Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 180 She’s here, she’s here! Sima Rui’s curiosity, Gao Wenjing [Please subscribe! ]

Chapter 180 She is coming. She is coming! Sima Rui's curiosity, Gao Wenjing [seeking for orders! 】

Sima family.

It is one of the four major immortal cultivating families in the Southern Region.

Located in the east of the Southern Territory, adjacent to the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

at this time.

The ancestral land of the Sima family.

"This Qin Tiedan!"

"Kill Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, and make me take the blame for him for a while!"

"The Tianchu Immortal Dynasty is looking for him, and even the entire Southern Territory is looking for him, but they can't find any trace of him!"

"I really want to see how powerful this Qin Tiedan is?"

"It was actually possible to destroy the spiritual clone of Chu Yunxiao, the ancestor of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty!"

In a stone hall, there was a young monk who was about twenty-three or four years old, very handsome, and in the early stages of foundation building. He rested his right hand on the stone ball on the railing in the stone hall, with a look of curiosity on his face.

Sima Rui has indeed established a foundation in the Blessed Land of All Souls.

Come out of the blessed land of all souls.

Then he learned that there were rumors everywhere that he had obtained 16 Azure Fruits, and had subdued the Earth Dragon Beast King, who was comparable to the Foundation Builder, and had killed Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, and Murong Chenggao of the Murong family. And Yan Wushuang, the seventh prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty!


Golden elixir monks from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, Dayan Immortal Dynasty, and the Murong family all came to him to inquire about information.

He didn't do any of this.

Of course he didn't have to worry.

However, he was very curious about that Qin Tiedan, and he knew in his heart that with his own cultivation, it was impossible to destroy the spiritual clone of a Nascent Soul monk like Chu Yunxiao.

Qin Tiedan was only in the Qi refining stage. How did he do it?

To know.

He is among the top 10 in the Southern Region Hidden Dragon List!

Southern Territory.

Wanlingfang City.


In a shack.

A pretty-looking female cultivator who was at the ninth level of Qi training, wearing a cyan fairy skirt, stuffed a gray storage bag into the burly man in front of her and said. "Dad, this is the Wind and Thunder Fire Blade that my daughter got when she went out to practice. There are also some spirit stones. You can use them to practice."

Gao Wenjing knew clearly.

Her father dedicated his life to her path.

In the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect, she has made rapid progress in cultivation and has surpassed her father. She went out for training before and picked up a storage bag of a fallen monk. She gained a lot. This time she came to Wanlingfang City, where her father was, to give back to her. Father.

If my father's cultivation can be further improved, his life will be easier in the future.

"Jingjing, dad's spiritual stone is enough for cultivation, you can take it yourself."

Gao Yuan quickly declined.

He knew that his daughter was practicing in the Wanhua Immortal Sect and needed more spirit stones. The resources he earned in Wanlingfang City now were enough for his own cultivation.

"Dad, take it!"

"This is my daughter's wish."

Gao Wenjing insisted on stuffing the storage bag into her father's arms. Gao Yuan couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it.

"Dad, my daughter came to Wanlingfang City and saw the wanted notices posted everywhere by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. Are they looking for Qin Tiedan?"

"The portrait of Qin Tiedan wanted on the list is very similar to the Daoist Qin we know!"

Gao Wenjing chatted with her father for a while and suddenly asked in confusion.

"Jingjing, I've also seen the wanted poster. It's really similar."

"But, I still don't believe it. After all, the fellow Daoist Qin we know is only at the beginning of the Qi refining stage. Who was Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of Chu Xian Dynasty that day? There are countless guards around him who have completed the Qi refining stage! How could Fellow Daoist Qin kill him? Got him?"

Gao Yuan shook his head, his eyes full of disbelief.

He lives in Wanlingfang City.

Recently, the news about fellow Taoist Qin Tietang has been the most talked about among the monks in the whole city.

Killed Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, and his seven or eight guards who had completed their Qi refining period, killed Murong Chenggao, a direct member of the Murong family, and also killed Yan Wushuang, the seventh prince and princess of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty. Ji Yaner!

Moreover, he also subdued the Earth Dragon Beast King who was in the foundation building stage, and took away 16 Azure Fruits under the eyes of nearly a thousand monks!

These things.

How could Qin Tiedan, who was only in the early stage of Qi training, do it?

