Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 182 Qin Wang's plan, saving Wan Yan Meng, Tian Wu Pan [Please subscribe]

[5: You met the 'bad star' Wan Yanmeng yesterday and got information. Wan Yanmeng died because of the death of Murong Chao of the Murong family, and was left with the unique mark of the Murong family by Murong Chao. Wan Yanmeng is being hunted by the Murong family. Currently, It is located in a mountain forest forty miles east of you. If you don't save it, you will eventually encounter the foundation and fall. The ancient curse on Wanyanmeng and the curse on your treasure bowl belong to the same source. Your treasure bowl Wanyanmeng is essential if we want to eliminate the curse in the future. 】

[6: Yesterday, you separated from Jiu Zi, the goddess of the Witch Clan, and obtained information. Jiu Zi was bombarded by the Purple Thunder Tribulation, and her Golden Core cultivation level dropped to Foundation Establishment. She was worried that she would not be able to successfully reach the Witch Realm with Wanyan Meng, so she left the Witch behind. The treasure protects Wanyanmeng. Wuyu is the descendant of the ancient witch god. The lifelong wish of the contemporary holy witch Tumeng is to find the complete inheritance of the witch god. 】

[7: Yesterday, you separated from Jiu Zi, the goddess of the Witch Clan, and obtained information. The Manlin Witch King of the Witch Clan, who is equivalent to the early stage of Nascent Soul, was invited by Chu Wuya, the emperor of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, to prepare for your visit. I have used the auras of the shacks, tables and chairs where I have lived to use Shaman Soul Tracking on you to track down your news. Although Shaman Soul Tracking is a strange tracking technique of the Witch Clan, it is mysterious and unpredictable, but the requirements for its performance are extremely high. , you need to set up an altar for tracking, and the Witch King Manlin will track you after 35 days. 】

[8: Yesterday, you separated from Jiu Zi, the goddess of the Witch Clan, and obtained information that Man Lin was a traitor to the Witch Clan. Because he was not at peace with the Holy Witch Tu Meng, he stole the sacred object of the Witch Clan, the Heavenly Witch Plate, and betrayed the Witch Clan. , Holy Witch Tumeng of the Witch Domain has sent three Witch Kings to hunt him down. 】

[9: Yesterday, you separated from Jiu Zi, the goddess of the Witch Clan, and obtained information. Because the ‘Mild Star’ Wanyan Meng caused the Purple Thunder Tribulation, because the Jasper Blood Toad King withstood the ninth level of the Purple Thunder Tribulation and broke through to the seventh level, and because the physical strength was terrifying, just now The advanced level is comparable to that of a mid-year infant monk. The Jasper Blood Toad King hates the Sima family to the extreme, and is ready to take his descendants with him to look for opportunities to devour the Sima family members. 】

[10: You used the treasure bowl to purify the elixir yesterday and obtained information. Jiu Zi, the goddess of the witch clan, met the three witch kings who were tracking the witch king Manlin. The three witch kings learned about the ancient curse on Wan Yanmeng and were greatly moved. Shocked, the three Witch Kings immediately decided to follow Jiu Zi back to see the ancient curse on Yan Meng. 】

"I possess a more terrifying causal power? Can I suppress Wan Yanmeng's bad luck?"

"Does this mean that I can get close to Wanyanmeng without being affected by her bad luck?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth piece of information and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Wanyanmeng's bad luck came from an ancient curse. If he could make good use of it, he might be able to make Tianchu Immortal Chao drink from it.

Let Wan Yanmeng walk around the Tianchu Immortal Palace.

Can the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty be unlucky?

"Are the curses on Wanyanmeng's body and the curses on my treasure bowl related to each other?"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Chu Wuya, the emperor of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, invited Manlin, the witch king of the witch clan, to use shaman soul tracking on me?"

"There are still 35 days until I can be traced?"

Qin Wang couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw the seventh message.

Like falling into an ice cellar!

In the past half month, Qin Wang learned from Jiuzi that the Witch King is comparable to the existence of the early Yuanying. In 35 days, he will be traced to him. By then, the Witch King is comparable to the early Yuanying. Lin, how can he escape as well as the monks from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty?

"The three Witch Kings of the Witch Clan are following the Witch King Manlin?"

