Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 215 Wanyan Meng goes to the Wu Clan, Murong Cheng's greed! [Please subscribe]

"I didn't expect that Master Sima actually has an eternal hegemonic body!"

"The information also shows that his understanding is incredible. I wonder how far the future Sima Master can go?!" After reading the information, Qin Wang's eyes showed shock. He immediately put away the panel, took out the elixir and began to improve his proficiency. Spend.

The next day.

It's bright.

"Wan Yanmeng, Miss Jiuzi will come to you. She wants to take you to the Witch Clan to gather the power of the Witch Clan to understand the ancient curse on you. At the same time, they can also relieve the power of the curse on you!"

Qin Wang called Wan Yanmeng, thought for a while, and said.

"Girl Jiu Zi from the Wu Clan?"

After hearing this, Wan Yanmeng was silent for a while and murmured. "Actually, I am also very entangled. I also want to resolve the bad luck curse on me, but..."

Wanyan Meng did not say the rest of the words.


She has never been out of the Southern Region.

She was really unsure about going to a strange place. On the contrary, recently, she felt very happy following 'Li Xiaoye', who was her only friend.


The bad luck curse on her body made her very distressed.

"Don't worry, Miss Jiuzi has no ill intentions towards you. It's just the right time for you to go to the Witch Clan, which can relieve the power of the curse on you."

"If I have a chance in the future, I will come to the Witch Clan to see you!"

Qin Wang said in a deep voice.

Currently, only the Witch Clan can alleviate the ancient curse on Wan Yanmeng. Moreover, if Wan Yanmeng goes to the Witch Clan, she will have a great opportunity!

For now.

Going to the Wu Clan is the best choice!


Wanyanmeng's eyes lit up when she heard Qin Wang saying that the Wu clan would come to visit her in the future.

Over the years, she has been walking silently alone without friends, and she has been too lonely.

Finally, there was a person who was not afraid of her bad luck, but she was about to be separated again. If it weren't for the purpose of resolving the curse of bad luck, she just wanted to practice slowly with 'Li Xiaoye'.

It would be nice for Li Xiaoye to come visit me in the future.

"Of course it's true. When have I ever told lies!"

Qin Wang nodded solemnly.

"That's a deal!"

Wanyan Meng smiled sweetly, with a look of anticipation in her eyes.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Qin Wang nodded. According to the intelligence, Wan Yanmeng would be of great help to him in the future, so he naturally wanted to become a good friend with her.

Just as the two of them were talking, suddenly, from the horizon in the distance, a purple ray of light came rushing towards them.

"Wanyanmeng, Miss Jiuzi is here!"

Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness enveloped the purple light and he immediately said to Wanyan Meng beside him.


Wan Yanmeng looked at the horizon in the distance.

Not long after.

The purple escaping light stayed in front of Qin Wang and Wanyan Meng.

"Miss Wanyan, Fellow Daoist Li!"

"We meet again!"

Jiu Zi, who was dressed in purple and had an air of immortality, put away his escape light and landed three feet away from Qin Wang. He cupped his hands and said.

"This time, I want to take Miss Wanyan to our Witch Clan. Don't worry, Miss Wanyan. Our Witch Clan wants to use the ancient curse on the girl to understand, and at the same time, we can also alleviate the curse for Miss Wanyan!"

"Of course, if it is possible, it is not impossible to resolve it!"

Jiu Zi looked at Wan Yan Meng and said with a sincere expression.

Wan Yanmeng glanced at Qin Wang, nodded and said. "Thank you so much, Miss Jiuzi!"

"You're welcome, Miss Wanyan. Our witch clan has always wanted to obtain the inheritance from our ancient ancestors, but we have always found nothing. The ancient curse on this girl can definitely take our witchcraft to a higher level!"

"Speaking of which, we should be the ones to thank Miss Wanyan!"

Girl Jiuzi clasped her fists again.

"Miss Jiuzi, when are you guys going to set off?"

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi and asked.

