Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 175: Instant Kill! The Power of the Qingyou Sword Formation! Great Harvest! Chu Yunxiao&#039

"Open it for me!"

Murong Wenyuan shouted low, and the ninth level of Qi Refining Stage cultivation in his body suddenly exploded, bombarding Qin Wang's body, trying to break away from Qin Wang's control.

He knew in his heart that he only needed to hold on until his uncle showed up.

With Uncle Clan's cultivation in the foundation-building stage, he must be aware of what's going on here.

He brought low-level casual cultivators to his clan uncle not just once or twice, but they cooperated flawlessly and there were no mistakes. Moreover, this villa was still covered by formations.

This kid can't run away!


Qin Wang narrowed his eyes, and used the sword technique of the other world. A small fiery red sword light condensed with mana followed Murong Wenyuan's fat hand and rushed into his body, destroying everything along the way.


Murong Wenyuan felt a terrifying sword light rushing into his meridians, and suddenly looked horrified, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and shouted loudly. "Uncle Clan, save me!"

Murong Wenyuan didn't expect it.

Li Xiaoye's method was actually so weird.

The magic power turned into countless fire-based small swords and rushed into his body. Wherever it passed, the meridians were severed and burned with red fire!


Murong Wenyuan opened his mouth and spurted out blood, his eyes were blurred, and he fell to the ground suddenly!

A faint soul flew up from his body and flew into the soul gathering bowl in Qin Wang's hand.

"court death!"

At this moment, a thick and angry voice sounded.

Following the sound, a lean old man about fifty years old, wearing a white robe, and with an immortal air appeared three feet away from Qin Wang. The moment he appeared, he waved his hand and cast a spell and flew into the villa. A rockery in the square.


The villa was shocked, and a light mask actually appeared, covering the villa.

at the same time.

A powerful aura spread from his body, and he was clearly at the foundation-building stage!

Murong Qianye waved his hand, and a big hand with concentrated mana grabbed Qin Wang!


Qin Wang's powerful consciousness suddenly dispersed, and he reached out and patted the storage bag. Suddenly, nine small green swords flew out, forming a formation of green swords, crushing Murong Qianye's magic hand, and turned towards Murong Qianye. Kill!

"Are you in the foundation building stage?"

Seeing Qin Wang displaying the extraordinary and powerful sword formation, Murong Qianye was suddenly shocked and showed a look of disbelief.

He received the inheritance of magic.

To condense a magic weapon, it is necessary to absorb the soul and flesh and blood essence of the immortal cultivator and slowly strengthen it. After all, the reputation of the demon cultivator is not good, so he dare not make a big show of it.

Therefore, he asked Murong Wenyuan to attract rogue cultivators. Rogue cultivators had no backing, and no one would pursue them even if they disappeared.

The truth was just as he expected.

It is safest to absorb low-level casual cultivators and condense magic weapons to slowly become stronger.

But this time, Murong Wenyuan actually attracted Master Ji Zhu!

"Hmph! Early stage of foundation building!"

"I don't care why you hide your cultivation in the elixir shop. Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving!"

Murong Qianye saw Qin Wang's cultivation clearly and felt relieved.

It has been fifteen years since he advanced to foundation building. His current cultivation level is still a little short of the middle stage of foundation building. He is proficient in spells, plus he still has magic weapons and magic methods in his hands. He also has a trap formation in the villa. If he can win the early stage of foundation building in front of him, he should be able to do so. It's a sure thing.

Thinking of this.

Murong Qianye took out a flag that was as black as ink!

This flag is about three feet long, with a triangular flag hanging on it. There are densely packed skulls carved on the flag, which gives people an eerie feeling.


"Come and die!"

"I will bite you to death! I will pester you for the rest of my life!"


Murong Qianye held the flag and waved it towards Qin Wang. The demonic aura flickered on it, and thousands of densely packed ghosts flew out of the flag with howls and screams and rushed towards Qin Wang.

There were still some ghosts that pounced on the quiet little sword in King Qin's hand.


The small Qingyou sword kept shuttling back and forth, annihilating every soul!


Qin Wang's heart moved when he saw the densely packed souls. He reached out and touched the storage bag. Suddenly, the soul gathering bowl appeared in his hand again, and a three-foot-large vortex appeared.

A whirlpool of power swept out!


Densely packed souls were sucked away by the whirlpool.


"Is this also a demonic monk?"

