Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 188 Killing a person in the middle stage of foundation building! The wonderful use of the us

"Wan Yanmeng, next, follow me to Baiyu Mountain ten miles away. Make arrangements to kill the three foundation builders of the Murong family who are following us. Then we will go to Tiannanfang City!"

"Deal with the Murong family in Nantianfang City first!"

Qin Wang's eyes showed determination.

The Murong family has tracking skills, and it is not a problem to keep tracking them. They must be solved.

Wan Yanmeng may have the mark of the Murong family on her body. If she takes her to Baishi Mountain, the three foundation builders of the Murong family will definitely follow the mark to find her.

"Deal with the Murong family? But the Murong family has a strong man in the Golden Core stage in Nantianfang City!"

After hearing Qin Wang's words, Wanyan Meng's beautiful eyes showed worry.

"I know."

Qin Wang nodded and said. "As far as I know, the Murong family's Jindan monk in Tiannanfang City is named Murong Changtian. He is actually a hermaphrodite. He is pregnant and is in a state of distress. He cannot care about anything else. Besides, we If there is a bad luck bath, try to pour it on the Murong family to make them unlucky!"

Yesterday, Qin Wang took a bath in the bad luck bath, and he did not waste it.

Instead, he saved the bath water and prepared to take it to the Murong family and pour it in.

Let the Murong family be exposed to rain and dew.


"You still keep it?"

When Wan Yanmeng heard Qin Wang's words, her bright eyes widened with surprise. She didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Li didn't even pour out the bath water, but still kept it.

"Of course I'll keep it"

"As long as this thing sticks to it, it will bring bad luck. It's also a good idea to use it to trick the Murong family!"

Qin Wang said with a slight smile.

"You have so many ideas!"

Wanyan Meng said with a sweet smile.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Wang laughed, took Wanyanmeng with him, turned around and left the cave, heading towards Baishi Mountain.

Not long after.

Qin and Wang rushed to Baishi Mountain.

As its name suggests, Baishi Mountain is full of white stones. In the gaps between the stones, there are vines more than one foot high. These vines are very strange. They are covered with three-inch long thorns and are dark and faint.

Qin Wang first took out the Thunder Sound Array, and he planned to set up these three formations to trap Murong Family Murong Tai and three other foundation-building monks.

Then hide your own cultivation in the early stage of foundation building.

at the same time.

Qin Wang asked Zhang Fujiang, who was digging a hole in Falling Eagle Cliff, to come over.

He had already sent Zhang Fujiang to dig a hole in the direction of Falling Eagle Cliff, trying to dig out the left hand of the barbarian god as soon as possible.

Zhang Fujiang has been digging with three soul seeds for many days, so it should be almost done.

After I come back today and kill the three foundation builders of the Murong family, I can go back and continue digging.

After Qin Wang was busy for half an hour, he finally arranged three formations.


Qin Wang hid the Earth Dragon Beast King underground in the formation, and summoned Situ Yunfei's soul and Wu Su's soul to sit aside.

Wu Su's soul, after being nourished by the soul-nurturing wood for thousands of years, has become too energetic.

"Master, don't worry, I will control a foundation-building monk first!"

The moment Situ Yunfei appeared, he showed his loyalty to Qin Wang.

"very good!"

Qin Wang nodded. With Situ Yunfei's golden elixir stage spirit, even without a physical body, it was still possible to kill a foundation-building stage soul.

"Zhang Fujiang bows to the master!"

Qin Wang waited for another hour, and Zhang Fujiang flew over with his sword at low altitude and knelt in front of him to pay homage.

"Well, let's take a rest first. When the three foundation builders arrive, I'll have all the formations set up."

Qin Wang nodded to Zhang Fujiang and said.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang bowed in response and turned to check the formation.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

"Fellow Daoist Li, will the Murong family really come?"

Wanyan Meng's beautiful eyes showed concern as she looked into the distance.

"Will do."

"It should be soon."

Qin Wang is confident that the intelligence panel will not make mistakes.

As soon as Qin Wang finished speaking, suddenly, more than ten miles away, three figures came with swords. The three figures had already discovered Qin Wang and Wan Yanmeng with their spiritual senses, and headed straight for them.

Not long after.

The three of them were floating in the air three feet above Qin Wang and Qin Wang. The leader looked down at Qin Wang with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes and said sternly. "No wonder, among the eight children of the Murong family who dared to kill me, one of them is in the early stage of foundation building!!"

"Today, I will skin you, cramp your muscles, and refine your souls to avenge my eight nephews!"

After Murong Tai finished speaking, he waved his hand and surrounded Qin Wang and Wan Yanmeng with the other two Ji Zhu.


Qin Wang spoke calmly and stepped forward.


Suddenly, the earth shook, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. Baishi Mountain disappeared, and a prairie appeared in its place!

"Formation? This."

When Murong Tai saw this, he was immediately shocked. He did not expect that the small foundation building in front of him was already prepared and the formation was arranged here!

But so what?

I am in the middle stage of foundation building, and my two cousins ​​are both foundation building!

Three foundation builders versus one foundation builder must be an overwhelming crushing force!

Kill this person first, then break the formation!

Murong Tai took a step forward, only to find that his two cousins ​​had disappeared, and he was the only one left on the vast grassland. He held the high-grade spiritual sword tightly in his hand and was extremely vigilant.


At this moment, he suddenly felt a warning and jumped up, but saw a red python monster with a bucket-thick body under his feet opened its mouth and swallowed his feet!

"Evil beast, die!"

Murong Tai roared, and the top-grade spiritual sword in his hand slashed out a scorching white sword light, slashing towards the head of the Earth Dragon Beast King!


At this moment, Murong Tai felt a sense of life and death crisis in his heart. He quickly abandoned the Earth Dragon Beast King and swept back with a sword. At the same time, he took out a light yellow talisman and slapped it on his body. In an instant, a layer of water blue shield appeared on his body.

It was a one-time second-level talisman water spirit shield.

Bang! !

A light sound rang out, and Murong Tai only felt a pain under his ribs. His second-level talisman water spirit shield was pierced by a red sharp sword before it could be fully exerted!

Murong Tai dodged sideways in a flash, but still a piece of flesh and blood was cut off from his ribs, along with a section of ribs!


"You... you hid your cultivation!"

Murong Tai screamed, stretched out his hand to press the wound under his ribs, and looked at the young cultivator in front of him in horror. He was shocked to find that the cultivator in front of him was not in the early stage of foundation building, but in the middle stage like himself!

Murong Tai looked around, hoping that his two cousins ​​could come to fight the enemy together.

However, the two cousins ​​were nowhere to be seen.

"Don't look, your two fellow tribesmen are dead."

Qin Wang held the Purple Moon Sword in his hand, looked at Murong Tai, and said lightly.

He sensed with his spiritual sense.

One of the two early stage foundation building cultivators brought by Murong Tai was disturbed by Situ Yunfei's soul and was killed by Zhang Fujiang's chest shot. The other was entangled by Mu Hun II and Chu Hun IV, and was killed by Zhang Fujiang who had freed his hands.

Wu Su didn't make a move at all.

"No, it's impossible!"

Murong Tai showed horror in his eyes, he spread his body and rushed away.

However, the injured Murong Tai's speed was greatly reduced, and he was attacked repeatedly by the Earth Dragon Beast King. At the same time, Qin Wang used the sword technique of the other world to stab him from time to time, and finally pierced Murong Tai to death.

Qin Wang took out the soul-gathering bowl and collected the souls of Murong Tai and the other two.

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