Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 189: Tricking the Murong family, Wanyan Meng's shock [Please subscribe]

at the same time.

Qin Wang collected the bodies of Murong Tai and the others again.

To know.

This is the body of the Foundation Establishment Stage. After refining a soul seed and placing it in it, it becomes another Foundation Establishment Stage puppet.

"However, with the current strength of my consciousness, I can only control three soul species at the same time. No matter how many, I can't control it."

"It seems that if I pass this soul seed control method to Zhang Fujiang, I will control three and he will be able to control one. This is equivalent to six enemies in the foundation-building stage besieging them. They can swarm up and decide the outcome in an instant."

Qin Wang looked at the storage bag and thought to himself.

"Zhang Fujiang, put all three arrays away, let's leave quickly."

Qin Wang gave Zhang Fujiang instructions.

"Yes! Master!"

Zhang Fujiang bowed and clasped his fists, turned around to collect the formation disk.

"Is this the end?"

Wan Yanmeng looked at Zhang Fujiang who was collecting the formation, and his bright eyes suddenly widened with shock.

"Yes, kill them all."

Qin Wang nodded and said nonchalantly.

"To defeat three strong foundation-building experts so quickly. Fellow Daoist Li. This... this is too impressive."

At this moment, Wanyanmeng's heart was extremely shocked, and the waves were shaking.

These are three strong foundation builders.

Li Xiaoye was so powerful that he directly killed three people in less than a quarter of an hour. Killing three strong people in the foundation building stage was as easy as killing three people in the Qi refining stage.

"Take care of yourself. I'll take you to disguise yourself later, and then we'll head to Tiannanfang City."

Qin Wang looked at the shocked Wanyan Meng, warned him, and said.

"OK, all right."

Wan Yanmeng nodded. She wanted to help Zhang Fujiang collect the array disks, but she thought of her own bad luck and was worried about harming Zhang Fujiang, so she didn't go to help.

She was always two feet away from Zhang Fujiang.

Not long after.

Zhang Fujiang put away the formation flags of the three formations, including the Thunder Sound Formation and the Four Elephants Strangulation Formation.

"Zhang Fujiang, how is the digging at Falling Eagle Cliff?"

Qin Wang took the three formation disks handed over by Zhang Fujiang and asked the formation flag.

"Master, we have dug 220 feet. Because it is too deep, I feel chest tightness the further down I go, so I dug the tunnel at the bottom a little wider to allow the air above to enter. Currently, the two Soul Seeds are still digging down. "

"According to estimates, it will take another five days to dig to a depth of 300 feet."

Zhang Fujiang said respectfully, clasping his fists.

"5 days?"

"Okay, you take the soul seeds and continue digging. I'll go to Tiannanfang City."

Qin Wang thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

Zhang Fujiang's soul has been connected with his own consciousness, and he is not afraid that he will have other thoughts. Once he has other thoughts, he will definitely die.

"It's the master."

Zhang Fujiang bowed, clasped his fists, turned and left.

"let's go."

Qin Wang waved his hand to summon the flying sword and said something to Wan Yanmeng beside him.

After getting three foundation-building bodies, he would then disguise himself and Wanyanmeng, and at the same time refine the three foundation-building bodies into soul seeds.

Wanyan Mengfei put on the flying sword and tightly grasped the corner of Qin Wang's clothes. The flying sword soared into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

Three hours later.

Tiannanfang City, fifteen miles away.

A middle-aged couple walked slowly forward.

"Fellow Daoist Li, I didn't expect that your disguise technique is so powerful!"

Wan Yanmeng looked at Qin Wang with admiration in her beautiful eyes.

After killing three of the Murong family's foundation builders, Qin Wang took Wanyanmeng back to the cave where he had previously retreated. At the same time, he used his skilled face-changing skills to disguise the two of them and became a middle-aged couple.

Qin Wang put on makeup as a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion, while Wan Yanmeng disguised himself as a middle-aged woman. Qin Wang controlled his cultivation to the early stage of foundation building.


To enter the foundation-building auction of Wanbao Tower, the minimum requirement to enter is the foundation-building period.

If you can't reach the level of cultivation, you can't get in.

"I came from a young age, and the world is dangerous. Without this face-changing technique, I wouldn't be alive now."

Qin Wang said.

My heart is full of emotions.

"makes sense."

Wan Yanmeng nodded. She was hiding everywhere along the way. If she hadn't been blessed with bad luck, she might have died long ago.

Qin Wang took Wanyanmeng and stayed at a spiritual inn near Wanbao Building in Tiannanfang City.

Qin Wang went to Wanbao Tower.

Wanbao Building is located in Beifang, the center of the wide street.

It is about four stories high.

It has the same origin as Wanbao Tower in Wanlingfang City.

The business of Wanbao Tower is very good, and there is an endless stream of monks entering.

From time to time, monks in the foundation building stage walked into Wanbao Tower.

The first floor of Wanbao Building has a radius of 500 feet. The first floor is full of counters, which contain magic weapons, elixirs, materials, elixirs, talismans and other strange treasures.

The front of the counter was crowded with monks shopping, and beautiful female nuns were waiting for them.

"Senior, Miao Ling is at your service! What do you need?"

Qin Wang had just walked into the gate of Wanbao Tower when a graceful female cultivator with snow-like skin and long hair like a waterfall came over and bowed deeply.

"I heard that your Wanbao Tower has an auction. When will it start recently?" Qin Wang looked at Wanbao Tower and asked in a deep voice.

"Senior, you came at the right time. Our latest machine auction will be held tomorrow!"

After hearing Qin Wang's words, the female cultivator immediately asked respectfully. "Senior, if you want to participate, you can follow me to apply for a voucher to enter the auction!"


Qin Wang nodded and followed the female cultivator Miao Ling into the second floor of Wanbao Building.

Qin Wang spent a hundred spiritual stones in an elegant reception room on the second floor to get a voucher jade token, which could be returned when the auction was over.

Of course, you can always have the jade token from the auction and participate in it later, so you don’t need to apply for a certificate to participate in the auction.

"Senior, the auction will be held tomorrow morning at the auction venue behind our Wanbao Building. You can come in and participate in the auction with this jade tag as your identity certificate."

Miao Ling raised eyebrows at Qin Wang and introduced the treasures that might appear in the auction.


Qin Wang didn't waste time and directly took a jade slip introducing the treasure from Miao Ling, returned to the spiritual stack, and waited for the auction to start tomorrow.

It was getting dark.

"Wan Yanmeng, I'm going to Murong's house and I'll be back later."

Qin Wang put away the bad luck body bathing soup and sent a message to Wan Yanmeng.

"Li Xiaoye, wait!"

Suddenly, Wan Yanmeng sent a message to Qin Wang. Immediately, the door of her room opened, and Wan Yanmeng limped out. She held a white porcelain bottle in her hand, handed it to Qin Wang, and said. "You only have one drop of blood, so pour this in!"


Qin Wang looked at Wan Yanmeng. He did not expect that Wan Yanmeng would actually force out some of his own blood and give it to him.

"You provoked the Murong family to help me. If you want to deal with the Murong family, the more moldy blood on my body may be more powerful."

Wanyanmeng smiled at Qin Wang and said.


Qin Wang took a deep look at Wanyanmeng, nodded, put away the white porcelain bottle, and turned around to hide in the night.

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