Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 174 God's Left Hand! Murong Qianye! Updated information! [Please subscribe]

[5: You saw Murong Wenyuan yesterday and obtained information. Murong Wenyuan secretly helped his clan uncle Murong Qianye practice and killed 325 low-level casual cultivators. Murong Qianye promised to help him get the foundation pill. . 】

[6: Yesterday you agreed to Murong Wenyuan to be an alchemy boy for Murong Qianye, and obtained information. The key to the hieroglyphic silver scroll was taken by Murong Qianye from the hands of a casual cultivator. Murong Qianye’s cultivation level, distance There is still some distance to go in the middle stage of foundation building. 】

[7: You used the treasure bowl to purify the elixir yesterday and obtained information. Jiu Zi, the goddess of the witch clan, discovered the bad star Wan Yan Meng in Tiannanfang City. She was shocked. She found that Wan Yan Meng was trapped in the most ancient fateful horror. Curse, I want to use Wanyanmeng to realize the power of the fateful curse. 】

[8: You went through the medicinal materials at the Tianmu Chamber of Commerce’s elixir shop yesterday and obtained information. Murong Changtian, the leader of the Tianmu Chamber of Commerce, is in the golden elixir stage. He is powerful and can cultivate the body. However, he is a hermaphrodite, possessing both male and female genders. He has all the characteristics. 】

[9: Yesterday you dried the elixir Blood Ganoderma and obtained information that there is a 1000-year-old nine-leaf golden wind grass in the Tianxia Mountains of the Southern Region. This spiritual grass is the main medicinal material for refining the golden elixir. Next to this spiritual grass, there is a four-leaf golden grass. The monster beast Split Wind Eagle protects. 】

[10: You dried sun grass yesterday and obtained information. Sun grass comes from Falling Eagle Cliff five hundred miles away from the Tianxia Mountains in the southern region. Three hundred feet below this cliff, there is the left hand of an ancient barbarian god. This stump has infinite power. The power, if you get it in your hands, will become your trump card. 】

"Tuoba Xiongfeng, the great elder of the Tuoba family, and Liu Fengchun of the Fengyao Holy Land, took Elder Yuanying to the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. It seems that the exposed news has an effect!"

"These people are causing trouble for the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, it's enough for them to drink a pot!"

Qin Wang looked at the first and second messages with satisfaction in his eyes.

As long as other major forces in the southern region cause trouble for the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty will have no time to distract themselves from tracking them.

My goal has been achieved.

"Murong Qianye, who has obtained the inheritance of the devil, secretly condenses the magic weapon, does it require a lot of soul and blood essence?"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information and narrowed his eyes.

This Murong Qianye is really guilty and deserves death. It seems that I don't have any psychological burden to get his hieroglyphic silver scroll key.

"Chen Kun's son Chen Yi has returned to Qingniuji?"

"You found my mud house? Haha."

Qin Wang looked at the fourth piece of information with a sneer on his lips.

"A golden elixir opportunity? A 1000-year-old nine-leaf golden wind grass?"

"After you get the hieroglyphic silver volume key, you can go to the Tianxia Mountains."

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of information and felt something in his heart.

He is now in the early stage of foundation building, and he still has 5000 proficiency points to reach the middle stage of foundation building. After reaching the foundation building level, he can also look forward to the golden elixir opportunity.

It's always good to be prepared early.

"Five hundred miles down the Eagle Cliff in the Tianxia Mountains, there is an ancient barbarian god with infinite power in his left hand?"

Qin Wang's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the 10th piece of information.

The left hand of the ancient barbarian god possesses infinite power.

Intelligence shows that the left hand of the ancient barbarian god can become his trump card, and there should be no remnant consciousness of the ancient barbarian god in it.


You need to read more about the left hand of the ancient barbarian god to understand it and confirm that it is not harmful to you before going to get it.

"Improve your proficiency first!"

After reading the information, Qin Wang immediately took out a Condensation Pill and started taking it to improve his proficiency in cultivation.

The next day.

Tianmu Chamber of Commerce, Spiritual Materials Workshop.

