Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 210 Intelligence update! Wanted by the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty! [Please subscribe! ]

[1: Yesterday, you asked Wu Su to kill the spiritual clone of Qi Feng, the Nascent Soul of the Da Qi Immortal Dynasty, with the left hand of the Barbarian God, and obtained information. Qi Feng is the third ancestor of the Da Qi Immortal Dynasty. He has cultivated to the middle stage of Nascent Soul and is the contemporary genius of the Da Qi Immortal Dynasty. Qi Yunjie is the great-grandson of Qi Feng. When Qi Feng found out that his divine clone was killed, Lei Lei was furious and vowed to catch you and make you regret coming to this world. He sent five golden elixirs to hunt you down and will personally hunt you down later. you. 】

[2: You seized Yan Qingxia’s storage bag and found a mysterious fragment. The number of mysterious fragments on your body reached 7. Information was obtained that there are five mysterious fragments in the Immortal Dynasty of Dayu in Central Continent. 】

[3: You snatched Yan Qingxia’s storage bag yesterday and let him escape naked. After obtaining the information, Yan Qingxia succeeded in seizing Qi Yuntian’s body, but you took away the storage bag and left him naked. You hate him so much that he plans to catch you in the future and torture you to death. 】

[4: Yesterday, you got a dark iron fragment with a wild atmosphere in Yan Qingxia’s storage bag. You obtained information that the iron fragment has an extraordinary origin and may be related to the War of All Spirits ten thousand years ago. It was a fragment of a powerful ax treasure that was shattered in the Battle of All Souls. 】

[5: Yesterday, you met Sima Rui, Wan Daoyi, Tuoba Shenfeng, Yan Zangfeng and other Southern Territory geniuses. After receiving information, you changed your name to Li Yunye and used your giant hand to kill Yuanying Divine Mind. Many Southern Territory geniuses were killed. The monks have speculated that you are Qin Tiedan who killed Chu Yunxiao's spiritual clone in the Blessed Land of All Souls. Sima Rui, Tuoba Shenfeng and others admire you very much and want to see your true style. At the same time, the ruins of the ancient Tianxuan Holy Land in Central Continent will be opened in five years. At that time, the golden elixir geniuses from the nine regions will gather to hunt for treasures. 】

[6: You recently met Li Qiye and obtained information. Li Qiye used the cornucopia of destiny treasures to collect Yan Qingxia’s Heavenly Vein Hidden Soul Formation disk and formation flag. For Li Qiye, it was a small harvest. . 】

[7: You stroked Immortal Emperor Qingshui’s spine yesterday and obtained information that the inheritance of Immortal Emperor Qingshui is located in the Ninth Heaven, and there is a lot of Taiyi Heavy Water in his inheritance cave. 】

[8: Yesterday you killed the spiritual clone of Qi Feng, the third ancestor of the Nascent Soul of the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty, and obtained information that Qi Feng had an Infant Transformation Pill and a mysterious fragment on his body. 】

[9: You exposed the inheritance of divine transformation of Chu Yunxiao from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and obtained information. Many Nascent Souls from the Southern Territory gathered in Tianchu Tianji City and asked to exchange the inheritance of divine transformation with Chu Yunxiao. Chu Yunxiao had no choice but to ask for the release of the Dao Dao. In exchange for the oath, Chu Yunxiao obtained a lot of resources, including the skull of Immortal Emperor Qingshui, and the three small Qingyou swords of the Sima family. 】

[10: You checked the key to the hieroglyphic silver scroll yesterday and obtained information that there are many hieroglyphic classics in the Sima Family Scripture Collection Pavilion in the Southern Region. 】

"Qi Feng of Daqi wants to catch me?"


Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information and chuckled.

Chu Yunxiao failed to catch him with Nascent Soul Enlightenment and chance arrests, but Da Qi was not afraid of him!

"Following up, I need to change my identity."

Qin Wang looked thoughtful.

The two identities of Qin Tiedan and Li Yunye can no longer be used, and they have to change their roles.

"The fragments in Yan Qingxia's storage bag have actually experienced the battle of all spirits?"

"Or an axe-like treasure fragment?"

When Qin Wang saw the fourth piece of information, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately took out the fragment obtained from Yan Qingxia. This fragment was quite heavy and seemed to have an extraordinary quality.

"It is actually a fragment of a treasure. It seems that it will be taken out frequently for study in the future. I hope to be able to refresh the information on other fragments!"

Qin Wang put the ax fragment into his storage bag and thought to himself.

"The ruins of the Tianxuan Holy Land will be opened in 5 years? Do I need the Golden Core cultivation level to enter? I wonder if my cultivation level will be able to achieve the Golden Core Stage by then?"

