Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 217 Another old parchment scroll is in hand, Lin Cangsong! [Please subscribe]


"Want to participate in the underground trade fair?"

"You can enter as long as you know your background and cultivation clearly!"

Sima Yun nodded and said.

He was willing to introduce someone to the underground trade fair and get 2 bottles of foundation-building pills.

"In that case, thank you, Sima Daoyou."

Qin Wang said politely with a fist.


Qin Wang briefly said that his name was Zhang Aniu, and he was a casual cultivator from a small sect, etc.

Sima Yun accepted Qin Wang's pills and said with satisfaction. "Zhang Daoyou, come to me in 5 days, and I will take you to the underground trade fair."

"Okay, then I will trouble Sima Daoyou."

Qin Wang nodded to Sima Yun and turned to leave.

Time passed.

On the 5th day.

Sima Yun brought Qin Wang to Qingsong Valley, more than 300 miles away from Crouching Tiger Villa.

The scenery here is beautiful. There are three or four thatched cottages in the valley, as well as lotus ponds and pavilions. It is obviously a place where hermits live.

At this time.

In the pavilion in the thatched cottage, there is an old man about 60 years old sitting, drinking tea, and there are two boys with pigtails beside him.

"Fellow Daoist Sima, you are here very early!"

Seeing Qin Wang and Sima Yun coming, the old man smiled warmly and said with a fist.

"Fellow Daoist Qiu, this is Fellow Daoist Zhang, a casual cultivator, who wants to participate in our trade fair. Please help introduce him."

Sima Yun said to the old man surnamed Qiu with a fist.

"Oh, since it is Fellow Daoist Sima who introduced it, naturally there is nothing to say. This is the entry sign for the exchange meeting."

When the old man surnamed Qiu heard Sima Yun's words, he immediately reached out and touched the storage bag. A palm-sized gray wooden sign appeared and flew steadily to Qin Wang.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Qiu!"

Qin Wang reached out and grabbed the sign, and immediately said to Fellow Daoist Qiu with a fist.

"You're welcome. The trade fair will not open for another hour. You can go in first!"

Fellow Daoist Qiu nodded to Qin Wang and Sima Yun.

Sima Yun glanced at Qin Wang and walked forward from the cobblestone path in front of the thatched cottage.

From Sima Yun's mouth, Qin Wang learned that the old man named Qiu was Qiu Bingzhang, and his cultivation was in the late stage of foundation building.

He was responsible for receiving monks here.

Not long after, the two came to a stone wall of fifty feet in size.

The stone wall was rippled.

Sima Yun took out the wooden sign in his hand and waved it at the stone wall.

Suddenly, the light of the stone wall in front of him changed, and a portal about two feet high was revealed, leading directly to the belly of the mountain.

The mountain belly passage was covered with a red carpet on the ground. After walking ten feet, you can see a mountain belly space with a radius of hundreds of feet. Inside is a huge platform with rows of stone cushions in the space.

There are already forty or fifty monks sitting inside, and the lowest cultivation level is the early stage of foundation building.

Around the space.

Every ten feet, there stood a maid in the Qi Refining Stage wearing a red fairy dress, with a beautiful face and a slender figure.

Some of the monks sitting there closed their eyes to rest, while others were in groups of three or two, whispering to each other.

Qin Wang walked in.

A maid came forward and led Qin Wang and Sima Yun to a seat next to them.

Sima Yun was fine, and told Qin Wang some things to pay attention to at the trade fair.

Qin Wang and Sima Yun sat for about half an hour, and monks came in one after another.

The number of monks in the entire mountain has reached four or five hundred.

They are all monks from Taikang Immortal City, most of whom are independent cultivators.

"Fellow Daoists, I am Lin Cangsong, the old man who is responsible for organizing this underground trade fair."

"Our underground trade fair aims to allow many of us casual cultivators to exchange what we have, exchange resources, and cultivate our experiences, so that we can go further on the road of cultivation!"

"At the trade fair, if there are any Daoists who have personal grudges, please negotiate privately after the transaction is completed. Thank you!"

"The trade fair begins now!"

"Let me throw out a brick to attract jade. An old sheepskin scroll, two foundation-building pills, and exchange them for a kind of golden elixir magic material, Tianyin water."

At this time, an old man in his 50s with gray hair walked up slowly and stood on the stone platform in the middle.

He exuded a terrifying aura, and Qin Wang found that his cultivation was surprisingly at the level of fake elixir.

He was only one step away from the golden elixir.

"An old sheepskin scroll?"

"To exchange for Tianyin water?"

Qin Wang looked at the old sheepskin scroll that Lin Cangsong took out, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn't this a sheepskin scroll made of the same material as the old sheepskin scroll in his hand?

He didn't expect it.

I will encounter an old parchment scroll here!

This is really an unexpected gain!


Qin Wang did not have Tianyin Water in his hand, and thought to himself. "I wonder if he will exchange it with other things?"

Lin Cangsong took out the foundation-building pill, but all the cultivators present were in the foundation-building stage, and no one needed the foundation-building pill, unless they took it back for their descendants.

In the end, the foundation-building pill in Lin Cangsong's hand was exchanged by a short cultivator, but the old parchment scroll was not exchanged.

Lin Cangsong stepped aside, and a sturdy cultivator came forward and took out his treasure to show.

"Friend Lin, what do you want to exchange for the parchment scroll?"

Qin Wang saw that no one continued to come forward to exchange, and immediately sent a voice message.

"Oh? I wonder what you are willing to exchange?"

When Lin Cangsong heard Qin Wang's message, he immediately looked at Qin Wang.

"A high-grade spiritual weapon, I wonder if it's okay?"

Qin Wang said in a message.

Along the way, he killed many foundation-building monks and already had more than 10 spiritual weapons in his hands.

These spiritual weapons are all in his storage bag and he has not taken action.

The first one is that he is now being chased by Tianchu and Daqi, and he is worried that someone with ulterior motives will use these spiritual weapons to chase him. The other one is that he has no time to get rid of him.


In exchange for these things, this ancient parchment roll can be put to its best use!

"A high-grade spiritual weapon?"

Lin Cangsong looked at the monk in the distance and said in a message. "I'll give you two in exchange!"

"Two handfuls?"

"I only have a handful of high-grade spiritual weapons, plus a handful of mid-grade ones, and then add some materials, how about that?"

Qin Wang said again.

"Add two spiritual weapons!"

Lin Cangsong didn't let up.

"I only have a handful of medium-grade ones, a handful of high-grade ones, and five bottles of foundation-building elixirs. How about that?"

Qin Wang looked thoughtful and said through the message.

The spiritual weapon he took out was something that had been eliminated from Situ Yunfei's storage bag. This thing had been in Situ Yunfei's storage bag for who knows how many years. Even if others checked, they couldn't find him. on the body.

It's just right to take it out and exchange it for this old parchment roll.


He didn't dare to be too generous, otherwise he would be taken as a victim, and what should he do if he was hunted down?

When he comes out to hang out, Qin Wang is prepared to be careful and careful again!

"Okay, deal!"

Lin Cangsong nodded. He had obtained this ancient parchment scroll for many years. If he could exchange it for a spiritual weapon, it would be a good idea to give it to his grandson.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the guidance of the maid, Qin Wang went to exchange the ancient parchment scroll with Lin Cangsong. After receiving it, he continued to exchange for other things at the original location.

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