Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 183: Instant Kill! The Transaction with Wanyan Meng! [Please Subscribe! ]

"Uh, you, the Murong family, won't let you go."

Murong Zhan looked at Qin Wang in disbelief and pressed the blood hole on his chest, but he couldn't stop the bleeding at all, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

Falling to the ground with a crash.

at the same time.

The other seven monks from the Murong family who were in the late stage of Qi refining fell to the ground one after another, making a final death struggle.


Qin Wang took out a black alms bowl, and a three-foot-sized vortex spun around, absorbing the souls of Murong Zhan and eight others.

at the same time.

Zhang Fujiang's figure flew over, and eight fireballs flew over. The bodies of Murong Zhan and the other eight people instantly burst into flames. The flames illuminated Wanyanmeng's face. It could be seen that there was deep shock in her bright eyes.

"It's him!"

"Li Xiaoye!"

Wan Yanmeng looked at Qin Wang coming with a sword, and the shock in her heart was overwhelming.

She didn't expect that.

In this critical moment, Li Xiaoye actually saved himself.

"Thank you, Senior Li, for coming to the rescue!"

Wan Yanmeng bowed deeply to Qin Wang and saluted.

"You're welcome, I was passing by too, and I didn't expect that I happened to save you."

Qin Wang waved to Wanyanmeng. "Come up! I'll take you away!"

"I am a bad luck star. Anyone who is close to me will be unlucky. I don't want to harm my senior!"

"Thank you, senior, for coming to the rescue!"

Wan Yanmeng looked at Qin Wang, a hint of sadness flashed in her beautiful eyes, she cupped her fists and saluted Qin Wang, and was about to turn around and leave.

"It doesn't matter, your bad luck has no effect on me."

"Come up!"

Qin Wang told Wanyanmeng that the intelligence showed that the cause and effect on him exceeded Wanyanmeng's bad luck and cause and effect, and could block his bad luck and cause and effect.


What else Wan Yanmeng wanted to say, Qin Wang said. "Come up quickly. The Murong family has left a mark on your body. What if they fly over again?"

Seeing this, Wanyanmeng nodded, immediately flew onto Qin Wang's flying sword, and tightly grabbed the corner of Qin Wang's clothes. This was her first time going to heaven, and she was very nervous.


Qin Wang harnessed the flying sword and instantly soared into the sky, heading into the distance.

After Zhang Fujiang finished dealing with the traces, he put away the eight storage bags, followed by Yu Jian.

"Senior, please put me down in front!"

"I've been cursed by an ancient curse. I'm very unlucky. Anyone who is close to me will eventually be unlucky. I mean it."

Qin Wang flew nearly a hundred miles with Wanyanmeng's sword and arrived at the top of a cliff. Wanyanmeng looked at Qin Wang with worry in his bright eyes.

She knows her situation.

Senior Li saved himself, but he couldn't harm him.

"It's okay, you don't have to call me senior, just call me Li Xiaoye or Fellow Daoist Li!"

Qin Wang looked at Wanyanmeng, lowered the flying sword, and landed on a big rock. He looked at Wanyanmeng and smiled slightly.

"Okay. Fellow Taoist Li Xiaoye!"

Wanyan Meng's bright eyes flickered, and she nodded without any pretense.

"By the way, Wan Yanmeng, I want to discuss something with you."

Qin Wang thought for a moment and said to Li Xiaoye.

at present.

Wan Yanmeng's cultivation level is at the twelfth level of the Qi training stage. It seems that her cultivation aptitude is very good.

"Fellow Daoist Li, please speak."

Wanyanmeng was stunned for a moment, her beautiful eyes confused.

"The bad luck you have, others will be unlucky if they get it. I have a good idea!"

"I want to wander around where my enemies are and make them miserable. In return, I will help you find opportunities and help you step into foundation building. What do you think?"

Qin Wang looked at Wan Yanmeng and spoke slowly.

The Tianchu Immortal Dynasty had been chasing him for so long, and even offered a huge reward, allowing the monks in the entire Southern Territory to hunt him down. If he didn't repay this revenge, he would feel uncomfortable.

