Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 176 Chu Yunxiao is in a state of panic! Yan Honghao is shocked [Please subscribe for the nex

"Brother Tuoba, I did enter the Tianxu Forbidden Land with your sister Tuoba Chunyan. You know that the Tianxu Forbidden Land is extremely dangerous."

"When Chu and your sister were in the Tianxu Forbidden Land, we encountered a teleportation array and were teleported into a mysterious hall. The hall is similar to the Xumi space, which is tens of thousands of miles long. We saw three immortal corpses in it. When Daoist Tuoba Chunyan was about to collect one of the immortal corpses, he was accidentally possessed by the residual soul of the immortal corpse and disappeared. Chu saw that the situation was not good and tried his best to escape. It was not like the rumor spread by the mysterious man that I plotted against your sister and refined her into a puppet!"

"All this, I have told Brother Tuoba many times over the years. Your sister was really not killed by me, but was possessed by the residual soul of the immortal corpse!"

Chu Yunxiao looked at Tuoba Xiongfeng with a helpless look on his face.

"Then take me to the mysterious hall to have a look!"

Tuoba Xiongfeng was silent for a while and said in a deep voice.

"Brother Tuoba, your sister and I were able to enter the mysterious hall because we accidentally entered through the teleportation array in the Tianxu Forbidden Land. After I came out, I went there again, but the teleportation array had disappeared and was never seen again."

"Every word Chu said is true. Really, the person who slandered my Tianchu has ulterior motives. He just wants to see my Tianchu and your Tuoba family and Fengyao Holy Land fighting!"

Chu Yunxiao spoke with emotion, saying how innocent he was.


He was facing old foxes who had lived for nearly a thousand years, and none of them were moved.

"Chu Yunxiao, the news has spread that your Tianchu Emperor Chu Wuya killed the 18th generation Saint Lan Fenghuang and the previous Saint Jing Tianyun of my Holy Land! This led to a great war between my Fengyao Holy Land and Kunxu Holy Land, which caused great losses. Over the years, after our Fengyao Holy Land's investigation, the clues pointed to your Tianchu Chu Wuya. Today, you must give me an explanation for my Fengyao Holy Land!"

"Otherwise, this is not over!"

At this time, the figure of Liu Fengchun, the great elder of Fengyao Holy Land, flashed, and stepped forward angrily.

The momentum of a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage rose up.

"Brother Liu, this is also an extremely unfair thing!"

"You say that my Tianchu Emperor killed your Saint, you find a witness, we Tianchu can't bear this pot!"

Hearing Liu Fengchun's words, Chu Yunxiao immediately cried with a sad face, his eyes showing an extremely depressed look, and said. "Brother Liu, I am deeply sorry that the Saint and Son of your Holy Land were killed, but it was not my Tianchu who killed them! It was someone with ulterior motives who wanted to harm my Tianchu!"

"Think about it, why are the recent news all targeting my Tianchu Immortal Dynasty?"

"It is obvious that my Tianchu's enemies want to cause a war between the Tuoba Family, Fengyao Holy Land and my Tianchu!"

"I beg you two to give me some time, we will definitely find the person who spread the rumors and slanders! How about it?"

Chu Yunxiao looked at Liu Fengchun and Tuoba Xiongfeng, speaking earnestly.

Tuoba Xiongfeng and Liu Fengchun were both silent.

"Brother Chu, it is rumored that you have obtained the inheritance of the transformation of the gods from the ancestor Tianxiao three thousand years ago. Is this true?"

"If you can comprehend this inheritance of the transformation of the gods with us, my Tuoba family can help you investigate the person who spread the news!"

At this moment, behind Tuoba Xiongfeng, a tall and thin Nascent Soul cultivator stepped forward and said the ultimate intention of the Tuoba family this time.

"Yes, if Brother Chu can take it out, we will comprehend the inheritance of the Tianxiao Patriarch together, and our Fengyao Holy Land is also willing to help Tianchu track down the person who spread the news."

A Yuanying also walked out from the side of Liu Fengchun.

"You two have wronged me again!"

"What is the inheritance of the transformation of the gods of the Tianxiao Patriarch? If Chu really had this inheritance, wouldn't he have achieved the transformation of the gods long ago? Why is he still in the late Yuanying stage now? Right?"