"Fellow Daoist Li, the three witch kings of my witch clan are currently waiting for me somewhere in Taikang Immortal City. As long as Miss Wanyan agrees, we can set off now!"

Jiu Zi nodded to Qin Wang and said.

"Okay, then I wish you both a safe journey!"

Qin Wang spoke in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoist Li's kindness in saving me will never be forgotten by Jiu Zi. If you have time, you can come to our Wu Clan as a guest!"

Jiu Zi invited.

"No problem, I will definitely come when I have time!"

Qin Wang nodded.

"Miss Wanyan, let's go now!?"

Jiu Zi chatted with Qin Wang for a few more words, and then said to Wan Yan Meng.

"I am leaving."

Wan Yanmeng took a deep look at Qin Wang and said.

"I hope you can resolve the ancient curse on your body and return to a normal life!"

Qin Wang glanced at Wanyanmeng and found that Wanyanmeng was indeed a miserable person.

The torture of this curse is indeed too terrifying.


Wan Yanmeng took a deep look at Qin Wang, then turned around and turned into a ray of light with Jiu Zi and flew away into the sky.

"Master, where should we go next?"

After Wan Yanmeng left, Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu came over from a distance, holding their fists respectfully and asking.

"Let's go 100 miles east!"

Qin Wang said in a deep voice.

Intelligence display.

There is a cave for casual cultivators a hundred miles east of Taikang Immortal City. Murong Cheng, a monk in the late stage of foundation building of the Murong family, obtained the ambergris fruit. This fruit can advance the strength of the little white mouse.


The direction where Murong Cheng was located was similar to where Sima Yun was retreating.

at present.

Sima Yun is still in seclusion and will wait until the news about Sima Yun is updated tonight before making any plans.

"Yes! Master!"


Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu both bowed and clasped their fists. The three masters and servants packed up and galloped away a hundred miles to the east.

at this time.

100 miles east of Taikang Immortal City is Ziyun Mountain.

Under a stone wall, covered by vines, there was a hidden cave. A monk in blue stood in the cave with joy in his eyes and said. "I've been really lucky during this period. I didn't find any news about Qin Tiedan or Li Yunye, but I found this casual cultivator cave. It's a worthwhile trip!"

"My luck is so good. I continue to Taikang Immortal City, hoping to find news about Qin Tiedan!"

Murong Cheng was very happy at this moment.


Both the Daqi Immortal Dynasty and the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty are looking for Qin Tiedan, and the rewards are very generous. Even if you get the information about Qin Tiedan and hand it over to the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, you can get a lot of reward!

When Murong Cheng thought of this, he immediately packed up and prepared to leave the cave.

Right now.

He suddenly discovered that outside the cave, 50 feet away, there were three monks looking for something. Of these three monks, two were at the early stage of foundation building, and one was at the eighth level of Qi training.


"Two fat sheep are here?"

"My luck, this is so good! When luck comes, it can't be stopped at all!"

Murong Cheng looked at the three people standing 50 feet away, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He didn't expect that his luck would be so good. He just got a casual cultivation cave and gained a lot. I met two monks who were in the early stages of foundation building. If I killed them and obtained their storage bags, I would definitely gain a lot.

Murong Cheng is a monk from the Murong family. Although the family is also allocated a lot of resources, as a monk, the more resources, the better. Naturally, he will not refuse the resources that come to his door!

As for the monk at the 8th level of the Qi Refining Stage, he simply ignored him. The Qi Refining Monk Storage Bag was negligible for the Foundation Establishment Stage.

"Your name is Murong Cheng?"

Qin Wang looked at the late-stage foundation-building monk who could not hide the greedy look on his face as he walked out of the cave, and took a step forward to ask.

"You are going to die soon, why are you asking so many questions?!" Murong Cheng glanced at Qin Wang contemptuously, stretched out his hand to touch the storage bag, and a top-quality spiritual weapon long knife appeared in his hand.

at the same time.

A strong murderous intent spread from his body.

next moment.

Murong Cheng's figure flashed like lightning and rushed towards Yan Cangwu.

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