Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 181: Intelligence updated, more terrifying causal power! [Please subscribe]

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me that caused you to get hurt."

Wan Yanmeng bowed deeply to Jiu Zi and saluted with an apology on his face.

"Miss Wanyan, you don't have to blame yourself. I also want to use the curse on you, hoping to understand a stronger spell. Besides, am I okay?"

Jiu Zi smiled sweetly and said. Immediately, she looked at Wan Yan Meng and asked curiously. "That day, when the Jasper Blood Toad King went through the thunder tribulation, you seemed to be not far from me."

Jiu Zi was very curious at the moment.

How did Wanyanmeng survive that purple thunder tribulation?

"Miss Jiuzi, when the thunder tribulation came, my mind went blank, but a gray cocoon appeared on my body, blocking the thunder tribulation. I was not damaged at all. This 'cocoon', when I walked out of Tiannanfang City , just disappeared, and I don’t know why.”

"Then, I met this robbery cultivator on the way and ran for my life. Unexpectedly, I happened to meet you!"

"If it weren't for you, I would have fallen!"

Wanyanmeng looked at Jiuzi with gratitude on her face.

"I see. According to my guess, the cocoon you mentioned should have been transformed by a curse. By the way, are you willing to follow me to the Witch Realm?"

"Although I can't remove the curse on you, there are witch ancestors and holy witches in my clan. Maybe they can find a way to remove the curse on you!"

Jiu Zi looked at Wan Yan Meng, her beautiful eyes flashed, and said.


She thought that Wanyanmeng had perished in the Purple Thunder Tribulation, but now that she saw that Wanyanmeng was unscathed, she had the idea of ​​taking Wanyanmeng to the Witch Clan.

Bringing Wanyanmeng to the Wu Clan would be beneficial to both Wanyanmeng and the Wu Clan.

On the basis of the curse technique, the Witch Clan can learn from ancient curses and go one step further.

For Wan Yanmeng, the curse on her body can be resolved. Even if it cannot be resolved in the end, there is still no problem in a slight relief.

"Follow you to the Witch Clan?"

Wanyanmeng looked thoughtful after hearing this.

She thought that she grew up in the Southern Region and had never been to any place farther away.

Another one, this time Miss Wanyan was so seriously injured. She felt very guilty and immediately shook her head and said. "Thank you Miss Jiuzi for your kindness. If you contact me, you will be in trouble. I'd better not trouble you."

Wan Yanmeng knew in her heart that no one who came into contact with her would end well.

Miss Jiuzi had helped her so much, and she didn't want to hurt Miss Jiuzi again.

"That's fine."

Jiu Zi thought for a while and didn't force herself. She decided to go back and discuss with the ancestors of the clan before making a decision.

"Miss Wanyan, this is one of my witchcraft weapons. If you input mana, the burst of power can kill people in the early stage of foundation building, and can also seriously injure you in the middle stage. At the same time, I can also use this witchcraft weapon to find you. I will go back and report to the clan. Strong man, let’s see if there is a way to resolve the ancient curse on you.”

"If there is a way to resolve it, I will use this witchcraft to find you, okay?"

"What is in your body is an ancient curse. If we can understand the secret of this curse, it will be of special significance to us, the Witch Clan."

Jiu Zi looked at Wan Yan Meng, her beautiful eyes flashed, she took out a bone stick as thick as an arm and handed it to Wan Yan Meng.

"Then thank you first, Miss Jiuzi!"

Wanyanmeng thought for a while, nodded, and took the bone stick.

From the bottom of her heart, she also wanted to resolve the ancient curse on him and live a normal life.

"Okay, then I'll go back now, and then I'll bring the ancestor of the Witch Clan to come to you."

Jiu Zi nodded, looked at Qin Wang who was aside, then looked at Wan Yan Meng and said. "Li Xiaoye, Miss Wanyan, I want to return to the Witch Realm. We will meet again later!"

Jiuzi introduced Qin Wang and Wanyanmeng to each other.

"See you later!"

"See you later!"

