Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 209: Intelligence Update! Chu Yunxiao's depression, Qi Feng's rage, Sima Rui'

"Ancestor, the news is absolutely true. It was brought back by Han Feng."


Chu Wuya waved his hand, and a ray of light flew towards the ancestor Chu Yunxiao.

Chu Yunxiao received this ray of light and his mind sank into it.

"Damn it! One day, I will find you! I will skin you and cramp you, and dig up the graves of your seventy-two generations of ancestors!"

a long time.

Chu Yunxiao's face was as gloomy as ink, and he gritted his teeth. A strong murderous intention spread from his body.


Chu Yunxiao was extremely anxious.

When this news comes to light, it is estimated that those Nascent Souls from the Southern Territory will come to visit them soon.

At that time, how to explain?

"Liu Fengchun from Fengyao Holy Land came to visit Fellow Daoist Chu!"

At this moment, a majestic voice came from the horizon. As soon as the voice fell, a figure wearing a green robe appeared in the sky of Tianji City.

"Fengyao Holy Land Liu Fengchun!"

Seeing this figure, Chu Yunxiao frowned deeply, the news broke, trouble came so quickly.

"It seems that we can only join this inheritance of deity transformation with Fengyao Holy Land! Hey!"

Chu Yunxiao was extremely depressed.

He is already a great monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul. He was originally able to attack the transformed gods, but his spiritual thoughts were destroyed by Qin Tiedan, resulting in damage. It will take thirty years to recover before he can continue to attack the transformed gods.

Liu Fengchun is also a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. He doesn't want Liu Fengchun to become a god-transformation monk early!


The damn 'mysterious man' broke the news that he had obtained the god-transformation inheritance from ancestor Tianxiao, so he had to take out this inheritance.

There is no point in denying it anymore.

Unless you are willing to offend Fengyao Holy Land.

"Wuya, I'll go there and continue to capture that mysterious man!"

Chu Yunxiao gave an order to Chu Wuya, turned into a ray of light, stepped forward towards Liu Fengchun.

Daqi Immortal Dynasty.

Located in the northern part of the Southern Territory, bordering Zhongzhou to the north and Tianchu to the south, it is one of the three major immortal dynasties in the Southern Territory.

The strength of Da Qi is similar to that of Dayan and Tianchu.

Within the Immortal Dynasty, there are as many Nascent Soul cultivators as there are hands!

Jade Emperor City.

It is the capital of the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty.

To the north, in a magnificent hall, an old man with three long beards looked pale and furious. "Damn it, you actually destroyed one of my spiritual thoughts!! Who is it? Could it be that a Nascent Soul cultivator took action?"

"Great-grandson Yunjie took my spiritual clone with me. If his spiritual sense is gone, he won't be."

When Qi Feng thought of this, his expression suddenly changed, and powerful spiritual consciousness swept out, covering the Qi family's Soul Pavilion Hall in the imperial city.

Inside the Qijiahun Pavilion.

Anyone who is a member of the Qi family will have their soul card branded in the palace. Once something goes wrong, the soul card will be shattered!

The spiritual clone was carried by his great-grandson Yunjie.

If the spiritual thoughts are gone, my great-grandson will be afraid.

If the spiritual mind is gone, it can be restored through cultivation and nourishment.

His grandson Yunjie is his favorite great-grandson, so nothing can happen to him!

next moment.

Qi Feng's consciousness immediately saw the scene in the Soul Pavilion Hall, and his eyes widened in disbelief. "Ah?! Yunjie's soul card was shattered. Yuntian's was also shattered. This is impossible!"


Qi Feng's powerful momentum spread, and his gray hair flew!

That was his favorite great-grandson!

Great-grandson Qi Yunjie is the contemporary leader of the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty!

One of the most talented people in Daqi today, he is very likely to become a late Nascent Soul cultivator in the future!

He actually fell!

Qi Feng's murderous intent alarmed the Qi family members in Jade Emperor City. More than a dozen rainbows rushed over and landed outside the main hall.

