Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 216 Killing Murong Chen, underground trade fair, Sima Yun [Please subscribe! ]

“Well done!“

Seeing Murong Cheng take the lead, Yan Cangwu's eyes shone brightly, and suddenly, his cultivation level in the middle stage of foundation building exploded.

at the same time.

Zhang Fujiang also took up the spiritual weapon and rushed towards Murong Cheng.

Under the ground.

The Earth Dragon Beast King burst out of the ground, and its huge mouthparts engulfed Murong Cheng's legs.

Qin Wang's body also burst out with the cultivation of the middle stage of foundation building. He reached out and patted the storage bag. Suddenly, the left hand of the Barbarian God appeared. He took the left hand of the Barbarian God and swung it forward fiercely.

A blood-colored hand that was thirty feet long descended from the sky and struck Murong Cheng on the head.

"This is."

"Big Bloody Hand. You. You are Li Yunye!"

Seeing this big bloody hand that was thirty feet long and exuded a terrifying aura, Murong Cheng's eyes widened with horror.

A life-and-death crisis enveloped Murong Cheng's whole body. He tried his best to take out all the defensive talismans in his storage bag and activate them, but to no avail.

Under this terrifying hand of blood, the light barrier stirred up by his defensive talismans collapsed layer by layer.


Murong Cheng howled, his voice extremely desperate.

this period of time.

Because the spiritual clone of Qi Feng, a Nascent Soul monk from the Great Qi Immortal Dynasty, was killed by a foundation-building monk named Li Yunye, Li Yunye's name has spread throughout the Southern Territory.

According to legend.

The magic weapon Li Yunye used was a huge hand-shaped magic weapon, which could cast a large bloody handprint of nearly a hundred feet!

He knew in his heart that Li Yunye's spiritual clone that could kill Qi Feng was not something he could deal with in the late stage of foundation building.

What he wants to do is to find out the information about Li Yunye and then sell it to Daqi Immortal Dynasty in exchange for rewards.

But I didn't expect it.

Just after leaving the cave, the two foundation-building monks he saw casually thought they were two fat sheep. However, he did not expect that the fat sheep were too hard and he could not swallow them.


There was a loud noise, and the rocks collapsed!

Murong Cheng, who was in the late foundation building stage, was sent flying under the giant palm, and crashed deeply into the mountain wall behind, creating a human-shaped pit.

A faint transparent soul floated up from Murong Cheng's body. It was Murong Cheng's soul.

Qin Wang's figure flashed, he took out the soul-gathering bowl and stepped forward, putting his soul into the soul-gathering space. Then he took off the storage bag on Murong Cheng's waist and put away his body.

"Yes, the puppets in the later stage of foundation building can be taken back for a little training! They are another good helper!"

"This trip was not in vain!"

Qin Wang's eyes showed satisfaction.

at present.

The highest cultivation levels of the puppets in his storage bag are Chu Chuchen and Murong Tai, who are in the middle of the foundation building stage, and now there is another puppet in the late stage of the foundation building stage.

It’s a big gain!

Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu cleaned up the battle scene and destroyed the traces.

Qin Wang opened Murong Cheng's storage bag.

The intelligence showed that Murong Cheng had obtained a foundation-building tool for casual cultivators, which contained an ambergris fruit, which could help the little white mouse advance.

Not long after, he found a sandalwood box in Murong Cheng's storage bag with a talisman seal on it. Qin Wang tore open the seal and found a fist-sized fruit inside.

This fruit is light yellow and has lines on it, some of which look like dragons and some of which look like snakes. It looks very extraordinary.

A strong fruity aroma spreads from the fruit.


Qin Wang reached out and touched the spirit beast bag on his waist, and Xiaobai's figure suddenly appeared in front of him. He stood upright, raised his paws, and was very affectionate to Qin Wang.

Seeing the fruit in Qin Wang's hand, his little eyes immediately widened with anticipation.

"This is for you to eat."

Qin Wang placed the ambergris fruit in front of Xiaobai.


Xiaobai screamed happily a few times, jumped on the fruit and started to bite it.

"You can eat it in the spirit beast bag."