Murong Qianye looked at the soul-gathering bowl in Qin Wang's hand, and his eyes suddenly widened with disbelief.

His Ten Thousand Souls Pan was one of the treasures inherited from a demonic monk.

It can absorb the soul essence and blood of monks and continuously improve!

The power is quite impressive, and he has almost lost every time he has fought with others!

did not expect.

This time, I met a more ruthless demonic monk!

This demonic monk actually took out a more powerful magic weapon!

When Murong Qianye saw that the Ten Thousand Soul Pan in his hand could not help Qin Wang in front of him, he immediately put away the Ten Thousand Soul Pan, took out a five-foot-long, thick-armed bone gun that exuded a terrifying evil aura, and pointed it at Qin Wang Pin it over here!



Murong Qianye's bone-eroding spear met a small green sword. The moment of impact, the bone-eroding spear instantly broke into two pieces!

Murong Qianye only had more than two feet of bone handle left in his hand!

at the same time.

Another small green sword stabbed at Murong Qianye's ribs. Murong Qianye quickly took out a dark shield with a faint light flashing!


The sharp edge of Qingyou's small sword was like piercing tofu, passing through the dark shield and killing Murong Qianye's chest!



Murong Qianye only felt a sharp pain in his chest. He widened his eyes, looked at the blood hole in his chest in disbelief, and then looked at Qin Wang.

He didn't expect that when he was about to reach the middle stage of foundation building and had received the inheritance of the demonic path, he would actually be defeated by this monk in the early stage of foundation building!

At this moment, Murong Qianye felt that all the strength in his body was dissipating!


Murong Qianye fell to the ground suddenly!

"As expected of the Qingyou Sword Formation! It's amazing!"

Qin Wang put away the Qingyou Sword Formation with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

The prepared Earth Dragon Beast King, Mu Hun 2, Chu Hun 4, and Earth Dragon Beast King were not used, and they directly killed Murong Qianye with the Qingyou Sword Formation. Murong Qianye's foundation building was simply useless.

Qin Wang waved his hand and put away the storage bag on Murong Qianye's waist.

at the same time.

The soul gathering bowl flickered and collected Murong Qianye's soul.

"Another Soul Seed Puppet in the Foundation Establishment Stage! It's great!"

Qin Wang then put away Murong Qianye's body, feeling very satisfied.


Zhang Fujiang also entered the villa and collected the formations from the villa and other belongings of Murong Qianye. Half an hour later, Qin Wang took Zhang Fujiang and left Qianqiu Villa.

Tianxia Mountains.

Eighty miles deep.

In a cave,

Shi Hun San, Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian and others continued to dig the cave. Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang sat cross-legged on the side.

Qin Wang held a storage bag in his hand and penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness.

"This Murong Qianye, as a member of a noble family, actually practices magic!"

“The harvest from this trip is really great!”

Qin Wang looked at Murong Qianye's storage bag with shock in his eyes.

In Murong Qianye's storage bag, Qin Wang found three magic weapons, namely the Ten Thousand Soul Pan, the Bone Erosion Spear, and the Blood Demon Knife, as well as 30,000 spirit stones, Condensation Pills and other foundation-building elixirs. , there are dozens of bottles.

All kinds of spiritual herbs and monster materials are piled up like mountains.

The most important thing is that the key to the hieroglyphic silver scroll is in Murong Qianye's storage bag.

There are also some magical inheritance magic books.

Just when Qin Wang was hiding in the Tianxia Mountains to clean up the harvest, Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and the sky above the imperial city.

"Fellow Daoba Tuoba! Fellow Daoist Liu, this kind of news is completely slander! Someone disliked Chu and framed him!"

"Please also ask these two fellow Taoists to give Chu some time to track down the person who spreads the rumors!"

"When the time comes, Chu will definitely give the Tuoba family and Fengyao Holy Land a satisfactory answer!"

Chu Yunxiao, who was dressed in a green robe, looked at the eight Nascent Soul cultivators in the air a hundred feet away with an ugly expression, and his voice slowly spread.

Behind Chu Yunxiao.

Standing were the Emperor Chu Wuya and several Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, all of whom looked extremely ugly.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, my third sister Tuoba Chunyan entered the Tianxu forbidden area with you, and the soul card was broken!"

"You came out safely, but my third sister died. Now that the news is out, how do you explain it!"

Tuoba Xiongfeng is tall and exudes the aura of a powerful overlord!

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