You look."

Murong Wenyuan looked at Qin Wang, and the thumb and index finger of his right hand were rubbing together, and the meaning he expressed was already obvious.

"Guanshi Murong, who is your clan uncle?"

Qin Wang looked at Murong Wenyuan and asked.

As far as he knows.

Murong Wenyuan had several clan uncles, among whom Murong Qianshu was good at alchemy.

"Uncle Murong Qianye."

Murong Wenyuan said in a deep voice. "My uncle Qianye is in the foundation-building stage. After coming out of retreat this time, he plans to study the art of alchemy. He asked me to help him find three alchemy boys, and the reward is very generous."

"Murong Qianye?"

"Becoming his alchemy boy can get close contact, which is conducive to refreshing intelligence and getting the pictographic silver scroll!"

Qin Wang thought about it for a while and agreed. "Thank you, Manager Murong. As long as it works, I will never treat you unfairly!"

Murong Wenyuan was stunned for a moment, nodded, and said. "Okay, then it's settled. I will take you to the place where my uncle makes alchemy at this time tomorrow."


Qin Wang also nodded.


Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the house behind Tiannan Market, Tianmu Chamber of Commerce, and Lingcaifang.

After he exposed the news of Tianchu Xianchao in Daqi Xianchao, he left and used two months to rush to Tiannan Market and settled down in the Lingcaifang of Tianmu Chamber of Commerce.

[Realm: Early Foundation Building (44326/50000)]

"I still need more than 5000 proficiency points to advance to the middle stage of foundation building."

Qin Wang looked at the panel on the right side of the page, and his eyes showed expectation.

In the past two months, Qin Wang has been traveling and taking pills and thousand-year spiritual essence to improve his cultivation proficiency. He feels that the mana in his body is getting stronger and stronger.

In the early morning.

[Daily information refresh! ]

[Today's information! ]

[1: You exposed that the ancestor of Tianchu Xian Dynasty Chu Yunxiao killed Yuanying stage Tuoba Chunyan, and obtained information that Tuoba family elder Tuoba Xiongfeng brought three Yuanying elders, and Yuanying of Daqi Xian Dynasty and Dayan Xian Dynasty to Tianchu Xian Dynasty to find Chu Yunxiao to ask for punishment. ]

[2: You exposed that the emperor of Tianchu Xian Dynasty Chu Wuya killed the saint Lan Fenghuang and the saint son of Fengyao Holy Land, and obtained information that Fengyao Holy Land Yuanying elder Liu Fengchun led people to Tianchu Xian Dynasty to ask for punishment. ]

[3: Yesterday you accepted Murong Wenyuan's invitation to be Murong Qianye's medicine boy, and obtained information that Murong Qianye did not make pills, but accidentally obtained the inheritance of the magic way, and secretly condensed the magic weapon of the magic way, which required a large amount of soul and blood essence, and you became one of the targets. ]

[4: Yesterday you touched the Qingyou sword and obtained information that Chen Yi, the grandson of Mrs. Chen, had returned to Yanyun County under the escort of the eldest brother. Seeing the ruins of the Chen family's ancestral land, he was furious and spit out blood from his heart. He vowed to find the murderer who killed the family, and went to your Qingniuji earth house and stayed for an hour before leaving! ]

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