Qin Wang waved his hand and put Xiaobai and the Ambergris Spirit Fruit into the storage bag. At this time, Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu also cleaned up the scene, and the three of them galloped towards the east.

It is 350 miles away from Taikang Fairy City.

Crouching Tiger Villa.

An imposing middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a brocade robe, sat cross-legged in the training room. In front of him was an incense burner with green smoke rising from the sandalwood.

The light smoke was like mist, making his face hazy.


At this moment, an old man about 50 years old appeared outside the door of the training room, clasping his fists respectfully.

"Yu Zhi, is there any news about Xuan Jingtie?"

Sima Yun looked at the old man with expectation in his eyes.

"Master, there is none at the moment. There will be a small underground foundation building trade fair in Taikang Immortal City in five days. I plan to ask about it then."

The old man held his fists respectfully and said.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Sima Yun nodded to the old man.

The reason why he wants to show off the fine iron is because he wants to refine a magic weapon. Currently, his cultivation level is already a fake elixir. When he advances to the golden elixir realm, he will need a magic weapon, so he must prepare the materials for refining the magic weapon in advance.

In the family, he has obtained most of the materials for refining magic weapons, but the most important of them, the dazzling iron, is still far behind.

"Then Sima Yun asked his men to look for Xuan Jingtie?"

"Are you going to attend the underground foundation building fair in five days?"

"Look, this is just right!"

In a small courtyard twenty miles away in Wolong Villa, Qin Wang looked at the early morning information on the panel with a thoughtful look in his eyes.


You still need to go to Taikang Immortal City, attend the underground trade fair, take out the dazzling fine iron, and say that you will only exchange for weird fragments, attracting Sima Yun to come and exchange.


I'm afraid it's inappropriate to come to Sima Yun's house so rashly.

This underground trade fair is just right.

"The location of the underground trade fair is three hundred and twenty miles northwest of Taikang Immortal City, Qingsong Valley."

Qin Wang stood up with a thoughtful expression on his eyes.

If he wanted to participate in the underground trade fair, he would not be able to get in without acquaintances. He decided to visit Sima Yun and offer him benefits, so he had a reasonable reason.

Wolong Villa.

Sima Yun was sitting cross-legged and meditating. Suddenly, his subordinate Yu Zhi's voice sounded outside the door. "Master, there is a foundation-building monk named Zhang A Niu outside who wants to see you."

"Zhang Aniu?"

Hearing this, Sima Ren felt a little confused.

He didn't know a foundation-building monk named Zhang A Niu, but his name was quite ordinary.

"Bring him in."

Sima Yun spoke in a deep voice.

"Yes, head of the family!"

Yu Zhi immediately turned around and left.

Not long after, he came quickly with a monk who was about 30 years old and in the middle stage of foundation building.

"Zhang Aniu, I have met the Sima family master. I came here uninvited. Please forgive me for disturbing you!"

The 30-year-old monk faced Sima Yun and politely saluted with clasped fists.

This person.

It was Qin Wang who went by the pseudonym Zhang A Niu.

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Zhang, please sit down!"

Sima Yun waved his hands repeatedly, and Yu Zhi went to serve the spiritual tea. Sima Yun looked at Qin Wang and asked. "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Zhang has come here to teach me anything?"

"Master Sima, that's it."

Qin Wang cleared his throat and said. "I heard that in Taikang Immortal City, there is an underground trade fair for foundation-building monks. You need to be recommended by someone or an acquaintance to enter this trade fair. I am a casual cultivator and I like to collect some weird things, so I thought I want to go in and take a look. I wonder if the Sima family leader can help me?"

Qin Wang smiled slightly and said.


He waved his hand, and two bottles of foundation-building magic pills appeared on the table in front of Sima Yun.

Along the way.

Qin Wang killed Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, Murong Chenggao, Murong Tai, Murong Cheng of the Murong family, Yan Wushuang of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, and Qi Yunfei's storage bag, which contained various strange materials. There are many things.

Especially the elixirs for the foundation building stage, there are no less than hundreds of bottles.

It's okay to take out two bottles and ask Sima Yun to recommend them.

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