"Third Ancestor!"

The first, a middle-aged man in green clothes, appeared in front of the long-bearded old man, clasping his fists respectfully.

"Chang Ping, Yunjie's soul card is broken!"

"You send people to investigate and the murderer must be caught! He must be alive! He must be alive!!"

Qi Feng gritted his teeth and spoke slowly.

A strong murderous intention, as solid as substance!

"Yes, Third Ancestor!"

Qi Changping had a look of horror in his eyes and turned around.

Luoxia Mountains.

Near the Tianmai Hidden Soul Array.

"Brother, Yuntian was taken over by Yan Qingxia, Yunjie was killed by Li Yunye, and there is also the third ancestor's spiritual clone. How should we explain this when we go back?"

"Third brother, even the third ancestor's spiritual clone is no match for Li Yunye. It's useless for us to go up there. Let's go back and report the news first! Hey!"


Four monks in brocade robes, you look at me, I look at you, their expressions are extremely panic.

"Second brother, third brother, fourth brother, the third ancestor's spiritual clone has sucked away all our mana. If we can leave one life, we are lucky! Let's go back to report the funeral first! Hey!"

Qi Shimei sighed.

Terrible headache.

My four brothers are descendants of the Qi family. This time, they followed Qi Yunjie and Qi Yuntian. Now the four of them are intact, but one of the two great geniuses of the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty was taken away and the other fell. How should I explain it when I go back?

"What a terrifying palm! Is this caused by Li Yunye's treasure?"

"Yes, I saw it from a distance at that time. Li Yunye held a giant hand in his hands and suddenly waved it out. It was a bloody giant hand hundreds of feet high, and beat Qi Yunjie into a pulp, leaving no residue. !”

"I heard that Qi Yunjie at that time was possessed by the spiritual clone of Qi Feng, the third ancestor of the Qi family, and he was actually beaten to death. This is so awesome! In my opinion, this Li Yunye can kill the Nascent Soul. The clone is comparable to Qin Tiedan!"

"Indeed, looking at the Genius list in the Foundation Establishment stage, Chang Tianhao, who is ranked first on the list, probably can't kill the spiritual clones in the Nascent Soul stage, right?"

"Hey, do you think it's possible that Li Yunye is Qin Tiedan?"

"Huh? This fellow Taoist's guess is really not impossible! Maybe this Li Yunye is really Qin Tiedan's pseudonym! After all, it is rare for a monk who can kill the Nascent Soul to be killed during the foundation building stage. Unless you have a terrifying killer weapon!”


at this time.

Hundreds of monks had gathered at the Shengmen Giant Palm Pit. They were all shocked and talking a lot.

"Brother Sima, do you think this Li Yunye is really that Qin Tiedan?"

Among the crowd, a young man with a tall stature, an impressive weapon, and a giant ax on his shoulders looked at Sima Rui, who was very handsome in a white robe next to him, and said.

"Brother Tuoba, I don't know this clearly. If it is really Qin Tiedan, then we can only say that this person's courage is too great! However, this Li Yunye can kill Qin Tiedan with his cultivation level in the foundation building stage. The spiritual clone that killed Qi Yunjie and Yuanying is really powerful, I would like to get to know him if I have the chance!"

Sima Rui looked at this huge pit, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

In the Blessed Land of All Souls.

He took the blame for Qin Tiedan for a while. He took the blame for no reason at that time and was not satisfied with Qin Tiedan. However, as time went by, Qin Tiedan actually escaped Tianchu's wanted order. As well as tracking the entire Southern Territory, this fact really made him admire him greatly!

If it were him, he wouldn't be able to do it!

"Yes, if this Li Yunye is really that Qin Tiedan, his courage is indeed great!"

"I, Tuoba Shenfeng, also want to meet such a person!"

Tuoba Shenfeng's eyes burst with anticipation.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the cave.

Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu were sitting in side holes on both sides.

Early in the morning.

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【Today’s information! 】

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