Qin Wang saw the fifth piece of information, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He is currently in the middle of the foundation building stage. As long as he finds stronger spiritual objects, more majestic spiritual energy, and continues to improve his liver proficiency, it is estimated that he will be able to achieve the golden elixir in five years.

"This Li Qiye actually took away this Heavenly Vein Hidden Soul Formation!"

"As expected of a man with incredible luck, he is almost never empty-handed!"

"There is a mysterious fragment on the body of Qi Feng, the Nascent Soul of the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty?"

Qin Wang looked at the 8th and 9th pieces of information with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

I am currently only in the middle of the foundation building stage, so it is too difficult to get the mysterious fragments of the Yuanying stage monks.

You can only wait until your own cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul stage.

"Huh? Chu Yunxiao got the skull of Emperor Qingshui and three small Qingyou swords?!"

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of information and frowned deeply.

Chu Yunxiao's cultivation is at the late Nascent Soul stage, and it is more difficult than Qi Feng to get what he has in his hands!

"You still have to work hard to improve your cultivation before you can finally get the mysterious fragments!"

Qin Wang said secretly in his heart.

"Does the Sima family in the Southern Region have hieroglyphic books?"

"It seems that the next step is to go to the Sima family!"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information on the panel and made secret calculations in his heart.

Intelligence display.

There is news about the fragments of the Barbarian Shield in the Sima family, there may also be news about the golden elixir scroll of the Soul-Secret Breathing Technique, as well as the hieroglyphic classics. You can go there and get them all at once for these three things. .

As for the Tianzhou Mountain of the Southern Delirium tribe in the Western Region, there is a purple energy that condenses the elixir. You can go there after you go to the Sima family.

make up one's mind.

Qin Wang took out the foundation-building period Condensation Pill from Qi Yuntian's storage bag and began to absorb it to improve his proficiency.

South Region.

The Sima family is located to the east of the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty. Its territory covers hundreds of thousands of miles and borders Zhongzhou.

Taikang Immortal City.

It is an immortal city where immortal cultivators gather in the Sima family's territory. It is not inferior to the five major immortal cities such as Qingyun Immortal City and Huoyao Immortal City.

Yufeng Immortal Brewing Shop.

It is one of the major industries of the Sima family.

There is a wine shop in Taikang Immortal City that specializes in selling immortal wine. There are many spiritual wines such as Condensation Wine, Violent Yuan Wine, and Marrow Cleansing Wine that can restore mana.

Yufeng Immortal Brewing Shop, near the window on the east side, a gray-clothed ordinary couple in their thirties sat by the window, with two cups of spiritual wine and some spiritual fruits in front of them.

"Have you heard? Qi Feng, a Yuanying cultivator of the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty, had his spiritual clone destroyed by a Foundation Establishment cultivator named Li Yunye in the Tianchu Luoxia Mountains!"

"What? Li Yunye? Destroyed the spiritual clone of a Yuanying cultivator? Fellow Daoist Zhang, didn't you say that Qin Tiedan destroyed the spiritual clone of Chu Yunxiao of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty? Did you make a mistake?"

"No, this is Li Yunye. I heard that a terrifying ancient demon treasure destroyed Qi Feng's spiritual clone! Many people are saying that Li Yunye is actually Qin Tiedan!"

"After what you said, I'm afraid that Li Yunye is really Qin Tiedan! Think about it, Tianchu Immortal Dynasty wanted him in the entire southern region, but there was no news. Unexpectedly, this person appeared again! Our chance has come! "

"This person can even destroy the Yuanying Divine Mind Clone, this reward is not so easy to get!"

"We can provide information! Don't fight him"

"Now, the cultivators in the entire southern region are looking for Qin Tiedan and Li Yunye. I heard that Daqi Immortal Dynasty is also wanted Li Yunye. The reward for providing information alone is very generous!"


In the wine shop, the discussion of the cultivators came from time to time. The male cultivator with a black scar on his face glanced at the cultivator who was discussing lightly and said to the female cultivator. "Wanyan, let's go!"

After the male cultivator said this, he stood up to pay the bill and walked out.


The woman nodded and followed the male cultivator.

A quarter of an hour later.

Taikang Immortal City.

In the east city, there is a room No. 4 in Lingzhan.

The ordinary couple who had just tasted wine at Yufeng Xianjiufang sat facing each other.

"What should we do?"

"The Great Qi Xianchao is also looking for you now, so let's hide for a while!"

Wanyan Meng looked at Qin Wang, with deep worry in her beautiful eyes.

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