In the medicinal materials warehouse, a middle-aged monk who was about forty years old and had a fleshy face looked at Qin Wang who was moving medicinal materials in the medicinal materials warehouse, curled up the corner of his mouth and shouted. "Li Xiaoye, I have said hello to my uncle, please follow me there now!"

"Okay, please excuse me Murong!"

"As long as everything goes through, I will never forget you!"

Qin Wang clasped his fists respectfully at Murong Wenyuan and said.

"Ah, very good!"

"You come with me!"

Murong Wenyuan looked at Qin Wang with a look of satisfaction in his eyes and walked out first.

"Guanshi Murong, where is your uncle in retreat?"

Qin Wang discovered that the direction Murong Wenyuan was heading was actually towards the outside of Tiannanfang City, and his eyes suddenly flashed. He was worried that it would be difficult to take action in Tiannanfang City.

Unexpectedly, Murong Qianye actually lived outside Tiannanfang City.


I can figure it out too.

That Murong Qianye obtained the inheritance of the magic way, absorbed the souls and blood essence of the monks, and condensed the magic weapons. In this Tiannanfang City, it is naturally inconvenient for there are many people and mixed eyes.

Outside Tiannanfang City, finding a secret place is the best choice.


Playing into Qin Wang's plan, Qin Tiedan's identity was being tracked by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and a huge reward was placed on his head. He didn't want to attract too much attention.

after all.

He is now a walking opportunity. In order to catch him, the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty has offered a very generous reward. Once his identity is exposed, he will definitely be reported and become the target of public criticism!

"Oh, it's like this. My clan uncle doesn't like to make noise, so he placed the cave in Qianqiu Villa, ten miles away from Tiannanfang City. It's not far from Fang City. Don't worry!"

"One more thing, there are only three places for alchemy boys. I see that you are smart and your cultivation is acceptable, so I will give you a chance!"

Seeing Qin Wang's doubts, Clerk Murong quickly explained.

"I see."

"Then Lao Murong will be in charge."

Qin Wang showed a look of realization, followed Murong Wenyuan, and went out of Tiannan Market. In his heart, he was secretly calculating how to kill Murong Qianye with one blow when he met him later!

The two of them went forward.

In a short while, they arrived at Qianqiu Villa, ten miles away from Tiannan Market.

Qianqiu Villa was surrounded by ten-foot-high spiritual bamboos, covering the palaces. The scenery looked very beautiful and elegant.

On the door of the villa, there were four golden characters "Qianqiu Villa". There were also two half-foot-high white jade lions at the door, which looked majestic.

"Li Xiaoye, we're here."

Murong Wenyuan brought Qin Wang to the door of Qianqiu Villa. An old man in his forties, who was in the fourth level of Qi training, came forward respectfully and said to Murong Wenyuan. "Manager Murong, the master has just come out of retreat, you can go in."


Murong Wenyuan nodded, signaled to Qin Wang, and walked in first.

Murong Wenyuan went straight to the backyard, came to the side of a rockery in the backyard, cast a spell on the rockery, and suddenly a door appeared on the rockery.

Following the door, you can see more than 20 white jade steps.

"Manager Murong, isn't Senior Murong refining the elixir on the ground?"

Qin Wang sneered in his heart, but on the surface he raised doubts and did not move.

He knew it in his heart.

This Murong Qianye has inherited the magic way, and needs to absorb the soul and blood of the cultivators to condense the magic energy. Naturally, the more secretive the better.

"Refining the elixir requires quietness, so the clan uncle arranged the alchemy room underground, and there is also a soundproof formation."

Murong Wenyuan smiled at Qin Wang, while explaining, he took a step back, and suddenly pointed at Qin Wang's back!

"Go down!"

Murong Wenyuan suddenly showed a ferocious look, and his fierce appearance was exposed.

"Haha, has the fox tail finally been exposed?"

Qin Wang suddenly reached out and grabbed Murong Wenyuan's fat hand, sneering.

At the same time.

Qin Wang unlocked his cultivation level to the tenth level of Qi Refining Stage.


"Tenth level of Qi Refining Stage!?"

Murong Wenyuan's expression changed. He didn't expect that Li Xiaoye, who was at the fifth level of Qi Refining Stage in front of him, actually hid his cultivation level and was actually at the tenth level of Qi Refining Stage!

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