Let Wanyan Meng wander around Tianchu Xianchao's palace every day, and he doesn't believe that Tianchu Xianchao is not in trouble!

Only if the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty is unlucky can he understand his thoughts!

It would be best for the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty to perish!


Hearing Qin Wang's words, Wan Yanmeng's beautiful eyes widened immediately. Although she didn't look good, she was thoughtful and intelligent, so she asked carefully. "Fellow Daoist Li, where do you want me to hang out?"

to be honest.

Li Xiaoye's idea is indeed feasible.

Over the years, everyone who has interacted with him has been contaminated by bad luck and has not ended well.

If you often hang out where the enemy lives, the enemy will really be unlucky.

"Tianchu Immortal Dynasty."

Qin Wang looked at Wan Yanmeng and spoke in a deep voice.

"Tianchu Immortal Dynasty?"

Wanyanmeng was stunned. She didn't expect that the enemy of fellow Taoist Li Xiaoye was actually the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.


Wanyan dreamed a lot. Recently, there were two people who had enemies with the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. One was Qin Tiedan who was hunted by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and had a bounty on his head throughout the Southern Territory.

There is still one.

He was the mysterious person who secretly exposed Chu Yunxiao, the ancestor of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, who killed Tuoba Chunyan, and obtained the news of the inheritance of the god-transformation of the ancestor Tianxiao.


Tianchu Immortal Dynasty is so big, there must be countless enemies.

Li Xiaoye's information is definitely not that Qin Tiedan or the mysterious person.

"Yes, my ancestors were harmed by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and took away my family's inheritance. The goal of my family from generation to generation is to overthrow the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty!"

"However, I am just a foundation-building practitioner, and I am not a match for Nascent Soul stage forces such as Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. However, the bad luck on your body can bring bad luck to Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. This kind of bad luck is very powerful. As long as you Just walk around a few times outside Tianchu Xianchao's palace and make Tianchu Xianchao unlucky, and I will try my best to help you build your foundation!"

"At the same time, I am responsible for protecting your safety. What do you think?"

Qin Wang looked at Wan Yanmeng and said.

"How long will it take to visit the Tianchu Immortal Palace?"

Wanyan Meng's beautiful eyes showed a thoughtful look.

I am currently at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and I am considering building a foundation. I rely on myself. I don’t know when I can get the Foundation Building Pill. However, with the help of fellow Taoist Li Xiaoye, with his cultivation in the foundation building stage, I can get it. It will be much easier when you get to the Foundation Establishment Pill.

This is considered a transaction and can be done.

However, you have to ask in advance how long you want to visit Tianchu Xianchao.

"I want to see the effect. At least, I want to see Chu Yunxiao of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty suffer bad luck. How about setting a time limit of one year?"

Qin Wang thought for a moment and said.

He has an intelligence panel. If Tianchu Xianchao is unlucky, he will know it as soon as the panel displays it.

Wanyanmeng thought for a while and nodded. "Okay, I promise you!"

Foundation building has always been her dream state.

It's okay to go to Tianchu Immortal Dynasty for a year and exchange for foundation building.


"Then it's settled. I have a Azure Fruit here. I'll give you a deposit first, and then I'll get you the Foundation Establishment Pill! Let you step into Foundation Establishment!"

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he reached out and touched the storage bag. A box with restrictions on it appeared in his palm and flew to Wanyanmeng's face.

Wanyanmeng took the box and opened it, and immediately saw a fist-sized light blue fruit inside, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance!

"Fellow Taoist Li Xiaoye, when will we start going to Tianchu Immortal Dynasty?"

Wanyan Meng's eyes showed deep anticipation.

"Wait for half a month!"

Qin Wang thought for a while and said.

It was learned from the intelligence that Chu Wuya of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty asked the Witch King Manlin of the Witch Clan to perform Shaman Soul Tracking. The news that the Witch King Manlin must be sent to Tianchu must be passed on, so that the three Witch Kings of the Witch Clan can pursue him. In the past, Man Lin could no longer use Shaman Soul Tracking on himself.

at the same time.

I need to update more news about Witch King Man Lin to see if there is a solution so that Man Lin can't trace him!

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