"Dad, is it possible that Fellow Daoist Qin has hidden his cultivation and is actually a senior expert?"

Gao Wenjing's beautiful eyes revealed a look of contemplation and speculation.

"According to dad's experience, it's not like hidden cultivation."

"However, it is not ruled out that my father has misjudged me. Qin Dao is a good friend. Regardless of whether it is him or not, my father hopes that Qin Tiedan can escape the pursuit of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. The recent behavior of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty is too domineering. There were three monks I knew who were taken away by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and never came back."

Gao Yuan spoke of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty with a lot of anger in his tone.

"Dad, my daughter also hopes that Fellow Daoist Qin is safe and sound."

Gao Wenjing nodded.

Falling Eagle Cliff is four hundred miles away.

In the cave.

Qin Wang has been practicing for half a month, and Jiu Zi has been recovering from his injuries during this half month.

She took out a lot of elixirs and elixirs from her storage bag. With the nourishment of a large number of elixirs and the magical skills of her witch clan, her physical injuries have recovered as before, and there are no scars on her skin. .

The snow-white arms are like lotus roots, and the oval face is like porcelain, flawless.

Her big eyes are as moving as autumn water, her green hair is like a waterfall, tied up with silk, and a silver hairpin adorns her temples.


Her cultivation was still in the foundation building stage and she had not entered the golden elixir again.

"Li Xiaoye, you saved my life, and I am grateful for your kindness. Jiu Zi has nothing to repay, so I will give you this gift!"

"If there is a need in the future, as long as I can do my best, Jiu Zi will never refuse!"

After Jiu Zi recovered from her injuries, she touched her storage bag and took out a white jade plaque that was three inches long and two fingers wide, and flew in front of Qin Wang.

"Okay, if I come to your witchcraft territory in the future, I will definitely visit!"

Qin Wang took the white jade token and nodded.

Jiu Zi's physical injuries have healed, and it's time to leave.


"It's actually her."

Jiu Zi was about to leave. Suddenly, her expression showed surprise. Her figure flashed and appeared on a big rock outside the cave, looking into the distance.

"is her?"

Qin Wang followed Jiu Zi out of the cave, and when his consciousness swept out, he was stunned. He didn't expect that the person he once hid when he saw him actually came straight to this cliff!

The person Jiu Zi discovered was Wan Yan Meng!

At this time, Wan Yanmeng was being chased by a middle-aged monk in gray clothes. He panicked and fled frantically.

"Li Xiaoye, she is Wan Yanmeng."

"That is, the person who has been cursed by ancient times. To avoid bad luck, you should not get closer than two feet to her."

"I'll go help her."

Jiu Zi said something to Qin Wang, then his figure flashed and galloped towards Wanyan Meng.

More than half a month ago.

Wanyanmeng was within the scope of the Purple Thunder Tribulation, and she thought Wanyanmeng had died. Unexpectedly, she actually survived the Purple Thunder Tribulation and was unscathed.

"Two feet away?"

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi's graceful back with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Intelligence shows that it is also within two feet.

Wanyan Meng has an ancient curse on her body, and everyone who meets her will be unlucky. So, if she pays a price to invite her to visit the Tianchu Immortal Palace, what effect will it have?


Qin Wang knew that this method was just something he thought about.

Anyone who comes close to Wan Yanmeng will be unlucky. I don't know if there is a cause and effect with her, and it will also be unlucky.

Tsk tsk tsk!


With a shrill scream, the middle-aged gray-clothed monk who was chasing Wan Yanmeng was killed by a witchcraft from Jiu Zi. His eyes showed fear and he fell to the ground with death!

"Miss Jiuzi! saved me again!"

"It's so good to see you're okay!"

Wanyanmeng breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the woman in purple suddenly appearing and killing the middle-aged monk who was chasing her. When she saw the face of the woman in purple clearly, she suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Wanyan Meng never expected to meet Jiu Zi here.

More than half a month ago.

In Tiannanfang City, Miss Jiuzi helped her to resolve the curse, but failed in the end and was bombarded by the thunder tribulation of the Nine Heavens. She thought that Miss Jiuzi had died under the thunder tribulation, and she blamed herself for a long time.

"Miss Wanyan, I'm fine. I cast the small teleportation talisman at that time. I did suffer some injuries at that time, but I have recovered now."

Jiu Zi said lightly.

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