Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 214: Refreshed intelligence, Tianxuan Holy Pond, the left leg of the Barbarian God! [Please

"Daqi and Tianchu are pursuing me more and more frequently."

The next morning, Qin Wang was about to leave the spiritual inn, but he heard a discussion coming from the living room below. The discussion was about the monks from the Daqi Immortal Dynasty and Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. They had arrived at Taikang Immortal City and were searching for their aliases throughout the southern region. 'Li Yunye'.

More casual cultivators want to find 'Qin Tiedan' and 'Li Yunye' and earn a reward!

Through the investigation with his spiritual consciousness, Qin Wang also learned that in the ruins of the Tianxuan Holy Land in Zhongzhou, there is the Tianxuan Holy Pool, which can cleanse the physical body. The golden elixir stage monks can cleanse the physical body in it, which can improve the monk's monastic qualifications and increase the number of monks. The probability of entering the Nascent Soul stage.

"Tianxuan Holy Pond? Purify the body?"

"After I get the fragments of the Sima Family's Barbarian Shield, I will go to Tianzhou Mountain in the Western Region to get the Condensing Pill Purple Qi!"

"When the time comes, you can go to Central Continent!"

Qin Wang secretly made up his mind.

After immediately checking that there was nothing wrong with his disguise, he went out.


Taikang Fairy City.

To the east of the city, in an elegant mountain villa, there are three or four main halls with white walls and black tiles.

at this time.

In a large hall in the middle, a beautiful woman with a graceful figure, wearing a purple fairy dress and a chip between her eyebrows, clasped her fists respectfully to the three old men in strange clothes in front of her. "Three elders, the cursed body is near Taikang Immortal City. I will bring her here. Just wait for me here!"

"Okay, Saint, go ahead!"

The leader, an old man, waved his hand to Jiu Zi and said.


Tumu was in a good mood.

After chasing Man Lin for five or six years, the bastard was like a cunning mouse, running around.

This time, Man Lin was seriously injured for some unknown reason, and his Nascent Soul turned black. The three of them finally captured him alive and took back the Wu Clan's sacred object, the Heavenly Black Pan.

Saint Jiu Zi glanced at the dying old man Man Lin, who was lying on the ground, turned around and hugged the three elders deeply, turned around and turned into a rainbow and galloped away.



Taikang Fairy City is fifty miles away.

Tianyin Town.

An ordinary bungalow in a courtyard.

"Master... the situation outside is not good. How about we find a secluded place?"

Wan Yanmeng looked at Qin Wang who had returned, with deep worry in her beautiful eyes.

Qin Wang goes out.

She is hiding here, not doing nothing, but always paying attention to what is going on outside.

The last few days.

I often see Tianchu and Daqi's foundation-building monks flying across the sky with their swords.

Yan Cangwu and Zhang Fujiang also looked at Qin Wang, with deep worries in their eyes. They knew in their hearts that their soul blood had been refined by their master Qin Wang, and if something happened to his master, they would never survive.

The master was wandering outside, and they were extremely worried. They might just die one day, but they had nothing to do about it.


Qin Wang nodded.

It really needs to be a bit low-key.

Even though I have the skill to change my appearance and hide here in disguise, if I am caught, it will be over.

late at night.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: You heard the news about Tianxuan Holy Pool in Tianxuan Holy Land yesterday and obtained information. The Tianxuan Holy Pool in Tianxuan Holy Land has mysterious power. Golden elixir monks cleanse their bodies in the Tianxuan Holy Pool. , when you attack the Nascent Soul in the future, you can increase the chance of having a baby by 20%! 】

[2: You touched the jade token that Jiuzi gave you yesterday and obtained information. Jiuzi and three elders of the witch clan have captured the witch king Manlin and came to look for Wanyanmeng. The witch clan is the descendant of the ancient witch god. Although the witchcraft within the clan cannot remove the ancient curse of bad luck on Wanyanmeng, it can alleviate the curse. Wanyanmeng will have a great opportunity in the witch clan. With this great opportunity, Wanyanmeng will have a great future. It will be of great help to you. 】

[3: You bid farewell to Master Sima, taught him the Star Tempering Body Technique, and obtained information. Sima Master practices the Planetary Star Body Tempering Technique extremely quickly. Although he does not have spiritual roots, he possesses an eternal hegemonic body. It is unexpected to practice the Planetary Star Body Tempering Technique. After activating his eternal hegemony, Master Sima feels that the future is bright. He knows that you brought him all this. He secretly vowed to regard you as his master and repay your kindness in the future. 】

[4: You are being chased by Tianchu and Daqi, and you have obtained information that Qi Yuruo, a golden elixir monk from Daqi, has arrived in Taikang Immortal City. 】

[5: You are wanted by Tianchu and Daqi in the Southern Territory. We have received information that Murong Cheng, a monk in the late stage of the Murong family's foundation building, is currently a hundred miles east of you in Cuiyun Valley, and there is a scattered cultivator cave. Some gains have been made. Among them is a kind of ambergris fruit, which can enhance the strength of mice. 】

[5: Yesterday, you stroked Shi San Er Niang’s small green sword and obtained information. Shi San had a great opportunity in the north of Nanyu and obtained a treasure, which greatly benefited his cultivation. 】

[6: You exposed the divine transformation inheritance of Chu Yunxiao of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and obtained information. Because Chu Yunxiao’s Tianchu Immortal Dynasty was contaminated with bad luck, a Nascent Soul monk was corrupted by the blood crocodile demonic thoughts in the past ten days. The enemy went on a killing spree regardless of friend or foe, three members of the Jindan tribe fell, and twelve members of the Foundation Establishment tribe died. 】

[7: You practiced the Star Body Tempering Technique yesterday and obtained information. Your physical body has been initially strengthened. The Immortal Cangjie of the ancient times once practiced this technique and conquered the First Heavenly Palace. 】

[8: You are going to find Sima Yun and get the fragment of the Barbarian God Shield on him. You will get information that Sima Yun's eighteen branches are a branch of the Sima family's illegitimate branches, and his cultivation is at the level of false elixir. ]

[9: You wore the cloth bag that Qin Xuemei sewed for you yesterday. You got information that Qin Xuemei has already established her foundation. She is asking around for news about you and is very worried. ]

[10: You touched the Barbarian God's left hand yesterday. You got information that the Barbarian God fought against the Ten Thousand Races and Demon Race, and was eventually exhausted. His body was torn into pieces, including the head, left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg, five internal organs, and pillars of life. The closest body to you is the 'left leg', which is currently located thousands of feet underground in the Taihang Mountains in Zhongzhou. ]

"Jiu Zi is coming?"

"Will Wanyan Meng's going to the Wu Clan be good for her?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The information shows that Wanyan Meng's going to the Wu Clan is not dangerous for her, and it can also alleviate the ancient curse, which is a good thing for her.

"Murong Cheng got a chance to become a casual cultivator?"

"There is also a dragon's saliva fruit that can help Xiaobai advance?"

"It seems that I have to find time to get it!"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information and his heart moved.

"The left leg of the Barbarian God? A thousand feet under the Taihang Mountains in Zhongzhou?"

Qin Wang looked at the tenth piece of information and his eyes lit up.

This is really good news.

The left hand of a Barbarian God is so powerful and terrifying!

If I can get another left leg, how powerful will it be?

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