"The Witch King Manlin, who used Shaman Soul Tracking on me, stole the Witch Clan's sacred object 'Sky Witch Plate' and betrayed the Witch Clan. He is being hunted by three Nascent Soul-level beings from the Witch Clan?"

Qin Wang looked at the 8th and 10th pieces of information, and his sense of urgency eased slightly.

This Witch King is tracking him, so if he spreads the news about it, then, there will be three Witch Kings chasing him, and he will not have time to escape. How can he still use Shaman Soul Tracking on him?

"Wanyanmeng has something to do with the removal of the curse on my treasure bowl. Go rescue him first, and then take the time to take Wanyanmeng for a walk around the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. I don't believe it. I can't trick them to death!"

After Qin Wang read the information, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and made up his mind.

"Zhang Fujiang!"

Qin Wang spoke in a deep voice.

"Master, the slave is here!"

Upon hearing the greeting from his master Qin Wang, Zhang Fujiang's figure flashed and appeared in front of Qin Wang, clasping his fists respectfully.

"Pack your things and get out of here!"

Qin Wang said a word, and his sword rose into the sky and headed east.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang agreed, waved his hand to collect the things in the cave, and followed Qin Wang's figure.

Qin Wang galloped with his sword.

The forty miles passed by in a blink of an eye. For Qin Wang, who had already built the foundation at night, it was no different from the day.

Forty miles away from Qin Wang, in a mountain forest with towering ancient trees, monsters roared.

"Bitch! If you dare to kill my eldest brother, if I don't crush you to ashes today, I, Murong Zhan, will be a useless person!"

"This bitch is so cruel, I want to catch him alive!"


A burst of noisy sounds continued to be heard in the forest.

A lame female cultivator with a pockmarked face, dressed in black, holding a magic sword in her hand, covered in sweat, stretched out her body, and galloped forward. However, the seven or eight cultivators chasing behind her It's getting closer.

"It seems that the only way to use the trump card that Miss Jiuzi gave me is to use it!"

Wanyanmeng looked at the seven or eight monks chasing after her. She turned her hand and a three-foot-long bone rod appeared in her hand. She held the bone rod tightly and looked at the monks surrounding them from a distance.

Miss Jiuzi said.

This bone stick, when infused with mana, can burst out a foundation-building attack that can kill the foundation-building!

Although reluctant, it must be used at the critical moment.

"Bitch, why don't you run? Run!"

"Today, I will let you taste the most horrible and cruel torture in the world to comfort my eldest brother's spirit in heaven!"


Eight cultivators in the late Qi Refining period surrounded them. The leader was in the twelfth level of Qi Refining. He looked at Wanyan Meng with a cruel look in his eyes and said fiercely. "Brothers, take out the soul-locking net to lock her up and catch her alive!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Following Murong Zhan's order, the other seven cultivators flew to block Wanyan Meng's retreat.

"The Murong family is known as one of the four major families, but they actually win by numbers?"

At this moment, a purple sword light flew from the distant sky and appeared above Wanyan Meng, Murong Zhan and others. A man on the sword was dressed in a black robe, handsome and with a lightning-like gaze.

"Senior Zhuzhuji!"

"Senior, we are the descendants of the Murong family. This female cultivator killed our eldest brother. We want to capture her. Since you have a history with this female cultivator, we are sorry for offending you!"

"This is our storage bag. Please accept it as an apology!"

When Murong Zhan saw the young cultivator flying over on a sword, his heart suddenly skipped a beat. He clasped his fists and said respectfully.

After Murong Zhan finished speaking, he knelt down, took off the storage bag from his waist, held it up with both hands, and presented it respectfully.

Murong Zhan knew it in his heart.

The highest level of his and others' cultivation was only the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and they could not resist the Foundation Establishment Master at all.

It would be better to move out of the family to make the Foundation Establishment Master afraid, and at the same time, give the storage bag. As long as he escaped with his life and reported to the Foundation Establishment Master in the family, wouldn't it be easy to catch this person?


"Even if I kill you, the storage bag is still mine?"

Qin Wang looked at the eight people of the Murong family kneeling on the ground, sneered, and waved his hand, and the Qingyou sword flew out!



Murong Zhan and others only heard a sword whistling sound, and the next moment, they felt a sharp pain in their chests, and blood spurted out like arrows!

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