Qin Wang and Wanyanmeng clasped their fists at Jiu Zi, who turned into a ray of light and flew away into the sky.

"Wan Yanmeng has met Fellow Daoist Li!"

Wan Yanmeng withdrew her gaze and looked at Qin Wang, who was standing three feet away, limping and clasping her fists at Qin Wang.

I just learned from Miss Jiuzi that the young monk’s name is Li Xiaoye, and he knows Miss Jiuzi.

"I've met Miss Wanyan!"

"Take care of the person who is chasing you!"

Qin Wang signaled Wanyanmeng to put away the storage bag of the middle-aged monk. The middle-aged monk was killed by Jiuzi and was within two feet of Wanyanmeng.

Qin Wang didn't dare to get close.


Wanyanmeng smiled at Qin Wang and went to collect the storage bag.

Qin Wang discovered that Wan Yanmeng's pockmarked face actually gave him a feeling of spiritual energy when her clear eyes opened up and she smiled.

"It turns out that it was Fellow Daoist Li who saved Miss Jiuzi!"

Wan Yanmeng collected the middle-aged monk's storage bag and learned that it was Qin Wang who saved Jiu Zi. Her beautiful eyes suddenly flashed and she said. "Thank you Daoyou Li for saving Miss Jiuzi. There is a terrible curse on me. Just don't come closer than two feet to me, otherwise you will be unlucky."

"You're welcome, that's all."

Qin Wang waved his hand and asked again immediately. "Miss Wanyan, does this curse on you involve cause and effect? ​​Does it mean that as long as it doesn't come within two feet of you, it will be fine?"

"cause and effect?"

Wanyanmeng looked thoughtful and said slowly. "There should be cause and effect involved. In the past few years, the people who have had a relationship with me have not ended well in the end. I'd better stay away from you to avoid harming you."

"Let's just say goodbye."

Wan Yanmeng said, with a hint of sadness in her big eyes.

She never wanted the curse on her to disappear.

All along the way, she had no relatives or friends. If it weren't for the belief engraved deep in her bones that supported her to move forward, she would have fallen long ago.

After saying this, Wanyan Meng turned around and left.

Her slender body, limping, had a feeling of pity.

"Miss Wanyan, take care."

Although Qin Wang's heart trembled, he still spoke. This Wanyan Meng was too pitiful. If it were him, he would probably have collapsed.

Wanyan Meng's delicate body paused, but she didn't look back and left.

Qin Wang returned to the cave and continued to retreat.

His cultivation proficiency was still 1,000 away from advancing to the middle stage of the foundation-building period.

He was going to reach the middle stage of the foundation-building period before going out.

In the early hours of the morning.

[Daily information refresh! ]

[Today's information! ]

[1: You saved the witch clan goddess Jiuzi and obtained information. Jiuzi wanted to use the ancient curse on Wanyan Meng to understand the ancient curse, but failed. She has sent a message back to the witch clan, asking the witch clan's holy witch to see if she can solve the ancient curse on Wanyan Meng and make the witch clan's curse technique a big step forward. ]

[2: You saved the witch clan goddess Jiuzi and obtained information. Jiuzi gave you a white jade card. This white jade card is the witch clan's goddess holy card. With this card, you can go to the witch domain and the witch ancestor holy land to understand witchcraft once! ]

[3: You met the "unlucky star" Wanyan Meng yesterday and obtained information. The cultivator who chased Wanyan Meng was from the Murong family. Murong Changtian of the Murong family was in bad luck because the cultivators in the family chased Wanyan Meng. Murong Changtian, a hermaphrodite, has been producing and selling by herself. She is pregnant and is in a state of collapse. ]

[4: You met the ‘unlucky star’ Wanyan Meng yesterday and obtained information that you and Wanyan Meng had a causal relationship, which should have caused you bad luck. However, because you possessed a more terrifying causal power, the causal relationship between you and Wanyan Meng was shielded. You approached Wanyan Meng, but because of the more terrifying causal power, the causal relationship between Wanyan Meng and you could not affect you. ]

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