"This damn rumor-mongering person really killed Chu!"

"I, Chu Yunxiao, swear here that I will not be a human being in this life unless I catch the rumor-mongering person! My cultivation will not stand still!"

Chu Yunxiao's eyes showed resentment, and his voice could be heard for hundreds of miles.

At this moment.

Chu Yunxiao was extremely angry and depressed.

The reason why his voice was so loud.

Because he knew.

Today, not only the Tuoba family's Yuanying and the Fengyao Holy Land's Yuanying came to Tianchu, but also the people from the other five major sects, aristocratic families, and Kunxu Holy Land were all around!

He knew it very well.

The news about Tian Xiao Patriarch was indeed true, but only he knew it. How did the person who exposed the news know it?

Who is this person?

What is his purpose?

All he can do now is to never admit it. After all, others have no evidence. The inheritance of Tian Xiao Patriarch and the puppet made by Tuoba Chunyan have been hidden by him. Even if the people present ask to check the storage bag, he is not afraid!

Tiannan Market.

Tianmu Chamber of Commerce is located in the eastern part of Tiannan Market, in a series of halls.

In the most luxurious hall of them, a golden and magnificent one.

A middle-aged man in a brocade robe sat cross-legged. He looked at a young man in front of him and frowned. "What? Qianye fell?"

"Yes, Master!"

Murong Ke responded respectfully.

Murong Ke and Murong Qianye served as stewards together, responsible for the escort of goods to Wanling Market tomorrow. He went to Murong Qianye to discuss, but found that Qianqiu Villa was empty and Murong Qianye was gone!

There were traces of a fight in the villa.

Moreover, the news came from the Murong family's soul tablet hall in Tiannan that Murong Qianye's soul tablet was broken.

"Who is so bold? Killing people in my Murong family's territory!"

"It's just courting death!"

Murong Changtian's face was gloomy and he was furious. "Investigate it for me! You must find out! Focus on the other chamber of commerce opponents!"

"Yes, Master!"

Murong Ke bowed and responded.

"Have you heard about the recent bounty offered by Tianchu Immortal Dynasty for Qin Tiedan? If you catch Qin Tiedan, you will be rewarded with Nascent Soul Enlightenment and a Nascent Soul opportunity. If you provide information, you will be rewarded with a Golden Core opportunity! There is also a Golden Core magic weapon!"

"Of course I heard about it, but Qin Tiedan is definitely not an ordinary cultivator who can make Tianchu Immortal Dynasty so troubled! Even if we meet him, we may not be his opponent. This reward is too hot to handle!"

"What Li Daoyou said makes sense. I heard that the eighteenth king of Tianchu and a divine clone of the ancestor Chu Yunxiao were all destroyed by Qin Tiedan. This shows how terrifying Qin Tiedan is!"

"This Qin Tiedan is only in the Qi Refining Stage, but he is so Strong, who do you think is stronger between him and Wan Daoyi, who are the top three on the Hidden Dragon List? "

"As far as I know, there are many guards at the twelfth level of Qi Refining around the Eighteenth King, but Qin Tiedan can still kill them. I'm afraid he has already entered the Tianjiao List!"

"Not to mention, Tianchu Immortal Dynasty has been in big trouble recently. The inheritance of the transformation of the gods by the Tianxiao Patriarch, the conspiracy against Tuoba Chunyan, and the killing of the Saintess and Sons of the Fengyao Holy Land. Tianchu must be in a mess now, right?"

"I heard that the strong men from the major families, immortal dynasties, and sects have all rushed to Tianchu. I don't know what the outcome will be! What happened to the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty? So unlucky?"


Wanling Market.


Inside the Yunlai Ling Restaurant.

A tall young monk with long hair sat in a corner, listening to the discussions around him, with deep shock in his eyes, and murmured. "Fellow Daoist Qin didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

"You dare to provoke the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, I admire you! Yan is willing to admit defeat!"

At this moment.

Yan Honghao was shocked.

During this period of time.

He was in Wanling Market and was really shocked when he saw the reward offered by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty to Qin Tiedan.

Nascent Soul opportunity, Golden Core opportunity!

If it were him, he really wouldn't dare to provoke such a behemoth as the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty!

Three updates, yesterday's overdue update, I can't make up for it today, let's see if I can update 10,000 words tomorrow

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